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Everything posted by OfficerDonNZ

  1. Ah yes "Non-Force Users." We've dismissed that claim. That's how the quote should have gone
  2. I'm with Luna on this. Meh, boring. And it's Disney Wars so don't care at all.
  3. I can relate. Nathrrya's backstory has evolved over a period of time and has become rather complicated as a result. I really should sit down and write it up in more detail. I do have a rough history written up but it does need some work.
  4. I've been doing the same thing with my SW Though once she hit 70 I kind of lost the will. I'm slowly getting back to it. If I ever write Nathrrya's misadventures through TOR is another matter. I'd like to but I'm a really slow writer that and I have to finish her misadventures through the prequels
  5. Interesting. I might have to take Jasea along I'm trying hard to find the motivation to continue with my level 70 Nat who's almost at the end of chapter 1 but the GC grind is really off putting. I'm actually starting to wonder if I quit TOR and go play ESO full time as that's far more appealing. There's also plenty of content there to keep me busy for years at the speed I play. I'm not going anywhere just yet
  6. A solo experience server? I'd be all over that faster than you can say Galactic Command Though I can't see that realistically happening. Would be nice.
  7. I was being sarcastic though it's sadly not obvious. I dare say you're a very good person. But as a soloer I saw your post and saw red I'm afraid. Being told to group drives me up the freaking wall and your post hit all my buttons. That said I do get your point. I was doing something on Tatooine and waiting for a boss to spawn along came someone else and we grouped to kill it once it spawned then when our separate ways.
  8. ::Facepalm:: I keep forgetting sarcasm isn't obvious on a forum.
  9. Yikes, Luna that sounds awful! I've been lucky I've never had that happen to me with any of my female toons. Though I was once invited to an all female guild, now that was awkward for obvious reasons!
  10. No, really? I'd never have worked that one out if you hadn't been so kind as to point it out to me. As for grouping some people simply don't want to or have other reasons why they can't. Your attitude in your post gives MMO players in general a bad name and you're also admitting you're part on the ninja problem I bet you feel real superior now don't you.
  11. Chapter 3 -- Time Displaced _________ Tara and Nathrrya were alone in the silence of the medbay but their minds were far from quiet. Only a few short minutes ago they were told they had somehow survived a four thousand-year stint in carbonite. While the scientists were trying to figure it out the girls knew that somehow the Force had kept them alive. They just didn't know why. After an additional fifteen minutes of silence Tara broke it. "So, are you going to say it or am I?" "Say what, Tara?" Nathrrya was confused. "You know what." Oh… right. "I'm… not sure I want to just yet." Nathrrya took a deep breath and looked out of the only window in the room as the vast expanse of space before her. It looked so much bigger and so much more empty than it did on the bridge of Marr's ship. It's the same galaxy, but it's not is it? She thought. Nathrrya needed to concentrate on something else. "We need a plan," she said, turning to Tara. "We're obviously in a new galaxy so we need to learn the rules. And part of it, unless we wanna be kriffed, is we need to re-establish ourselves." "Nat, are you serious?" Finally Tara stood from her cot and walked up to the other woman. "We're kriffed either way. We don't have any weapons, we have no belongings, nothing to our names but our names and we'll be lucky if they mean anything now. Think about it - four thousand years. If it was four hundred I can see us getting away with it. But, spast… our history might not exist anymore." She was right and Nathrrya knew it. She closed her eyes and opened her mind to the Force and felt around to see what was actually there. Just like Tara had explained earlier there was an overwhelming sense of darkness and a complete imbalance in the Force. There was no denying it at this point and the feeling created an uneasy agitation within her. Nathrrya wanted to try and make some sense of it so she did what she thought would be best to do at the time: She shrank her own Force signature to almost nothing so she could snoop around. Tara shuddered a little when she felt it. Their history together was enough to remind Tara of the tactics and strategies that Nathrrya would incorporate into any investigation. The stars knew that Nathrrya was good at what she did and she had the training and experience needed in order to do whatever she wanted… within reason. Tara was powerful for her age and she was told it was due to the circumstances of her birth and who her mother had been. Tara had been bitter about it - she still is - but at this point her mother wasn't a mom and never was. As for what Nathrrya was doing, Tara was sure she could do it as well but she had no interest in hiding her presence. He was never one for stealth even though her mother had been the best assassin the Sith Empire ever had. "What did you find?" she asked. Nathrrya sat on the cot next to Tara and ungracefully fel backwards, the action making her red hair sprawl into a halo around her head on the mattress. What did she find? A very messed up situation. "This so-called Emperor wasn't encouraging," she mumbled. "I've known better Sith in our time but he seems very scared and erratic. He probably sensed me but couldn't tell since I'm hiding my signature. I would like it if you could avoid being around him, though. The amount