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Everything posted by HeroXx

  1. Surely I can't be the only one?
  2. They'll care when servers start getting merged and staff start getting cut. But we'll just think about the present for the moment.
  3. Same complaints popping up on the forum, but it must just be a haters sabotaging the player base to bring them back to WoW right? OP, fair complaints, enjoy
  4. This game hasn't achieved 3.5 million subscribers buddy. Edit: Oh you didn't say 3.5, you said 4.5. Even worse.
  5. Think it's about time we stop blaming EA to be entirely honest. This same thing happened at Battlefield 3s launch where it was bumpy and buggy and it came down to "Poor dice, they got rushed by EA". Sadly I think it was just DICE not providing a quality product at launch. BioWare have no MMO experience, this launch is to be expected.
  6. I don't intend to unsubscribe as I have too many friends playing so don't get the wrong impression but I don't see this being the 'next big thing'. I will be surprised if they maintain a 50% retention ratio. See you think that the 'whiners' are a minority but the sad fact is, they are a minority of a majority that don't complain, others will simply just unsubscribe without voicing concerns. I'll be happy to be proven wrong though.
  7. Pulling numbers from your arse?
  8. These are the exact same comebacks that I read over and over again in; AOC, Rift, Vanguard and a few others. It's a shame because up until now I've never seen any of these posts proven right after two or three months, 100% of the time the game ends up with dreary subscription numbers and ending up having to sack quite a few employees. Dropping "Did you know WoW didn't have x" won't keep players in this game, it won't keep debit/credit cards attached to account and it sure as hell won't keep servers full. We'll see though.
  9. Why are people so deluded to think that RPG means it has to have a story? Some of the worst storyline games have amazing Role Playing crowds.
  10. So I know there is already a lot of negative posts on the forum already but I was pretty shocked when I got the game to see Bioware's implementation of gathering. Does anyone feel that this is an absolute cop-out? You basically get a paragraph of text of what your companion will be doing then you send them on an imaginary quest... Then there is some complicated dice roll at the end of the wait time and there you have it, rinse repeat. I find it incredible that they have gotten away with such a poor implementation of this system when I first tried it I couldn't stop laughing at it, I honestly think it is hilarious. I have a few other gripes but they look like they have been covered over millions of pages of whine.
  11. Holy christ you make me laugh. Programmer (professionally) here and I think your post is pathetic.
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