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Everything posted by magecutter

  1. housing and guild ships is something the dev's have mentioned they would like to do (they might be working on it or it might still be on the 'wall of crazy' not too sure 'bout that one). the calender and logs you mentioned sound like great ideas. managing the guild would be easier. it might help guilds stay active, and also encourage separate guilds to group for OP's and other content ("we'll be grouping with guild 'B' this Thursday for PvP and a NM run of DF this weekend... See Ya There!"). will the dev's do it? no idea. but it's a good idea all the same.
  2. seem to remember you being more helpful and less sarcastic. perhaps I misunderstood your intention. to OP, nothing from BW in my inbox. could be an in-house glitch with BW or could be a fake email with links to some kind of malware. you might consider emailing BW and sending them a copy of what you received... just a 'heads up' kind of thing. as you clicked the link ya might want to run an AV scan just to be safe.
  3. be thankful you weren't here before the great ship droid voice nerf of 2012 (no idea if you were or not actually) those were truly dark times. I still find my self muttering something about airlocks and deep space whenever he (it) has something to say. as far as my char's random grunts and moans?... meh. doesn't bother me, tho can see how others might not feel the same way. Treek? whenever I'm running a heroic or FP and someone has their little Ewok out I find myself smiling at her 'enthusiasm'. tho again, I can see how it might get old (annoying?) after a while. (the 'flavored sock' comment made me laugh - )
  4. if geared to level Qyzon will work well as a tank. fyi all the companions will do well if properly geared, you will just need to adjust your play style to match which comp you're running with. example: my lvl 55 sent works well with Kira (dps) Lord Scourge (tank) or even Sgt. Rusk (ranged dps) and of course Doc (heals) as well. I just need to remember the role the comp plays and how I'm supposed to support them. just imo, I found I became a bit lazy in my play style when just running with my healer. I needed to pay closer attention when using my other comps. with my tank (Scourge) I have him using the 100% threat generation ability and all I need to do is sit back and wait a sec... then jump in and finish that mob or boss off. have fun and good luck -
  5. dude,.... really? - - - just fyi, the title was just for fun... you know... a joke? the post was a simple request for knowledge. knowledge I lack. nothing more nothing less. with respect it seems you headed waaaay off into left field. I ask for some info about networking and get a history lesson and a weather report.... really? - thx, I guess - naw bro, it's not you - (btw I always enjoy reading your posts and your jokes... (even the bad ones )) take care and be well
  6. if it really is a server side issue then what you posted makes sense. thx for that - however, there does seem to be other issues at play. (and no DOHboy, I'm not ready to blame the NSA... at least not yet - )
  7. this I know. all too well -- as an aircraft mechanic I am quite familiar with the principle you've outlined. however, friendly joking around aside I really would like an informed response - edit: radio waves do not require air to "propagate the signals". while temperature differentials and air densities can affect signal propagation, nothing within the electromagnetic spectrum requires air to travel. otherwise radio telescopes and radio astronomers would be out of a job. nice try tho -
  8. my networking knowledge is limited and am wondering why the sudden uptick in server select, lag and basic connection issues that seem to be happening with the game from different parts of the world? the CS forum is loaded with requests for help (more than usual) and none of the common fixes seem to be working. fyi, my connection (western us) has been acting up as well, DC's, and always in the middle of a FP or GSF.... bit of a pain really. some insight on this would be appreciated - thx
  9. hmmm... guess I'm wrong on this one... though based on task manager graphs, I've seen higher loads on the GPU and much less on the CPU. however it's been some time since I've bothered looking. thx for the heads up on this one
  10. swtor is not a cpu heavy game if you're getting 3.7ghz with prime 95 it shows the turbo boost is working. consider trying the steps I outlined above and see what happens.
