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Everything posted by OfficerDonNZ

  1. Chapter 21 -- Holocrons of the Past ____________ The return trip to Coruscant aboard the chancellor’s cruiser had been uneventful. The ship entered the system and was travelling at full sub-light speed so it would be several more hours before they landed on the city planet. Nathrrya sat thinking about what would await herself and the four Jedi once they returned to the temple. From how Master Windu had described the tremor in the Force, when she’d killed Darth Maul, the entirety of the Jedi Order had felt her return. However, what really occupied her thoughts was what Master Yoda has said to her shortly after they’d left Naboo... “Offer I have, Nathrrya." Nathrrya raised her eyebrows. "I'm listening Master Yoda." "Rank of Master, offer you, do I." Nathrrya blinked, her mind had come to a halt at Yoda’s words. She was certain her expression was like that of both Qui-Gon and Obi- Wan; one of incredulous shock and surprise. What the kriffing hell had just happened. “With all due respect Master Yoda but have you taken leave of your senses?” the Sith asked at last. Yoda chuckled but didn’t seem fazed. “Old I may be; senile, I am not.” “I am Sith. There is no place for someone like me among the Jedi. If you think I’ll become a Jedi, you’ll be sadly disappointed.” Nathrrya said. “I may respect the Jedi and what they stand for, however, my views and opinions of the order, as you might expect, differ strongly.” She bit her bottom lip as she thought of what else she wanted to say. “I am content with my life, I know who I am, what I stand for and where I come from. Something my cousin always respected and understood.” Yoda nodded his understanding “Expect you to change I do not.” Everyone was silent as all eyes fell upon Nathrrya. Leaning back, she crossed her arms and said nothing, lost in her own thoughts. No one made a sound as they awaited her response. The quiet stretched on for what seemed like an eternity before the spell was broken. “Interesting...” Nathrrya commented, looking directly at Yoda, “My vision makes a little more sense now.” “What kind of vision?” Master Windu asked. “I saw myself wearing my formal Sith robes, black and grey with the seal of House Palatine,” she explained “I was standing next to Master Yoda and next to me was Obi-Wan, but older and with a full beard. In front of him stood Anakin, but he was much older. I believe it was his Knighting ceremony.” Yoda smiled and nodded “Similar vision had I.” She had not accepted Yoda’s offer, instead choosing to meditate upon it. She could see the benefit, if only as a cover story, but she realised she needed to be free of the shackles of the Jedi Council if she ever wanted to find Sidious and build enough of a power base to challenge him effectively. As tempting as the offer may have been she wouldn’t accept. If Nathrrya were honest with herself, she’d be far happier starting her own order where she got to set the rules but that presented a totally different set of problems. She looked up at the sound of footsteps to see Qui-Gon with two cups in hand, one of which he offered as he sat across from her. “Thought you’d like a cup of tea.” He said by way of explanation. “Thank you Qui-Gon.” the Sith replied as she took the offered drink “I suspect there is more to this than simply being sociable.” The Jedi master smiled slightly at the woman’s perceptiveness. “There is. I do not wish to sound presumptuous but just what are your intentions towards Obi-Wan?” Nathrrya had her cup half way to her lips, pausing before she took a sip before placing the cup down in front of her. “I’m actually surprised it’s taken you this long to ask me that question.” She admitted. “If you’re worried about me trying to turn him to the Dark Side then you needn’t be. In the short time I’ve known him, it’s clear to me Obi-Wan is devoted to the Jedi and has his sights set on passing his trials to become a full Jedi Knight. That’s something I have no desire to interfere with.” Nathrrya took another drink as she knew full well the Jedi Master’s question had more than one meaning “Now if you’re talking about being more than friends, all I’ll say is thank the Force I’m not bound by some outdated, no attachment rule.” She looked Qui-Gon in the eyes “And you Jedi aren’t forced to be celibate, so if Obi-Wan ever offered to take me to bed, I wouldn’t say no.” She smiled seductively “In fact I’d take great pleasure in showing him just how passionate a Sith can be.” Qui-Gon’s mouth fell open. He certainly hadn’t expected her to say that. “Are you saying you’d seduce my padawan?” Nathrrya nodded smirking. “It sounds that way, from a certain point of view. However, if I’m right about Obi-Wan, then he wouldn’t just ask any woman to share his bed. When he does, it will be with someone he’s truly in love with. That woman is going to be a very lucky lady.” The Jedi master frowned “And what makes you so certain?” “My own experience.” Nathrrya said “I was Obi-Wan’s age once and would have made quite the catch too. However, all the suitors I had were single minded. They only wanted my family’s influence, power and wealth. I was a means to an end, an afterthought. I wanted nothing to do with any of them. I preferred to study starship engineering and later, concentrate on my Force training. It wasn’t until I met the then Lieutenant Malavai Quinn on Balmorra that I thought I might have found someone for me.” “And had you?” Qui-Gon couldn’t help but ask. Nathrrya smiled softly her eyes shining “Yes. As it turned out I had. Quinn didn’t care about my family’s name or all the wealth and lands that would one day be mine. He loved me for me, with him I could be Nathrrya the woman not Nathrrya the Sith. I will never forget the first time we shared my bed. The expression on Quinn’s face when he realised that I was a virgin and he’d get to claim my womanhood was priceless.” Her smile faded “But that’s all in the past now, nothing more than a fond memory. Will I be lucky enough to find someone like that a second time? I can’t answer that Qui-Gon.” _____ Almost as soon as Nathrrya and the four Jedi entered the temple she felt the change within the building. The tension and uncertainty was thick enough you could cut it with a lightsabre. But there was something else under the surface, something she hadn’t felt until now. Something dark, familiar and welcoming. The woman frowned. A source of Dark Side power within the Jedi Temple? It couldn’t possibly be just a collection of Sith holocrons and artefacts, it was too strong and well entrenched for that. It felt as if it was part of the very fabric of the building. Nathrrya sighed. She could see a long session in mediation to solve this latest mystery. She bid the four Jedi farewell and promised to meet with Master Yoda later. As she walked through the temple to her room, she noticed with amusement that most Jedi studiously ignored her, though a few were brave enough to make eye contact. To those individuals, she nodded a simple greeting. It was not until she reached the hallway where her room was located that she had an unusual encounter. Standing at the intersection was a young Togruta girl, no more than four years of age and on the verge of panicking. “You seem lost young one.” Nathrrya said gently as not to spook the child. Ahsoka Tano whirled round to face the voice, her head tails waving widely as she did so. The young girl’s eyes went wide with recognition for here was the mysterious woman from her vision. Could it really be her? She wanted to reach out and touch her, just to be sure. Both heard hurried footsteps from the opposite direction as another Jedi came into view. The look on the older Jedi’s face was one of relief when he saw the girl. “Ahsoka, there you are! I thought I had lost you. Come along child.” Ahsoka smiled briefly at the red-haired woman before running off after her crèche master. Nathrrya watched the girl disappear down the hallway; a puzzled expression on her face. “Strange, she acted as if she recognised me...” the Sith shrugged as she turned down the hallway to her room. _____ Obi-Wan found himself walking through the Room of a Thousand Fountains, trying to clear his mind. He was failing. He massaged his temples feeling lightheaded. The padawan realised he was having a vision. He saw himself clearly, he was older for he had quite the impressive beard and no Padawan braid. What really surprised and shocked him was that Nathrrya was in his vision and she looked uncomfortable and very pregnant. The vision soon ended and the young Jedi didn’t know what to make of it. He stood there contemplating what he’d seen remembering that he’d been taught the future was always in motion. The obvious implication was that he was the unborn child’s father and despite himself, Obi-Wan smiled, for he knew how much family meant to Nathrrya. It made him wonder about the nature of his relationship with the Sith woman. A sudden realisation dawned upon him; though he had quite clearly aged, Nathrrya seemingly, had not. How in the Force was that possible? He was brought out of his musings when he heard his name being called. Turning he saw Siri and Bant hurrying towards him. “Obi-Wan you’re safe!” Siri cried before doing something very un-Jedi like. She hugged him. “Why wouldn’t I be safe?” Obi-Wan asked clearly confused as he accepted the gesture. Seeing the concerned look in Bant’s eyes he had a bad feeling about this. “Because of her.” Siri said looking around “Where is she anyway?” Obi-Wan sighed, his bad feeling being well founded. “Siri are you... jealous of Nathrrya?” he asked concerned for the younger padawan. The blonde never made eye contact but nodded “Maybe... a little. I don’t know why I feel this way.” “I think we both know why.” Obi-Wan replied gently. Siri clearly held strong feelings for him but what was it about Nathrrya that was making Siri act this way? He knew the answer as soon as he asked himself, Nathrrya was a very attractive woman. You would need to be blind, not into women or Master Yoda, not to notice. The realisation that the twenty-three-year-old padawan was jealous of the forty-two-year-old master because of the way she looked? It was quite amusing. However, it did give Obi-Wan a very unorthodox idea on how to deal with Siri’s jealousy. He would need to talk to Nathrrya about the truly outrageous plan he started forming. “Last I saw, she was in the company of Masters Windu and Yoda. They were going to discuss Yoda’s proposal I believe.” Obi-Wan said. Siri looked up confused “What proposal?” “Master Yoda offered Nathrrya a place in the Order.” Bant and Siri looked wide eyed at Obi-Wan for both women were having trouble possessing the idea but for very different reasons. “Has the little green troll lost his mind?” Siri asked at last. “A Sith in the Jedi Order?” Obi-Wan chuckled. “That’s what Nathrrya said. I do not believe that Master Yoda has lost his mind for he was deadly serious. Nathrrya has lost everything she knew, the people she loved and cared about. The Jedi Order is the only vaguely familiar thing left to her in this new galaxy she finds herself in.” He looked intently into Siri’s eyes “Besides would you rather that Nathrrya was out there doing her own thing or here where the Council can keep an eye on her?” Not that’d make much difference. The woman was too independent to be shackled by the Council; a little like his own master in that respect, only she was far more vocal about it. Siri nodded “I see your point but Nathrrya is a Sith, she won’t follow the code of the Jedi.” “You’re right Siri but Nathrrya understands and respects the order. If she accepts Yoda’s offer you’ll have to get used to calling her Master Nathrrya.” Obi-Wan said grinning, though he did not believe that Nathrrya would accept Yoda’s offer. “The Force must really hate me.” Siri grumbled. _____ Nathrrya pinched the bridge of her nose and let out an annoyed sigh. “What part of no don’t you understand?” she asked the two Jedi masters. The three of them were in Master Yoda’s quarters. “Accept, I had hoped,” Yoda said as his ears drooped. The woman smiled at the small green master’s way of speaking “I said I’d think about it and I have. I feel it’s not right.” She grimaced. “Then there are some of the Jedi’s practices that are frankly, out-dated.” “We understand Nathrrya.” Mace stated calmly. “I doubt that Master Windu.” The Sith replied bluntly. “You effectively kidnap newborns and deny them contact with their families. When they’re thirteen if a Master or Knight hasn’t taken them as an apprentice they’re shipped off to some planet in the back of beyond and forgotten about. Do you even realise how that makes the Jedi look?” Nathrrya snorted in disgust. “I’ve observed that the Jedi Order is shrinking in number. You have more Initiates than Masters and Knights.” “No different, the Sith were.” Yoda replied thumping his gamma sick on the floor for emphasis. “I beg to differ, I was there.” Nathrrya growled. “Some were taken young that’s true but the vast majority were much older.” She leaned back in her seat. “I know who my parents were. They loved me and I them. The last time I saw them was a week before I got frozen in carbonite.” Her voice was sad as were her eyes. Nathrrya could still clearly recall what would be her final visit as Jaesa had wanted to see her own parents who were employed by Nathrrya’s family. Baras would have been livid when he found out what had become of the Willsaam’s. Alive and well and under the protection of House Palatine. “Forbidden, attachments are.” Yoda said. Nathrrya buried her head in her hands and cursed colourfully in ancient high Sith before she took a breath, counted to ten, then glared at the small green Jedi master. “And that Master Yoda is where the Jedi belief is flawed. Attachments, friendships, relationships, romantic or otherwise, these are what keep society together and functioning. What keeps the civilised galaxy spinning without imploding or falling into chaos.” Nathrrya tried to explain. She smiled remembering something. “Revan and Bastila Shan, Satele Shan and Republic Corporal Jace Malcom. Four names and all have something in common. Both couples fell in love and had children and the most shocking thing of all... the Jedi Order is still here. There is nothing wrong with emotional attachments; quite the opposite in fact. They’re perfectly normal and the sooner the Jedi Order realises this, the better off you’ll all be.” “Grand Master Satele Shan never had any children.” Mace said flatly. Nathrrya grinned like a manka cat that had gotten the cream. “That’s where you‘re wrong Master Windu. She did have a child, a son born long before she became Grand Master. The reason I know this with any certainty is that I met him, even worked with him for a time. His name was Theron Shan and he was a Republic SIS agent and a damned good one. He knew the names of both his parents, who they were and the legacy he had running in his veins.” “Love leads to the Dark Side.” Yoda said ominously. The Sith let out a snort. “Living Force give me strength. I’m not sure if you’re not even listening to me or if you’re being stubborn for the sake of it!” Nathrrya cried letting her frustration show. “I’m going to tell you what I told Qui-Gon. Love doesn't lead to the Dark Side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled... but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love... that's what you should be teaching. But love itself can and will save you... not condemn you.” Nathrrya took a breath. “Love once saved me, stopped me from making a terrible mistake. Love prevented me from killing the man who betrayed me. If I had, I’d have killed a part of myself as well. Do you now understand?” Yoda nodded slowly “Understand I do. Follow the Living Force you do, not Unifying Force. Much like Qui-Gon you are.” Nathrrya blinked in surprise but then a look of understanding passed over her face and she started to chuckle. “That’s why the Force feels so out of balance. Like you, I had thought it was Sidious’s doing but he’s just a symptom. The real problem is the Jedi Order. You’ve spent far too long focusing on the Unifying Force that all but some of you have forgotten the importance of the Living Force.” She smiled for a moment. “The prophecy of the Chosen One... it was never about destroying the Sith but about bringing balance to the Force. Balance between the Living and Unifying Force