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Posts posted by Envyyyyyyy

  1. So you're upset that a rare item is.....rare?


    I'm glad this is rare, that way no one has it. I wish there were more things like this in the game. Even more rare speeders, world bosses, drops etc.... It brings a WHOLE new aspect to the MMO...



    Best of luck in finding your speeder parts!

  2. I agree and disagree.


    Yes, random isn't exactly intended in PVP, however..... the randomness can be nice. Sometimes you're in a 1v2 and the only reason you kill both is because you have the skill to out strafe/play your opponent and then you proc a relic or two and finish the person off barely surviving. Which more than likely wouldn't happen with flat dmg.


    Also, Sorc/Sage if you spec into DOTs heal you and your a DOT spec.. then you have twice the chance to have your relics proc making them proc more often. So for my class I notice they really turn up my dmg big time, and allow me to get harder hits in when I need it. I just adjust my rotation for the proc, and or if it doesn't proc I simply play a more aggressive strafe/dps roll.


    Maybe they'll change in the future, but as of now in PVP i think these relics are the least of our worries.


    P.S. to the person who said who dies 3 times in 20 seconds haha you must be terrible. It's normal to get top dmg and zero deaths in a game when played right. Don't be mindless and just attack anything you see etc. Have awareness and you'll do fine.


    In most 1v1s my relic procs. I hardly ever have it not proc. Just my 2 cents.

  3. Spit water out at work reading this list. HAHAHA well done. I've seen some of these far too often.


    The best is when they call you a cheater. Oh i'm sorry you're a clicker and I use a Naga and Orb-Weaver so all my abilities are bound to a single key.


    Sorry i'm not sorry.




    MORE PVP please!!!

  4. For those who are serious into tanking raids etc..


    22% Defense

    55% Shield

    40% Absorb

    These are DRs.

    Now with that being said....... some of those DRs are pretty steep so literally wasting the stat, and since we heal ourselves and that increases the higher HP we have (self heal is 15% of our HP) stacking endurance is a GOOD thing...

    Spec into the Endurance and into the Defense.

    Augment 32 Endurance/power augments.

    Use Endurance heavy implants/earpiece

    use Endurance heavy mods/enchantments etc..

    You'll mitigate dmg with your 3 tanking stats, and then you'll also have active HP mitigation along with your rotation you'll be healing yourself back up.



  5. No one seemed to answer this correctly...


    In the short term only use the mods/enhancements etc. However.... once you have about 3 or 4 armorings go ahead and make the switch out. 69 and up only of course. (not worth doing it on 66). That will give you a substantial increase in stats, mitigation against the harder hitting mods/bosses, and bigger heals = less force needed. Especially now with the 3 stacks you can force mend much easier.


    I have a sage, sorc, and shadow at 55, most are now in 72 gear, but this is what I did initially and now i'm getting the drops with set bonuses to get it back piece by piece. This has worked best for me, and my ops.



  6. Honestly, if this small change which you cannot read and learn from ruins your gameplay you must be TERRIBLE at swtor.


    I welcome the change, it looks better, some skill trees have been changed as have the ability thus those look different etc.. not all but some.


    This is not even worth a thread creation.

    Enjoy that the expansion is out on time (hell it was early!) Bioware is doing a great job. We don't need these little threads splitting hairs.


    Go practice on a dummy in the gav daragon.

  7. I agree with everyone here. If you play the class very well and understand what you're doing you can be very strong and a hard hitter with a lot of control.


    However, like most said if you can survive the opener you should be able to kill them no problem.


    I have one and I love it, but if I don't get the kill off before either someone comes to help him, and or a healer etc.. i'll vanish and rethink my next approach.


    They're very annoying to play against due to stealth, stuns, roots, burst, and speed buffs. So I can see your frustration. As them being OP? No... if that was the case the they would be all over Rated Warzones as DPS but they're not.

  8. It needs to be 200 each for a total of 400 per day. I'm not going to waste my time getting all the way out to ilum for only 100/200 when i can do 2 games and get 250-300 ish


    I was really looking forward to a great incentive to send everyone out there!

  9. If you have power augments then you haven't min/maxed it.


    But don't mind me, you carry on.


    Augments are simply an addition to "gear" min maxing the mod/enhancement by getting all the high crit/high power is what im talking about. That is min/maxed regardless of what augment is in there. There was a time before augments..

  10. HAs any IA/OP with full WH gear used all 'power'augs? if so how was your dps and hits?


    My operative is concealment and I run straight power augs. I've min maxed my gear as well to have the best enhancements and mods you can. I consistently get 5k hidden strikes/Backstabs at least once a warzone. I run 36% crit the rest is alllll power. I recommend it since in that spec i'm designed to pop out kill you, and get out quick.

  11. Someone always makes this post. Everytime a thread is created complaining about Sorc DPS weakness someone posts this and brags about how they always win. Then the people that were complaining begin to also insist they always win, especially insisting they always beat Mara.


    So I believe there is only one solution: nerf Sorc/Sage buff Mara/Sent. Also nerf Operative just because.


    There was a 2 char limit for preferred players when FTP came a few months ago. I logged in and just literally deleted my WH Sage with I think 76 valor or something like that. I'm subbed again and even if I could un-delete it I don't think I would bother anymore. It's just such a dumb class.


    This is a pure opinionated post. I can back mine up with numbers.

  12. Bioware plz read the above post as a example of the lack of competitiveness of full tk


    I agree full TK isn't that strong. But that also goes to argue that 1/12/28 in PVE on a single target will win hands down, but then you add in TK spec on a boss fight that has a lot of ads etc where hitting multiple targets etc and TK wins.


    So that's the same argument that TK might be better in 1 huttball game, but not in a civil war etc...


    Just saying when I tick someone 1500 per tick on my TK throw, 2 DOTs ticking, knock back and root them and force in balance for almost 5k its over.

  13. So u have to go hybrid to compete ? So you learned to play by not playing it, I understand man makes perfect sense


    I have A sage PVE (1/12/28)

    Vanguard 8/825

    Shadow (23/1/17)


    A lot of classes in this game benefit greatly from hybrid specs. So i'm unclear on what your troll of a post was.


    If you would like me to post in game stats/video i can do that those that are interested. Just because some people don't play a class the optimal way doesn't mean its broken.

  14. In the spec he's in you get 2 abilities that auto crit. Plus you have force potency which also crits 2 skills. Also you get a 15% increase in crit to your melee abilities. So you're actually getting a lot of crit from procs/skill tree. This allows you to stack more power making those skills hit much harder.




    But don't take my word for it.


    Reaaaadingggg rainbowwww

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