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Everything posted by Melacon

  1. With rocket boost thingy coming with legacy in 1.2, everyone will be able to jump the gap!
  2. Performance issues.... That's what is the limiting factor here. They can't do mass pvp, they can't do chat bubbles (see dev post on performance issues with them), they can't do public combat logs, all due to performance issues. Maybe when they iron those out, we can start seeing some cooler stuff being added.
  3. People have received these titles on almost 5 hour clears, people have not received these titles on hour clears.....this crap is broke and the titles mean nothing.
  4. I think they don't have public logs because of performance issues honestly. The game has problems enough rendoring more than 10 people, or even spamming an ability you can't use (watch fps when spamming red text), can you imagine it trying to capture every ability going on around you? But you are right, we started bringing some pugs to raids to get others some gear since we are bored and they all say "Oh ya, im good to go!" Replace two dps with these guys and hit enrage timers which we haven't seen in 2 months, so now we just pug one guy a raid to make sure we aren't wasteing time. Would be nice to at least be able to evaluate people and help them instead of saying "well, with you we hit enrage timer and cost everyone 25k, without you we make it, l2p"
  5. They have been dancing around all the questions...I don't understand why it is so hard to just answer a question with a straight forward answer. Will the champion gear we are wearing now, with mods changed out or not, be downgraded or effected in anyway when 1.2 hits?
  6. What the hell are they doing? XP stims and mulitple ways to get comm's to buy endgame loot......they think people are bored now, 1.3 better be in June
  7. Yep, it sure its. Some day you will have to except that if a game doesn't come out better than wow, it never will be, unfortunately
  8. You do realize that when WOW came out, MMO's were no where near as mainstream as they are now. WOW made it capable for mmo's that suck today to still get 2 million subs off the bat due to hype. Just look at the new IPAD for an example.
  9. Sigh I raid two nights a week, rarely play everyday. Guess I'm hardcore eh? You probably spend more time in game pulling your pud watching the holodancer right? My post was not a casual rant, but an endgame rant....endgame brings players into the game, stories and dailies do not, simple as that. If you have problems understanding that, look at any other mmo that actually has more than 200k players.
  10. I agree you can't please everyone, that's why it would give BW much respect if they just talked to us on what their intentions were.. Do they want a very casual game where everyone is on equal ground and is able to progress? Or do they want a game with linear progression that requires thought and time invested? It's their game, they can do what they want, but I feel all the hush hush is to keep people around until they figure out they don't like it
  11. Let's just hope they don't nerf it, and ntm, it will only be a matter of time before they do so 8 man guilds can do it also...just a thought but it drops raid equivalent loot (146) and gives a nice buff that all will want access too. And we have seen that trend before But who knows, it may be doable with 8 once wearing the new gear.
  12. What? It's sideways because you have no proof of it otherwise? There hasn't been a successful mmo that hasn't including raiding/PVP as it's endgame, the non raiders aren't going anywhere....that's what you fail to see, it's the raidersPVP'ers that leave the game, bad mouth it, and causes no one else to come play with you. Non-raiders may subsidize, but raiders keep people playing....it's simple logic, and every mmo has been an example of it, no proper endgame = not successful, proper endgame = successful with people like you complaining for personnel progression but still paying your fee.
  13. But you won't stop playing, that's the kicker. Raiders and pvp'ers will quit if those to avenues aren't that great, thus, no hype is driven towards the game at all. Now people will not join the game because there is nothing to look forward to. And I'm not referring to casuals, hell, I only raid 2 nights a week but when I do, I take it seriously. A game will survive with griping people who don't like endgame, but it won't survive with no endgame. It's been proven over and over again.
  14. huh? You know what, your right. Let's lose 40% of the roughly 1000 people on my server. My foot will remain in my mouth until someone makes a successful mmo that doesn't have raiding in it, and if it's out there all ready, feel free to enlighten me. Plus, a lot of raiders probably have more than one level 50 character, therefore making that precentage lower than what it should be. So yes, take away raids and your left with a not so good game with not so many people playing it.
  15. For those old schoolers, remember in old EQ when you saw some Shaman or Ranger standing around with his epic? OMG, that's the single memory that drove me to want to play a game and be good at it. Now I guess I'm just suppose to let my companion kill for me while a watch tv and scratch my butt and buy the best gear from a vendor. Sad Sad Sad
  16. Didn't read the rest of your post but that's not exactly the same.... If it were the same, Rakata would be accessible from dailies and HM FPs and NMs now would drop higher level tier. Dailies net you the same gear as HM, that is not the case now.
  17. Ok then Give me an example of an mmo that is mostly solo content that is also mainstream and successful? In fact, name one mmo that is considered successful that doesn't have end game raiding? That's all I ask
  18. You won't be seeing much of anything after this patch
  19. And the solo gamer's do not promote your mmo, your competitive raid and pvp crowds do. It's pretty clear they have kotor 3 as a goal in mind for this game, so be it.
  20. And you are the ones left over when the game fails and complaining the devs don't produce any more content for you to afk through.
  21. Right on....we just need one developer to just bite the bullet and make an actual good game and be happy with 500k subs instead of this treadmill of crap being produced lately.
  22. Appeasing the masses is what is keeping them the few subscribers they have, oh wait, forgot there are 1.7 million people playing some where, just not on my server that's for sure.
  23. I don't disagree, but you shouldn't have any problems keeping trickshot on cd as is. And yes, you will be able to get off a few charged bolts with this talent, especially, with the xtra regen, you can even pop out of cover and back in for instant CB because you won't need the extra regen during the cast time. My only argument is that it isn't game changing at all and probably won't be an argueable difference. But meh, a buff is a buff, just not sure if it's worth 3 points, will have to see how it turns out, time will tell now that we will be able to parse. If it actually makes SS that much better, then by all means I have no problems admitting it and will spec into the talent. I'm very curious how the new gunnery for commandos works out vs SS also. I think people will be surprised at how much damage good commandos do, even after the slight nerf.
  24. I just find it funny they are nerfing your ae threat but buffing your single target threat when ae threat was/is the issue lol
  25. No, it's not a game changer........I rarely...ever...use....flurry of bolts on raids unless I'm spamming XS on cd, the new talent is still not necessary. Check your tool tips and tell me how much more dmg charged burst is over flurry..I'm sure it will make a HUGE difference /sarcasm
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