and between the Light and Dark Side of the Force. Anakin is the physical manifestation of that.” _____ Nathrrya was in her room and had made herself some caff when the com unit on the desk chimed to get her attention. She wasn’t expecting any calls so she walked over and tapped the receive button, curious to see who it was. “Captain Panaka? To what do I owe this pleasure?” Nathrrya asked surprised to hear from the man. The captain smiled “You’ll be pleased to hear that we’ve found what we believe to be the assassin’s starship.” His holo image was replaced by that of craft about twenty-six meters in length with a bulbous cockpit/engine section at its rear with extra cooling fins protruding from the sides. “From what we can tell it’s a Star Courier originally built by Republic Sienar Systems but has been heavily modified. It’s got some tech we’ve never seen on a ship that small before.” Panaka’s image reappeared “Her Highness wants you to have it.” Nathrrya blinked in surprise “Well I’ll certainly not turn Her Highness down but I cannot see the Jedi allowing me to keep it.” The security captain grinned “Her Highness has already thought of a way around that. The ship’s transponder codes were unsurprisingly faked and the details lead nowhere. About the only thing not faked was the ship’s name, the Scimitar. However now it’s registered to the Royal House of Naboo and assigned as the personal vessel of the Hero of Naboo.” “Hero of Naboo?” the Sith asked. Panaka nodded “That would be you, Nathrrya. The story of your involvement with the invasion has become public knowledge, but your true origins are still only known to a select few. The people of Naboo owe you a great debt and her Highness hopes the gift of this ship will go some way to repaying that debt.” Nathrrya was stunned, she couldn’t think of a thing to say but having Sidious’ apprentices’ ship for herself? That really appealed to her inner Sith. The man would be furious when he found out. A playful smirk appeared on the woman’s face “If she’s truly going to be mine, Captain, then I’ve got to change the name.” Panaka smiled knowingly for he had suspected as much. “That’s easily done, Nathrrya. What will the new name be?” “The Indigo Rose.” ____ Jedi Master Yan Dooku would be lying if he didn’t feel... uncertain of what he was about to do. He had thought long and hard about approaching Nathrrya, the Jedi temple’s resident Sith Lord. And that was a concept many in the order were still finding hard to come to terms with. He now stood before the door to the room the woman had been assigned by the Council when she’d first appeared so suddenly weeks ago. Yan reached out and pressed the buzzer, there was no going back. _____ Nathrrya cursed when she heard the door chime. It’s going to be one of those days, isn’t it? “Looks like we’ll have to cut this short, Captain, there’s someone at my door.” “Then I won’t keep you Nathrrya. Ric Olie should be there within the next few days to drop off your new ship.” Panaka replied before his holo image faded out. The Sith walked over to answer the door and was mildly surprised to see a Jedi Master she didn’t recognise. She had been half expecting it to be Yoda or Mace Windu. Instead he was an older human with a well-kept bread and wearing very finely tailored robes that looked expensive. A cut above what you’d usually expect a Jedi to wear, it gave the man a very refined, eccentric air. Nathrrya’s interest in her unexpected guest had been piqued. “I am Master Yan Dooku and I believe you are acquainted with my former padawan Qui-Gon Jinn.” He introduced himself. “Indeed I am.” Nathrrya replied beckoning Dooku inside “However I suspect that is not the only reason for your visit Master Dooku.” He turned to face her. “You would correct, Nathrrya. As we are both Masters I think it more fitting we use our first names, so please call me Yan.” Nathrrya eyebrows rose in mild surprise but she had no issue with the request. “So why have you come to visit me Yan? Not many Jedi would willingly come anywhere near me. The rest of your order would rather pretend I don’t exist, never mind the fact I’ve been under their collective noses for the past few weeks.” “Indeed, it is one of the reasons why I have started to lose faith in the Jedi Order and by extension the Republic.” Dooku admitted as he sat down. “Yet your presence may force the Council to act and take the threat of the rising darkness seriously.” Nathrrya snorted as she sat opposite her guest “Yes, the Council may believe me about the threat Darth Sidious poses but they do not seem willing to actively look for him. Even after Yoda and Mace saw the body of Sidious’ apprentice on Naboo.” She shook her head “They seemed to be more intent on trying to shackle me and thwart my own efforts to find what rock Sidious is under.” “What do you mean by that?” Dooku asked concerned. “Yoda had the crazy notion to offer me the rank of Master in the Jedi Order.” Yan Dooku blinked “He did what!?” Nathrrya chuckled “Yes that was my reaction. I politely declined. Having to deal with Sith politics most of my life, I have no desire to inflict Jedi politics on myself. I fear many Jedi would find out what it’s like to be force choked first hand. It’s not a pleasant experience.” “Do you think Jinn and Kenobi could have defeated the Sith apprentice had you not been there?” Dooku asked suddenly. Nathrrya frowned taking the time to consider the question. “I strongly suspect that at least one of them would not have survived the encounter.” She said looking at the Jedi master. Nathrrya stood suddenly and took several steps towards her guest studying him intently her eyes turning yellow for several seconds which to Yan Dooku felt like an eternity. At last the Sith retreated to her seat her eyes their normal colour. “You’ve studied the Dark Side.” Nathrrya stated, her tone neutral. The surprised expression on Dooku’s face was answer enough. “Yes, I admit that I am one of the few Jedi who have been brave enough to risk such an endeavour. I also believe the dark side can be used without corrupting oneself.” Nathrrya chuckled “More like bravely stupid.” She gave the man an apprising look “Did it ever occur to you that the Sith artefacts you were studying were trapped?” Yan nodded “Yes, I did discover a number and dealt with them.” He said with confidence. “But you never found them all. You still triggered quite a few. The Dark clings to you like the cloak your wear. You might believe you are still in the Light but all it will take is one final push and you will fall.” Nathrrya’s voice was ominous as she stared intently at Dooku. Yan was quiet as he disgusted the knowledge. Was that why he had been feeling so disillusioned with the Jedi and Republic lately? “I see. How is it possible?” “Sith traps can range from subtle to the downright nasty.” Nathrrya said “The ones you failed to detect were of the subtle kind intended to lure curious Jedi to the Dark and in that they have been remarkably effective.” She smiled “It’s not all bad news; if you’d triggered one of the nastier traps I’m certain we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” “What do you mean by that?” Yan asked curious and not a little worried. “Some Sith liked to leave a trap that when triggered would make the one ensnared by it forget all about the world around them, to eat, drink and sleep. It’s an extremely nasty way to go.” Nathrrya explained “I encountered a group of five acolytes ensnared by such a trap when undertaking my final trials on Korriban. There was little I could do for them as they were too far gone, except grant them the mercy of a quick death.” Dooku was visibly disturbed by this. “And you believe that the Jedi might have Sith artefacts that have traps like the one you described?” Nathrrya nodded “Yes it’s quite possible, however, the only way I’ll know for certain is to see the artefacts for myself. Unless you can get me access to your Holocron vault there isn’t much chance of that.” Yan smiled “I think I can manage that.” he said as he stood up “No doubt the chief librarian will complain but who knows what we may find.” Nathrrya smiled at that as she followed Dooku out of her room. Yes, who knows what I might find. ______ “Do you really expect to find anything here?” Dooku asked as he ushered her into the Holocron Vault within the Jedi Archives. “I may find a Holocron made by my cousin or his wife Kira if I’m lucky.” Nathrrya replied as she looked around the secure room. Yan’s mouth fell open. “Cousin? Wife?” he asked clearly confused. The Sith grinned “Yes the Jedi at one time allowed marriage. It was once quite a common practice from what I understand but times change and it fell out of favour. However, there were rare occasions where marriage between Jedi was allowed, but not until after extensive scrutiny and not before approval was given by the Council.” She snorted “Not like that stopped Casavir and Kira, they got married regardless. As to how I have a Jedi cousin, that will take some explaining, another time perhaps?” “I see.” Dooku said slowly “The Sith Holocrons and artefacts are stored here in the inner vault.” He indicated another door. “Would you like to see them now?” “Yes. I had an apprentice after all and while I never got around to making a Holocron I’m sure that Jaesa would have. Now the chances of her Holocron being in this vault are astronomically low but it can’t hurt to look.” Yan nodded as he unlocked the inner vault and the two walked through the door. “What was your apprentice like?” Nathrrya was silent for several moments as she looked around the room that held the Sith artefacts the Jedi had collected. Her suspicions had been confirmed, it was not this room she had felt earlier but something much older, deeper perhaps. “Jaesa was a quiet, softly spoken young woman and had a kind and gentle heart. Not what you’d expect from a Sith apprentice but then she had been a Jedi padawan before she joined me.” Yan blinked. Had he heard correctly? “A most unusual circumstance.” he observed. Nathrrya looked over the shelves that held many Holocrons and other Sith artefacts “You could say so.... Wait a minute... most of these are fakes...” she turned to face the Jedi master. “Someone’s been stealing them from here and I bet all my credits that it’s Sidious or those that came before him.” While difficult it would be far from impossible. “That’s most disturbing news.” Dooku agreed. Nathrrya nodded in agreement as she resumed her story. “My master Darth Baras had me chase Jaesa all over the known galaxy because she had a very unusual ability that let her see someone’s true nature through the Force. She had almost unmasked one of his deep cover spies on Balmorra whom I had to kill.” “No doubt Baras wanted you to kill Jaesa.” Yan said with a frown. “Yes. I was to track Jaesa down and kill her.” Nathrrya admitted, slyly pocketing a Holocron without him noticing. “However, I had no intention of harming her if I could help it.” She replied. Finding one of Darth Marr’s holocrons was unexpected but welcome. “Her ability sounded far too useful to waste by killing her.” She smiled “After a long hunt, I confronted her Jedi Master, Nomen Karr. I’ve never seen someone fall to the Dark Side so far or so fast before. He was so determined to keep Jaesa away from Baras that he lost himself in the process. It did draw Jaesa out. In the end she joined me of her own free will and I decided to return Karr to the Jedi. I learned some months later that Karr never recovered and he died a broken man.” The sadness in Nathrrya’s voice was clear to the Jedi master. “What became of Jaesa?” Yan asked curious. “She became my first and so far, only apprentice. She was close to becoming a Jedi Knight by the time she joined me. All I did was teach her about the Dark Side and finish her training. She became a good friend and I miss her.” Nathrrya said with fondness and a soft smile “I had no desire to break her, she was part Jedi, part Sith and that suited me.” “How did your cousin react to this?” The Jedi master asked while stroking his beard in thought. “He wasn’t that surprised to learn that it was me that had been chasing Jaesa across half the known galaxy. He and I had a habit of running into each other during our various missions. He was grateful that it was me after Jaesa and not another Sith.” Nathrrya grinned. “Jaesa had quite the shock the first time we met up with my cousin after she’d joined me. Vette and Quinn knew what was happening but poor Jaesa didn’t. She had an even bigger shock when she learned that the poster boy of the Jedi Order was fooling around with his former Padawan.” The Sith chuckled at the memories. Nathrrya looked up sharply and gasped in surprise as there on one of the higher selves was a Holocron that seemed to call to her. “Living force, I don’t believe it.” She said as she used the Force to bring the ancient Sith Holocron to her hands. “This... this is Jaesa’s Holocron...” Nathrrya said, wonder clear in her voice. Yan smiled seeing how much it meant to the woman, after all, it was a piece of her past. “Perhaps you were meant to find it.” “Perhaps.” Nathrrya agreed a slight smile on her lips. She looked over the Sith Holocron one last time and pointed to a pair on a high shelf “Those two there have that nasty trap I was telling you about. Do not let anyone try and access them. I can dispel the wards but there is little danger unless someone tampers with them.” “I will inform the chief librarian and she will have them placed in even more secure storage.” Yan assured her. ”Good. Let’s see if I can find Casavir and Kira’s Holocrons.” The two force users left the inner vault and Yan locked the door. “Nathrrya do you think that my... condition can be reversed?” Yan asked carefully as he watched the woman. Nathrrya thought it over as she let her eyes and Force senses go over all the Jedi Holocrons. “In theory, it’s possible as you haven’t fallen, you’re just tainted.” she reached up and took a Holocron down smiling as she inspected it. She had found Kira’s. Nathrrya looked over at Yan. “But that would mean being honest with the Jedi Council and their willingness to help.” “Thank you for your honesty.” Yan said looking thoughtful. “However, I fear the Council is just as likely to dismiss me from the Order than help me.” Nathrrya turned sharply to face the troubled Jedi Master, a third Holocron in her hand, it was Casavir’s. “There is another way, but it may not be what you want and has its own problems. I finish your training in the Dark Side, that way you will not fall.” Yan Dooku stared, shocked at what Nathrrya had just suggested. He had not expected such an offer. “I will need time to think on this.” _____ Nathrrya sat cross legged on the floor of her rooms in the Jedi Temple. In front of her were three of the Holocrons she’d found, the fourth Darth Marr’s, was safely out of sight. Before she had the chance to activate any of them, her door chimed. The Sith let out an irritated sigh as she didn’t really want visitors right now. “Come in.” The door slid open and in walked Anakin with his mother not far behind. “Why couldn’t I go to Naboo with you and Qui-Gon?” the boy asked without preamble. Nathrrya blinked in surprise. “It was a warzone Anakin, no place for an eight-year-old boy.” “But I could have helped!” the boy cried. Nathrrya considered his words before she spoke. “Perhaps you could have but at what cost?” “What do you mean Nathrrya?” Shmi asked. “I don’t need to tell either of you how... gifted Anakin is. If he had been on Naboo and say perhaps, blew up the droid control ship, he would have gained unwanted and unneeded attention from some very unsavoury people.” Nathrrya explained. Anakin’s eyes went wide. “You mean the other Sith?” “Yes. The longer the other Sith keeps his focus on me the safer you are.” Nathrrya said “He might already know about you but as long as he doesn’t know how import you could become, the safer it is for you. Eventually he’ll know but by then, Force willing, I can confront him and deal with him.” “You mean kill him.” Anakin said flatly “Yes, I mean kill him. He’s far too dangerous to keep alive.” Nathrrya confirmed.
  2. That's a help, thank you. Meh to the Ops Master Mode FP, as I'm not really interested in either so I can live without it.
  3. All I want is a list of what crafting skills craft what gear so I know which crafting toon to log into to craft gear for my other toons because it's a pain trying to remember otherwise!
