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Everything posted by WestXv

  1. In all of my experiences if the 3 tank acs are of equal gear level the juggernaut/guardian tanks are preferable.
  2. Should of tried playing Sith warrior or the agent as there class stories are the most unique as there are 2 different versions of a warrior comp and they both have very adaptive stories and warrior is the most dependant on morality.
  3. What do you mean larger stipend? I have the CE but I get the same amount as other people depending on my current subscription.
  4. Instead of playing makeb on my other rep and imp toons I just leveled them with flashpoints and skipped makeb entirely.
  5. Is it me or are people only necroing stuff that's around a year old?
  6. You can only play the starter planet and while you do it continues patching in the background.
  7. One of the modable legacy armor for bounty hunters looks just like the armor you spark of though its quite expensive.
  8. Its because some bosses are more difficult than others and also I don't know if you've played SnV before but it is LONG and several hard bosses are in itSo while the classic weekly operations require full completion they are easy.
  9. So much this. I hate it so much when I see ppl complaint about treek when they should just stop using her if they have problems with her.
  10. Whend he say that I mean I knew it was coming back eventually I just like to know when he said it.
  11. Quick the necro is spreading someone stop it!!!
  12. I just want to complete my old containment officer gear that I never finished getting all of.
  13. My absolute favorite costume is the pyramid head on I made it took FOREVER to make but it was worth it I even had a giant plastic sword to drag around and I still wear it on Halloween every year. And occasionally to freak out the neighbors. I even once wore it to the hospital I work at but got in trouble as it was freaking people out. Before that I always dressed in a batman suit with a Spiderman mask underneath the batman one.
  14. This is basically my thoughts on the matter. To the op you should've grouped up ut can take many hours to do solo and also make sure you actually in the right area as I know on Dromund Kaas people tend to search IN the temple instead of the courtyard.
  15. its got at least 5 more years left in it and can probably go on longer than that.
  16. I'm sorry I can't respect anyone who still says l33t I just can't.
  17. I still think they should make some black core white glow crystals.
  18. Aren't they both the same race according to the planet quest?
  19. We don't even know if its joystick compatable yet.
  20. I do believe that Juggernaut tanks could use some loving as they don't have that many high threat moves to help keep aggro.
  21. Now I'm sure they are popular (I have a cathar marauder) its just that high level people are less interested in switching out their species and so you don't see that many high level cathars.
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