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Everything posted by grombrinda

  1. Who are you to dictate what is normal player behaviour ?? If people just pvp and not play the class story at all, is this normal behavior? If people don't do raid but just level alts , is this normal behavior? The main purpose of any mmo is to have multiple ways to engage yourself in the game , not just one specific way. So if someone wants to sit in front of the slot machine, that is their way of engaging the game.
  2. Actually no....it's about the total nerf to the item itself.....there is a general consensus that most people on the forums are in agreement that the jawa junk dropped to often. Just like there is a general consensus from gtn barons that the machine hurt crafting, even though they don't craft anything( the barons)....In all honesty they should have tweaked crafting mission return rates themselves and up the turn in ratio of jawa junk + tweaked jawa junk drop rate. And yes tone done Cert drops as well.
  3. They need to put Klingons into the game....that would be so awesome!!!
  4. Dude...do you have selective reading or something? No one is arguing that they should not have nerfed the Jawa junk....and by reading Musco's post , that seemed to be the only item of concern.......then they fugging nuked the item to ...****..... Why would people not be angered when they were assured by an employee from EA/Bio, thus "taking" people's money on a vague communique ?? Working as intended....was what they stated.....jawa junk was their concern..... Nuke is what we got..
  5. Repeatable for the rest of your toons on your account. Not locked when completed like crafting invasion force for example.
  6. And who's to blame for that.....? Need I remind you that this pack was possibly their biggest seller based on how much cartel items flooded the market in that short time. Kinda seem weird to me that a hotfix was ready for this , yet they allowed a broken op to go on for a full , what 3 or 4 weeks? I have as of yet heard anything about actions being taken for that.
  7. What i'm wondering is why the hard nerf? Why couldn't they just make lvl 11 trade in ratio higher? Like a 5 to 1 trade?? thins is it is not just the slot machine but a series of problems that have arisen and they do not seem to prioritize the issues right. On one hand we saw a broken op that was kept live for almost a month...yet we get a rapid flash fix within the week , even after getting reassurances from them....for a cartel item.
  8. No...this could be exploited by 2 or 3 unsavory individuals that don't like you're stance on pvp for instance. And you know that just hiring an employee could at this moment be taking resources needed else where. The just need to implement GM's to go and stealth ban spammers...
  9. You are right, if they are going to do this , needs to be board wide. Get rid of mat rewards from conquest and just up the credits.
  10. Gawd ,WS is just so freaking horrible....
  11. Ok sir...I will try and explain it to you.....As of friday, they said the machine were working as intended and not an exploit, but that they were going to keep an eye on jawa junk (aka lvl 11 mats..to them at least). And so upon hearing this ,straight from Bio/EA's mouth, people that had not got the item as of yet for fear of it being bugged or exploited finally went out and spent either in-game credits or real life cash trying to get this item. Thus probably making this one pack SWtOR's best selling item as of yet. Now, flash forward to today and not only did they nerf the jawa junk drop, but everything else into oblivion , thus wasting people's time and real money. Thus giving a rather vivid example of "bait and switch"..... So, yeah they have a right to be angry.
  12. Well...how about this?/ Why not just tweak crafting missions???
  13. Oh i'm not saying that the machine was not overpowered, it needed to be toned down...sure!! But now it is basically USELESS.....What you might not be seeing here is the clear bait and switch they pulled. They did say the machines were working as intended, and that was what many people were waiting to hear. Thus they spent in game credits and actual cash to get said item. Now they also did say that they were keeping an eye on jawa junk drops, which yes I would agree with, but not the cartel certificates. Why would you need the rep if you don't have the currency to spend on said rep? It is just another clear example of their lack of communication. Unless they did this to in fact detract people from the non-bannings that have occurred from the op exploit, that they went live with..in the first place.
  14. How could they have underestimated this ?? It all goes back to how they underestimated how fast people would eat their "story filled" content back in the beginning??? It's like they really haven't learned anything....
  15. I know what you mean.... I don't always expect companies to do what is in the best interest for the consumer ( thank you McDonalds) but to have such a blatant bait and switch pulled right in front of your face......
  16. No.. How could I ? When the Ravager ops was broke (and most other bugs still not fixed) ,but a hot fix for a cartel item!! ?? Right on it!! This if nothing else shows the duplicity in their thought process. I know Bio/EA is a company ,and is here to run a business, not a charity. Just seems as if all is not firing on all cylinders at homebase ,I mean how could you rid yourself of such a profit making item.
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