  4. Who was your nemesis character in the latest flashpoint? For my LS V SW it was Darth Mortis. Kind of ironic that as he's supposed to be responsible for Laws and Justice I forget his actual lines but he was pretty steamed at my SW for using the Eternal Fleet as a peacekeeping/policing force instead of conquering the galaxy Nat took the Galactic Peacekeeper route at the end of KotET.
  5. These roadmap threads are always so entertaining.
  6. Fat chance of that happening as that particular 'forum war' has been going on as long as the game has been live, sadly.
  7. But my male JK is quite happy with Kira, after all there's something delightfully forbidden about kriffing a former Sith and Child of the Emperor too boot I could go on but...
  8. But it's Doc! What female JK in their right mind would him anywhere near them in an intimate manner? I know mine sure wouldn't! Must play my fem JK one of the days... So many toons so little time...
  9. This sad to say. As much as I like Kira I'm really past the point of caring anymore. Kira should have been one of the first companions we got back during KotFE regardless of class because you know being a former Child of the Emperor and all. But apparently that particular plot point in Kira's backstory wasn't important or obvious enough so Bioware did what they do best to important or obvious plot points, they ignored it. Me? Bitter? Whatever gave you that idea?
  10. Yes I have been to the guild stronghold and flagship. Luna has done a wonderful job with the stronghold last time I visited. Might have to go agin and have a good poke around
  11. Is it me or is the Quinnmancer guild in hibernation? Because it seems each time I log in I'm the only guildie there Don't know if it's time of day or what but it sure feels like a ghost town. Oh and Luna did you enjoy Vowrawn's little cameo in my latest chapter?
  12. Oh don't worry I do intend to keep posting. Even if it's rather like working in a vacuum most of the time. Budding romance with Obi-Wan? Well let's just say all the flirting isn't for nothing The Jedi have a vast collection of Holocrons both Jedi and Sith so there might be something for Nat to find... (hint, hint) As for everything else you said I think this covers it
  13. Thanks, glad you're enjoying it. It's hard to know sometimes and I wonder why I keep posting updates.
  14. Chapter 20 -- Aftermath ______________ Nathrrya and Obi-Wan found themselves in one of the palace guest suites. It consisted of a large living area, a fresher and a bedroom. Standing near a large, picturesque window, both force users were looking out over the city of Theed. They could already see cleanup crews starting to clear the inactive droids and their equipment from the streets. “It’ll take them weeks to clear the mess from the invasion.” Obi-Wan remarked. “Some things can never be cleared away Obi-Wan,” Nathrrya said as she turned away from the window and walked to the nightstand. Undoing her utility belt, she dropped it on the double bed. “The people of Theed and all Naboo have been forever changed. Time will tell if it makes them stronger.” The padawan turned to face the woman, noticing she had removed her utility belt. He raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Sounds as if you speak from experience.” Nathrrya smiled sadly. “Yes, I’ve been on enough occupied and contested planets during the Great Galactic War to know that it left more than just physical scars.” She said as she sat down on the edge of the bed. “All you had to do was look into the eyes of the people that survived through it. Some wounds run too deep to fully heal.” It made her wonder what she’d find if she went back to Balmorra, Corellia or even Alderaan. Obi-Wan looked thoughtful as it’s not what he’d expected her to say. “Then you can perhaps understand why the Jedi act as we do.” The Sith chuckled as she started undoing the straps on her boots. “Being peacekeepers and protectors is all well and good but your master’s inaction here served only the Trade Federation.” Nathrrya looked up at the padawan. “The Viceroy and his lackeys were clearly the aggressors the moment they landed their droid army. I’m not bound by the orders rules, outdated as they are. I was able to act so I did and I enjoyed every moment.” She paused. “Unlike the war where half the time I wondered why the Empire was even fighting at all. Here, I knew why and didn’t hold back, my purpose was clear. To free a people who had been wrongfully attacked and enslaved.” Obi-Wan hummed thoughtfully. He had often wondered what a Sith would be like if he were to ever encounter one. Whatever he had expected Nathrrya certainly wasn’t it. The more time he spent in her company the more complex the woman seemed to become. “What was life in the Sith Empire like?” Obi-Wan asked as he made his way to a chair and sat down. He couldn’t help but notice Nathrrya’s boots placed neatly beside the bed and that the woman’s feet were clad in a pair of violet hued shocks. He chuckled wondering what other garments she might be wearing that were violet in colour. He never saw the mischievous smirk that appeared briefly on the woman’s face. Nathrrya was lying on the bed her hands clasped behind her head. “Life in the Empire?” She turned her head so she could see Obi-Wan more clearly. “Anything specific you want to know or just generally?” The padawan frowned as he thought about what he wanted to ask, “In general, I suppose, but I would like to know what it was like from your prospective as well.” Nathrrya nodded as she thought how best to answer. She couldn’t help being reminded of her apprentice Jaesa Willsaam. The former Jedi Padawan had been full of similar questions as she tried to understand the world she had found herself in. The only difference was that Obi-Wan was asking from a historical prospective. “For the most part, I suspect it was much like life in the Republic. People lived their day to day lives as best they could. As for myself, I was born into the Sith House of Palatine, one of many that made up the upper nobility of the Empire. My mother served as planetary governor of Axxila which is my home world and my father was the chief of the security forces stationed there.” Nathrrya explained. “The Sith governed planets directly?” Obi-Wan asked shocked at the thought. Nathrrya couldn’t help but laugh, “No! Not usually, though there was that whole mess with Balmorra...” she shook her head. “My parents were not overly force sensitive, they did have some ability that helped make them useful in their duties. I had a privileged life growing up; always went to be the best schools. I had the best education the Empire could provide.” “You went to school?” the padawan asked trying to comprehend the idea. Nathrrya smirked “Of course I did, I might have been the governors’ daughter and a noble but I was still just a citizen of the Empire. That changed of course when I was fifteen and my force abilities woke up, for lack of a better description. Up until then we knew I was force sensitive but my parents thought I’d be like them. That literally changed overnight.” “This is when you started your Sith training?” the padawan asked. Nathrrya nodded “Yes but not in the way you might think. You have to understand something about how the Sith and the Empire worked, Obi-Wan. Bloodlines mattered, who your family and ancestors were mattered just as much if not more so than how strong you were in the Force,” she said. “I was born into a very prestigious Noble House; however, my father was of Jedi linage and I’m sure you can imagine how I would have been viewed if that had ever come to light. My fathers’ origins were effectively erased from all public records and a few private ones. I doubt even Imperial Intelligence or Republic SIS would have been able to find the truth, it was so deeply buried.” “I was never sent to Ziost and didn’t go to Korriban until much later and that was more of a formality than anything. House Palatine had me trained in the Sith arts privately on Axxila at home. My first teacher was Tremel Gryton, an overseer at the Korriban Academy, later I was trained by a man and woman I simply knew as Luimax and Lillima. Years later I learned that they were Darths Karn and Rhothrel of House Palatine... my grandparents.” “You were trained by your grandparents?” Obi-Wan asked astonished “What was your training like?” Nathrrya smiled “Yes I was, though at the time I didn’t know. Why they got so involved in my training has always been a mystery to me.” She said “As to my training, it was demanding and difficult at times but never intentionally cruel or unjust. The Sith code speaks that through our passions we'll gain strength and so we are encouraged to follow our passions. For me I developed a passionate hatred of slavery. Growing up I saw the best and worst of the Empire in equal measure. Once I became Sith, I wanted to change the Empire for the better from within. I like to think I made a difference but that’s something I’ll never know...” Obi-Wan heard the sadness and longing in her voice. “You miss the Empire?” he asked concerned. Nathrrya nodded “For all its faults, the Empire was home. All I wanted was to see the Empire safe and prosper. I always felt the war with the Republic and Jedi was pointless and a waste of lives and resources. That didn’t stop me from defending the Empire to the best of my abilities. There is no glory in war, Obi-Wan, just death and destruction.” She looked him in the eyes “There’s an old saying I learned long ago, ‘Only a warrior truly values peace for only a warrior knows its cost.’” Obi-Wan slowly absorbed the meaning of the words and in doing so saw Nathrrya in a totally different light. He’d seen her fight as they’d stormed the palace. She had fought in a six-year war not for conquest or glory but because she wanted to protect her home and those she loved. “Contrary to what many believe, Sith training does not require one to kill one’s rivals, though it certainly happened, particularly during the final trials on Korriban. It was not actively encouraged but it was tolerated. As I was being trained privately, I never had to worry about such things until I got to Korriban.” The Sith paused to see if Obi-Wan was still interested before continuing, “My main rival, a man named Vemrin, died by my hand deep in the tomb of Naga Sadow. He had the gull to lie in wait and ambush me. He failed. I kicked him in the gut and before he could recover I took my lightsabre and beheaded him. Ironically, the last trial was to claim an ancient lightsabre that may have once belonged to Naga Sadow himself.” “You were successful then.” It wasn’t a question. Nathrrya grinned “Yes, with Vette’s help I walked out of there with the ancient lightsabre in hand, became Darth Baras’ apprentice and could officially call myself a full Sith.” Obi-Wan stood, “I should let you rest. Master Qui-Gon will be looking for me.” “Oh, and Obi-Wan.” Nathrrya said as he turned to leave. At the sound of her voice he looked back over his shoulder. “My underwear is the same colour as my socks, they’re also frilly and near see-through.” She teased the young man with a wink. Obi-Wan swallowed... hard. Not finding anything to say, he nodded and left the room wishing that Nathrrya would stop teasing him. Though he couldn’t help but wonder if she were telling the truth. Best not go there. _______ When Nathrrya had killed Darth Maul it had sent a tremor through the force announcing the return of Darth Avarice, Empire’s Wrath. The trio of force users on Naboo were unaware of this, but on Coruscant the Jedi Temple was in controlled chaos. Every member of the Order had to come to terms with the fact that the Sith had returned. What most could not understand, was why the Force had been so clear about it, as this was rarely the case. All senior Jedi Masters were in a meeting with the High Council and consequently the Council chamber was rather crowded. “Are you saying Master Yoda that this Darth Avarice has been inside the Jedi Temple?” Master Dooku asked unable to understand how such a thing could come to be. “Walked the halls she has, stood in this chamber she has.” Yoda confirmed. “It’s even possible that many of you have seen her in the company of Master Qui-Gon Jinn or Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.” Mace pointed out. Dooku stroked his chine in thought. “I do seem to recall seeing a red-haired woman with Padawan Kenobi in the Archives...” he looked Yoda in the eyes. “She is this Darth Avarice?” Yoda nodded in reply. “Why would the Force announce her return?” another master asked. Mace and Yoda shared a look for they had been considering this very question and they had only one answer that would make any sense. “Slain Darth Sidious’ apprentice she must have.” Yoda stated gravely. “What we are about to explain will sound incredible if not hard to believe but it’s true.” Mace said before any questions could be asked. “Several weeks ago, Nathrrya, for that is Avarice’s name, approached Jinn and Kenobi outside the Jedi Temple asking to see the Council.” There was much murmuring at this “They didn’t sense she was Sith?” Dooku asked. “No, we are uncertain why but we believe it was partly due to the imbalance in the Force as well as Nathrrya shielding her origins from Master Jinn.” Mace said. Dooku blinked “He didn’t find that odd?” “He had no reason to suspect a woman who had engaged him in a conversation,” Mace said. “Nathrrya never acted like a Sith during her stay within the temple, nor did she dress like one.” Dooku had to agree with the last part for he had seen her from a distance within the temple several times. Her outfit made her stand out and he was sure he’d even seen her carrying a blaster, of all things, at one point. Not very Sith like when you thought about it. That got the Jedi master thinking. What did it mean to be Sith? “How did you learn that Nathrrya was a Sith Lord?” Dooku asked. “Told us, she did.” Yoda stated Mace produced a holo-disk from his robes and inserted into the rooms holo-projector. Footage from the Council meeting in which Anakin had been refused training appeared. Everyone saw Nathrrya call Master Jinn out for abandoning his current padawan in favour of Anakin. She then informed the council that leaving the boy untrained was a bad idea. Stunned, Dooku and the rest of the senior masters watched as Mace asked Nathrrya if she knew anything about Darth Avarice. The woman’s reply was that she was the afore mentioned Sith. They saw Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi come to the woman’s defence when Mace tried to arrest her. Dooku paid close attention to the following question and answer session where Nathrrya revealed her intentions to track down and kill Darth Sidious. What intrigued him the most was when Nathrrya stated that she was of noble birth as that was something they had in common. Dooku rubbed his beard thoughtfully. He had been considering leaving the Order due to the corruption within the Republic, and the Jedi’s lack of action against the rising darkness. Now, however, it may prove more beneficial to stay... for now. He would consider his options to stay or leave but first he would have to meet this Darth Avarice in person once she returned from Naboo. _______ Tatooine was a harsh, unforgiving planet. Keelu Laharti, the Twi'lek slave that looked eerily like Nathrrya’s former companion Vette, knew all too well. She had been born into slavery and her mother had died the previous year of fever despite the efforts of their owner, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Kelborn Ordo. They had become his property after their former owner had tried to double cross the bounty hunter. Kelborn really didn’t have a need for slaves but he took the pair of Twi'leks as compensation. He had been forced to terminate his employer when he hadn’t wanted to pay what was owed. He’d put the slaves to work, helping to look after his weapons, armour and his ancient D5-Mantis gunship. The thing was a family relic but it was still space worthy. As a result, Keelu had learned much about mechanics and electronics. Kelborn had even taught her to handle and shoot a blaster correctly. That might explain why Watto, the old Toydarian junk dealer, was interested in buying her. “What aren’t you telling me Watto?” the bounty hunter asked. Kelborn Ordo was your stereotypical Mandalorian, tall well-muscled and wore the traditional armour of his people. He carried a pair of heavy blasters backed by a voice that sounded as if it was only used when necessary. “Someone has you spooked Toydarian. There’s more to this than wanting some help around that junk