of Dark Side energy surrounding him could be enough to tip you over the edge again." That made Tara stop and take a deep, deep breath at what Nathrrya said. Only once had she dipped so far into the Dark Side that she had almost lost her way back. Tara and Nathrrya knew that Tara would need some kind of trigger to begin her decent and while Tara had trained and meditated for weeks to learn to control this, it was still there and the button could be pushed. It would be harder to push now than it was in the beginning. Tara had a rule to be her own keeper and make her own decisions but she would listen to Nathrrya on this one. "What else?" she pressed. "There had to be more." "There was another signature near the Emperor. Not sure it's an apprentice or someone who's trying to be Sith but it's held back - suppressed - and it's clear that the Emperor is holding it back. There is potential there and it might be an ally if we play our cards right. "There was another one. It's moving quickly so this has to be this Vader who's coming to pay us a visit. There is another signature with him, much less suppressed that the former I told you about. Possibly another apprentice. There is a lot of pain there on first sensation but I didn't want to push too hard yet." Tara turned to Nathrrya and looked at her. "Any Jedi?" The redhead frowned. Nathrrya had scoured the galaxy and found almost no trace of anything so much as resembling a Jedi in the fullest sense. She suspected she may have found traces of remaining Jedi, or potential Jedi in the case of two younger beings. This worried her - how had the Jedi been reduced to almost nothing. "I don't like your silence," Tara said, also frowning. She didn't push it any further since the silence gave her the answer, as unpalatable as it was. Tara was Sith to the bone, but she'd worked with a number of noble Jedi for the same cause when the battle on Yavin occurred in their attempt to end Vitiate's tyranny. She grew to respect them. "Well, you're going to meet the Emperor then?" "Yeah. Not much of a choice, really. Until we know what we're dealing with we need to lay low and learn the rules. I'll get a better gauge of this Emperor when I meet him. Then I'll know what we need to do." ----- Once the vessel had landed in the docking bay, Darth Vader strode down the ramp of his personal Lambda-class shuttle with his apprentice, Starkiller, right behind him. Both men were greeted by Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Gilad Pellaeon, both of them saluting Vader as he approached the pair. "Ah, Lord Vader. I suspected that the Emperor would send you personally. Our guests are in Medbay One." "Medbay, Grand Admiral?" Vader looked at the Chiss through the visor of his helmet and observed the alien's rather relaxed facial tone. "Yes, my Lord," Captain Pellaeon chimed in. "Both women are still recovering from prolonged hibernation sickness. Our Chief Medical Officer thought it best that they recover in the comfort of the medbay rather than the confines of a holding cell. He also thought it would garner more cooperation from them as well." Vader turned his attention back to Thrawn. "And has this tactic done as much?" "They've not been hostile," Thrawn said, moving to clasp his hands behind his back formally. "From what I have been able to observe of them since their awakening I agree with the decision that the medbay was a more preferable location for them - under strict supervision." There was a moment of consideration when Starkiller stepped forward from behind his master. "There seems to be more to what you want to say, Grand Admiral. Care to share?" Both Starkiller and Vader new that any impression the Chiss had of others was usually more accurate than not. "Indeed. When their carbonite blocks were brought aboard I had the chance to study their forms and that of what they were wearing. Once they were released I had their garments and other personal items cleaned and reviewed." As the group exited the hanger bay Thrawn went into more detail. "The older woman wore finely tailored robes that bore an ornate seal on the left breast. I believe it to be some insignia of rank or house affiliation. I have someone on the records to locate the meaning in the records." "I heard there were weapons on their persons?" "Yes," Thrawn confirmed. "She was found with both the hilt of a lightsaber - single-handed - as well as a blaster pistol." Vader stopped and turned towards the Grand Admiral. "A blaster pistol? That's unusual for a Force user. I've never heard of one openly carrying one along with a lightsaber." "It was also custom built," Thrawn added. "Very sophisticated, very ornate. It is uncertain on if it was merely decoration or if it was active and usable. My team is working on it now." Vader considered this for a moment. "What of the second woman?" "Significantly younger than her companion and base DNA testing shows no familial connections, just to prove their claims of being master and apprentice. This one had more practical combat armor but it was no less meticulously crafted to her personal needs and size. She, too, had a lightsaber that is double-bladed." Lord Vader took all of the information in before nodding. Thrawn was very specific in his research and never overlooked a detail. "The Emperor is more interested in the younger woman. What more can you tell me from your preliminary checks on her?" "She is approximately one-point-seven meters tall and fifty-seven kilograms. Her muscle tone is balanced with her average height and weight and the muscles in her arms and legs indicate strength and agility. "She is also very quick to temper," Thrawn included, recalling the verbal brandings the red head would have to inflict on the brunette