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Everything posted by CrutchCricket

  1. Fair enough. The new ones getting tags might be something like Level 70 Shae Visla vs Level 70 Shae Vizla (reclaimed). Either way, so long as the actual content of the companion (name, looks, stats, conversations etc) is unchanged, the tagging could go either way. If they went with the flair idea I think the originals should get it though. Seems more prestige-y and since we're going for specialness here...
  2. I think you need to calm down. Re-read what I wrote. Calm down some more. Then reconsider. Last week I might've responded in kind. But I'm not as angry as I used to be. Part of that is because I see people are actually willing to discuss this topic rationally. And you are one of those at the forefront of that. I've repeatedly praised your amended suggestion in this thread, and have pointed to it as sensible and a good sign of improvement. I am not trolling, nor do I have a problem with you. Like I said, (last post notwithstanding) I've found you very reasonable. I'm not going to bother replying to the CC stuff, because it really does have nothing to do with the suggested system, though I have to note the irony in your reactionary response, capstoned by asking me "who are you to change x". But seriously. Thanks for being (mostly) sensible and we really have no beef as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Pretty sure it still says their name. Or is that the "type"? I.E. CrutchCricket's Companion Level 70 Kira Karsen Hmm. Better go with the flair idea then. Unless they can add a Vintage tag under that or something. Or change the type. Level 70 Shae Vizla (Vintage) vs Level 70 Shae Vizla
  4. They promised you nothing (along the lines you're thinking of). But this is becoming pointless...
  5. No because those are not the companions people are asking for, and more random companions would just be superfluous. Merely adding a tag or some other way of distinguishing originally gained companions vs those same companions gained the second time around is enough to keep "specialness" for those that want it vs the companions themselves for those that want them. If what matters to you is how something was gained, this would show it.
  6. It's not about past or present, it's about arguments you used, namely the importance of incentives. If you abandon the crux of said arguments now, it just shows how pointless they were then. Which is fine by me. Going off on a tangent, (and off on me) solves nothing, since the interesting proposal in this thread has **** all to do with CCs anyway (talking about the OPs amended proposal at any rate, haven't read everything since then).
  7. I would hope the actual appearance of the companion wasn't altered like that. Though at least with companions there's some damage control- you can change up their outfits and dye them. Can't do **** about mounts.
  8. Probably not. Even starting races that had that allowed you to eventually unlock them for the other side by leveling to 50.. or paying CCs to unlock it in Legacy. Given any new race will probably be a 600CC CM purchase, cutting it off from half the population unless they pay even more will not go well.
  9. Even if we consider a minority of a minority who prided themselves in gaming the system by getting nine chapters for the price of one, how would we determine how many of that minority of a minority (minority^3?) are still around, such that they skew the decision so much? As for badges of "I was there", I can actually understand it... as a badge literally saying something to that effect. If they brought back companions or other sub reward items but denoted the original items people got with some sort of special tag, I would be all for it. So for example People that got Shae Vizla/Nico/etc originally will have: Shae Vizla/Nico/etc <Vintage Companion> People that get the companion now will have the standard Shae Vizla/Nico/etc <Your Companion> That's how TF2 did it. And it worked out pretty well so far. You could also put a special flair on the originally acquired companion, similar to player flair. Something where it is purely cosmetic solely to say "I was there" has a case for being special for those that have it, without being overshadowed by the practical concerns of reusing assets, functionality etc.
  10. Rate of CXP gain should be double. Played a bit more during the holidays and the rate of crates and return on them was admittedly decent under 2CXP. If that was the standard, it would be passable.
  11. Let's give everyone what they ask for if there's no greater downside to doing so and if you disagree, do it without piling on the person;)
  12. You mean like the shinies for x amount/time of subscription themselves didn't generate revenue that wouldn't otherwise be generated the first time around? I thought you guys were going on and on about incentives. Frankly I can disprove your point in several ways. First off, I returned last year in part because I heard about the Karkkan Daggerstar coming back. Now I already had the mount, so I didn't need it myself. But I approved of the action and hanging around made me want to play so I re-subbed. And even had I not gotten the mount the first time but really wanted it (or again, merely hearing about it results in me looking into the game again and wanting to play) that is most certainly generated income that wouldn't otherwise have happened. Next, I bought the meditation hoverchair on the CM last night for 2,500 CCs. I rarely buy CM stuff let alone coins themselves so all I had was some accrued CCs from monthly grants... in the amount of 2,100 CCs. Not wanting to risk losing out, I bought $10 worth of CCs and got it. Again, generated income despite accrued CCs. I think you need to give BioWare a little more credit. They do know something about how to price things to get you to cough up the dough. Assuming of course, that is actually your chief concern in all this.