pile you call a shop.” Watto’s eyes flicked between Kelborn and Keelu several times “You here for the Boonta Eve Classic?” The Mandalorian shook his head. “Off planet, had a job. Unlike some, I work for my living. Heard you lost your two slaves to a pair of off-worlders. Something about a lost bet...” Watto grimaced. “Yeah yeah, don’t rub it in.” He looked at Keelu briefly “Seems one of them saw her out in the street and developed an ... interest in the girl.” Kelborn narrowed his eyes “What kind of interest?” The Toydarian chuckled nervously “Not that kind, Mandalorian. Seems she wants to free the girl.” “Why?” “That seemed personal. Wasn’t going to tempt my luck by asking.” The bounty hunter folded his arms “Whoever this off-worlder is has you really spooked.” Watto nodded “Yes, if you saw and felt what she can do, you’d fear her too.” The Toydarian paused considering something “Ever heard of the Sith?” _________ Nathrrya awoke when she heard the door to her guest suite slide open. Cracking one eye open, she spied Padme, dressed in ordinary but expensive cloths standing in the centre of the living area. She seemed to hesitate a moment before she softy cleared her throat. “Your Highness?” Nathrrya asked as she sat up. The girl jumped at the sound of the older woman’s voice “I…I’m sorry if I disturbed you Nathrrya,” she managed to say, “I’ve had something come to mind recently, something you said on the royal cruiser.” Nathrrya motioned for her to come closer. “I have a credit chit reader and I thought we could check to see if your money is still good or not.” Padme explained holding the small device aloft. Nathrrya smiled at Padme’s thoughtfulness “Why not?” she said. Using the Force, she brought her utility belt into her hands. Opening one of the pouches, she pulled out a small credit chit and offered it to Padme. “As long as I live I will never get used to seeing things like that.” Padme said as she took the offered credit chit and inserted into the reader. “Isn’t that a misuse of the force or something?” The Sith snorted in amusement. “For Jedi, quite possibly.” After a few moments the reader beeped. Smiling Padme turned it around so Nathrrya could see the readout. The Sith grinned “Galactic credits are Galactic credits no matter where they’re issued. At least I know my money is still worth what it was.” Nathrrya had about six thousand credits to her name. Now if I only had my bank accounts and share holdings then I could make Sidious’ life miserable. That was something for another time. The door to her guest suite beeped and Nathrrya looked to Padme, who shook her head and turned to look over her shoulder. Using the Force, Nathrrya opened the door. “Sorry for the intrusion, Nathrrya.” Captain Panaka said as he entered the suite. Approaching Padme, he said, “Your Highness, your family is safe, if a little worse for wear. They would like to see you at the family home whenever you can make it.” Padme’s relief was evident upon her face. “I can go right now.” “In that case Your Highness, take Nathrrya with you.” Panaka said seriously “I would feel safer if she is with you.” Both women looked surprised by this. “Wouldn’t you rather have one of the Jedi escort her?” Nathrrya asked as she put on her combat boots and secured her utility belt around her waist. “The Jedi have done well to protect her highness, true.” Panaka said “Nathrrya you have fought for Naboo’s freedom, you killed the Sith assassin that was lying in wait. And frankly I know her highness is safe with you no matter where she goes.” Padme and Nathrrya looked at each other dumbfounded. It seemed Nathrrya’s actions during the invasion had more of an effect on the Security Captain than either woman had thought possible. “Feel like visiting my family Nathrrya?” “Thought you’d never ask.” _________ Sometime later, Padme and Nathrrya were walking up the steps to the Naberrie family home in Theed. “You look worried, Padme.” Nathrrya said stopping the younger woman from entering her home. “I am, you saw the state of some of the people as we walked here.” Padme replied trying to keep the emotion out of her voice “I knew the Trade Federation hadn’t been kind but to actually see what they’ve done... I want to hurt the Viceroy very, very much.” Her anger at what she’d seen clear in her voice. Nathrrya was of the same mind as the Naboo Queen and she intended to hurt the Trade Viceroy but not in the way Padme may have expected. If Nathrrya thought she could get away with it she would inflict some serious physical harm on Nute Gunray but as it was, the Sith was busy thinking up a plan to do some psychological harm instead. _________ “Mum, dad I’m home!” Padme called as Nathrrya closed the front door. Quickly the living area filled, as a man and three women arrived to give Padme a very warm welcome which consisted of many hugs and kisses. From where Nathrrya was leaning against the front door, she figured out that the man was obviously Padme’s father while the youngest of the women was her older sister, followed by her mother and lastly her grandmother. Padme’s grandmother was the first to spot their unexpected guest. “Padme, who’s your friend?” Padme turned to beckon Nathrrya over. She noticed the way she’d been standing that her lightsabre was obscured while the blaster was clearly visible. As the Sith walked to stand next to Padme there was an intake of breath as everyone noticed the hilt of her lightsabre. “Everyone, this is Nathrrya. Nathrrya this is my father Ruwee, my mother Jobel and my sister Sola.” Padme introduced her family “And this is my grandmother Ryoo Thule.” Nathrrya’s eyes widened at the name. “Thule? As in House Thul of Alderaan?” Ryoo chuckled shaking her head “Sadly no. The Thule’s of Naboo have no connection to House Thul of Alderaan. Though there might have been once.” That’s a relief. Nathrrya thought as she still detested having to get involved with the Alderaan civil war, she’d been there for one reason only, to find Jaesa Willsaam's parents which she’d done. In hindsight she should have ripped the information she needed from Duke Kendoh’s mind like she’d threatened to do. But no, the man had to try and get her to do his dirty work. Never trick a Sith, it usually doesn’t end well; something Kendoh found out as she cut him in half, diagonally. Perhaps I should have torn his mind to shreds then killed him, missed opportunity. Nathrrya thought darkly. The only highlight of the whole fiasco had been out manoeuvring Darth Baras. Nathrrya had spirited away Jaesa’s parents to the relative safety of Axxila. “Nathrrya?” Padme asked touching the older woman’s arm. She’d noticed her friend had a distant look in her eyes. The Sith shook herself “Sorry Your Highness, just remembering the last time I was on Alderaan. A lifetime ago it seems.” Padme smiled sadly “It was though, wasn’t it?” “Yes, yes it was.” Nathrrya admitted. The Naberrie family had been exchanging concerned looks, though Padme seemed to know what was going on. It was Ryoo Thule who voiced the question they all had on their minds. “Padme, Nathrrya is a Jedi, isn’t she?” Kriff, Nathrrya thought “Can we trust them, Padme?” she asked Padme eyes widened in surprise hearing the Sith’s voice in her head, she turned to the older woman and nodded. “Then tell them.” Padme had thought the speech she’d given before the Senate had been tough, suddenly this seemed far more so. “No grandma Ryoo, Nathrrya is not a Jedi.” Ruwee frowned “If she’s not at Jedi then what?” “We all know the history of the Republic and that there were once people called Sith. The Jedi declared them extinct almost a thousand years ago.” Padme said, “It seems the Sith aren’t as extinct as the Jedi thought.” “Padme are you trying to tell us that Nathrrya is a Sith?” Jobel asked trying to comprehend the idea. “That is correct Missis Naberrie.” Nathrrya said “I’ve spent the last three and a half millennia in carbonite and was awoken about a standard month ago.” She smiled inwardly, enjoying the shocked expressions on the faces of the Naberrie family “I should be dead but the Force has seen fit to grant me a second chance at life.” ________ Two days had passed since the Naboo and Gungans had won back their planet. In that time Nathrrya, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been busy. Nathrrya had persuaded the Neimodians to surrender their inactive droid army and its equipment, weapons, vehicles including the heavy troop transports. Everything that had been on Naboo when the control ship had been destroyed was compensation for the invasion. The Sith had two reasons for doing so, one it would embarrass Nute Gunray in the eyes of his peers and hurt the Trade Federation financially. Second, she had a slightly darker ulterior motive, one that she knew Padme would not like, but the younger woman was intelligent and would understand or so Nathrrya hoped. “What did you just say Nathrrya?” Padme asked in her role as Queen. Surly she’d misheard the older woman. As the young woman looked around the throne room, it looked like the two Jedi, Panaka and the surviving members of the advisory council, of which there were precious few, had also misheard. “I suggested that you take the Hover Tanks and modify them for human crews. This would give Naboo a small but effective armoured force in case you find yourself in this kind of situation again.” Nathrrya replied unfazed. “But surely you know we’re a peaceful planet and dislike the idea of war.” Padme said. Nathrrya nodded. “I do and it takes great courage to commit to such a course. However, I believe it’s one of the reasons Sidious chose Naboo as his plaything.” The woman explained as she began to pace back and forth. “He knew you did not possess an army, just a very good police and security force. In short, Naboo was the perfect target for him. Since there is quite a bit of military equipment and material littering your planet, you should make use of it. You don’t need to do it all at once.” Padme frowned and looked at Captain Panaka. “What do you think?” “I admit your highness I was taken aback just as much as you were.” The dark-skinned man admitted. “However, I do see where Nathrrya is coming from. The hover tanks are too cumbersome to be of use to us in their current from but if we were to strip them to their drive components we’d be able to build something more suited to our needs.” Panaka looked thoughtful for a few moments. “Maybe arm them with the heavy blasters and shield generators from the destroyer droids. Yes... that could work.” Nathrrya smiled for the security captain understood her intent. “Your Highness, is it wise to trust the words of this... woman?” Sio Bibble, the Queen’s head councillor asked. It was clear he had wanted to say Sith but hadn’t. Nathrrya folded her arms and scowled at the man but refrained from saying anything, which wasn’t easy for her. Behind her, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan exchanged a look that seemed to say here we go again. They had come to terms with Nathrrya being a Sith and all the quirks that came with it. The Jedi had judged her on how she acted, not how she was trained in the Force. “What exactly are you trying to say councillor?” Padme asked, clearly unhappy. “I should not trust Nathrrya’s words simply because she’s been trained as a Sith?” Bibble was taken aback as did the remaining councillors. “Yes, I’m fully aware of Nathrrya’s past, perhaps more so than you. I trust her with my life. On Tatooine she made me realise the error in judgment I had made.” The young queen glared at her councillors. “Nathrrya risked her life by engaging another Sith who was sent to capture me. She didn’t have to but did anyway. I will not sit by and have you speak so disrespectfully of my guest. Am I clear?” Bibble nodded slowly. “I understand Your Highness. But what of her suggestion?” The queen sighed. “I may not completely agree however I do understand Nathrrya’s reasoning. After all she has many years of practical experience in war, more than anyone in this room I suspect. Because of that I will give her suggestion the consideration it deserves.” “That is all I can ask of you Your Highness.” Nathrrya said inclining her head to the younger woman. Captain Panaka stepped forward. “Your Highness, we’ve received word that the Supreme Chancellor’s ship has entered the system and will land shortly. Accompanying the Chancellor is Senator Palpatine and Jedi masters Yoda and Windu.” ________ The grand cruiser of the Supreme Chancellor landed in the main hanger. Captain Panaka and about twenty of his best men were guarding Nute Gunray and Rune Haako; they were taking no chances with the Neimoidians. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Nathrrya as well as Padme and her handmaidens stood in front and to either side of the Neimoidians and their guards. “Now, Viceroy, you are going to have to go back to the Senate and explain all this.” Padme said glaring at the man. “I think you can kiss your Trade franchise goodbye.” Captain Panaka failed to keep the glee out of his voice. The main ramp of the cruiser lowered as Panaka and several of his men led the Viceroy and his assistant towards the ship. Supreme Chancellor Valorum, Senator Palpatine and several Senatorial and Judicial Guards descended the ramp followed by Masters Yoda and Windu. Finis Valorum took in the sight of the people assembled in the main hanger, first there were the two disgraced Neimoidians who were even now being handed over to the Judicial Guards and marched aboard the ship. Next were Queen Amidala and her handmaidens. Lastly there were the three Jedi but to the experienced politician there was something odd about them. Not only was Nathrrya not wearing the traditional Jedi robes, she also carried a blaster. More surprisingly was that both Jinn and Kenobi stood behind the woman. To Valorum, it was clear who the leader of the group was and it wasn’t who he’d expected. “Puzzled you look.” Yoda said looking up at the Chancellor. “I thought Master Jinn oversaw the mission to Naboo.” Valorum replied “Technically he still is Chancellor.” Mace explained. “However, it is not uncommon for other Jedi to take the lead if they are more suited.” “Revealed all will be in time.” Yoda said with a smile for he and Mace saw something else. Nathrrya was telling the Jedi she trusted them. For a Sith would not show their back to those considered enemies. Valorum nodded his understanding as he was greeted by Queen Amidala. The two Jedi went to talk with the three force users present. Palpatine frowned in annoyance as he followed the Chancellor, he was taking a risk by coming here but he had to visit his estate, Convergence, in the Lake Country. It was where he kept the more important of his Sith artefacts. He hoped that one of these would have some information on Darth Avarice. Surreptitiously, Sidious glanced across the hanger to where the rival Sith Lord stood, talking candidly with the two senior Jedi before all five force users left the hanger. No matter how many times he saw it, Sidious still had a hard time believing that any Sith could move so freely among Jedi. It was just wrong, to his way of thinking. _______ Nathrrya simply watched as Yoda and Mace Windu examined the corpse of the Zabrak apprentice she’d killed. Also present were Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Chancellor Valorum. The Sith found it strange that the politician was present. “So, it’s true, the Sith have returned.” Valorum said, still uncertain as to what to think. “A great disturbance in the Force when this Sith apprentice killed there was.” Yoda said as he examined Nathrrya’s creative use of her lightsabre. It was also clear how the Zabark had met his end. “We felt no such disturbance, master.” Qui-Gon stated. Yoda turned to look at the three force users. “At the centre of the disturbance you were. Felt it you would not.” Nathrrya frowned as she didn’t like where this was headed. “Just what was this disturbance Master Yoda?” The small green Jedi held her gaze without speaking for several moments. “Know the answer already you do.” Chancellor Valorum was confused but it was clear to him the Jedi knew what they were talking about. “What did this disturbance you felt mean master Yoda?” he asked. “What we felt was more of an announcement.” Mace answered. “When this Sith apprentice was slain the Dark Side pulsed heralding the return of Darth Avarice, Empire’s Wrath.” The silence that followed was deafening as no one spoke. “Empire’s Wrath...? As in the Sith Empire...?” Chancellor Valorum asked clearly confused and not a little scared. “But the Sith Empire hasn’t existed in over...” “Three and