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Everything posted by Choffware

  1. I'm not taking the high ground I just disagree with you... It's seems pretty unfair to analyse a promotional video and claim it to be some kind of contract. Patch notes are probably the closest thing to a contract and even that probably is debatable. Mistakes and bug blunders aside they pretty much have delivered everything they said they would in the patch notes. You have no idea why they didn't include this ability you want , could be broken or OP or slated for a future release. At worse this was something they probably wanted to get in but for some rational reason was pulled. These guys makes mistakes all the time but to suggest they deliberately promised a feature and pulled it out because of some secrete evil motive is just silly.
  2. (In reference to the pvp bolster bug) It's no secrete that some of the Mythic development team helped and may be still working on SWTOR.. Mythic had the SAME problem and I pointed it out several times... Someone or some group of people on your team is consistently making one or all of these blunders: 1) Does not know what build or branch he/she is suposed to be checking in code. 2) Is not checking in the correct code... 3) Is not communicating properly what build or branch the code they have fixed is actually checked into. This development team (back to the warhammer days) have consistently announced that "bug X is fixed in today's release" when in fact the fix never gets in... Mythic was worse because they actually put the incorrect info in PATCH notes... At least you guys are only messing up community forum posts... but you look equally stupid. You need to stop this... It makes you look wildly incompetent. By now you know who the parties are that keep making this mistake. You need to do something about it even if it's a "key developer". No matter what excuse he/she is using it's total BS and you shouldn't let them get away with it.
  3. I don't think the state of the Merc in pvp is going to change much... but what is the best spec for pvp now that tracer missile only requires one for the armor debuff? does this hybrid seem reasonable now: http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/mercenary/15/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000223003000120000000000000000000003220302221002100230023000100000&ver=20
  4. huh... I thought advance targeting was critical for Arsenal pvp. Last time I played it with just system calibration gave me 1.4 TMs (going on memory) You wouldn't take 30% armor pen over that? Again playing pyro for a long time so these are questions and not statements.
  5. Did you come around on the rocket punch root? You were (as I) very much against it. I've played pyro almost exclusively since so I haven't tested it myself.
  6. it was never 0 heat. The heat penalty got tacked on after the 3rd missile. But they changed it because the mechanic didn't really work in practice. Most players couldn't get 3 missiles off before the heat penalty kicked in... Now when you press it 2 missiles auto fire with the damage of 2 normal missiles + 10% and but less heat than of 2 normal missiles but i don't remember the heat difference... might be 50%... Either way it has marginal and small situational benefits but nothing great.
  7. I mean to stick with Carnage... fits my play style better.. find critical target... take out critical target and then get out... I practiced Rage but haven't mastered it as much as Carnage.
  8. All I can say it's a long time coming for me... I've been playing a merc from launch up to 3 months ago... I rolled a Marua and played nothing but Carnage and leveled it through pvp to make sure I mastered it. I had no idea they would be so OP in 2.0 I just liked the build and was told it was a good alternative to smash builds for rated.. but I'm going to take full advantage of it's "OPness" until the nerfs...
  9. Is this for a SWTOR guild? or TOG in general. I didn't see a SWTOR devision on your page. You also don't mention imp or rep... so not sure what the point of this post was...
  10. Do you have any idea how self centered and egotistical you are? Well you know that giant sucking sound that seems to follow you around? That's your ego not letting anything escape it's gravitational pull. Honest to goodness... what makes you think you can post on a public forum and tell people not to respond. You have no entitlement to this thread just because you wrote it. Speaking to your original post...I would be hard pressed to believe that a majority would agree with your opinion. So have fun with your time away from the game..
  11. I'd like to give it a try on my Marauder
  12. For the last time... There is overwhelming evidence to support that Bioware does not make changes solely based on player opinion. If there were no merit to the game mechanic reasons some people "cried about" they wouldn't have changed it... end of story. You can go on beating this dead horse but it wasn't because people whined it was because it was broken.
  13. I agree about the smack talk... I guess I'm just old. Growing up when I played sports smack talkers were few and far between. They were eventually shunned and "taken care of" at some point. Now smack talk is what all the "kwel kids" do... I try to ignore it but it's like verbal diarrhea... it's hard to ignore and it stinks.
