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Everything posted by verfallen

  1. actually while sorc are decent offheal, they mostly are through the shielding, and very slightly through heals. Especially madness is very limited in offheal. A dps sorc capacity to keep themselves alive mostly comes from UP, resurgence, static barrier, and when **** hit the fan dark heal spam. But you can only do it 2 or 3 times max before you run out of force, and healing an ally up also will run you out of force very fast. In this, merc have a better ability than you have to provide some self-healing to allies others than themselves. Madness, with its already problematic force management, is even less apt at it.
  2. I NEVER use that pos trick. I consider it an exploit, and unless I'm mistaken I think ppl need to bug it IN the wz. Pretty sure they lose it on zoning in. And I'm not 100% sure how to trigger it but I dont think you can have it bug alone. Also engineering is a massive aoe spec, so if you fight a bunch of people stacked up long enough, you can get some pretty massive numbers, but I personnaly prefer MM still.
  3. A well played sorc is still pretty good at pvp. And if you say "But damage is low" I think you should check what Marksman actual damage is, and its considered, rightfully so, a very good pvp spec. Now sorc. Mostly you have to understand that they key point of your survivability is mobility and self-healing. You will very rarely end a warzone under 1k hps even as dps unless you've been ignored, and your utility choices are crucial. A part of your "damage" will of course come from cleave with CL, but the single target pressure you can apply, especially under polarity shift, is very impressive. TB used with recklessness (since that was fixed) that also gives its 2nd hit proc will hit for 20+k, just not one big number like heatseekers. But doing 4k+ dps with a lightning sorc in many wz (assuming good engagement time, so maps like novare, intense voidstar, civil war etc) are very possible. Ex. http://imgur.com/a/WdRkr (TK sage) http://imgur.com/a/rVr86 (arena) Is it omg fotm? No definitely not. Is it still fun, and workable? If you are good and enjoy the challenge yes. A well played sorc is also extremely hard to kill.
  4. For the content you are doing any class work aplenty. Sorc lacks single target dps compared to many, but has generous built in aoe in the single target rotation. Still no where near a sniper's aoe sustained tough. If having heal is important to you, then either merc or sorc are good choice, however keep in mind with sorc as a dps, actively healing something depletes your force VERY fast, while a merc can sustain a certain healing even as dps without going ressource negative. Arsenal is also in a very good position right now, but because of that its also probably 1st in line to take a nerfbat in a future balancing patch. If you plan on "using" a lightsaber tough, I'm sorry to say sorc isnt for you. You could have a rubber chicken with good stats in your hands and you'd get the same result. its a stat stick, and its never going to be swung around, other than for trolling purposes. TL:DR with what you want either merc or sorc will work for you. Sorc dps may not be in a great place right now, but its plenty of fun and its aplenty for the content you are doing.
  5. So up to saturday night? no issues, everything running at max smoothly (I7 5710HQ, GTX980M, 24 GB ram, pretty easy to run swtor for my computer) Since sunday? Sudden massive framerate drops whenever something start happening around me. I haven't changed anything as far as I know, looked toward windows 10 issues but can't seem to find the option people are talking about that is screwing up their game. So anyone know what might be causing this, or if they ninja changed something on sunday? I'd need to test further on more games, but so far EVE went alright last time I used it. But seriously I went from running 60 fps smoothly at max, to dropping at 2fps with shadows off with no warnings. Something is not right here.
  6. Even if it wasn't the sheer constant raid wide damage on a lot of bosses make stealth rezzing nearly impossible. And the harder and more worthwhile an additionnal rez would be for the fight, the more impossible it is to actually use it. Who wants to stealth rez in HM M&B ? Sounds legit. Sign me up.
  7. Mids and lows are not always popping. Lows seems to tend to pop a bit more than mids, but mostly, its dead unless some people actually make a group and start trying to get it going (sadly, said ppl will most likely also roll over others, and they'll stop queuing shortly). But if you wanted to level through WZ, forget it. GSF, similarly doesnt pop very often but more consistently in peak hours I think. Lvl 70 Reg wz pop consistantly 24/7, solo ranked typically get arranged in channel out of game and in game and pops in the evening if enough are there, and not raiding. Granked is every now and then, and typically 2 team that go against each others a few times.
