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Posts posted by Modecrypt

  1. Honestly, you don't make a premade to find a bunch of unorganized randoms, you want to play against other premades for good competition. Right? Right? Be honest now.


    In a vacuum, I'd say that I want to go premade vs premade all of the time. In reality, I feel like this would also mean me choosing between instant queues and 1 hour waits for WZ's.

  2. I opened a ticket concerning teams holding the ball (in Huttball) and not attempting to score, and just farming kills. I was informed by the CS Rep that this is considered Exploiting.


    When you get farmed like that take a screenshot of the scoreboard, include the time/date of the match and which team it was, in your ticket.


    Now will the actually do something about it? I doubt it, but maybe they will.


    The same rep did say that capping the last door in voidstar (and then NOT capping the console) then proceeding to farm kills is legit.


    What about when we throw the ball at your players instead of holding it?


    It isn't a good idea to rely on CS reps to referee WZs. They simply cannot have all of the information needed to judge a situation.

  3. I love a good even match up but I don't want to keep segmenting the PVP population with 50 brackets, 1-49 brackets, organized brackets, PUG brackets, etc. With all of the problems this game is having... we can safely expect the server pops to dive at some point soon making this a critical issue.


    I'm hoping that the more PUGs get rolled, the more they will try to organize or join an existing guild to field their own premades.

  4. Just starting out in this game, pretty much anyway, and just wondering; which class is the hardest to kill? Seems like most characters die pretty quickly, according to the forums, but I hope that's not the case.


    I've seen some beastly tank spec Juggs... being guarded... healed... and enemies getting taunted. I'm sure they pop stims as well.

  5. Where can I send screenshots of people win trading on Illum? I have about 20 or so people who include people below 50 win trading.


    Just kill the enemy players and watch Illum general chat RAGE at you.

  6. Actually, I'm thinking about joining a pvp guild soon to try this out. However, once they separate the brackets and allow players to choose their warzones past experience in other games tells me most premades will be able to avoid each other, so rolling pugs will become much more common.


    In my experience any good premade will always prefer to fight another premade. The ones that avoid other premades are bad enough to be beaten by PUGs.

  7. You like to insult yourself.


    Quitting WZs being the only solution mentioned is a FORCE. and doing so FORCED removal of any medals you actually worked for and FORCED to lose time spent in que. Oh, I'm sorry was I too fast again? did I lose you?


    Obviously I do not see a problem with 2-3 pple queing together against PUG/Random. But anymore than that and Pre-mades will just exploit it.


    The choice was made to que solo into WZ, que pops, WZ is entered. You cannot choose to not fight the pre-made that you find yourself against and still be able to play in the WZ you waited for, you cannot choose to ensure that queing solo is only queing against other non-premades, therefore you are BEING FORCED one way or another


    Luckily, for the majority of the player base, they are never going to separate premades from being able to queue against PUGs. It sounds like it is going to be a rough adjustment for you in SWTOR.


    20 bucks says you cancel your sub within 30 days or you join a guild that PVPs.

  8. Ahh what it means to be young.


    Nothing in that statement even made sense or made anything I say turn me into a Hypocrite.

    But in light of you inability to read correctly, I will bite for simple amusement.


    Is anyone forcing you to PVP in a group? with those 3 friends?


    PUG pvp is just as much a part of every mmo as pre-made. If you want to pre-made. Go to world PVP. Something that can be avoided easily. Dailies require both.



    /Repeat what you quoted from me


    Nothing is forcing you to stay in the WZ vs a premade. Every MMO with PVP has always given an advantage to coordination and teamwork. Premades stomp pugs in every game.


    This won't change and I'm sorry but you're going to get rolled until you join a guild that is half-way organized.

  9. Really? Pre-made team of 8 with NO force users?


    No, a premade of four with disorganized randoms for teammates and opponents. I've also seen a premade of four beat an opposing premade of four with force users without any force users of their own.

  10. Definition - member of a pre-made group: A loser who doesn't have a real live or responsibilities that sits in team chat and awkwardly socializes with people they won't ever meet in real life or have any kind of meaningful relationship with....channeling all their pent up ****** frustration into a video game.


    I get off work, drive home, make dinner, have a beer. I log in to the game, have a guild group put together in less than 5 min, and queue warzones until we bored and log off. We don't even have to talk much any more, we just know what needs to be done. It isn't difficult, it isn't done a hundred hours a week.


    You are clearly butt hurt and it is pretty comical to watch you thrash about in the forums because you can't find three other people with basic PVP skills to group with.


    So, stop channeling all of your pent up *********** frustration into the forums and go find a guild.

  11. I have a better idea, they should let us pick which warzone we queue for, so I don't have to be screwed in huttball while watching all the people with charges win the game.


    It will also help huttball composition as mostly only people with huttball winning abilities will queue for it.


    I've seen premades without force users 6-0 cap every hutball they enter. It is about taemwork and coordination... not abilities.

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