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Everything posted by Melik

  1. Have a Nice Day does this after losing repeatedly to pug groups.
  2. I'm enjoying SWTOR right now
  3. I was with 2 groups that did it and one group that failed miserably. It's all about the tanks knowing when to swap when the lasers go up. After you figure that out it goes smooth.
  4. I capped all four times while you failed stopping me, and everyone else who was there capping. I was considering it but I thought about it for a second, well before this, and realized I didn't want to lose the majority of my warzones.
  5. Carebear PVEers should re-roll on new servers, IMO. Discuss.
  6. Firestorm pre-mades are usually "auto-quit" in the box. Everyone capped at will, they didn't stop anyone; not even pubs.
  7. 1. First Division 2. Hispanos 3. Brazil Force 4. Insanity 5. Stay Classy 6. Firestorm 7. Rebel Alliance
  8. I pug on imp side, it's just as bad. The problem is that you get a lot of same faction Q's and have to play premades from both sides. I'd say its even more frustrating because you can get fcked two different ways.
  9. Pugging is 50/50 like Vic said. there are tons of terrible players on both sides
  10. How do we join/apply, website? I run carnage mara but can run whatever is needed. My gear is so-so, ive got mostly WH but missing a few pieces. Mostly (58) armorings because i transferred mods from my pub toons.
  11. Ultratech is not on D7, I just looted a Xenotech Stalker Robe from the final boss of D7.
  12. Just did a D7 SM run and got the Xenotech Stalker Robe from the final boss. No utlratech gear... lame. It looks like garbage.
  13. Looted Xenotech Stalker Robe from Directive 7 final boss. On SM
  14. I've been trying to find them too, no luck.
  15. Wish I read this sooner. I've tried 10+ times now for it...
  16. Same. This loot does not drop from Malgus's chest.
  17. 10+ tries on FE normal mode.. nothing ultratech has even dropped.
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