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Everything posted by Choffware

  1. Something is wrong with your spec or rotation. I'm in mostly war hero gear and ewh gear. I'm still leveling my merc to 55 I can pull much higher dps than that and heat is never a problem
  2. I'm working on moving the pieces around so I have surge power verses crit... Seems to be helping I'm only 1/2 done moving the pieces around
  3. I meant Ravage sorry that was a typo... I hardly use rupture... on on stealthers to prevent them from vanishing... the dot pulls them out of stealth after a vanish
  4. I'm a carnage spec. (same problem when I switch to rage). I am never higher than 300k total dps in a warzone. I can't seem to burst anyone. I always middle of the road for damage. I'm in full weapon master partisan gear and started adding strength augments. I have not min-maxed anything yet. I've read the carnage rotation threads and I just seem to be lagging very much behind. When I parse on a warzone dummy I'm only doing 1600k Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I generally: Leap->BA->gore->mass->mass->gore on proc or mass->ravage->VT->FS What the hell I'm I doing wrong?
  5. Are you guys using the weapon master set? I'm at a total loss as to why I'm underperforming. I think I'm missing something fundamental I hope it's as simple as I haven't min maxed on switched out my power mods... also are all your items augmented with power augs?
  6. What gear do you have? I'm hitting for half that... I think I'm going to loose it if the pve gear is required to do well in pvp now
  7. all you need to know is in this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=629146&highlight=arsenal+rotation
  8. I don't know if that extra damage is really useful damage. Most sorcs seem to be spaming affliction on everyone to get the high dps numbers. But you're right about the interrupt... it's not as big of a factor at all for a sorc.
  9. Ok then... that makes it even less likely that i'll try to work that in.
  10. first of all... were you in a pug? If so that's how it goes. Not everyone in a pug is seasoned pvp'er. Did you give them a heads up before you capped? They where probably in a fire fight at mid and didn't realized the pylon was capped... or they could have been wiped and all waiting to re-spawn when you capped the enemy pylon. The more I think about it. the fact that the other team killed you and capped both pylons in under 30 seconds tells me you must have capped when the other team was already advancing and probably clearing out your team at your pylon. or maybe they also had a stealther that ninja capped your pylon. Win some loose some... you have to have a thicker skin than that if you are going to grind solo.
  11. Players that primary pvE should be rewarded with gear that makes you better in pvE. Players that primary pvP should be rewarded with gear that makes you better in pvP. Players that primary pvE and collect the top gear for pvE should not be allowed to dominate over players that primary pvP and have reached the top gear levels in pvP Players that primary pvP and collect the top gear for pvP should not be allowed to outperform players that primary pvE and have reached the top gear levels in pvE. The above is a bit verbose but it's pretty simple. Any violation of the above is WRONG and unfair period. The end game for pvp'ers is grinding pvp gear and is every bit as important as progression for pve'ers. If you have the best pve gear TOUGH BLEEP if you are being out gunned by pvp players with top pvp gear. And pvp'ers should not expect to perform at top levels in operations with pvp gear on It would be nice to implement something that makes pvE gear perform on a curve that reasonably lags behind the top pvP gear for pvp... and the same for pvp gear in pvE. That's what expertise is doing... dampening pvp gear in pve and putting it past pve gear in pvp. Right now with bolster and healing people are no way dying in 2-4 shots. If you are you simply not managing your defensive cool downs well enough. The time to die at 55 right now is is long unless you are out numbered.
  12. what was your gear? I am in full partisan and I get the sense I've still screwing up the rotation or I'm under-geared.
  13. Wth? I'm carnage So on a operation dummy using all partisan pvp gear (63 level mods) I'm only doing 1400. Is that expected with this gear? On the warzone dummy i'm doing 1600. Am I screwing something up? I'm assuming the expertise is helping with the warzone dummy. But I'm no where close to 2000+
  14. yes in the code above you just change the name "Execute" to what ever buff you wish \[Execute {\d+}\] \[ApplyEffect would be \[Opportune {\d+}\] \[ApplyEffect I even used Barrage for my merc. Works like a charm. even though barrage has an unmistakeable visual signal, the tone helps when I'm not looking at my avatar.
  15. Yeah I think you found the bug... if gore is on you and slaughter procs.. gore does not refresh.
  16. works pretty well... I have one sound assigned to slaughter and one sound assigned to execute... it's not perfect there is a delay. Ty for the tip
  17. Yes that's our weakness. TM is easily countered with an interrupt. Other classes have interrupt protection spells but bioware chose not to give it to the mercs. I guess to give a class a different wrinkle. So in pvp your whole strategy centers around not getting interrupted and when you do figuring out how to get around it. Bioware gave us some more tools to manage interrupts but haven't eliminated the problem. The new TM only requires 1 to get the full HSM bonus and they buffed HSM. So now you can fire one and then HSM and get a pretty big result. So if a player is not attacking you then cast TM and HSM... But if the player is attacking you and is a rdps.. they can interrupt you at range so use PS that gives you 2 instant TMs or a TM and FM combo then HSM then use rapid shots, missile salvo, rail shot, and sticky dart while retreating. If they are melee you can use TM and Unload after you have gotten range with root or jet boost or HO... But not while they are with in 10m of you. Edit: Oh yeah... Forgot to add use the Power Shot fake. Use Power shot on ranged players until they interrupt you then use TM. That's a trick that people use and I have yet to master myself. I haven't played arsenal in a while and I have to start practicing myself.
  18. Can you elaborate what gear people have since I just got full partisan and standing just below 26k... Are you taking about top tier pve gear or pvp gear? because I can't see going up more than 15k just with augments
  19. Awesome... does having logging on all the time kill performance? what about disk space? does the log get refreshed every time you log out?
  20. Choffware

