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Everything posted by TicclesAU

  1. A simple dialog with LFG capabilities would be sufficient. Don't let the system form your group, just have a window where people can register they are interested in XYZ flashpoint and a role that they can do. Leave it up to the players to initiate contact and keep it server only.
  2. I'm about at the end of my patience with Swiftsure and after doing the maths and working out the time I've spent in queues is about how long it will take to get my dude up to level 13 again, I'm thinking it's time to reroll. So the question I have is... is Infinite Empire the other unoffiical Oceanic server ?
  3. Managed to read this entire thread from start to finish in one sitting and only moved ~600 spots in a queue of 1600. Come on Team BioWare, put some fixes in place already.
  4. Takes a bit of getting used to, but what's more annoying is if your companion returns in the middle of you setting up an auction or looking for something and it closes the GTM window down.
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