a half millennia... I don’t need reminding of how displaced in time I am Supreme Chancellor.” Nathrrya said, her voice flat. To say that Finis Valorum was shocked would be a fair assessment for he was struggling to comprehend that the woman before him was a Sith. He looked first to Mace and Yoda then to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. All four Jedi held serious expressions. Valorum massaged his forehead. “How is this possible?” “That I’m Sith or that I’m here now?” Nathrrya replied with a playful smirk before she let out a sigh and started to look every bit of the three and a half millennia that had passed. “I tried to stop a madman from consuming the galaxy. It worked as the galaxy is still here. I should have perished long ago. Instead my carbonite tomb was found on what was the world of Zakuul in the unknown regions. That was about a standard month ago.” It was a gross over-simplification of what had happened. The Chancellor looked to Master Yoda. “And you’ve been aware of Nathrrya’s origins all this time?” The small Jedi smiled as he leaned on his gammer stick. “Yes. Came to us Nathrrya did, sought our help she did. Hunts another Sith Lord... Darth Sidious she does.” Valorum frowned slightly as he remembered what Qui-Gon had said to him on the landing pad on Coruscant. “The first time I saw Nathrrya, she was greeting Queen Amidala on Coruscant but she wore Jedi robes then.” He looked at Master Jinn. “You said that with Nathrrya’s help the Jedi may be able to contain the worst of it. Is finding this other Sith Lord what you meant?” Qui-Gon nodded crossing his arms over his chest. “Indeed Chancellor. As for Nathrrya not wearing Jedi robes they were a covenant disguise that has outlived its usefulness. As you may have guessed Queen Amidala and those closest to her are aware of Nathrrya’s origins.” “A final word of warning Chancellor.” Nathrrya said folding her arms. “Do not trust senator Palpatine for I believe he is under the sway of Sidious. Trust nothing that the man says or does for his actions may not be fully his own and above all, do not reveal that you suspect him. Sidious will have you killed without a second thought as he tried to do here with Queen Amidala after she didn’t do what he desired her to do.” She indicated the body of Darth Maul. Valorum stood grim faced. The aging politician turned to Master Yoda for guidance who gave a slight nod. “Heed Nathrrya’s words you should.” The Chancellor sighed. “It’s going to take a while for me to process all this. I shall take my leave of you as I’m sure you all have matters to discuss that I will find hard to believe much less fully understand.” With that Valorum turned and left the makeshift morgue. _______ Sidious smiled. It had been easy to make an excuse to leave Theed and travel to his estate, now he sat in his sanctum. He leaned forward and activated the ancient Sith Holocron that sat on his desk. It took a few moments for the device to activate but soon a small holo image of a pure-blood Sith appeared dressed in fine robes. “Oh, it’s you. What do you want this time?” the image seemed quite dismayed. If Nathrrya had seen the translucent figure she would have easily recognised it as being Darth Vowrawn. Sidious scowled but paid the comment no heed “What do you know about a Sith named Darth Avarice?” Vowrawn rubbed his chin in thought. “There’s a name I never expected to hear again. She vanished on a mission along with Darth Marr. Marr perished, of that I’m certain. Avarice’s fate has remained a mystery as Avarice’s apprentice always maintained that her master wasn’t dead.” “I see.” Sidious said with narrowed eyes. “Somehow, she is alive and well, working with the Jedi or so it appears.” Vowrawn smiled showing his perfectly white teeth. “Then the future just got a whole lot more interesting, hasn’t it?” the Sith looked thoughtful “Working with the Jedi, hmm? It wouldn’t be the first time. As to the why, that’s something I cannot answer.” That wasn’t exactly true for the long dead Sith could take an educated guess as to way his old ally was working with the Jedi and Vowrawn strongly suspected that the reason was sitting in front of him. “She’s been interfering with the Sith Grand Plan to take over the galaxy and destroy the Jedi once and for all.” Sidious explained. “Your Grand Plan.” Vowrawn corrected distastefully. “It lacks a certain flare. Be that as it may, if Avarice is getting involved then she will have a reason, as she does nothing without one. Divining what that reason is I’m afraid, is up to you. I wish you luck in that.” with that Vowrawn vanished as the Holocron shut off. Sidious snarled with rage as he had learned nothing about his adversary. He still had to find a suitable replacement for Maul. That would be easier said than done however, he had been feeling out Jedi Master Dooku but the appearance of this Darth Avarice complicated the matter... or did it? Sidious sank back into his chair to meditate. _______ “By the look on your face Chancellor, you know of Nathrrya’s true identity.” Padme said seeing the grave and troubled expression on the older man’s face as he entered the throne room. Valorum nodded. “Yes, and I still do not know how to react. It seems like a bad holodrama.” The young queen smiled. “I too was taken by surprise when we learned of Nathrrya’s story or some of it.” Her eyes landed on the form of R2-D2. “Artoo can you play the recording of what happened after we left Tatooine?” The little droid beeped an affirmative and soon a holo recording began to play, showing the inside of the royal cruiser and Nathrrya coming into the room after delaying Darth Maul on Tatooine. Valorum watched almost transfixed as the recording played out what had happened on the ship ending with Nathrrya giving Anakin a hug. “Nathrrya is not what you would expect a Sith to be is she Chancellor?” Padme asked after the recording had ended. Valorum could only nod in agreement. “No, she isn’t and you trust her even knowing what you do?” Padme smiled. “I do. I’d trust Nathrrya with my life if it came to that. She’s also become a good friend in the short time I’ve known her. I dare say, myself and my handmaidens will miss her when she returns to Coruscant with you and the Jedi.” Valorum looked genuinely surprised by this. ______ “You think I’m what!?” Nathrrya asked in total disbelief. Even Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were having trouble processing the information. “Believe you to be Sith’ari I do.” Yoda replied unfazed. The woman wanted to laugh... almost. “I’ve heard about and done some pretty strange things in my time but that almost tops the lot.” Nathrrya shook her head. “The Sith'ari will be free of limits. The Sith'ari will lead the Sith and destroy them. The Sith'ari will raise the Sith from death and make them stronger than before.” She recited the words of the prophecy then snorted. “It’s as bad as the Jedi’s prophecy of the Chosen One, it could be interpreted in a dozen different ways!” What bothered Nathrrya the most was there had been many incarnations of the Sith and there was a belief that there could be more than one Sith’ari. She didn’t want to think about that possibility at all. “Are you saying you do not believe yourself to be Sith’ari?” Mace asked. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m trying to say!” Nathrrya exclaimed, irritated. “There’s nothing particularly special about me at all. Apart from my family perhaps.” She found the idea of herself being Sith’ari preposterous. Though it did beg the question: if she did defeat Sidious and survive then what would it make her? Yoda sighed “Come back to this later we shall.” What did you learn from Sidious’ apprentice?” Mace asked. “Nothing good.” Nathrrya said with a grimace as she began to pace. “It seems about ten years ago Sidious and his master, Darth Plagueis, conducted some form of experiment to create life through manipulating the Dark Side of the force. However, there was never any proof it had worked.” Obi-Wan looked startled. “Anakin is nine years old...” “Yes, it made me wonder but there is not a speck of darkness in the boy. If he were the result of Plagueis’ experiment I’d have expected for Anakin to feel very different.” Nathrrya replied. She turned to face the four Jedi. “The Dark Side has a weakness, it cannot create, only destroy. Plagueis’ experiments were always doomed to fail. The Force on the other hand can do many things.” Qui-Gon frowned “Are you saying that the Force birthed Anakin... to balance what Plagueis tried to do?” Nathrrya shrugged “A good explanation as any. Something had to happen to all that dark side energy that got dumped into the Force. However, Anakin is light but he could as easily be trained to be Sith.” Mace frowned “What do you mean?” “What I said.” The Sith replied “Anakin could be a Jedi or Sith or even something in between, neither one or the other.” “How could he be neither?” Obi-Wan asked intrigued by such a notion. Nathrrya smiled “I’ve had one apprentice; her name was Jaesa Willsaam prior to becoming my student she was a Jedi padawan nearing her final trials. With my guidance Jaesa became a blend of Jedi and Sith teachings. She was a good friend and I miss her.” The four Jedi were shocked. “You turned a Jedi?” Qui-Gon asked slightly appalled. Nathrrya frowned crossing her arms defensively. “I never saw it like that but if you want to get technical then I suppose I did.” Yoda looked thoughtful. “The Chosen One the boy may be.” Two masters, one light, one dark, balance in the force. “What of Sidious’ master?” Mace asked getting used to the idea of Nathrrya having a Jedi padawan as an apprentice. “Dead. Sidious killed him in his sleep sometime before I was awoken.” Nathrrya said, the disgust at such a cheap tactic evident in her voice. She’d at least ended Baras’ life personally. ________ Hours later Queen Amidala, Supreme Chancellor Valorum, Senator Palpatine, Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Nathrrya were all assembled for the grand parade through Theed of the victorious Gungan army. At its head were Boss Nass, General Ceel and Jar Jar Binks, who for once wasn’t clumsy. When the three Gungans got to where Queen Amidala and her retinue were waiting they ascended the steps to stand by her side Boss Nass then held up the Globe of Peace. The two peoples of Naboo had now become one.
  15. Chapter 19 -- Battle of Naboo Part II __________________ Inconvenience? Maul thought with fury as he lunged forward to engage the Sith woman. I’ll show her! He struck at the woman’s exposed midriff; it was beyond him why she wore such revealing clothing. Nathrrya smiled slightly as she redirected her adversaries strike before making a counterattack of her own. Qui-Gon, considered one of the most able swordsmen in the Jedi Order, admitted to himself that even he would be hard pressed if he were to face either in such a contest. The Zabrak was much younger and no doubt his powers were nearing their peak, while Nathrrya was older and had more practical combat experience, which clearly showed. The Jedi Master deduced her experience would prove the decisive factor. Obi-Wan turned at the sound coming from the far end of the hanger. “Speaking of inconveniences,” he remarked noticing six destroyer droids roll into view and transform into their battle configuration. “Master, we have a problem.” “I see them, Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon replied as he watched the two Sith seemingly dance across the hanger, Nathrrya staying tantalisingly out of reach of her opponent. Soon the two Sith were in the middle of the hanger and it was clear to Qui-Gon what Nathrrya was doing. Controlling the duel, she lured the Zabrak towards a passageway on the far side of the hanger, away from the Queen. “What’s through there?” Qui-Gon asked Captain Panaka. The Naboo native looked to where Qui-Gon was pointing and frowned. “The Theed power generators.” The cannons of a Naboo N-1 star-fighter began firing, the sound near deafening as four of the six war droids were destroyed. Obi-Wan studied the last remaining Naboo fighter, it seemed to have had some technical trouble. However, the pilot had managed to manoeuvre the fighter enough to use its cannons on the destroyer droids. The two droids left were now firing on the fighter and gave the young Jedi a chance to deal with them. He prayed that his crazy idea worked. The padawan ran towards the two droids, gathering the force around him as he did so. Once he was close enough, he thrust his arms forward unleashing a very strong force push. The two unsuspecting droids were sent flying out the mouth of the hanger, tumbling down the mountainside. Qui-Gon was mildly shocked at his padawan’s brazen actions and wondered, not for the first time, if Nathrrya was rubbing off on the young man. Even though she was a Sith, the Jedi master admitted that Obi-Wan could have far worse role models. As the Queen and her retinue watched the duel between the two Sith, they disappeared into the passageway. “Obi-Wan what were you thinking?” he asked his Padawan. The young man shrugged. “Dealing with a problem before it could become a threat.” Qui-Gon sighed, “You’ve been spending too much time around our Sith friend.” Obi-Wan grinned in reply. “We’ll have to take the long way around.” Padme said, “I hope Nathrrya isn’t too long as I’m sure the Viceroy will be happy to meet her.” She looked towards where she’d last seen the Sith woman. “Oh, I’m sure he’ll be absolutely thrilled.” Obi-Wan observed dryly. __________ Ric Olie regarded the other eleven fighters around him as they formed up. Ahead he could see their target, the droid control ship which was beginning to launch their own fighters. “Bravo Flight A, take on the fighters. Flight B, make a run on the transmitter.” Ric ordered. “Roger, Bravo Leader.” Bravo Two confirmed. Ric twisted around in his seat so he could just see R2-D2. “You ready little buddy?” the astromech beeped that he was. Ric turned back to see a hoard of droid fighters coming right at them. “Alright this is it everyone, enemy fighters straight ahead! For Naboo, for the Queen!” _______ The two Sith had fought their way out of the hanger and into the adjoining power station, a cavernous room filled with the noise of heavy machinery. If the two combatants had looked down over the edge of the walkway, they would have seen far below them two massive power generators. Darth Maul was a warrior in his prime his powers nearing their peak. He had been trained to fight the Jedi, sworn enemies of the Sith for generations. Instead he was facing another Sith that was for reasons unknown, aiding the Jedi. He quickly learned the woman was far more skilled in the art of lightsabre combat than he was. Maul was confident he’d prevail as he had youth and strength on his side. Nathrrya smirked as she parried and dodged Maul’s aggressive attacks; he was making beginners mistakes that would cost him. He was putting too much strength and power into his strikes, not considering the stamina he’d need to outlast his opponent. She was well versed in lightsabre combat, though, she had been trained to focus on the mastery of the duel. Nathrrya was using the blend of Shii-Cho and Juyo; talents she had developed over the years as a result. Maul had no effective counter. Maul fought hard to regain his fighting posture but Nathrrya was having none of it as she thrust repeatedly, keeping the younger Sith off balance when without warning, she stopped. Out of reflex Maul saw his chance and roaring with triumph he slashed hard. Nathrrya stabbed ahead and slashed out sideways. Only then did Maul realise his mistake as her violet blade intercepted, not his red blade, but his right arm at the elbow. Maul’s lower arm, still clutching his sabre hilt, hit the walkway with a wet thump. Maul fell to his knees in utter agony as he held his wounded arm, letting out a deep guttural scream. He looked up, his face a mixture of pain and agony, his eyes full of hate. He glared at Nathrrya. “And so it ends...” she said coldly. Using the Force, she hauled him roughly to his feet. “But first, I’ll need some answers…” _______ The Gungans were doing surprisingly well against the basic B1 battle droids, but it was the sheer number of droids that were slowly taking a toll on the army. For once Jar Jar’s clumsiness seemed to work the in the Gungan’s favour as Jar Jar had become tangled in the exposed wiring of a disabled battle droid. As he tried to move, Jar Jar ended up dragging the droid’s torso around with him. Each time he tugged on the wiring, it caused the droid to fire its blaster, taking out another B1 droid. If