    2 dailies at 55?

    It seems that way... I'm fine with it If you notice the second daily only gives you regular coms
  21. Well I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on the tool set... I think we have enough front end burst to play that role well now. Sticky dart, fm, tm, HSM unload... is pretty good to open with... Especially if PS and TO are up and barrage procs... the only stand and cast there would be unload. so pretty good to open.. even if there is no barrage or PS and TO up. But I agree it's very niche... and for some players counter intuitive. Also in regulars when there isn't as much structure or coordination with teams we really shine there. Mercs are kicking arse in free for alls now. Only the mercs that try to stand still and TM spam my Marauder are easy kills. But half way decent ones are tough especially if I get stupid and try to chase them.
  22. What I meant is: Arenal is more mobile than it used to be and has more front end burst. It's not more mobile than Pyro. With a double PS and the change to TM heat signature... you shouldn't be standing still for more than one TM or one unload when you need to be moving around. Thats is a lot closer to Pyro mobility Also the comments about "running away" is a matter of niche. Your goal is not to run away.. but kite... not necessarily to kill... but to make the other team over commit to you. Good teams are stacking tanks in front of healers in middle and snipers at range. Before mercs got leaped and were insta dead. But now they have to chase you because we do too much damage to ignore... this potentially makes it easier to separate the tanks and healer breaking guard. So snipers are ranged classes that hold ground but Mercs need to break up the other teams formation by hit and fades... It's not an easy role to play but at least we have the tools to do it now. And if this isn't something that jives with your play-style it's not going to be fun for you at all.
  23. Has anyone else noticed this? I leap i hit gore and I think gore itself is triggering aturo then slaughter but gore doesn't refresh... So I have VT up on a target with most of it's health but gore is on cool down. It happens often enough that I notice it... maybe tree times in 8 matches last night..
  24. What I just found out is that if you have bloom on in the graphics options you catch on fire when something procs but its not limited to execute. If you proc slaughter your target also catches fire. Its better than nothing. Also don't know if my PC can handle it I think I turned bloom off for a reason
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