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Everything posted by CrutchCricket

  1. The "chapter quit" workaround is also not a story-compatible action. So I wonder what the purpose of this argument is?
  2. Ah you lost it there. "Doesn't affect your ability to function"? Well, no. But doesn't make a functional difference? That's where the paths split. A title is arbitrary text you don't even see by default, unless you have your own nameplate on at all times. A companion, a mount, an item or a chapter on the other hand, all of these things are tangible assets (word tangible used relatively of course) that observably affect and change your gameplay experience.
  3. I'm pretty sure it has been brought up before. And I'm pretty sure I said there are better requests we could make that would also functionally solve this. Like weapon designer for one, or allowing agents to use blaster pistols altogether.
  4. A month ago I would've said this was a given. But seeing as how even the Risha +player reunion was crap, the priority of this got bumped, somewhat.
  5. Sounds good to me, except 1. it doesn't have to be for cash 2. titles are not the same and you know this. Yes, to all this. I will sub for any date you want if it gets me Vaylin comp+romance. And a year or so afterwards, I will support an alternate way to acquire her for those that missed out for whatever reason:D
  6. Not an F2P, but my first two and a half (had started an agent and BH) classes I leveled 2012-2013ish with no legacy (I couldn't decide on a name/didn't know I could hide the name/didn't know about the perks/was a noob) no datacrons (**** jumping puzzles), no FPs (I was scared noob), no guild (had no skillz) and usually avoiding heroics because of the pain of finding a group for them (I still remember this one H4 on Alderaan Imp that was in a small instance that I kept running in and clicking a thing before dying. By the time I was done I had stripped to my underwear to avoid my gear breaking all together. Nonetheless I cheesed it to completion). It was the worst grind I'd faced but it was doable. Actually come to think of it I did do part of it pref, as I gave up for a while, came back and I remember using the CCs I had stored to buy med probes until I ran out and resubbed). My main was a sentinel and I ran with Kira (so no healing). My second char was a sorc I hybridized (also apart from my sorc and agent (which were extremely functional), all my classes were barely functional hybrids). It was still doable. Thing was, you had to do ALL the quests, use stims, keep a supply of medpacks handy, sacrifice your comp sometimes, use CC and of course keep up your gear- planetary comms >blue mods. And you had to focus on one comp because unless you did other stuff, comp gear came from quests and you could only choose one piece at a time. I don't miss it one bit. These days, my buddy who is F2P isn't that far off- obviously he doesn't die like I did and he doesn't need to do EVERY "collect wampa asses" quest, but he still regularly buys gear, either from vendors or GTN. Mostly because what the hell else is he gonna spend 200k on, but still. And reportedly he does still feel a difference in power when properly geared vs not. So yeah, it's been simplified and streamlined, but I think people exaggerate when they claim the game plays itself.
  7. The tag was my idea. I posted it several times. Perhaps you didn't see it. Anyway, the idea is just giving either the original generation or the re-released one the equivalent of a legacy title or flair or something in their description/hover over card that denotes whether they were obtained in the initial reward period or afterwards. That way, even though it's the same companion/item/whatever those who got it the first time can still differentiate themselves and maintain some token "special" status (I don't personally get it, but it's important enough to go on about for years so clearly there's something to it for some people). This shouldn't interfere with any quests because it's essentially metadata on the reward object.
  8. Except the two aren't related, at all and the latter I heavily disagree with. Or, if you did want to tie them, you could make the case that the entire model is going the wrong way, with subs merely getting the full game and F2P/Prefs getting "punished" for not subbing- a negative model. A positive model on the other hand would be F2P/Prefs getting just the game whereas subs get all sorts of crazy perks. But perspective can skew the tables either way. I'm all for a recurring, stable system of rewarding subs. But like the now fabled "bountiful content updates" it may be too late.
  9. lol much ado about nothing. First off, yeah people OP was running with are *****. You can't wait three seconds to start a convo? Please. Whiny speed runners are teh worst. I'm not adverse to taking a shortcut or two but people that immediately ***** and moan the second there's the slightest delay can shove it. Secondly, most arguments I've seen "defending" kicks of this sort start with "well if he's trying to scavange ALL the things..." Yeah, there's a difference between consistently slowing the group down and one or two minor delays. The former deserves a kick, particularly if it's clearly deliberate. The latter not so much. Thirdly, I've never asked an FP for ****. I just adapt to what the group seems to be doing. If they fight, I fight, if they run I run. I "half spacebar" meaning skip non-English, skip once I get the gist of the reply, allow my reply to play in full (because I'm vain like that). If I skip and end up waiting for group (which happens fairly frequently, if it's not breakneck speedrunners), I'll watch the thing in full, I don't care. I don't have issues with ******es either, for the most part. So I'd say adapt to the group, but trying to lead isn't bad either. I was running the Foundry the other night and people were mostly skipping things. I start doing the console bonuses, someone else picks up on it and starts doing it too, next thing I know, we're all doing it and we end up doing full bonus. If they hadn't followed my lead though, I probably would've rolled with it and just kept up. Groups (even PUGs) can be subtle, but they're not rocket science. Finally, OP, scavenging? Need to get git gud and streamline. I've gotten to where I can loot/scavenge before the fight's even done. Unless you're the tank, you can already start right clicking things when there a single noob left, such that by the time it dies and everyone else is looting, you're already done and good to go. Again, if it is a speedrun you won't get everything, or even most things. But being alert and efficient will help you.
