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Everything posted by AlexDougherty

  1. I doubt it, I know they have to play so that the lines are appropriate for being in and out of a shock collar, but she had shown no fear in her voice at any stage, in fact when she says "do you have to destrot that" she sounds vaguely disgusted to me. As I've said I never found her annoying on missions, just the space missions, I just want them to remove those two lines and put something better in, even her saying "maybe avoid that" would be better.
  2. I don't think you can, if I google something, it sort of freezes SwToR, so I think short of running several computers at once, you can't.
  3. I am new to star wars myself, have only been playing a few months, but the first thing I do when reaching a new area, any new area, is open the map, I'm sorry but this is basic. If players stopeed rushing so much, like this is a race to reach level 50, they might not miss so much, just enjoy the game. The other problems you mentioned like resetting your skill tree and which crew skills go best with which class, I agree, can be problematic. I will always try to give a answer if I know it and they ask on chat, sometimes get called a troll, but I do try to help, even with silly questions.
  4. Space-Opera, I know using a hyphen to link two words is cheating, but that is how Lucas himself decribed it.
  5. I didn't find her annoying, until I did space missions. She says "mission finally over", at the start of space missions, and in several space missions (iterations of the same mission really) she says "do you have to destroy that", when you open fire on a republic battleship. it's a thousand times bigger than you, and firing at you, and she wants you not to fire upon it, nevermind that she's been encouraging you to destroy everything else. But on regular missions I liked her.
  6. Not all sith have horns, my sith pureblood is spikey to be sure, but definately hornless
  7. While the Rakata did invent the hyperdrive and once ruled most of the galaxy, their withdrawal from the galaxy was so complete that no trace of their language or culture was left, we know from Kotor that this was at lleast partially deliberate. This means translators would have no reference to work on. And while translator device have existed, we know by Luke's time they we not in use. since they used C3-P0 as a translator for virtualy every language. So the question is whether the Kotor translator was a one off or not. And since everybody else is understanding everybody else with ease, irrelevant or technology level, such as It is probable that the language barriers were just ignored
  8. Actually the point about the toilet is a good one, I know somebody was complaining that the Jedi ship has no beds, but they didn't consider the lack of amenities (no shower either).
  9. well it'll work for a while, but for a computer worth building you want to be looking at quad core processor, and some of the other components will want updating soon too, for minimum price decent spec your probably looking at doubling the cost or more. Over in uk, some magazines suggest best price for spec builds, and they tend to be about £900, I'm assuming that america gets cheaper prices on components but still would be $900+
  10. Republic wins, Sith Empire as based on Sith race goes away. Sith Empire as based on Sith Philosophy comes back, but the race eventually dies out, which says alot about the said philosophy.
  11. Depends of a lot of variables, how experienced are they?, how tired are they?, does Mandalorian have some edge? ie surprise, what level of fitness are they? If an experienced, well rested Mandalorian at peak of physical fitness gets the edge on a Jedi then he/she might beat him/her. Likewise an inexperienced Jedi would probably be in trouble against Mandalrians. Also type of Jedi would come into play, Knights are combat experts, but lack force lift/push, while a Consular could push Mandalorian away then lift them and escape. Also I noted that you opened two copies of exact same thread minutes apart, why?
  12. The Hk translator would explain it, but by the films we have to rely protocol droids. The real answer is probably that they were going to put something in to explain it and forgot.
  13. Answer is probably in "colour crystals and the lore" thread, can't be bothered reading it to find out though, as it is extremely long. Link is below. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=405921
  14. Problem would go away if the players looked at map when they arrive and see two mission triangle, which they would then investigate. Maybe the game should just throw up another tutorial.
  15. Firstly there are many religions in Star Wars, and most of them have Hells. Even the Jedi order is technically a religion, as was stated on the Death Star by several Imperials. And not everyone will believe in the force. Secondly, there has to be a level of cultural references which the viewer/reader can tag onto or the story would become unaccessible. Since we have a concept of Hell, we can relate to it in a film/book. If the line was "See you in Nilheim" then it wouldn't have the same resonance.
  16. Sounds like you have a bad connection, or something on your laptop is using up your bandwidth.
  17. Looks like like either light armour, medium armour or adaptive armour. Please note that I'm using english spelling for my own comfort, not a critique of language.
  18. Like a river flowing through you, bring sensations from everything but also carrying you to them. Like a noise coming from all directions, echoing and shaping your perceptions. Like a hurricane, swirling around you, showing you everything, while you stand in the calm centre. Everyone would perceive it differently, hope these help.
  19. Probably the Assassin, the Jedi Shadow has a bad chapter1, although chapter 2 is better, and chapter 3 is decent. The Assassin however has a chapter 3 that's been compared to "Disney Hearts" involving destroying creatures reminiscent to the "Heartless". (I am actually quoting someone else here, so track down that thread and complain to them if you don't like the comparison) Also the Jedi Consular/Shadow quest line isn't affected by Light/Dark decisions.
  20. Near the Top right corner is a search engine for this Website. Click on it, and type what you want, ie "the Junction". It doesn't clear until you start typing so don't worry. If it doesn't find it, you can refine the search. If there is nothing on SwToR Website, try the above suggestion.
  21. How can there be too many species, do you really want a galaxy with only a dozen or so sentient species. You have to have a lot of species, or it seems empty, if this is too much to handle then maybe sci-fi isn't for you. Personally I would like more species in the game, maybe a few that aren't in the films or books, just for variety.
  22. I would like a Selkath character, there are a few around still, including a Jedi and a member of a group thinking about joining the seperatists. Most likely to release, maybe a wookie, that would get people playing.
  23. Also the temples on Yavin4 contained the living spirit of Exar Kuun, the emperor (if he knew) would have wanted to get rid of him as a rival, and a threat to his plans.
  24. As I understand it, nobody gets to kill the emperor, both the Jedi Knight and the Sith Warrior look like they kill him, but actually don't. However I could be wrong. As for getting an answer from bioware, not going to happen, they want some mystery involved. You might get an answer on a minor plot point, but definately not about the overall arc.
  25. Yes, the republic does fund the Jedi, there is a scene in a conversation at the start of the Jedi Knight quest were The Sith run the empire, and own most of the territory, with money either being budgetted by the Dark Council, or from their estates.
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