Nathrrya had witnessed it, she’d have smiled and said it was the will of the Force for she did not believe in luck or fate. If OOM-9 could have facepalmed, he would have, watching Jar Jar dealing with his B1’s. Instead, he shook his head slightly; giving the order to deploy the destroyer droids. Hundreds of destroyer droids rolled out of the transports and headed down toward the battle. They slowly rolled through the deflector shields, then transformed themselves. The Gungans fired on the destroyer droids with energy balls. The heavy war droids returned fire with their built-in blaster cannons and as a result many Gungans were killed. It became clear to General Ceel that the Gungan army couldn’t stand up to the kind of fire power the destroyer droids possessed. Reluctantly he gave the order to retreat. The Gungans began to turn and run, on foot, on their kaadu, and in supply wagons. Even so they still doggedly defended their shield generator carrying Fambaas. Jar Jar attempted to escape on a wagon of energy balls but only succeeded in undoing the back gate, causing all the energy balls to roll out of the wagon and down the hill. Jar Jar had to scramble to avoid being hit by several of the balls, however, several destroyer droids weren't as lucky, as they were hit by the runaway ammunition and destroyed. ______ Maul collapsed onto the walkway, gasping for breath. His master could be cruel with punishments but what he’d just been through was far worse than what Sidious had ever done. Snarling, he began lifting himself up with his one good arm, he never saw the downward slash that removed his head from his body. Nathrrya rolled the headless corpse over with her boot and with two quick thrusts, destroyed the Zabrak’s twin hearts. After the trouble Baras’ pet, Lord Draahg, had been she was making sure this Sith apprentice stayed dead. She then turned and sprinted back the way she’d come. She had a battle to rejoin. ______ Sheev Palpatine massaged his forehead as if he had a headache, dismissing his aides as he did so. Once the Senator was certain that he was alone, he began to curse very colourfully for he had felt the moment Darth Maul and been killed. But it had been more than his apprentices’ death that had caused a strong tremor in the Force. He was sure even the Jedi felt it proclaiming the return of Darth Avarice, the Empire’s Wrath, to the galaxy. Sidious wasn’t surprised she had killed Maul. He also wasn’t surprised to learn the woman had tortured him for information, almost enjoying the experience. What was surprising, was her appearing to aid the Jedi. Most strange. What concerned the Dark Lord was that if this Darth Avarice were indeed of the ancient Sith Empire, then she was potentially far more dangerous than he’d thought. To Sidious, her actions made no sense. The Jedi had to know she was Sith. And the two brief occasions he’d seen her, Master Jinn and his Padawan showed no distrust or unease when around her. Logically, that meant both Jinn and Kenobi knew she was Sith. Turning his chair to look out over Coruscant’s skyline, Sidious wondered if he should have killed his master, Darth Plagueis, sooner than he had intended. His original plan had been to wait until after he’d gained the Chancellorship of the Republic, however, the opportunity had materialized and he wasted no time in doing so. _____ The Jedi, Padme and her entourage were pinned down in a wide hallway by several clusters of battle droids. “We don't have time for this, Captain!” Padme yelled over the blaster fire. “Is there nothing you can do Master Jedi?” Panaka asked, frustrated. Before Qui-Gon could reply, he and everyone else watched as a violet lightsabre flew past and cut a battle droid in half. Everyone turned to look behind them as Nathrrya came running down the hallway. No sooner had the weapon returned to its owner when Nathrrya Force jumped a good ten meters ahead of the embattled Queen, landing near four battle droids. Stunned by her sudden appearance, they hesitated, allowing her the time she needed to cut them in half with one swift swing of her blade. She spun to face another group of four droids about five meters up the hall. Nathrrya threw her lightsabre which took off the heads of the droids before it returned to her. ______ Ric Olie looked around to see that most of Bravo flight was still in the fight as they’d only lost two fighters. Pretty good considering the odds. “Aright listen up Bravo flight we’re coming up on the central bridge. Let’s see how they like the taste of our fighter’s cannons!” “Roger that, Bravo Leader.” Bravo Two replied with enthusiasm. The loose formation of N-1’s sent a barrage of cannon fire at the control ship’s bridge but the shields held, shaking off the attack. “Spast!” Ric cried looking over his shoulder as he turned away from the attack run. “Nathrrya was right. Their deflector shield is too strong. We'll never get through it.” The man sighed, “Alright Bravo flight it’s time to put that crazy Sith’s plan into action.” He said as he pressed a series of buttons on his fighters control panel “Keep the droid fighters busy; Artoo and I are going to crash the party.” Ric looked back at the little astromech. “The ship’s all yours Artoo, give ‘em hell. For Naboo, for the Queen!” Artoo beeped an affirmative. The remaining Naboo fighters echoed their leader’s battle cry as they broke formation and Artoo dove towards the control ship sharply, making Ric black out. ________ “And that, Master Jinn, is how you dismantle the Federation’s Droid Army.” Nathrrya said with a smug smile as she approached Padme and the others. Everyone noticed her eyes were still yellow. Obi-Wan couldn’t help but chuckle. “You enjoyed that.” “Of course I did. There’s something to be said for turning annoying droids to scrap.” “What of the apprentice?” Qui-Gon asked, already suspecting the answer. “Dead,” was her stone-cold reply, “We still have an army to deal with and a Viceroy I owe a world of pain for trying to kill me the first time we were here.” She glared at Qui-Gon. “And this time, Master Jinn, instead of looking pretty you could actually put your lightsabre training to some practical use.” She was slightly irritated she had to do the bulk of the fighting while the Jedi sat back and watched. The Jedi Master looked offended at the accusation that had just been thrown at him. “Nathrrya the Jedi are peacekeepers and protectors. We cannot act directly, though sometimes we may wish too.” The woman exhaled. “I really am in a different place and time. Sometimes I forget that.” Nathrrya shook her head to clear it. “I keep expecting the Jedi to act a certain way but the Republic doesn’t even have its own military any longer, so why should the Jedi be the same as I remember?” Obi-Wan understood. “That’s why you seem far more aggressive and militant than what we’re used to. It’s simply who you are.” Nathrrya smiled slightly. “Truer words have never been said Obi-Wan.” She looked thoughtfully at the group. “You’re not Imperial troops but.... Captain Panaka, you and your men form up on either side of Padme and her handmaidens. Obi-Wan, stay near to the Queen and protect her at all costs. Master Jinn, if you’d be so kind as to stay near the back of the formation and protect our rear from any possible pincer.... What?” “What are you planning, Nathrrya.” Qui-Gon asked concerned, crossing his arms. “Simple, the last thing the Viceroy will expect. We make straight for the throne room, right through the strongest of his remaining forces. He will learn to fear the Sith.” Her smile was disconcerting. “I’ll be leading; what I don’t destroy will be up to the rest of you to.” “I hope I’ll still have a palace by day’s end.” Padme said worried. “I’ll do my best Padme but most of my powers are inherently destructive by nature. Collateral damage is a certainty.” The Sith warned the queen. _________ Ric Olie’s starfighter burst into the control ship’s hanger far faster than what Artoo had intended. Even so, he still managed to dodge parked ships and other obstacles. However, the fighter was approaching the hanger bulkhead for too quickly for the little droids liking. Artoo activated the reverse thrusters and the ship skidded to a stop on the hanger deck. Unfortunately, the ships systems overheated. Artoo gave out a worried whistle. Ric was slumped over in his seat passed out and the astromech could see several battle droids approaching. _______ One of the destroyer droids finally managed to take out one of the Gungan shield generators and as a result, the protective shield began to weaken and fall apart. OOM-9 saw that the shield was weakening and ordered his tanks forward. General Ceel signalled a full retreat as soon as he saw the tanks rumble forward. The Gungans fled as fast as they could. The hapless Jar Jar was blown off his Kaadu by a near miss and landed on one of the tank gun barrels. General Ceel came alongside on his Kaadu and signalled Jar Jar to jump off but the younger Gungan was scared witless. The turret of the tank began swinging left and right, trying to dislodge Jar Jar from the barrel. It was sheer luck the turret swung out far enough for Jar Jar to let go and land behind General Ceel. Before long the Gungans were overrun. General Ceel and Jar Jar were captured and held with some other Gungan officers. “Dissa bad, berry bombad.” Jar Jar said looking around at the battlefield. “Mesa hopen dissa working for da Queen.” General Ceel said. _______ The doors to the palace’s throne room exploded outward, nearly blown off their heavy hinges; Nathrrya’s Force push had almost been too great. The Sith swept into the room like a goddess of destruction, as many of the droid guards were tossed around like so many rag dolls during a child’s tantrum. Sweeping her left arm in a wide arc, Nathrrya sent the bulk of the droids smashing through the large ornate windows of the throne room that overlooked the palace courtyard. Plummeting two stories to the ground, the droids shattered to pieces upon impact. The remaining droids were quickly dispatched with her lightsabre before she approached Nute Gunray and Rune Haako. Her lightsabre humming with power, its violet blade casting an eerie glow on the polished marble floor, both men couldn’t help but tremble in fear. Though neither was force sensitive, they could still feel the Dark Side emanating from the woman. What truly terrified them were her eyes, they were bright yellow and they knew what that meant. Nathrrya turned her head slightly when she sensed Padme come alongside her. “Sorry about the mess,” she deadpanned. The younger woman smiled slightly before she glared at Nute Gunray. “Now, Viceroy, this is the end of your occupation here.” “Don't be absurd.” Nute said with far more confidence than he felt. “It won't be long before hundreds of... destroyer droids... break in to.... rescue us.” The Neimodian found himself being lifted off the ground by an invisible hand. He also realized he suddenly had trouble breathing. “What Sidious sees in such weak pawns as you, is beyond me.” Nathrrya hissed. She was going to enjoy herself while she had the chance, though, she was grateful for the presence of the Jedi. Their connection to the Light as well as their concern and compassion kept her from losing herself completely to the Dark Side. “Do you really think your precious destroyer droids are going to stop someone like me?” Nathrrya asked as she twirled her lightsabre for added drama. “I scrapped most of them on the way here!” “You’re...Sith...with...Sidious?” Nute managed to stutter, confused. Nathrrya’s laugh wasn’t pleasant. “Oh, I am Sith, I can assure you of that Viceroy. But I have no allegiance to that short-sighted idiot that dares call himself a Lord of the Sith. He doesn’t even know the meaning of the title!” She was enjoying mocking her absent adversary. “I, however, have been a Lord of the Sith far longer than he has.” It was technically true, she thought. Letting go of the Viceroy, he fell to the floor coughing and sputtering. ______ Ric Olie groaned as he came too then cursed as he looked out the fighter’s canopy, noticing a group of B1 battle droids approaching. “Kriffing hell! Artoo, the systems are overheated.” Ric said looking down at the control panel seeing nothing but red readouts. Artoo beeped an acknowledgement, before letting him know he was trying to reboot the ship’s systems. “I know little buddy but now would be a very good time to leave!” Almost as if the human’s words were a command, all the lights went from red to green and the fighter’s engines came to life. Ric wasted no time in hitting the firing button on the control column and blasting the battle droids in front of the fighter. Artoo manoeuvred the fighter, turning it around so they could leave, while Ric kept his thumb down on the button, spraying the inside of the control ships hanger. As the Naboo ship passed a hallway that lead deeper into the ship, Artoo launched two proton torpedoes the fighter carried. The torpedoes disappeared down the hallway, hitting equipment near the main reactor. The explosion started a chain reaction that nothing could stop, thus dooming the control ship. “That sounded as if it hit something vital, get us outta here Artoo!” Ric yelled as he stopped firing. The astromech beeped an affirmative and Ric was thrust back into his seat due to the sudden acceleration. ________ Bravo Two watched in amazement as the Federation control ship started to explode. He noticed Bravo Leader’s N1 shoot out of the main hanger. “Spast! It’s Bravo Leader, they did it!” Bravo Two yelled over the com channel. “The crazy Sith’s plan worked!” “They don’t teach anything like that in the academy.” Bravo three remarked. As the remaining Naboo N1’s made for home at top speed, behind them the control ship fully exploded as its rectors went critical. ______ The captive Gungans were surprised when all the battle droids begin to shake uncontrollably, then suddenly stopped moving all together. The Gungans carefully moved to inspect the frozen droids. Jar Jar tentatively reached out and pushed one of the battle droids. It fell over, lifeless. “Wierdind...” _______ Nute Gunray had regained his dignity, or as much as he could, given the circumstances. “It was unwise of you to have Sidious’ apprentice waiting in ambush.” Nathrrya said “It did save me the hassle of hunting him down, so I should thank you for that. I wasn’t in the best of moods having to come back here to clean up your mess. My encounter with him darkened my mood considerably.” She glared at the man. “What I want to know is how you two idiots thought you could get away with this invasion?” Strangely, the two Neimodians remained silent. The Sith narrowed her eyes. “Time for your reward. I’m sure you know how we Sith reward such outstanding loyalty as yours.” With a flurry of movement Nathrrya brought her lightsabre within centimetres of the Viceroys neck and held it there. “But sadly, you’re more useful alive than as a headless corpse.” She said, stepping away from the terrified man. Turning off her weapon, she returned it to her belt. “Captain Panaka!” Nathrrya called turning to face the man. “Please be so kind as to remove these two morons from my sight before I do the galaxy a favour and remove their cowardice from it permanently!” “As you wish my Lord!” the Naboo native replied with a hint of humour as he and his men escorted the two Neimoidians from the throne room. Nathrrya smiled wishfully, leaning against a marble pillar trying to centre herself. Qui-Gon motioned for Obi-Wan to approach Nathrrya. “Are you alright?” he asked as he came to stand beside her “You had Qui-Gon and myself quite worried you know.” The Sith slowly opened her eyes which were now, mercifully, blue once again. “I know you were. It’s what held me back from going too far.” She frowned slightly. “I haven’t drawn on the Dark Side for so long or so deeply, in a long time. It’s taken more out of me than I want to admit. I could really use a comfy bed for a few hours.” “I think I can arrange that, Nathrrya.” Padme said as she beckoned one of her handmaidens over. “Sabe, take Nathrrya to one of the guest suites.” “As you wish Your Highness.” Sabe replied “If you would please follow me.” “Does my Lord wish an escort?” Obi-Wan asked with some amusement. Nathrrya smacked him playfully on the arm. “Don’t you start Obi-Wan. I haven’t been lord of anything in over three thousand years and I don’t plan to start now. Believe it or not it gets old, fast.” She smiled then. “But I would like your company.” “Then you shall have it.” Obi-Wan said as he indicated to Sabe she should lead the way. ______ Phew all caught up.