  8. JC's rating aint worldwide competitive, but the players in ranked sure are. An average sorc playing on harb would get my rating easily. could go there and probably climb it pretty high. Ratings themselves are much of a joke, but they do give a clue to what someone can do or not, and the fact is, you didnt divulge your rating or if you healed for part of it, and I don't have a way to check, I don't really care tbh. YOU decided to doubt my understanding of the class, I set you right, Its simple math that no, GC aint that good, for madness or lightning, but especially lightning, which depends much more on Force Mobility than madness, not as much as 3 other utilities, but apparently you have such an hard on for it you twist fact and math to suit your conclusion. 1 GCD to make another instant is a dps loss, unless you are trying to keep something from being interrupted, but the ONE ability you dont want interrupted on Madness is FL (no its not leech. If you fail to see why its not my problem. And NO it doesnt mean a total shutdown, but still easier to do it against madness than lightning, if you so wish.) Most of your healing also come, as a dps, from your instant abilities. Shield, UP, resurgence. Not dark heal, and its not used in fight. You also have no way to keep track of the rate limit, and probably eyeball it. Even if 30s wasn't that great to begin with, you probably get it every 40s or so. Sorc kite, reduce damage, and self-heal. It has decent built in interrupt protection on lightning, and plenty of instant and mobility from procs, and madness can keep a certain amount of dps as instants, even if, yes its the less mobile and more easy to interrupt of the 2. The dot spread pressure cannot be interrupted however. I can very safely say that one instant every 30s isnt lifesaving, but 15ish% cd reduction on UP and 15% extra DR for 6s every 25s is quite more useful, and easy to keep track off. As for Force Mobility kiting, its priceless above all. Priceless. An immobile facetanking sorc is a dead sorc, plain and simple.
  9. There is 0 proc in the defensives, its a sure effect. The only one is on crits but if you use recklessness smartly, you get them right at start. Sin IS in a good place, and from your post I can tell you have a lot of room to improve what you are doing. Now you do have a choice tough : Improve, or come here, blame merc and snipers and don't improve. If you choose the former, lots of good info around. If you choose the later, well you're off to a good start. While you identified them AFTER, at least, you should definitely compute the 9%+15% as it gives sin a permanent 45% DR, among the highest in the game. Higher than merc, sniper, PTs and dps jug. Yah.
  10. they both have their pros and cons. The one thing that makes sins better right now is the 60% damage absorb on phantom stride, which can be godly in some fight where you have big foreseable damage spike (ex: tyrans' thundering blast). Jug is an avoidance tank, and it IS a cooldown management one as well tough. With 4 DCDs its pretty cooldown heavy. Overall I find sin deals better with repeated small hits while jug does better with big slow ones. The "stand there and take it" tank is definitely more the PT.
  11. Its easy that way but you are not getting as much dps as you can from it. You'll do enough dps for any sm ops and such out there tough. Depend on what kind of player you are of course, but if you are casual, then sure it works fine. Should give with decent gear somewhere around 7.5k-8kish dps done perfectly.
  12. I'm the top ranked dps sorc and sage on JC. Its not harb, but pretty sure I have a clue what I'm doing. And again. Once. Every 30 seconds. And again, TB gets interrupted, 2x casted LB is STILL a better idea than cleanse+LB. and AGAIN, lightning has a built in interrupt protection, only ONE attack can be interrupted at any moment. So "I will still do damage and run away". But thats fine. Go in ranked pvp with your cleanse and see how it helps lol. Who needs Force Mobility really, lets just facetank the damage with an instant heal. and PS: pretty much any damage in pvp can only be purged and not cleansed anymore. Especially the dps cleanse is bad.
  13. in pvp, yes. In pve. not really. Insta WW, is mostly useless, and deflection cc immunity isnt up enough to be worth it imo.
