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Everything posted by VoW_LugNut

  1. This thread has been too quiet and has gone 5 days without a response. **** you, Carl.
  2. Yeah, there's absolutely no difference. Kinda heart breaking.
  3. Yep, running a GTX 650 TI Boost SC 2GB and Core i5 2500k stock. I get 80-110 fps on fleet with everything maxed, but as soon as I hop into a 16 man operation, I'm lucky to get 30 in a fight. It's highly annoying. As long as your PC is decent, you should be able to max your in-game settings with no problem.
  4. Yup. I can't count the amount of times I've had a trooper or BH try to hit me with a thermal det on my merc. I just pop chaff flare and laugh at the "Resist" fly text.
  5. I did also notice there is a trail that was added between the pieces of the holocron, as well. Pretty cool looking.
  6. We're supposed to troll people into clicking on this site right? Kinda like rickroll back in the day? Is this a ramboroll?
  7. Do you have proof of HM Bestia ever dropping Dread Forged Bracers? In 8 man HM and 16 man HM, all I have ever seen her drop was earpiece or belt.
  8. Is your guild called Registered Sith Offenders?
  9. Mith: CARL, DO SOME @#$%%#% DPS AND FOCUS THE #$&@ UP! Carl: Mith, taunt
  10. Noire will be in charge of sampling/ assigning value to the "other ways"
  11. But Mith, I like to shine my Special Olympics medals They taste better when they're shiny.
  12. keeping in the rage spirit, one of the funnier ones I've seen in one of my favorite movies:
  13. Only if I get to do my Herbert the Pervert and Old Gregg impressions.
  14. If you're going to do that to someone.... The sentence should've* been hehehehe
  15. Who knows? This one could be pink and purple and use all of those abilities plus thundering blast, since Bioware seems to have a hard on for that ability in these newest boss fights.
  16. Yeah, I remember the 100% burn phase lol... He did say he found it on the past throne during phases 2 and 3... I'm wondering if it will be designed so that it has to be summoned during the small window of time that is usually taken up with the tank bringing the little datacron to the throne or something... (remember that past has no boss in that room in phase 3) Pure speculation at this point, obviously, but still something to keep my mind busy while we wait for Nightmare DF. I'll keep an eye out for it during that phase tomorrow (we run 16 man HM two-three times a week) and see if I can get a lock on it and a screenshot, if it is in HM as well.
  17. and your post has the same amount of relevance. This is a speculation thread, not an announcement.
  18. Yeah, it's datamined, but at least proof that what you are talking about actually exists so no one can accuse you of trolling.
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