now and again. "The older woman has control of her and she listens to the redhead more than anyone else." "Very well, Grand Admiral. I believe I shall go and meet them now. They are to be taken before the Emperor on Coruscant." "A word of warning, Lord Vader," Captain Pelleaon said. "If I were you I would play nice. The girls recently learned of how long they had been frozen. They are attempting to acclimate still." Starkiller looked at his master. Vader was never one to take advice from anyone else but from the way Vader didn't react to the warning, perhaps his master was considering it. "Thank you, Captain." ----- "Considering you can't feel any Jedi, or small amounts of Jedi, it makes me wonder if there is even any kind of Republic anymore." Nathrrya was still lying on the cot as Tara got up to walk around. She never liked being inactive and when her meditation bothered her she went and ran around wherever she happened to be at the time. Having been with her husband as long as she had she learned that inactivity was a leech on your existence. But she was trapped in a medbay with armed guards outside. Nathrrya discouraged her from causing trouble so she settled herself with pacing the room and looking out of the window every time she passed by it. "Damn good question," Nathrrya said, her eyes closed. She was going to say something more but she didn't want to. "Spast, couldn't they give us something that actually fits? This makes me look thin and malnourished." "Because you are thin and malnourished, Tara." "Am not. I'm perfect." Nathrrya chuckled but the sound was choked silent when she felt a shift. She sat up immediately and even Tara turned towards the door. "We've got company." The door opened and Dr. Lokin came in with a couple of containers. He put them down on the nearby medical table and patted the top. "Here you go, ladies. Fresh from the cleaners. Everything here was in surprisingly good condition except for any of the metal or mechanical properties. They disintegrated rapidly as soon as they came out of the carbonite." "What about our lightsabers?" Tara asked, coming to grab the container with her name on it. She opened the lid and peered inside and her heart sank. "Oh…" She reached in and pulled out a clear bag with the remnants of what would have been her lightsaber hilt. It was destroyed beyond repair. "This will take weeks to rebuild…" "We'll put that on our to-do list, right after we find out what the hell is going on.'" Nathrrya muttered as she pulled out the bag with her own weapon. Within the bag was another one with the remains of the emblem of her house crest. "Spast…" "Until you're cleared you won't be given any weapons." Grand Admiral Thrawn came back into the medical room and addressed the two women with a slight bow. "Lord Vader and his apprentice are here to see you and he isn't one to be kept waiting. He answers directly to the Emperor." "A lightsaber is more than just a weapon, Admiral." Nathrrya said looking the Chiss in the eyes. "A Force user is never truly weaponless." Chew on that, she thought with dark amusement. Nathrrya thought it prudent to remind the man that while they lacked their weapons of choice they were anything but defenseless. "We'll see him when we're ready," Tara snapped. For whatever reason the Grand Admiral rubbed her the wrong way, and not just because he was Chiss. Her sister worked with the Chiss enough to have contacts all over the galaxy and it was a regular thing. But this Chiss… Tara wasn't having it. "Calm yourself, Tara. It's not like we're in a position to decline anyway." Well they could but there was little point. "This is very true." All parties in the room turned towards the door where a large, black-clad figure stood wearing a mask. The man was bulky and the mechanical suit he wore covered him from head to toe. Just behind him was a younger man with tanned skin, dark eyes and dark hair cut very close to his scalp. He wasn't so much stocky as he was well fit physically. Both Tara and Nathrrya could feel his power in the Force, but it was suppressed to a degree. The larger figure, very obviously this Vader the Grand Admiral had mentioned, was shrouded in Dark Side energy and it was masking an oppressive level of pain and suffering. Without thinking about it Nathrrya took a protective step towards Tara when she saw the younger woman shiver from the energy radiating from the man. Tara's quiet, but deep, breath comforted Nathrrya knowing she was trying to maintain her stability. "I'm warning you right now, reduce your Force energy. I will not allow that near my apprentice in her current state." When nothing happened Nathrrya growled, tightened her fists and flashed her yellow Sith eyes. The man in the mask only regarded her from behind his visor. "I am Darth Vader," he said, his deep mechanical voice almost echoing in the room. "This is my apprentice, Starkiller. My master was correct in his estimations of your power in the Force and I can sense the strength in your apprentice as well. I am to bring you both before him. You will either come willingly or you will taken by force." "Back off buckethead!" Tara hissed. "We aren't going anywhere until we get some kriffing answers!" "Watch your tone, delinquent. You're addressing a Sith master!" "Shut up Sparklestar, I wasn't talking to you!" "Enough Tara!" Nathrrya turned to the younger woman with her eyes blazing and gave her apprentice a small Force push. Tara's body went heavy and she fell back against the wall briefly until she regained her control over her temper. Nathrrya flashed a smirk at her apprentice before turning back around. "I apologize for my apprentice," she said. "But she does make a valid point, even if it was improperly communicated. You