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Everything posted by lethal_ghost

  1. i think that the difference between the extra stats from rakata and expertise stat are very small, but id imagine the deciding factor would be if the 2 set rakata bonus is worth it
  2. I imagine thats the same principle as changing a ROM on your phone, not very good for people who like custom ROM's on there phone
  3. would like to know as well as iv heard that changing rom's on your phone would lock your SWTOR account
  4. agree LOTRO surroundings feel alive and inspiring, SWTOR has failed on this for me, but its a good game its a shame that its let down by the souless feel of it
  5. our guild has gone from 20-30 players on most days to around 10, its not people leaving the guild they are just not logging on. Alot of the guild hit 50 about 3 or 4 weeks ago, just shows that it does get boring at 50 and people log on less.
  6. Doing exactly this, letting this 60 day game card run out then ill buy another in a few months when more content is added. 1 month at 50 now and its getting boring cant justify paying a sub for a game i feel bored playing. Wonder how many people are planning on doing this ?
  7. this way of thinking is flawed, I release my first car without electric windows in my defence i cannot say how long did it take ford to have electric windows ??? so just wait Competition is with current MMO's so it will be compared to how current MMO's are not how they was when released, or how long they took to get features.
  8. its the star wars name thats keeping this game going. If SW didnt have such a big following and universe this game would be in free fall
  9. no- 3 weeks at 50 and starting to play other games as swtor is getting boring, will resub after they do a few big updates
  10. This is true, PvE is all tank and spank, i at least thought some end game PvE would keep me interested till PvP gets sorted (if it does)
  11. It was about PvP as well, BW was bragging about how they had some of the worlds best PvP devs in a dedicated team just for PvP. Why do this if they didn't really want pvp, i know it seems like they dont but they hyped it as if they did.
  12. GW2 is looking more and more desirable, may be i expected too much from swtor
  13. This at least let the pointless champ medals trade for something instead of just having a big pile of hem for no reason. It beggars belief who works at BW and comes up with these ideas !!!
  14. i cant see the point in all these champ commendations in bm bags w2f do i need em for they are a waste
  15. I agree moors just seems more fun for some reason, illum feels like a place to exploit, kill swap and blahhh. Imperial zerg around killing the 10 rep that go there they leave 50 people fighting over nodes to get daily done yay
  16. Yes bugs happen and exploits from bad coding i can live with that, letting people do it and not punishing them makes the game feel empty and pointless. Battlemaster title is complexly meaningless now, why try and get it ?
  17. Bw don't seem to care about pvp they would rather have the sub Money from exploiters than ban them
  18. Maybe not out of Money but investors wanted to start seeing returns, hence game released un finished
  19. Bw ate really letting pvp slip if they got on top of it from the beginning it wouldn't have snowballed to the problem it is now. Only tiny bit of hope is pvp rankings that may deter some people but most well be maxed out by then
  20. lethal_ghost

    Sage Wars

    shame you cant hack it on a level playing field without being op anyway can i as ur stuff,
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