  14. 1st, lightning is immune to shutdown, because only 1 ability can be interrupted at a time. You get unshakable for 4 sec after being interrupted. Did you even know? 2nd Its about how the rotation is built, not how hard an ability hit. Madness is totally built around FL. No Demolish, no LS without it. Demolish is your highest damaging attack, and most of your damage comes from your FL after that. One ability interrupted and you look pretty bad. Yes leech is interestng to interrupt, but no its not the best one to interrupt. While it would be easy to look at the two spec on paper and be "oh this spec is turretish" you'd be very wrong. But I,m not surprised, 90% of the lightning sorc I see have very obviously no clue of the spec's true potential in pvp, and how to play it. They stay there, and cast/facetank. But I can tell you, assuming you are spending interrupts to shut down the sorc, madness is the spec that looks fine but is even more vulnerable to it. You also have only 1 extra dot as madness, dont forget, and extra alacrity means lightning affliction ticks harder. Also, the remaining kicker is, even if you REALLY needed an interrupt protection, one very 30 seconds is extremely weak, AND requires to cast a useless GCD to get it. I do nearly as much damage with 2 lightning bolt than you do with cleanse + tb. And if tb got interrupted, LB cannot be. And obviously, Polarity shift makes you immune to any interrupt for roughly 15 seconds of every minute (as the cooldown of it is reduced by forked lightning, and the average cooldown of it is 60-70s ish depending on rng) So we can argue about the "which is more vulnerable to interrupt" even if the answer was lightning, GC cannot do crap, and if its Madness, GC cannot do crap for it EITHER. since FL isnt a cast. Derp. GC would be somewhat interesting in the masterful tier, below that you have much better skills to take. And even if it was in masterful, I doubt I,d take it.
  15. Not really, since you use it in your rotation to reset recklessness On paper they do, on the field, unless its a perfect fit that someone dies as your stealth comes off cd, you dont actually bring that. Also, in a LOT of fight its about as useful as square wheels.
  16. weren't you supposed to unsub 3 weeks ago?
  17. Because madness is based on FL and its wrath stacks. TB does just that. Interrupt for 4 sec, you switch to something else. Even if interrupting LB can have a somewhat similar effect, its no where near as effective as cutting off a Madness sorc's FL. No FL, and you are severely limited in using LS and demolish, demolish being your main dps attack. So one interrupt gets the big hit AND the filler in one nice blow if you are unlucky, and if you are even more unlucky your dots are already ticking, and Leech and DF are on cooldown, and you have absolutely no better option than force storm or shock for 4 seconds. If GC gave you a free cast EVERY time you cleansed, MAYBE it would be worth it. But once very 30 seconds? No thanks. Getting some more kiting, DR and self-heal is key on sorc dps to be able to handle a bit of pressure before running to the hills to heal up, especially in ranked. Force Mobility and Unnatural vigor are key utilities for both.
  18. LB instant 2 to 3 times every 15 sec, CL instant, shock instant (non optimal without CD but better than nothing), LF instant. if someone interrupt your TB, its back in 4 sec, proc dont depends on a single attack like madness. TB being castable on the move means your sole turret casts should be CD and a few filler LB, one of which can be replaced by shock for more mobility every now and then, at a very slight dps loss. Its a lot less vulnerable to interrupt than Madness, which gets totally shut down if FL gets interrupted. Most people fight lightning by interrupting TB or madness by interrupting FOrce Leech. Don't interrupt the filler, and watch most "bad" players scratch their head in confusion for 4 seconds. Good Lightning players will cast Force Storm for a second and go fetch back their CL proc tough.
  19. fights with high adds uptime (and said adds having relatively high hp) or multi target (and again, not ALL fights because, bad ressouces) can make madness "worth it" but it definitely needs extra mobility right now. For pvp, either but imo lightning is also better there. And I'm one of the nutheads using a sorc in solo ranked,
  20. Actually sin as a dps is pretty much pure dps imo. Not because I'm forgetting they can spec as tank, but because they bring absolutely no other utility to the raid than a single target offtaunt. Point. This whole balance out pure dps as "higher" dps idea I always disagreed with, since it means also removing about every raid utility from these classes, otherwise there would be too big of an advantage into bringing sniper/mara only in a raid. That raid utility is the saving grace for sorc right now.
