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Posts posted by Ujest

  1. My Trooper's name is Mario.. is that gonna be copyrighted too??


    It is already copyrighted or trademarked in several console games, so yes your name violates Rule 4 of the EA Naming Policy


    A article written by an Attorney about the tradmarked name Mario


    Edited to add the above link as supporting source.

  2. Really? What is wrong with Spanky. You know how many Spanky, Spaanky, Spankie, Spankyy named characters there are in EVERY MMO... I have had the name spanky for over 15 years, and just recently Bioware tells me I have to change it? How dumb is this. I am already having horrible time w/ ANY type of CS I request, and now this? I received an Email stating something along the line of it being a Vulgar name... I have seen a million times worse.


    There may be two reasons EA would force you to make a name change


    1. Somebody reported it.


    2. It is the name of a character in American Culture Spanky a member of Our Gang and The Little Rascals movie shorts in the 30s and 40s


    Thus, your name may have violated Rules 4 and 5 of the EA Naming Policy at the least.

  3. OK, let's use a real life example. I made a lot of large purchases on Amazon recently. I bought several different colors of the same item. Maybe I shouldn't have been doing it while I was distracted at work, but I didn't notice that one of those colors wasn't on sale, and was double the price of the others.


    Totally my own fault. Luckily, Amazon lets you view the total before confirming your purchase, because people make mistakes. Real life.


    Yes, they do and it is by their own choice to exchange the item, usually for a like item. Besides, you example is flawed: You purchased from Amazon.com, you probably paid by Credit Card or Pay Pal, a company owned by Visa. Since you purchased by a CC, your purchase falls under the credit laws and the agreement the vendor has with the CC issuer which requires a vendor to refund the customer under certain conditions. No such consumer protection laws exist in a game.


    The vendor does not let you view the total and a list of the items because you might make a mistake, they are required to by consumer protection and commerce laws to provide the customer with an itemized receipt, so the customer knows what they have or are paying for and has a proof of purchase. Again, no such laws exist in game.


    I'm sure, if you look, you can find the store with a sign saying something like All Sales Are Final or words to that effect. These same consumer protection laws, commerce laws, vendor agreements do not hold effect in whole or in part under this condition. The seller has clearly stated their position and you buy from them at your own risk, the same risk suffered when you buy something from Amazon but Amazon does not have a clearly identified statement to the effect of All Sales Are Final.

  4. I swear bioware must pay some of you to be so sycophantic. Losing massive amounts of credits on a misclick is sad. Everyone will misclick an item sooner or later. It is just bad game design by people who dont care.


    As in real life, "Caveat emptor" (buyer beware) rules for most purchases. There is no requirement for a seller to refund you, after all you made the choice (for good or ill) to spend your money.


    Next time, pay attention, read, watch what you are doing and above all learn from your mistakes and accept personal responsibility, in game and in life


    Caveat emptor

  5. It is just unfotunate the current state the game industry is in where it is normal to release games filled with bugs. I think that is where most of the hate comes from and in my opinion its justifiable to be angry at a developer about that.



    True, true, but you know nothing about software. There has not been one program released since the first program, that did not have bugs. It is the nature of the beast. Release software, it has bugs, patch software to fix those bugs and introduce new bugs and around and around it goes and everybody hopes a fatal run time bug does not show up.


    The more lines of code, the more complex the program the more bugs it will have.

  6. hmm thanks for the answers but I already turned all settings down... but my computer passes the system requirements...why would they put them there if Im not able to play the game? Now I bought it and I guess I cant return it......damn..


    From the SW:TOR FAQ

    What are the system requirements for the game?





    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better


    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better



    Operating System:


    Windows XP or later





    Windows XP: 1.5GB RAM


    Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB RAM



    Note: PCs using a built-in graphical chipset are recommended to have 2GB of RAM.



    Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ requires a video card that has a minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better.


    Examples include:


    ATI X1800 or better


    nVidia 7800 or better


    Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better



    DVD-ROM drive – 8x speed or better (required for installation from physical editions only) Internet connection required to play.