  13. My first time I ran Copero was with lowbies, and while it's not something I'd care to repeat on a regular basis, neither was it the worst thing ever. A shout out to said lowbies over the 70s that turned tail and ran the minute they loaded in.
  14. I hope both sides will also realize the insults, less than respectful posts and general pettiness go both ways? You allude to my most harmless of posts above, yet you ignore things like "entitleds"? Another user calls me out with a straight up ad hominem in a thread I hadn't even participated in and when I reply, I'm the one who gets slammed? Does that seem fair to you? I would agree both sides need to back down on the aggressiveness and belligerence. But to do that, please, let's acknowledge in full that both sides are doing all of these things. Now for me, it's not about the HK or any one companion or other reward. As of last night I personally have everything I want in the game. It's just the principle of a) giving people what they want b) utilizing existing assets to their maximum potential and c) (because why not) the devs making a few extra bucks. I do not recognize the counterarguments as being either valid or carrying enough weight to offset the benefits. And I've gone in hard the way I did because of a clear historical effect of certain people (who at times do vary) stifling any support for this "side". Now that there more "regulars" on both sides and thus more equal footing, perhaps it is time to calm down and attempt more rational discourse. Especially with interest being noted. I think the "Subscriber Reward System" thread in Suggestions is doing fairly well for that. There were some shots fired earlier and it's not entirely calm, but it is more productive than anything I've seen to date on this issue.
  15. Work as in give out 100CCs per month regardless of subs? I'd actually be really shocked if they did allow that. Well that still doesn't accrue at a rate significant enough to impact these things, but again, that's a easy fix. Remove the CCs from the security key for non-subs.
  16. You mean like how people who wanted legacy datacrons, faster XP gains (including the 12xp which was at it inception a pre-order/sub reward shiny), more solo content etc. were subscribers throughout? You're either wrong about the subscribers' influence or wrong about what they want. Though if you think Musco or anyone else combs through these threads, sorts us all out in pro vs against and then goes through line by line checking our sub stats, I don't know what to tell you.
  17. Getting a security key still requires a subscription (unless pref still get 100CCs for having one?) Same thing with referrals. It's not free (any more than the shinies themselves, come to think of it). An an extra 100 or so CCs per month don't amount to much for the prices they're charging for the good stuff anyway, especially for limited time direct sale items. Regarding the question of subs circling referral links between themselves to get more CCs, not sure how much of that is going around but that should be easily rectified by not applying the monthly 100CC bonus if the person clicking your link was themselves a sub at the time of the click. You still get the instant benefits, but not the recurring ones.
  18. Still running the tried "legal" bit, eh? I think knock knock jokes are fresher, by comparison.
  19. In this place? There is always someone against you having something, regardless of what it is. No exceptions.
  20. There is no such thing as free CCs. Someone, somewhere, always pays. Except for the handful of achievement CCs earnable only once, which are negligible. You know this.
  21. Oh, don't worry, there's more of them around now;) They're not entitled to be the only ones to have them, for all eternity. Nor (and this is the real important bit) are they entitled to make that call one way or another. But you know this, no matter how much you ignore it.
  22. As a healer I just assume it's my job to rez and I can't recall a time when a DPS rezzed before me. I also feel guilty for letting them die in the first place, though it may not have been my fault if others are derping. Are we sure the stealth rez still works? These days even trash prevent you from returning to medcenter until everyone's out of combat. I assumed they put that in to curb respawns like that.
  23. Well we got the Karkkan Daggerstar and the second 12xp event which eventually lead to a permanent 6ish xp increase. You know, those things you keep ignoring. As well as the offical "noting" of interest in other shinies. So, all in all, not bad, considering. Rome wasn't built in a day after all. Also you got it all wrong. We're not here to enable false entitlement, we're here to defeat it.
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