  11. if you haven't already you could try these steps - DirectX June 2010 redist make sure you use the redistributable (link) and not the web time installer. and, Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable if you don't already have it. also, .net framework too. for the directx just run the installer and let it instal where it wants to (after you unzip the package of course). run windows update for any updates for the installs listed above. for the bios go in and set it to 'default' settings... save and exit. double check all drivers are up to date. disable SLI. (remove the second card if you want or need to). Nvidia control panal - use all the 'default' settings except max pre-rendered frames which should be set to 1. in game graphic settings - turn all settings to low or off. (including grass and trees and set distance LoD to low) turn off all name plates. use the monitors native resolution settings for the desktop and in game settings. now, run around the fleet and see how everything works (fps and basic system performance). basically, we're trying to get a 'base line' for game performance. (win 7 runs the game very well so no need for any compatibility setting changes). and for system performance too. if you see an improvement in performance you can experiment with bumping up the in game settings one at a time to see which setting causes the biggest performance hit. (name plates are still a problem fyi). as far as the cpu speed and the SLI set up, it might just be the power supply is not beefy enough to support the system. I do not know that for sure... just thinking it might be something to consider. there's a formula for determining power supply requirements but I can't remember it atm and can't find it in my files either... (need to re-organize it seems ). unfortunately, there are many possible reasons for the issues you're having or it could be a combination of things too. double check all the connections in the pc case as this is a fresh build. lastly, check out some tech sites for advice on what may be going on (overclock.net or overclockers.com as examples... many very good sites and helpful forums are out there) hope at least some of these suggestions help - good luck
  12. you make many good points imo. content is king (or queen ) and add to the story content the fully voiced chars and npc's that we have makes the story progression that much more compelling. it is without question a mistake to not add more and deeper stories for all the classes. BioWare is known for top notch story driven content (can you say DAO or ME 1 2 & 3 ?). I'm not sure why that decision was made (financial reasons I guess) but would strongly urge BW to revisit that decision.
  13. I agree. the environments are beautiful and the attention to detail is something that other mmo's I've played seem to lack. Tor is my first mmo but not the only one I've tried over the last 2 years. Makeb and Oricon really stand out for me as creative and artistic wins. also, this is not a self serving bump but just wanted to thank you guys for your feed back and sharing your stories. I think we can all agree, as long as the game is fun we'll play. if that should change we'll head for greener pastures (and take our monthly sub fees with us ). thx again all and be well -
  14. I don't post much any more, simply don't have the time. but I thought I'd offer a counter balance to some of the doom and gloom predictors of epic fail that have been around since launch. (Op Ed piece follows, you've been warned). the game is not 'perfect'... that is just my opinion. but I have a lot of fun playing it. and at the end of the day maybe that's all that matters. as a beta tester and Decemberist I've watched this game evolve, grow and change into something I still enjoy and am happy to pay for (honestly I spend more on coffee in a month than I do on this game). the game events (gree, bounty, rak, ect) offer a nice change of pace but I'd like to see them expand and grow rather than remain a static 'set piece' for the life of the game. GSF is a total win imo. fast paced and engaging (after you get past the steep learning curve) and am looking forward to more maps and different arenas. the GSI seeker probe thing is a painfully boring and frustrating waste of play time and so I simply don't do it. I'm not great at pvp but like the direction it's going and am very happy with the the way bolster allows me to at least hold my own and contribute to the team. (Huttball still makes me laugh... "No Kicking"!! ) bottom line, this game like any other has it's strengths and weaknesses. it is not going to be everything to everybody (is there a game that is?). I could go on but won't (your welcome) except to say this.... if there is such a thing as a 'forum community' then we are it. eric and his team can only do so much. We Set The Tone. we do it, no one else. just because we (all of us) can hide behind a user name or avatar doesn't justify or excuse beating up on those who disagree with us. be helpful or not. be understanding or not. be respectful or not. but using the anonymity of the internet to be brutal or mean to a complete stranger does not make us strong or clever. in fact, quite the opposite is true. just my two cents (and change) - thx edit: the 'lets be nice' rant was in response to a recent thread that was deleted. the turn for the worst that thread took seems to have bothered me more than I realized. to be clear, there are many helpful, understanding and respectful members of these forums and did not mean to suggest otherwise. - thx
  15. server transfers are still up and working. go to your account page. look for the server transfer link and follow the instructions. good luck