    Yes your video chip is a later model than the above minimum recommend dedicated video card. However, you video chip uses system ram and not dedicated video ram, thus it is slow. Low end laptops do not make good game machines.

  7. NO! NO! NO!


    NO kung fu pandas and no playable jar jar. No! I would at least like to pretend that I am taking the game seriously.




    I'm torn with agreeing with you and wanting to see Jar Jar, but he is not to be born for thousands of years yet...

  8. I write code.



    An even greater reason to spell correctly and have perfect capitalization and punctuation.


    Don't want a mistyped local var creating a global var by mistake and being randomly instanced in a rare child process causing an even more rare memory leak. Talk about a nightmare of a run time error.

  9. cmon man you ever seen anyone walk better with crutches?


    No, nobody walks better with crutches, they walk because of crutches


    To put this in a MMO frame, some people play well with meters, while others play well because of meters. One would play well with out meters, while the the later only play well because of the meter. One knows their class and abilities and how to play the class, while the other does not and would not be playing at the level they do if it were not for the meters.


    Now, which are you; don't need the crutch or need the crutch...

  10. To the OP, having been one of those Hardcore players you speak of, in another game a few years ago, I can say with absolute certainty, you do not know what you speak of. The percentage of players in the hardcore sector is far less then where the money is. The money has been and will always be in what is so derisively called the casual player base. Without casual players no MMO would exist for long.



    But you are right about one thing, and I quote "Now you are going to see ALOT of responses from players saying they DONT want this, that they dont look to players that play insanely long periods, or succeed with less time played. They will say that the game does NOT need these players." In this one thing you are correct; this game does not need the Hardcore Player.

  11. Full key bind customization. For example allowing the mouse keys to be keypress modifiers, instead of using Ctrl or Alt or Shift


    Remove all the hard coded key bindings.


    Allowing Left Cntrl and Right Cntrl, or Left Alt and Right Alt, or Left/Right Shift.


    The way it is right now it is hard wired to use a standard keyboard layout and does not allow customization to alternate keyboards.



    I use a Steelseries Merc http://steelseries.com/us/products/keyboards/steelseries-merc?gclid=CMTQsJLCoK0CFQXd4Aodu30OoA used to be called Ideazon Merc gaming keyboard and SW:TORs current key binding does not easily adapt to the Merc

  12. Honestly if you are so bothered by this, then mute that player. But this is in no way grounds to withhold an ESSENTIAL tool from the playerbase, cause ppl like you get their feelings hurt.


    An essential tool? Have been playing MMOs since 2004 and have never felt the need for a damage/threat meter. I don't need one and don't want one.


    So BW, please keep damage/threat/dps meters and other such drivel from the game.

  13. In a certain way, I think SWTOR has revolutionized the MMORPG genre because it has injected story, dialogue, and the feeling of personalizing your character (I don't know if this has ever been done well prior to SWTOR) into it. In WoW, I always felt like just "some dude" running around killing boars for tusks for some uninteresting reason. But in SWTOR, I feel like I'm a genuine bad@ss who is making a difference in the universe.


    Regardless, the point I wanted to make is I think some of the people who are coming over from WoW are not used to story and dialogue, even though they've been playing WoW, a so-called MMORPG. And this is partially the reason why this forum is getting a lot of these "this game feels like a single player game!" threads. The typical WoW player isn't interested in story and dialogue, so when they're confronted with it on the level found in SWTOR, they become disillusioned. You may think I'm trying to be condescending, but I'm not. I truly think WoW is the Call of Duty of the MMORPG genre and it has attracted and created a very annoying type of player that shouldn't be playing MMORPGs to begin with.


    WoW is a polished game made by a successful game developer (they were very successful prior to WoW), set in a popular universe, which arrived on the MMORPG scene at a time when MMORPGs were infamously known for being buggy, unpolished, and unforgiving. During a time when SOE was sitting on their laurels with EQ. WoW couldn't have come at a better time. However, it's extremely... simple, to put it mildly. All you do is kill stuff, return stuff, collect stuff, etc., until you hit level cap, and then you kill more stuff in raids. I didn't have a problem with this simplicity in a game like EQ, because in EQ it took a longer time to level and the penalty for dying was much higher, making things more interesting for me. But in WoW, you had that same simplicity but without the difficulty. When I play WoW, I get the feeling that Blizzard wants everyone to win no matter what.