  14. Totally missing the point again Bioware... Totally missing the point. Players getting disconnected can be protected by OH I DON'T know... lets say COMMON SENSE PROGRAMING! . All you have to do is invoke the penalty on any player that quits the warzone by using his mouse and keyboard. In other words if any window event cause them to leave... exit the area, logging out, closing the game.... If then if they disconnect they can re-queue. Of course a person can easily rip there network line out... but fine that's a pain in butt and they will have to quit playing for awhile. Back filling is a HORRID mechanism. It penalizes a player from entering a warzone on a loosing team. Often rewarding them with very little coms and helpless to turn the tide of the match. You need to stop the back fills or kill warzones much quicker when people quit. have a four person quit limit... after 4 quits that side auto forfeits the game. And invoke some sort of deterrent for quitters. People that are disconnected are in the minority vs people that are back filled into a game that is half over and can't win. TO everyone that thinks... "I don't want to be forced to stay in a warzone that is no fun" NO ONE forced you to que. play to the end or stop queueing. RWZ without question should be protected against quitters period end of story. Just about every other pvp game devs have figured out how to do it... why can't you.
  15. There is too many people pvp'ing that don't do it for the competition they do it for the gear and the achievements. Regulars are the same way when people quit it drives me crazy. If you start a match finish the damn thing... there needs to be a penalty. Quit more than x matches in x time frame then you are locked out for some x amount of time. Or you loose wz commendations.... I don't know what the Xs should be but people need to stay out of queues if you're going to run away the moment you face any adversity. Let me give you a hint... when you are killed in game, YOU DON'T DIE IRL. suck it up! I used to have a 'never" quit policy for myself but I had to alter it to keep my sanity. I quit immediately if I start 1/2 through a warzone and pop on a loosing team. I refuse to waist my time anymore in a warzone that was full of a bunch of carebears.
  16. don't you get free cartel coins every month? I don't get why people are complaining about the CM. As long as the feature are cosmetic it doesn't matter for gameplay. And if there is something you really want on the CM just wait a few months and you'll have the coins for doing nothing buy paying your sub. I can understand that arguments related to the cost of CM items (or our monthly rations) but to complain about CM exclusive items is unfair to subs is just silly. The CM is there mostly for people who don't play the game. Just save up your coins and you can get what ever you want on the CM
  17. There is no such thing as "standard MMO practice". Sure video game developers copy working ideas all the time... but there is no governing body regulating MMO development. The fact that there is a rep bar on your UI somewhere does not entitle you to fill it the way you want to fill it... in fact you have no "rights" to anything the game provides. It's the money rep for people spending money... you don't want to spend the money don't get the rep. There are plenty of other little bars for you to fill. Is skipping one OPTIONAL rep bar really going to destroy your fun? Really?
  18. Ok... Let me get this straight. People are complaining that they have to spend real money for rep in the game? HELLO... There are several types of rep that provide rewards that are 100% game play related. Cartel rep is the only type and it mostly requires real cash and that's a loose requirement since you can also spend in game credits for them. It's specifically aimed at one type of their customers NOT all. That's their choice. And it's done all the time. You are not forced in anyway to purchase these items. The items are not required for playing any part of the end game. AND there are several other rep/reward systems in the game if you don't want to spend cash. I don't think its fair to demand that all rep systems conform to every customer's play style. If you don't want to spend real cash on this rep, then grind for credits... think of it as GTN reputation. If you are paying a subscription then you are ALREADY getting free cartel points to buy these packs... If you are a free to play player than pay for the rep if you really want it. They added a rep and reward system for people buying a lot of packs. They are not forcing you to do anything... You are not entitled to every item in the game by means you define. Don't like the requirements... don't get the item.
  19. You are right... I try not to be... but I lost it... one too many of these kinds of posts. I have to stop reading when I feel the blood pressure rising.
  20. yes way too expensive at venders that sell them for cash... also you are getting planetary commendations as you quest you can buy gear and mods at the commendation venders
  21. Yes it could! Make sure all your gear is with in 4-5 levels of your toon. Same for your companion. Doesn't have to be anything better than green gear.
  22. Mercs suffer form being too easily interrupted so they made it a little tougher to spot. It's one small piece to an ongoing solution. It's practical. You went on a seven paragraph tirade about a slight quality of life change they made. They didn't even remove the animation... they put it where it makes more sense for GAME MECHANICS. It's like you are arguing that the sky isn't blue enough.
  23. For leveling any spec is fine. At end game you should pic one to be effective. But to answer your question AIM trumps everything and will boost both dps and healing.
  24. I don't remember the quest off the top of my head... probably been more than a year since I did it. but most quests, even the bosses are doable 3 levels below the quest level. So you should be fine. If no one else answers I'll look it up and give you tips. But you can always level doing side quests and get up to 28-30 and then it will be easy for you.
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