  16. Chapter 18 -- Battle of Naboo Part I ________________ Nathrrya sat meditating, her legs crossed, hands on her knees and eyes closed, levitating about a meter above the swampy ground. She didn’t want to get her favourite and currently only outfit damp and dirty. The Sith hadn’t done anything as straight forward as self levitation in a very long time. As she allowed the Force to flow through her, Nathrrya could sense that Padme had been successful in gaining the aide of the Gungan army and that Obi-Wan was on his way to retrieve her. She smirked. The padawan’s reaction should be entertaining. Nathrrya’s eyes snapped open. “Well, aren’t we an obedient little apprentice.” she mused. Sidious had sent his apprentice. The Jedi might not be able to sense him but attuned to the Dark Side as she was, Nathrrya had little trouble finding him in the Force. It also helped that he was truly terrible at shielding his presence from another Sith. A cruel smile appeared on her lips. The Jedi knew where she was as she wanted them to know. However, Sidious’ apprentice was completely oblivious to her presence and he’d remain that way until she was ready to strike. The woman frowned, she’d have to revise her battle plan slightly considering this development. Her plan had been to lead the fighter strike against the droid control ship. She supposed she still could but the Force was strongly discouraging her from doing so and as usual, it was being vague as to why. Nathrrya always had a natural talent for manipulating and shielding her presence in the Force and detecting others. She’d used it to great effect on Korriban, so she appeared, even to the likes of Darth Baras, as an above average acolyte and not the full Sith she was. Given that she looked younger than her thirty-five years, Baras had fallen for the ruse. The only person who had known the truth had been Overseer Tremel but as he was an ally of House Palatine that was to be expected. She had little success in detecting Sidious, though she knew he was out there, somewhere. He might be on Coruscant. She supposed he was as good as, if not a little better than herself at masking his presence. He wouldn’t have been able to avoid the Jedi otherwise. She hoped that if she made herself enough of a nuisance then Sidious would slip up and reveal himself. Nathrrya closed her eyes and went back to her meditation. _________ “Where is Nathrrya?” Padme asked as she couldn’t see the older woman amongst them. “She... left before we were ambushed by the Gungans.” Qui-Gon replied. “Why? We do not know. She just disappeared.” “Do you think...?” the Queen asked worried. Qui-Gon shook his head. “No, we can still sense her presence in the Force. If Nathrrya were planning anything nefarious then she would hide from us.” “She could do that?” Padme asked alarmed though she didn’t fully understand. The Jedi master nodded “Yes, Nathrrya is skilled enough to hide her presence if she wished to. However, she wants us to know where she is. I sent Obi-Wan to find her and retrieve her,” he explained, “Whatever made Nathrrya vanish has passed and it’s safe for her to return.” Padme frowned “What do you mean?” “I believe Nathrrya’s sudden disappearance may have had something to do with you humbling yourself before Boss Nass.” The Jedi master stated. “Oh...” the young woman seemed to deflate slightly. “You did nothing wrong your highness for we know almost nothing of Nathrrya’s past life, only what she has been willing to share,” he said, “It would not surprise me if she had experienced something similar that would have left a negative impression on her.” Little did the Jedi Master know how right he was in his assessment. “And as a Sith, Nathrrya feels emotions much more strongly...” Padme began to understand “And if she did feel something negative then my negotiations could have gone badly?” “Precisely your highness. Nathrrya left to insure you could do what you needed to do to secure the aide of the Gungans.” Qui-Gon said, “Obi-Wan will find our wayward Sith.” Padme couldn’t help herself she giggled at the thought of Nathrrya being called ‘our wayward Sith.’ _________ Obi-Wan found it easy to follow Nathrrya’s presence in the Force through the swamp, even so it took him a good fifteen minutes to reach her. He wasn’t certain what he’d find, as the closer he got the stronger the mixed emotions were encompassing the woman. Well there’s only one way to find out. The padawan thought as he took a breath and stepped around a tree and into a small clearing. There in the centre not more than ten feet away was Nathrrya, levitating about a meter above the swampy ground. Obi-Wan looked surprised and impressed; levitation wasn’t hard to do but to truly master it took a lot of practice or natural talent. He wasn’t sure which he was seeing. Perhaps a little of both? The padawan frowned as he wasn’t sure what to say or how to ask what he wanted to know, so he settled on just observing her. Nathrrya opened her eyes and studied Obi-Wan for a few moments. “Come to check on me?” she asked at last, as she uncrossed her legs and stood, lowering herself to the ground. The padawan smiled slightly, impressed by what he saw. “In a manner of speaking.” he said taking a step closer. “Are you alright? What happened? When you vanished, we didn’t know what to think,” The concern and curiosity clear in his voice. The woman sighed as she let her arms fall to her sides. “My past happened, or would have had I stayed.” She bit her bottom lip as she ran a hand through her hair. “I had a premonition of Padme humbling herself before the Gungan chief. All I saw, though, was the throne room of the Eternal Emperor. Valkorion stood before me at the foot of his throne offering me power and privilege. All I had to do was submit to his will. For that reason, I disappeared.” “This story isn’t going to end well, is it?” Obi-Wan asked clearly worried. “No, it doesn’t.” Nathrrya confirmed. “Once I learned of the Emperor’s true plans for the galaxy, I swore I’d never bend my knee to anyone ever again. So, I told Valkorion no. He was ready to kill me just as he had Darth Marr, when his son Arcann attacked him giving me the chance to put my saber through Valkorion’s back...” the woman seemed to hesitate a moment. “The man died in an explosion of force energy that must have knocked me out, I woke up three and a half thousand years later.” Obi-Wan nodded slowly. “But for you it’s been how long since this happened?” “About three weeks.... a month at most.” Nathrrya said looking thoughtful. “Rationally, I understood what Padme wanted to do and it made sense...” “...But emotionally, it was too soon and something you had no desire to do, ever again. So, you fled to protect not only yourself but Padme as well.” Finished Obi-Wan an understanding expression on his face. “Something like that.” Nathrrya said a sad smile on her lips. “We better get back to Qui-Gon or Force only knows what he’ll be thinking if we take too long...” the woman let the implication hang in the air. Obi-Wan grinned. “Oh? Would that be the ‘Jedi/Sith’ or the ‘male/female’ concerns of Qui-Gon?” he asked as Nathrrya came to stand next to him. Nathrrya pretended to think about it for a few moments. “I’d say the latter more than the former. You did ask me out a date after all.” She leaned in closer. “But being a Sith I can’t deny there’s a certain... thrill at the prospect of seducing a Jedi.” The woman whispered in Obi-Wan’s ear. The young man shut his eyes and tried to suppress the shiver that ran through him. He heard the woman step closer and chuckle. Obi-Wan opened his eyes to find Nathrrya’s face centimetres from his own, a seductive smirk on her lips. Before he realised what was happening, she closed the distance and kissed him lightly on the cheek “You really are too much fun to tease...” Nathrrya then stepped back smiling. “Sorry Obi-Wan, but that was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” She said as she turned and headed back to the ruined temple. The padawan let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. Sighing in relief, he regained his composure and wondered if Nathrrya had been like this with her former lover, Malavai Quinn. As he began to follow her, he strongly suspected that the answer was yes. _______ Mace Windu and Yoda were having their regular meeting in the latter’s quarters to discuss various happenings within the Jedi. However, this meeting was anything but regular. “Uncertain the boy’s future still is.” Yoda said. “Trained he must be. Untrained, a greater danger he will be.” Mace nodded for he had come to much the same conclusion. “Anakin is a shatter point much like Nathrrya is.” He pointed out. Yoda was silent for a time as he considered his next words. “His future Dark Side master she may be. Uncertain it is, His Jedi Master should be. Special case is he.” Mace frowned as he leaned forward in his seat. “What do you mean old friend?” Yoda smiled slightly. “Traditional Jedi teaching, Anakin should not take, to old he is, full of emotion he is. Unconventional training, he needs. His master understands this, they must.” Mace rubbed his chin in thought. “There are not many masters that would be suitable.” “Convince Nathrrya to join the Order I must,” Yoda said. Mace looked dumbfounded at Yoda’s statement “She will never turn to the Light, as she’s to set in her ways, though she seems to bare the Order no ill will. Nathrrya would be an ally at most.” Yoda nodded slowly “Turn her to the Light unneeded. More valuable Nathrrya as is. Too long have the Jedi been afraid of the Dark Side, shunned it we have. Understand it we do not. Nathrrya first Dark master of the Jedi order she should be.” Mace looked thoughtful as he understood what Yoda was trying to do. Nathrrya was an unknown that the Jedi Council could not control. “That will not be an easy task, old friend.” he warned. “She will disagree with most rules and outright refuse others. She may even refuse to join the Order as she is too independent.” “Know this I do. Change the Jedi Order must.” Yoda stated. _______ “Are you alright Nathrrya?” Padme asked. “I was worried when you disappeared the way you did.” The older woman smiled as reassuringly as she could. “I’m okay now. You were successful in getting the Gungans to help and that’s what really matters.” Padme nodded letting the matter rest as it was obviously some Force related thing that she wouldn’t understand. “Was it my imagination, but did Padawan Kenobi look a little flustered when he returned with you?” Nathrrya grinned. “You noticed that did you? He’s fun to tease. Let’s just say I... flirted with him.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. Padme folded her arms. “Are you sure that’s all you did?” she might be young but she wasn’t blind. Nathrrya briefly looked in the direction of the two Jedi before returning her attention to the younger woman. “Well... I may have kissed him on the cheek...” Padme covered her mouth with her hand to hide her gasp of shock. “Oh, don’t look so worried.” the Sith lightly scolded. “In the time I’ve spent with Obi-Wan it’s obvious to me he is a devout member of the Jedi Order. He is extremely loyal and has his sights on becoming a Jedi Knight. That is something I’m not interested in jeopardising for him, so I’m content with being his friend. Though, I’m not above giving him a little bit of grief every now and then.” Padme nodded looking thoughtful. “What happens if your harmless fun becomes something more... serious?” she asked curiously. Nathrrya was taken by surprise and frowned. “In all honesty, I haven’t thought that far ahead. I certainly wouldn’t object to the idea. But the Jedi would have to get over their fear of emotional attachments and I can’t see that happening anytime soon.” she said taking Padme by the arm. “Now, Your Highness I believe you were going to show me where the secret passages are. I have a battle plan to finalise and not much time to do it in.” ________ “What happened Obi-Wan?” Qui-Gon asked concerned about Nathrrya’s explanation of her sudden disappearance. The padawan sighed. “Master, you must understand that from Nathrrya’s perspective only a month at most has passed since the events that lead to her being frozen in carbonite. We were right master; she had a premonition of the Queen bowing before the Gungan Chief. It triggered some unpleasant memories of the moments just prior to Nathrrya being frozen. She could not bring herself to do such again, so she did the next best thing she could; she disappeared.” “Do you know what happened in her past?” The Jedi master wanted to know. Obi-wan nodded. “I do but you would be better served asking Nathrrya yourself master for I do not really understand what she told me. I understand what it made her do but not fully the why.” Nathrrya’s words about the Emperor still unsettled him. Qui-Gon nodded his understanding as he studied his apprentice. “Did she happen to flirt with you?” The padawan chuckled. “Yes, she did, master. Nothing you need concern yourself about.” Obi-Wan said even as he was sure he could still feel the tingle of the woman’s lips. He knew Siri would do something... rash if she ever found out, so he prayed to the force she never did. The lingering pink flush on Obi-Wan’s face was evident to the Jedi Master. Qui-Gon made a mental note to approach the Sith woman later. It made him wonder what her true intentions towards his padawan where. Not that he believed that Nathrrya was trying to turn Obi-Wan in any way but the woman’s flirtatious nature was of some concern. ________ Nute, Rune and Darth Maul were following a spider droid that was projecting a hologram of Darth Sidious as they walked the halls of the Theed Palace. “We've sent out patrols. We've already located their starship in the swamp... It won't be long, My Lord.” Nute informed the Dark Lord. “This is an unexpected move for the Queen. It's too aggressive...” Sidious pondered, but something this other Sith might do... he glanced at his apprentice. “Lord Maul, be mindful.” “Yes, my Master.” The Zabrak replied totally failing to keep his excitement for battle out of his voice. “Be patient...” Sidious scolded. “Let them make the first move.” _______ Near the edge of the swamp where it became rolling grassland, a Gungan sentry sat atop an ancient temple statue searching the landscape with a pair of electro-binoculars. Spotting something, the sentry looked down towards Obi-Wan near the base of the statue “Dayza comen!” he yelled. The padawan nodded. “Good. They're here.” Turning away from the statue, Obi-Wan made his way to where Padme, Qui-Gon and Nathrrya were discussing the battle plan with five Gungan Generals. Boss Nass put an arm around Jar Jar. “Yousa doen grand. Jar Jar bringen da Naboo together.” The Gungan chief said with pride. “Oh, no, no, no...” Jar Jar shock his head not liking where this was going. “So, wesa maken yousa Bombad General.” The large Gungan informed him with a smile. “General!?” Jar Jar exclaimed shocked. “Oh, no...” his eyes rolled back, and tongue flopped out of his mouth as the Gungan fainted to the roars of laughter from Boss Nass. “At least the meeting should go smoothly now.” Nathrrya observed dryly looking down at Jar Jar’s inert from. Captain Panaka arrived with four speeders and had with him about a dozen or so guards and pilots. They soon made their way to where everyone else was gathered. “What is the situation?” Padme asked her chief protector. “Almost everyone's in camps. A few hundred police and guards have formed an underground movement. I brought as many of the leaders as I could.” Panaka explained gesturing to the men with him. “The Federation Army's also much larger than we thought, and much stronger. Your Highness, this is a battle I do not think we can win.” “Relax captain.” Nathrrya said as she leaned on the planning table. “The battle is primarily a diversion. The Gungans must draw the bulk of the Droid Army away from Theed. We can then enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side that Padme told me about. Once we get to the main entrance...” She made eye contact with Panaka. “It will then be up to you, Captain, to create a diversion with whatever men you can muster, so that we can enter the palace and capture the Viceroy. Without the Viceroy, they will