    But did WoW revolutionize the MMORPG genre? I think most would say yes, but I'd disagree. I've played both EQ and WoW for years, and the one thing that has always stuck out to me is how similar the two games are. WoW, in a certain sense, is just a polished and dumbed down Everquest. Polished in that the combat is smoother, there's less skill overlap, less bugs, etc., and dumbed down in that you can level up quickly, people can't be trained (unintentionally or intentionally), DPS doesn't have to worry about aggro as much, it's easier to acquire relatively good items, and the penalty for dying is nonexistent. I remember finding myself in a strange situation when I decided to choose between the two games. Do I want more polished game play? More players to play with? Surely! But do I want a less difficult game? Nope! Well, in the end WoW won in my mind, but mostly due to the dwindling population of EQ, hackers, and players who would box (and SOE actually came out and said they have no problem with boxers). By the way, boxing is when a player controls multiple characters at once.


    I sort of went on a digression there, but I will conclude by saying that I generally do not like the place the MMORPG genre is right now (everyone wins mentality), but I am happy that Bioware has at least brought story and dialogue back to the forefront, where it should be in any RPG.



    Played EverQuest (EQ) for 5 years, ended my EQ career as a High End, End Game, Hardcore Raider (level 85). Never played WoW, test played it and it felt like a cartoon. Played Aion, beautiful game, lousy with Gold Spammers. Currently, play Lord of The Rings Online (LoTRO), good game, great graphics, wonderful story, fun to play. Also, currently play Star Trek Online (STO) great idea to hang a MMO from, but I think poorly implemented. Now, I also play SW:TOR and I'm having a blast, it may become my dominate MMO for a few years.


    Thus, I fully agree with your last paragraph.

  14. But Bioware, completely unaware of MMORPG concepts and failing to do any research, decided to allow all level characters into the same warzones and simply boost the lower level characters' stats, which is a disastrous solution for everyone involved.


    Your credentials to make this assertion are exactly what? What papers have your reviewed concerning BW game research and development? Or is all the above just your opinion, but you know what is said about opinion.



    ... but this just isn't an MMORPG...


    You base this of off what? Be specific and provide sourcing to authoratative sources to substantiate your assertion(s)



    The rabid fanboy player base doesn't help either...


    Nice attempt to belittle and discredit any who presume to offer a counter to you opionated post. However, you failed.

  15. I hate how there is no reason to really explore. Or for that reason even an ability to explore. Some planets are literally just a bunch of corridors and others look open but as soon as you try and look around "EXHAUSTION ZONE TURN BACK OR YOU ARE DOOMED!" I was so happy to leave awful Nar Shaddaa and get to Tatooine... only to find out that when I try and explore a bit I am just forced right back into the box.


    Well you need to get out of Tatooines starter areas.

  16. Ya no, and why after 2 months would it just suddenly happen. Thanks for trying to help though! What would be great is if one of the games designers could at least acknowledge the issue! No idea how they spent 150 million making this game. they must have spent 100 on the voice talent!


    Because, it may just have tripped a firewall rule. Or some other program or action you took changed a firewall rule. Have you recently installed software? This often makes changes to firewall and system authorization rules without notifying the user.


    It would be a great help if BW published the ports needed for the game...

  17. After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


    This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


    Here are just a few...


    1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


    2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


    3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



    These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head. If I actually cataloged every problem encountered in the game, I could write a book.


    Here is the BIG one.


    My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.




    This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


    24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


    My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


    I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




    You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


    However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


    Please get it right.


    Nope, not going to cancel because of a bugs in game, but may because of bugs on the forums.

  18. I don't think that's accurate


    Just looking at the amount of people in-game, even during peak hours on a Full Server, it doesn't seem to be a big hit


    That's my evidence — do you have any?


    And where can you see the total population of a server to make that assertion? Or more simply, quantify and support "Full Server".

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