most likely know our circumstances but we are not going anywhere and we will not be presented to anyone until we get some more information." "We merely wish to speak to you," Thrawn said, maintaining his matter-of-fact calmness. "There is much we don't know and surely more you don't. We can assist each other." "Thank you, Grand Admiral, but what you say is different from what he said. While I trust you more than I can him it doesn't change the fact that we are not moving from thi location and you all can leave us alone." "You are in no position to make any such demands," Vader said. "You are within the boundaries of the Empire and thus are subject to its laws, as is your apprentice through association. As you both are of considerable Force sensitivity I am to bring you both before our Emperor." Lord Vader sensed a shift in the Force signature of the red headed woman. Around him there was a blast of energy which caused Starkiller, the Grand Admiral and Doctor Lokin to all go flying and be pinned against the walls of the medbay. The thick glass of the kolto tank within the room began to show the beginnings of spider web fractures. Vader's own strength in the Force counteracted that of Nathrrya's attack and was able to remain standing where he was. Only his cloak moved while the other three were pinned to the wall. Nathrrya took several threatening steps towards Lord Vader, her eyes now solidly yellow, but the larger man did not move or sway. "Listen, my apprentice and I have been released from a frozen prison after four thousand years. If you haven't figured it out, we are in a very bad mood. The last thing you want to do is push either of us around, because trust me, we can kick your *** royally one-on-one and weaponless. Imagine what we could do to you if we worked together. Bottom line, you will regret it." After a moment staring into the blank eyes of Lord Vader's mask she finally backed away and released her hold on the other three souls in the room. The Grand Admiral and doctor lost their balance and had a bout of vertigo while Starkiller was on his feet and ready to tackle the woman head on. He was ready to teach her a lesson. Vader reached out an arm to stop his apprentice's progression towards the other two. You will be defeated, apprentice, Vader said. She is much too strong for you. Witness what just occurred and stand down. You are no use to me dead. Starkiller looked up at the mask of his master and frowned, but he eventually backed off. The interaction was familiar to Nathrrya as she will oftentimes engage in the same form of mental communication with Tara. Eventually Starkiller backed away. While his master and the redhead continued their debate he allowed his eyes to wander over to the dark haired woman behind the other. He watched her for a while, observing the way she stood, the way she shifted from one foot to another as she observed her own master before her gaze eventually moved and met his. Despite his quick disposition Tara was surprised by the amount of control the man had that she found within his eyes. As she nudged the edge of his Force signature with her own she felt him pull back. She cocked her head ever so slightly and pushed a little more but this time he hit back, causing her to withdraw. He looked uncomfortable and a little perturbed by her actions but it seemed to dawn on him that she wasn't threatening. "Okay, listen," Nathrrya finally said. "I'll come and see your Emperor but my apprentice stays behind. That's the final offer, so take it or leave it." Nathrrya stood her ground and didn't relent as Vader considered the woman through the visor of his mask. Eventually he would have to relent - he saw the power the red head had and he'd yet to see the strength of the younger brunette. Should both of them decide to attack the ensuing battle would be devastating to the ship and would be more of a waste of time than anything else. "Very well. Come, Starkiller." The two women watched as Darth Vader and his apprentice left the medical room followed closely by Dr. Lokin. Grand Admiral Thrawn stayed behind briefly as if he was going to say something but thought better of it. The look on the Chiss' face wasn't lost on Nathrrya or Tara. Thrawn turned and eventually followed the other men out of the room. Just before the door closed, Nathrrya caught the Admiral speaking to his navigator over their com system to make course for the Imperial Center. Nathrrya looked at Tara. "I guess we're going to Coruscant."
  12. Very cool. Yes it could do with a coat of satin or matt varnish of some sort, though most tend to yellow with age so try and find a finish that doesn't. Also some light weathering wouldn't hurt ether like paint chips, scuffs that kind of thing.
  13. Very cool, I can see why you'd go for something professionally made. The price made my eyes water. though considering what I'm spending on Bandai's 1/72 Millennium Falcon I can't talk.
  14. Impressive stuff. The question is though have you made a helmet? Can't be a true Mando without the tin lid Won't be easy.
  15. Looks good Luna! I've never really been one for decorating strongholds, hell I just have the two capital world SH's and that's that. Nice to see what people do with them though.
  16. Indeed she is! Well worth the money spent.
  17. Here's another commission by the wonderful Kaana Moonshadow I've had done it shows my Sith Warrior, Nathrrya along with a friends Sith Warrior, Tara. Nat and Tara ready to kick butt and chew bubblegum but they’re all out of bubblegum
  18. AureliaSulis and I bumped into each other so I've got all her toons in both guilds, once I figured out how to invite someone, talk about an awkward long pause
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