  21. You lost the thread with the part in red alone. And no, the interrupt aint too much on the dps, and done right you wont be casting that much with lightning, its highly mobile. Neither can you be interrupted under polarity shift. Stun locks and focus are a lot more likely to happen. Also, you have a 30 sec rate limit on GC. So yes, UV is used more often, sadly enough. And no, its not worth it to make "dark heal" an instant heal. most of your heal are going to come from UP (which I just reduced the cooldown on by roughly 15%) and resurgence. You also have to "use" a gcd to get another, so its very often a dps or hps loss to do so. The fact you do not understand that, and the fact you do not understand the MASSIVE importance of force mobility is extremely worrying in today's pvp, and a vast underestimation of how vital is kiting for you. I have no idea how you manage to even use GC without being globaled.
  22. used my normally dps sorc and figure, eh lets respec corruption and go in a wz! Haven't healed with corruption since DvL event. Casually pull 7k hps and kite around 2 of the hardest hitting merc on the server, bring back from brink of death someone in 3 gcd.
  23. If there are so OP, then by all mean actually roll a lightning sorc come and do yolos. Everything you listed btw, are things availaible baseline to sniper and merc, or they can similarly spec into it. The overload root is in the heroic tier, which is a very precious utility point for that it does. Sniper gets it baseline, and 360 rather than 120ish degrees. Similarly merc have a disengage, very good kiting capabilities as well. Sniper got a lot of new survivability from 4.0 to 5.0, the fact you say it "hasn't changed" only proves to me you have very little clue about what you are talking about, and mostly you are crying so that your FOTM re-roll stays like that. But, heals on rolls, massive DR and heals on Shield. Yah. It makes a difference. More proof you have no clue. Lightning has a few more build it root and slow, and a minor perma 30% can be specced on via affliction. Now, coming from someone defending sniper, you are attacking sorc on something they have more than any other classes. No class has even close to the ammount and magnitude of snares and KB sniper has. None. and force slow itself is relatively mild. 50% slow pretty baseline, and single target. But obviously, if you compare a sniper with 0 utilities with a sorc that has miraculously managed to find 24 utility points and took everything I guess sorc looks pretty dank Seriously, go back in WZ, and play a few more classes than your FOTM merc and sniper. Play some operatives, sorc, jug mara and dps sorc. You'll have a much better overall vision. It is clear to me you are comparing 2 sheet of paper with actually 0 experience at playing the class. I don't think anyone else ever with a straight face said that because sorc has 600 force, its better than sniper with 100 energy.
  24. While it does need some loving, its not as much as you'd think. I'm currently successful enough doing Lightning in yolos, and I have a decent rep for it on my server. I'm extremely hard to kill, and focusing me while reducing my dps doesnt reduce it to the point I'm totally worthless. Careful use of your heal, DR, medpack and escapes can make you a lot better than you'd think. With the cleave dps, I've sustained over 6k a few rounds without force storm fluffing. I'd be curious as what are "the proper utility points" you are using tough. But for lightning bumb burst/damage up a bit (for madness, bump the pressure up a lot) and give baseline to lightning shifting silhouette as it is, minus the cd reduction, and to madness give it with a 30% DR and 30% extra healing received direct or from health steal. This will make one escape a possible offensive move, and keep thing roughly balanced I think. And obviously, if you use it to "escape" melee range focus, you cannot use it again to escape to LoS heal up. As for the legendary utility, have it so it decrease the cooldown by 15 seconds of Phase Walk still, and add either a max activation distance bonus or something like that. Tbh, since no one runs it or nearly, it doesnt matter much. Also, just fixing net by having it slap a debuff so a same target cannot be net more than once a minute or so would fix a lot of merc stacking issues. Altough, once it get batnerfed, maybe "merc stack" won't happen again.
  25. You need another sniper with diversion nearby ya. Same for a fury marauder that does it right btw. the window to do so is smaller, but they can pull it off easily, and if you whitebar a sorc or merc as well, they'll pull it off.
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