  16. not sure if it's a bug however, when using ion cannons in my strike fighter I can barely hear the tone lock for cluster missiles. this makes it very hard to hear the lock on / firing point for the cm's. what I have to do is stop firing the ion cannons so I can hear the tone lock for the cluster missiles. if you could look into re-balancing or slightly lowering the sound level of the ion cannons it would be very helpful. all the blasters sounds are fine and do not conflict with the cluster missiles tone lock sound. I have the music sound settings at about 25%, all other sound level options are at 100%. anyone else notice this? - thanks
  17. laughed hard at that Armanddd... thx while I do not disagree with barrel rolls benefits as a great gap closer, kologran turn or snap turn allows you to keep the pressure on a target much more effectively. Kologran turns draw back (the way it throws the ship around until the last tier upgrade) can make reacquiring a target difficult (I hold the 'S' key, throttle back for a second or so to compensate). Snap Turn is in some ways better as the speed boost and turn rate buff is there from the start (with no upgrades). in a scout, when attacking turrets, nothing (imo) works better. even when a node is fairly well protected I can kill all 3 turrets and then start working on that GS or Bomber that's hiding under the node or even start the cap for our side. and as a GS hunter the KT or ST allows me to keep the pressure on them (if their trying to dodge or engage me their not firing missiles at anyone else and not defending that node). it all depends on one's personal play style of course but I think the way the 'rock/paper/scissors' balance is working really allows for and encourages different tactics and play styles which is a good thing. is barrel roll useful? of course. but don't discount a quick boost past your target and then a nice KT or ST to get in behind that GS or bomber and make sure they have very little "alone time".
  18. no real problem with the re-balance on charged plating that I can see. finally got my strike up to the 10k tier upgrades, and CP plus full shield boost in a dog fight works very well. all the way around the re-balance seems to be shaking out in the right direction looking forward to giving my skybolt try
  19. I see your point. but you may have noticed I mentioned... ... "but as you hit the mid 40's and on up to 55 you'll really need to pay close attention to min / maxing both primary and secondary stats". by the time you reach lvl 50 it is important to have a handle on which way to go with the secondary stats. also, running lvl 50 HM FP's or heroics or the dailies with out having solid secondary stats just makes running a Sentinel that much harder. much better to be aware now of what you need and start gearing up for it around the mid 40's or so.
  20. as a sent you should stack strength over endurance. also, a good secondary stat build would be... accuracy, power, surge. (stop stacking accuracy at 100% or so. my lvl 55 watchman sent has 100.49% accuracy). the other way to go is - accuracy, crit, surge. (I stack power/surge but still have about 26% crit rating and 69% surge). if all you can get is a guardian mod or armor that's fine at your current lvl but as you hit the mid 40's and on up to 55 you'll really need to pay close attention to min / maxing both primary and secondary stats. your at a point where sents really start to shine. know your ability rotations like the back of your hand and always use your interrupts, mezzes and stuns ( Awe can be a life saver in a tough fight - ) ( Rebuke and Saber Ward as well... use Rebuke before every fight, get into that habit, it really can help ). lastly, if using Kira or another melee comp send them in first. it'll give you a chance to size up the mob or boss and leap in at the best moment and location. hope this helps and good luck -
  21. also, head over to the class forums. there is detailed info on all the classes including which secondary stats to stack depending on which skill tree you use. plus, ability rotations and main stat and gear advice. you might find it helpful -
  22. had to laugh at this one... for the OP, I think the reference above is to the world boss (easy in a group, impossible to solo at your lvl). just fyi I know you said you don't do groups but I spent an evening doing nothing but PvP and FP's and made 2 lvl's on my lvl 19 Guardian. as others have said, group play offers enhanced XP and can be a lot of fun. as a Sub consider giving it a try. it's content you pay for... might as well get your moneys worth imho. Good Luck !
  23. as I understand it BW can restore lost char's. you will need the account name the lost char was created on. the name of the char would likely be helpful too. the only way to restore a char (assuming it's possible) is to contact customer service. you could try contacting them in game or by phone. the reps on the forums will not be able to help with this issue. hope this helps -
  24. this ^^ Kira's story is tied to the Jedi Knight class story. you just need to progress in the class story to get her to talk some more.
  25. of course it all depends what class you play. if you are a Jedi Guardian with a shield (tank) then stack absorption and defense (and endurance as your main stat). if you're a Jedi Sentinel then you can choose 'strength and power' with either accuracy and surge, or critical and surge. check out the class forums for your class, lots of good info on stats and types of builds. good luck -
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