  10. While I'd love to have the likes of Jaxo, Thana Vesh and Vaylin around in any form (seeing as comp/romance is forever denied me:() even I have a hard time justifying why they'd be hanging around a random Nar Shadda safehouse. And if you kill them in the relevant story, do they become perma-holostatues? Actually that gives me a different idea- named NPC holostatue toys and/or legacy summonable vendors. Why summon a rando droid to sell you stuff or deliver your mail when you could have the psycho Empress of Zakuul herself do it? Oh it makes no sense but that'd be hilarious nonetheless.
  11. You know what also loses charm on Imperial Balmorra? Having to do all of it for the fourth time in a row to be able to progress. I've leveled the old way and the new. There is no going back. You did touch upon the real essence of the matter: whichever way you slice it, it's not the same the fiftieth time around. I remember the sense of wonder the Coruscant music evoked in me during beta. Though going back reminds me of that, in no way do I still feel it. And those diminishing returns are inversely proportional to the increasing aggravation of having to do the same-ish grind over and over. Hence why it was removed. The problem is the story was built around that grind and took it for granted. As such, with it gone, the gems that are the story and conversations do feel a little barebones without it. Putting the grind back in won't solve that though. It's just the nature of the beast. We've got eight stories for the price of one so to speak, but each story is actually an eight of what it might otherwise be. And unfortunately we're not going to get anywhere near the quality or quantity of that again with the current team and resources. So... it is what it is.
  12. But.. but.. "duh freeloadrz!" Your mistake OP, was assuming the "community" was indeed like-minded peers. While that may be true of some subsets, on these forums the mission statement is sub, and deny everyone else anything. BioWare does no wrong unless it's something on the Unilateral Masters of the Game's list of approved complaint topics, which include such blatantly obvious entries as: -lag -Nerf ALL the things -no new ops/pvp maps -exploits (which can sometimes include "someone is making easier money/xp/whatever than I am") and obvious bugs
  13. hahahaha No. Storywise I actually miss Shadow Of Revan when the biggest **** was over Revan. I could sort of understand it, given KOTOR's popularity. Back when my Jedi was still Battlemaster, my Agent was still the Imperial Ghost and so on. Back when we didn't have to choose between companions and story. Back when even though we had to team up to face Bigger Jaws, it was still temporary and then we'd get back to Imp vs Pub, Jedi vs Sith. Mechanics wise though? I'm fine where I am today. My op is in the best gear she's ever been, my other classes can sort of get there (base cxp rate should be what it is now, during double week). I can get an insta 70 with full starter gear and not have to worry about anything but enjoying the story and dicking around. Or if I don't want to cough up the CCs I can roll out my DvL armor, slap on a boost, join a guild and do almost the same thing. And I have everything I want re: CM shinies. So not bad, all things considered.
  14. lol now I get to say "oh look, this again". A thread from 2016, with the usual suspects already hard at work going on about their forum-lawyering nonsense gets necro'd so.. those same suspects can start up again with the same ****. I submit this, not as an argument for or against rewards (the proper discourse of which has been accomplished much better in the Subscriber Rewards Thread or the HK-55 mistake thread in General) but rather as an argument against "well why don't you just look up old threads instead of making a new one". I posit that looking up (and reviving) an old thread leads to more ridiculousness than just making a new one as in the latter case both sides ("muh exclusives" more than the other) at least maintain the illusion that they haven't been stuck in the same asinine loop for over two years.
  15. With a tiered token system and multiple rewards on tier levels (and more being added on a regular basis) this wouldn't necessarily follow. If you have two months to go before you have enough T2 tokens to get, say Niko, and you decide to leave, when you come back there may be another T2 reward you want and now you have to choose and/or stick around long enough to get both. Now CCs are already an open and flexible currency as you pointed out, but CCs do not carry any requirement to sub in order to use. They could do a special section of the CM that requires an active sub to purchase from I suppose and throw some of this stuff on there. Otherwise, what's wrong with asking for more stuff? Do you feel we're getting exceeding value for the money/month? Rather than one shiny in a blue moon that's then whisked away seemingly forever, a more steady stream of incentives and rewards is not outlandish. If we can't expect something for nothing, then the devs sure as hell can't. If they want regular money they should give us regular something and we can all agree shinies are easier than content.
  16. I especially liked how Risha's entire story was now rendered pointless. Fun times.
  17. Ruining a character doesn't just mean having them act OOC. You can also waste their potential by eliminating part or all of what made them special. The way this particular plot point was handled practically screams "amputated for the sake of fitting in with all the other cookie cutter companions".
  18. God mode is more the realm of PC cheats tbh. Console commands ftw! That being said, how many variations of "cheerfully homicidal humorous droid" do we need? 51 is more or less the same as 47 as far as I can tell 55 is a nice shakeup of the concept, doing something new and fresh with it. What more can you do with it?
  19. Cool. I don't PVP but these guides have really been helpful to up my game (think I learned the Kolto Injection> Surgical Probe combo from her) and op heals is my favorite class to play in group PVE. Keep it up!
  20. Watched romanced Risha convo on Youtube. Epic fail, character ruined. Even ignoring the short nothingness of the encounter itself, this was a special kind of bad. gg BioWare. You dun goofed.
  21. Hmm, that is weird and not like it's been so far. Is this intended?
  22. Eh, not exactly. You're saying "get people to sub for these months, therefore timed rewards", when the proposed solution is "keep people subbed in general by having them work towards a reward progression". The latter, if done right eliminates or at least mitigates the need for the former. At the end of the day, it's still shinies dangled in front of people in lieu of actual content. But since actual content is hard, and probably not worth the return if we're honest (devs work 3-6 months on a new piece of content that players finish in hours, if that, and then go right back to crying for more), it's best to plan out and implement a sustainable system as opposed to scrambling to come up with numbers every quarter. And cash infusions will always be more of a CM thing anyway.
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