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Posts posted by Modecrypt

  1. Jugg grabs ball. Runs low. Charges idiot lowbie peeking his head out to go look at what's going on. Gets a point.


    Sorry, didn't know we were talking about PUG stomping. :)

  2. If we're talking Huttball, you just need one overly geared out Sorc that can shield up, run thru the acid, shield run thru the fire, shield run the finish line...done. Two Sorcs if you want to do it even quicker. That's not skill, that's not expertise, that's ridiculous design.


    No premades needed no L2p needed. Press a few buttons and done.


    Sprint is on a 30s cooldown. Shield is on a 20s cooldown. The sorc, geared or not, should get ripped to shreds in that amount of time.


    The correct answer was: Jugg grabs the ball, jumps to walkway, sorc is already out front and pulls him past all of the fire and heals him to the point of total invulnerability until he crosses.

  3. 1. Create sorcerer or sniper


    2. Level to 20


    3. skill the talent that removes cd from lightning / so you can cover everywhere


    4. spam lightning at anything but ball carrier / shoot at anything but ball carrier


    5. profit!


    Another person who died in PVP. Clueless. Neat.

  4. If you're not 50 you dont deserve to win a warzone?


    Trust me, you're not some hot shot pvper. You're probably on a server with a horrible opposite faction that your premade can just roll. Stop acting like you're some hot shot with comments like the above, it really tells us all we need to know about you.


    If he's Empire then he's spending more time playing against his own faction regardless.

  5. It doesn't really make much of a difference, if any at all.


    Are they just excited that they get to kill someone?


    Lagging around for positional abilities


    Makes it easier to hit certain keybind combinations while on the move


    You turn faster, or at least appear to


    It messes up knockbacks sometimes


    (hope that helped)

  6. yea thats fine. Level 49's have no expertise gear (except one MH weapon). Bolster helps everything else.


    and if your level 10, take a day and level up before you pvp...not that hard of a concept.


    Not to be picky... but you can actually stack 150 expertise by buying multiple weapons and removing the expertise enhancement.

  7. It's not even fun playing against random pugs that have no chance, a waste of my time.


    Premades ROFLSTOMP in SWTOR because we have level 50 players with stacked expertise gear that get placed against random pugs with players 20-30 levels lower.


    It's the system that fails. NEED PvP brackets and separate queue for Premades with better rewards.


    I see premades with good coordination that are sub-50's winning against PUGs.

  8. I'm currently Level 41 and have purchased my respective pvp armor and weaponry from the vendors on the fleet station. I now have upwards of about 700 pvp commendations and am wondering what to do with them.


    I see that the other vendors require different commendations/tokens/items to purchase their items (something about an unassembled something or other) So I am wondering, what do I do with the plain pvp commendations I earn at the end of matches? I feel bad for letting them just sit there :(


    Convert to merc tokens and try to get to 1000 WZ, 1000 merc by level 50. Also, buy one unique Champion bag (200/200) before you max.


    If you find yourself maxed before level 50 then start buying the +25 expertise weapons from the PvP weapons vendor and removing the +exp enhancements for later use. Also, stock up on +15% PVP expertise stims because they are OP.

  9. Just heard there was not going to be arenas in swtor and its very unlikely that there ever will be.


    If this is true, I quit. No point spending 200hours leveling a char to max level. Then spending countless hours gearing only to spend my time in "huttball" and the other gimmicky pvp based scenarios.


    The only reason I stuck with wow was because of arenas as lets face it, pve is boring and repetitive and so are rbgs.


    So im going to save my time by stopping at level 10. See yah :)


    See ya.

  10. It's every 17 seconds instead of every 20 seconds. You've never checked out this class, have you?


    That's an overall 15% increase in how often it can be cast. Many other 2-set bonuses also improve the skills they affect by approximately the same amount -- 15%. I don't see how this is the best set bonus in the game.


    The best set bonuses in the game are the stacking mega crit bonuses for Merc Missiles.

  11. Shield Probe can't be used on others and has a VERY high cooldown (45 Seconds.)


    They need to lower it to 5 second cooldown and give it an immunity too.



    Static Barriers Cooldown is 4.5 Seconds.


    Shield Probes Cooldown is 45 Seconds.



    Kind of a big difference.


    Static barriers debuff is 20 seconds. That always seems to get left out for some reason.


    I'd bet that if we listed all of your heals and compared them to a sorc... the sorc would be one traditional heal short and it would be replaced by the bubble.

  12. I know commandos are the same with grab shot, but seriously a DPS class that does good damage that only has to click one button? I know as a scoundrel healer I have to use a full two bars of abilities to be effective...


    It just seems pretty silly that these guys can be effective with 1 button...





  13. Ability is overpowered?


    If its not overpowered, why are you defending it so and giving me false objectives?


    You just said that it would be a "waste of force", and I told you "No, it really wouldn't be".



    Looks like I'm teaching you how to play your own class, which is sad.


    We're in here because you're fabricating facts to back up your weak arguments.


    It is a waste of force because the ability to do it before combat is so trivial that it is a joke to even bring it up. It is hard to believe that you're even seriously typing some of this stuff when there are real game breaking issues elsewhere in the game.


    You don't understand the basics of the ability. You don't understand how/when it is utilized and you're mad because you saw "Absorb" float over someones head before they turned around and killed you.


    Since you decided to express your sadness, I will reciprocate. What is sad, truly, is that you're losing to sorcs 1v1 which means you don't have even a basic idea of how to shut us down or exploit the weakness in our class mechanic/design.

  14. Ok, so I've just seen a Sith Sorc in a WZ pull 340k dmg and 140k healing. Sounds like some good balance.


    Uh oh, someone has fallen victim to padded AE damage that doesn't actually kill people.

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