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Everything posted by Mowermanx

  1. Theres two things that really bug me, to the point id rather not have it at all. The bind timer not counting down from when the pack is opened. Not being able load unbound items back into it. The only redeeming feature of it for me is being able to grab an item on an alt straight away, not that big of a deal, but cool nonetheless, in the odd time I may want to do that.
  2. When talking about the general population in regards to depth in stories, Marin Scorsese got it right when he said, "The average movie goer just won't get it!" Technically, your character is the biggest threat to the galaxy, harbouring the planet munching monster and the whole galaxy should be united in putting you down, but eh, what are you to do?
  3. Take a guess what the single person in the whole thread against it does in game? It wasn't hard to pick because there's simply no argument to be had, other than to try and protect his in game interests. The only problem I have with the idea is my missus.. I would have to hide the credit card as I know she would go crazy with a feature like this, as she has in other games.
  4. If these are the ones I'm thinking of, they have always required level 35. These were the first direct buy crystals on the market, and as such they treated them a little differently to all the others. But since that has been addressed and crafted are a little better now as they can be used from level 1 and cartel have to wait till 10, its something I thought should of been changed when they did all the other crystal level requirements. It's probably just an oversight at this stage.
  5. 2 years later, and after no mention in all that time, that it was a bug? I think you're reaching a little bit too far with that one.
  6. Yeah, this is pretty rude from the studio, changing an item that people paid for and have had for a long time is really bad form.
  7. You lost me here, I didn't automatically think this, and didn't treat Arcann as the main character in the story, not in ch16 or any chapter for that matter. What you call fundamentals is just a little too much presumption in my opinion. The moment BW made it clear that 1-16 is just part 1 of this saga, my thoughts and opinion changed on the direction I felt 10-16 was going, I felt then, that there would be little to no resolution in part 1, and I was correct in this as it turns out. As you touched on earlier in your write up, the emperor is the central part of this whole saga, I mean, he eats whole planets like we would a marshmallow, in turn making Arcann and the Eternal fleet, the Empire, the Republic, Zakuul and now SCORPIO mere bugs on the ground that can be squashed at any time. Its not that unlike the rest of the game? 1-50: culminating at Ilum with Malgus, who sees the Empire for what it is, a bunch of racist psychopathic madmen that need to be destroyed and replaced with forming alliances with anyone and everyone that shared the same ideals and no one species or race automatically supreme leaders. A view I shared but BW writers gave you no choice. You have to kill the man that gives the Empire their best chance of success. Makeb: was the odd one out in the way it was handled, I enjoyed it though and wished this was the path forward in how they handled the main story lines. Shadow of Revan: Similar to Malgus in that he seen and knew the real threat the Emperor posed and being only second to the Emperor in power in his reborn state was in the best position to attack and destroy him, and again, we go against the only guy who was possibly capable of killing him. I felt the same distancing and lack of resolution in these as I did in kotfe.
  8. This, if it adds to the topic, it can be valuable to the next person looking for info. In the tech forum I am apart of, you are more likely to receive an infraction for not necroing as multiple posts on the same subject makes it harder for everyone to find relevant info when searching.
  9. I highly doubt that, but, I suppose there's no way to prove it either way, even BW would have no idea as there's no metrics you could put in place to find the "actual reason" someone purchases a pack, only hearsay on the forums and social media.
  10. People buy packs for vented lightsabers and cool outfits. They are making nothing from deco, just filler in packs.
  11. So much BS in this post I dont think its worth arguing.. Youre far too deluded.
  12. You cannot of pugged or played too many HM FP's if you haven't had a wipe. Of course, there are exceptions in the ops and fps for difficulty or easiness, but overall they are much closer than you think. As for the OP, I feel they should have it like it was up to 2.0 and have the initial tier in the FP's. There were 4 tiers then, Tionese, Columi, Rakata and Campaign.
  13. Indeed, as it stands, they are not making much if any money from decos, allowing you to purchase more with CC would open up a whole new revenue stream.
  14. I think most would understand having no CD, but the extending CD is absurd. A flat 10 or 15 second CD would stop what you're mentioning and make it so people don't get as frustrated trying to get unstuck.
  15. I agree, the model they chose is not the optimal way in my opinion. You mention GW2, but that game was built from the ground up with that model in mind, and would be very hard to make that system work at this stage of the games life. Something like Elders Scrolls Online would be better, like this game, they had to change their sub only model after release. It is buy to play like GW2, but a subscription model as well, offering plenty of enticements to do so, free expacs, the sub amount in free coins per month, more xp and a few other things. They offer a very restricted free mode, as does GW2 now, so you can see how it is, plays and how it runs etc, but they are more restricted than SWTOR. So either way, you have to pay. They could offer something like a deluxe prefered here for $40 and have that as another tier with far less restrictions, but again, with the way they have it set up now with the monthly episodes means a lot of reworking the systems as they are still going to want money for kotfe and kotet.
  16. Indeed, I dont think Ive seen a multi staged mission give me XP on any planet that i'm over leveled on since 4.0 The first stage is always fine, but any stages after that gives you the gray level xp, 5, 7 or 9 depending on the boosts you're using.
  17. That's a bit of a stretch, if its on the board or maybe even an idea in an advanced stage, I could go along with that theory, but I see no harm in letting some of their plans, ones that are actually being worked on being made public. Personally, i'm with someone who said earlier that there is no set plan in place, probably ideas and maybe even a mud-map, but they are not going to come out and say that for any number of reasons. They mapped out this story stuff for x amount of time and nothing else substantial is going to happen till at least that is done with... This is pretty well the only official answer they did give late last year, or was it early this year? Either way, thats what was said and its up to people to make their decision based on that. Unless something big happens at the studio, I can't see them being forthcoming with any other info anytime soon.
  18. Though there is only 2 things I would use this for, pets and emotes, I would be over the moon if they added such a feature.
  19. 50+ chars and all have them. Anyway, I'm not that surprised by the result as it is quite unique in a few ways. 1: Was the first ever animal mount released. 2: Was the first to be able to be bought directly from the CM. 3: Can be obtained via the mission on Hoth. 4: You receive one free at the completion of the Oricon operations. Many more variations released later via the gamble packs.
  20. I know what youre saying, I don't like the drone behaviour of some of the posters here either, but the OP is full of crap. If there is such a conspiracy in place like the OP and others have said, what did they do for credits prior to 4.0? the heroic train did not exist before then so what did everyone do before 4.0 for credits? BW have continued to add ways to earn credits since release, so much so that it has caused inflation, which ironically, the same drones exclaim doesn't exist.
  21. I spotted this as well, and then realised what was causing it. You have to be level 10 to get the boxes, below that and you only get some comms.
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