hopefully be lost and confused.” “What do you think, Master Jedi?” Padme asked. Qui-Gon nodded slowly folding his arms across his chest as he did so. “The Viceroy will be well guarded.” “Agreed but the difficulty's getting into the throne room. Once we're inside, we shouldn't have a problem.” Panaka said. “There is a possibility that with this diversion many Gungans will be killed.” Qui-Gon said. “Most certainty Master Jinn.” Nathrrya replied grimily for she was aware she was sending many Gungans to their deaths. It wasn’t the first time she’d given such orders. “Wesa ready to do are-sa part.” Boss Nass stated thumping his chest in defiance. Nathrrya sighed as she brought up a holo image. “Now for the real wrinkle in our plans, the droid control ship. I have a plan which should shut down the Droid Army. It involves sending what pilots we have to knock out the Droid control ship which is orbiting the planet.” She looked around the assembled group. “However, getting past the ships ray shields is going to be the problem, as your star fighters lack the firepower necessary. That’s not to say it can’t be done but what I’m going to propose is very dangerous and could well be a one-way trip for whichever pilot attempts it.” Before Nathrrya could continue, R2-D2 made a series of beeps and whistles making everyone look at him. The Sith chuckled at the antics of the astromech. “Don’t worry Artoo I was just getting to your part of the plan.” “His part of the plan?” one of the pilots asked confused. Nathrrya nodded. “Yes, what I propose is this, one of the fighters has Artoo as the droid when the control ship deploys its own fighters to counter the attack, the pilot of Artoo’s fighter gives total control to the droid as his reaction and response times are much faster and more accurate than that of a normal human.” She explained. “Artoo then flies the fighter at its maximum speed into the control ships hanger, let’s loose with the fighter’s guns setting off a chain reaction from the inside and gutting the control ship, hopefully getting out before the whole thing explodes.” An uneasy silence settled on the clearing at the woman’s explanation. “That’s madness!” Ric Olie cried. Nathrrya shrugged. “Maybe, but you lack fighters with heavy enough weapons to punch through the capital ship grade shields the control ship has. I had considered piloting one of the fighters myself. But shortly after we landed that no longer became an option.” “Why is that, if I may ask?” Padme spoke up. Nathrrya held the younger woman’s gaze. “I sensed the Sith apprentice I fought on Tatooine. He has much to learn about masking his force signature. It makes sense he’d be here, lying in wait for you Your Highness. Sidious had hoped to manipulate you and now that he can’t he means to kill you. You’re a loose end. What better way to announce the return of the Sith than to murder Queen Amidala and her Jedi protectors.” Everyone shuddered at the implication of Nathrrya’s words. The older woman placed a reassuring hand on Padme’s shoulder. “The apprentice will not succeed, I promise you Padme, for I will face him. He will not see the sunset.” “We would be the better choice to face the apprentice, Nathrrya.” Qui-Gon said sounding worried. The woman snorted as she turned to face the man. “I doubt that Master Jinn, the Jedi haven’t faced a Sith in almost a thousand years.” Nathrrya’s smile was predatory. “It’s time Darth Avarice, Empire’s Wrath, last Sith Lord of the ancient Sith Empire made her presence felt in the galaxy.” Her eyes turned yellow briefly but the intent was clear. Qui-Gon nodded as he let out a sigh, it was clear that Nathrrya’s mind was made up. She saw the upcoming showdown with Sidious’ apprentice as a matter of honour for her long dead empire and herself. He couldn’t fault the woman for that. Obi-Wan felt himself shudder at Nathrrya’s Darth title. Only hours earlier he had to deal with a very playful and flirty woman. Standing before him now was a battle-hardened warrior, a stalwart defender of what she believed in. “It’s as good a plan as any.” Obi-Wan said. “But the danger remains if the Viceroy should escape, he will return with another droid army.” “That is why we must not fail to get to the Viceroy. Everything depends on it.” Padme replied. ________ In the Theed Palace throne room Nute, Rune, Darth Maul and the droid OOM-9 were talking to a hologram of Darth Sidious. “The Queen is more foolish than I thought.” Sidious remarked though he didn’t think the Queen was behind this, not directly. He suspected the unknown Sith was working against him but what her goal on Naboo was, was still a mystery to him. “We are sending all available troops to meet this army of hers assembling near the swamp. It appears to be made up of primitives. We do not expect much resistance.” Nute inform the Dark Lord. “I am increasing security at all the detention camps.” The command droid OOM-9 said. “I feel there is more to this, My Master. The two Jedi may be using the Queen for their own purposes.” Maul pointed out as he folded his arms. Sidious smirked for his apprentice was almost right. “The Jedi cannot become involved. They can only protect the Queen. Even Qui-Gon Jinn will not break that covenant.... This will work to our advantage...” Deep down however Sidious had his doubts for there was a piece in play he could not control nor predict. The dark lord suspected that before the day was out he would need to start looking for a new apprentice for the opposing Sith would not allow Maul to live a second time. “So, I have your approval to proceed then, My Lord?” the Viceroy asked. Sidious nodded a cruel smile on his lips. “Proceed. Wipe them out... all of them.” ________ As the Gungan Army began to from up on the grasslands of Naboo its makeup could easily be seen. There was infantry, warriors on foot; cavalry, warriors riding their Kaadu mounts and lastly ranged artillery in the form of Fambaas with catapults on their backs. Some Fambaas carried large shield generators mounted on their backs and it was these that would give the Gungans a chance against the Droid Army. General Ceel signalled the Gungan Army to halt as he looked through his electro-binoculars at the ridge line several kilometres away. He watched numerous Federation tanks cresting the ridge, forming into a line along its length. Behind the tanks were the droid troop transports. Ceel spent a few more moments observing the Federation battle line then he lowered his electro-binoculars. “Energise the shields!” the Gungan General bellowed. _______ Even with the bulk of the droid army drawn away by the diversionary attack, Theed’s central plaza still had plenty of droids and a few tanks for the small strike force to deal with. Padme followed by her handmaiden Eirtae then Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Nathrrya and lastly Artoo made their way stealthily toward the entrance to the main hanger. Following them were a group of twenty other Naboo, mostly pilots and several guards. Near the hanger entrance the group stopped as Padme signalled with a small red laser light across the plaza to the second group led by Captain Panaka and Rabe. As they signalled back, Nathrrya took the opportunity to make her thoughts known. “At least the walking scrap piles lack air support, that’d be a whole other level of annoying. The tanks are bad enough.” She grinned seeing Panaka’s group begin the attack at the far end of the plaza. “Now you’ll see what a Sith is truly capable of.” Nathrrya said giddy with anticipation as she dashed into the hanger followed closely by the Jedi, Padme and the rest of their group. ________ In the Palace throne room, Nute and Rune looked on in horror as they saw the plaza battle unfold on a large screen. “I thought the battle was going to take place far from here... this is too close!” Nute exclaimed extremely worried. Darth Maul growled. “I told you there was more to this... the Jedi are involved!” Only he wasn’t looking at the Jedi on the screen. He was focused on the woman he’d faced on Tatooine. She wasn’t hiding or holding back in the Force. It made Maul uneasy, for she was a beacon in the dark side that felt as strong as his master. If indeed he was facing another fully trained Sith and not some fallen Jedi then... he was in over his head. He’d been trained to fight Jedi not another Sith. Nute looked at the Zabrak apprentice and glared. “Then just don’t stand there... go deal with the Jedi! That’s what you’re here for isn’t it?” The Zabrak opened his mouth to say something then closed it. The Neimoidians weren’t worth the effort. Maul spun on his heel and left the throne room. He had Jedi to kill. _______ Alarms sounded as Nathrrya, closely followed by the Jedi, Padme and her troops, rushed into the hanger. The battle droids present opened fire as the attacking forces sought cover. Nathrrya ignited her lightsabre and threw it in a graceful arc, as the violet blade spun through the air end over end. Decapitating at least three droids she also felled another three with head shots from her blaster. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were not idle as they had been deflecting blaster bolts aimed at Padme back into the offending battle droids, causing them to explode. The Sith looked up briefly and shook her head wondering if the Jedi would ever grow a pair and fight. __________ The Federation tanks began their bombardment of the Gungan energy shied which held strong, several minutes passed before the tanks stopped firing. The Gungan army let out a mighty cheer though they knew it isn’t over yet. The tanks moved back slightly, allowing the droid transports to move forward and unload their cargo. As the Gungans watched, row upon row of battle droids deployed from the transports and readied for combat. Atop a tank OOM-9 gave the order to advance. Thousands of battle droids steadily marched towards the Gungan army. As the droids advanced, the Gungans powered up their weapons. They knew they needed to defend their shield generators against the horde of droids. As the two armies clashed OOM-9 continued to watch from a tank on the ridge overlooking the battle. _______ With her lightsabre returned to her, Nathrrya spotted a half dozen droids, that were preventing the pilots from getting to their fighters. The Sith force jumped and performed a back flip in mid air so that she landed directly behind the droids. Before the hapless droids knew what was happening they were cut in half by Nathrrya’s violet blade. Padme smiled and nodded her thanks as she turned to the pilots. “Get to your ships!” The order given, the pilots and astromechs ran for the Naboo fighters. Among them R2-D2 and Ric Olie. “Come on Artoo let’s go scrap that control ship.” The little droid beeped an affirmative as he was hoisted into Ric’s fighter and the pilot hurriedly claimed the ladder into the cockpit. The fighters began to lift off the hanger floor and steadily flew out in twos and threes coming under fire from the few remaining droids. One of the fighters was shot down just as it exited the hanger. Captain Panaka, Sabe, Rabe and their troops rushed into the hanger and helped overwhelm the last few remaining battle droids. The two groups joined up and took a rest while they considered their next move. “My guess is the Viceroy is holed up in the throne room, my throne room.” Padme said annoyed by the thought. “I’m inclined to agree Your Highness.” Qui-Gon replied. As the Jedi and Padme were talking Nathrrya broke away from the group and walked towards the main exit to the hanger for she could sense Sidious’ apprentice. She raised her hand and with a gesture, Nathrrya opened the hanger door revealing her quarry on the other side. “And so, Sidious’ apprentice makes his grand entrance.” Nathrrya mocked as she eyed the Zabrak. Maul growled, that wasn’t a good sign if this unknown Sith knew who his master was. He let his cloak fall to the ground and raised the hilt of his lightsabre briefly offering it for inspection, activating one end then the other. Nathrrya just rolled her eyes at the display as she ignited her own lightsabre falling into her favoured opening stance, one the Jedi did not fully recognise. “We'll handle this...” Qui-Gon began. “No.” Nathrrya countered as she pointed to a secondary exit. “Stay with the Queen.” She smiled at the Zabrak but there was nothing friendly about it. “I’ll deal with this... inconvenience.” Her eyes turned yellow as she spoke.
  17. Thanks Sarova. Got through the flashpoint and it wasn't a bad ending to the Alliance. Quite enjoyed it in fact.
  18. Chapter 17 -- Return to Naboo ___________ “Nathrrya, a question if I may?” Qui-Gon asked as the two walked along the main hallway of the royal cruiser, the woman nodded her assent “Your last name, Palatine, you share it with that archaeology professor do you not?” “I do, it’s possible she’s a distant relative of the Palatine Sith line. Lara is force blind and given what I’ve learned about the end of the Ruusan Wars, she and her family could be all that’s left of the old Sith line.” Nathrrya said “In either case, it’s not comforting as it still makes me the last of the Palatine Sith line.” She said with a frown. “It concerns you greatly.” Obi-Wan observed from behind the two masters. “Yes, and I still don’t know how I feel about being the last of my line.” Nathrrya admitted “I had always expected to die in battle as befits a warrior... but now? Now... that’s not really an option if I want to see the Therin-Palatine line continue.” The padawan looked concerned as he could clearly pick up on the sadness in her voice. “You need cheering up Nathrrya and when we get back to Coruscant I know just the place to take you; Dex’s Diner.” Obi-Wan said with a mischievous smile. If anyone could brighten your day it was Dexter Jettster. Nathrrya looked over her shoulder “Did you just ask me out on a date Obi-Wan?” she asked with a seductive smirk. Obi-Wan blushed with embarrassment. I walked right into that. Qui-Gon facepalmed. ______ The Theed Palace Throne room had become Nute Gunray’s new command centre now that the Trade Federation had occupied Naboo. “The Queen is on her way to you. I regret she is of no further use to us. When she gets there, destroy her.” The holo image of Darth Sidious ordered with no emotion whatsoever. “Yes, my Lord.” Nute replied, beside him Rune Hakoo looked uneasy. “Viceroy, is the planet secure?” Sidious asked. “Yes, my Lord, we have taken over the last pockets of primitive life forms. We are in complete control of the planet now.” Nute confirmed. “Good. I will see to it that in the Senate, things stay as they are.” Sidious said as he looked at the third member of the meeting. “I see Darth Maul has joined you. He will deal with the Jedi.” “Understood, my Lord.” The Viceroy said, the holo image of Darth Sidious nodded before fading from view. _______ Queen Amidala was talking with Qui-Gon and Captain Panaka while Obi-Wan and Jar Jar looked on. The padawan glanced to where Nathrrya was, leaning against the inner hull of the ship seemingly uninterested in the conversion taking place, her sole focus being on the data pad in her hands. Obi-Wan wasn’t fooled, he knew she’d be listening. “The moment we land, the Federation will arrest you and force you to sign the treaty.” Panaka said his concern evident. “I agree... I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by this.” Qui-Gon added. “I'm going to take back what's ours.” The queen replied, a determined glint in her eyes. “There are only twelve of us, Your Highness....we have no army.” Panaka reminded his stubborn monarch. “I cannot fight a war for you, Your Highness, only protect you.” Qui-Gon informed her. Nathrrya looked up from her data pad and glared at the back of the Jedi Master somehow managing to keep her mouth shut. As fun as it would have been to goad the Jedi into an argument about not fighting when it truly mattered, she was busy trying to formulate at battle plan with what resources the Naboo had to win back their planet. Not an easy task but she’d done more with less. I think you’d be pleased, Quinn. She thought. Nathrrya had learned much from her lover over the years about strategy and planning, adding her own practical war time experience and she was a real danger to the Trade Federation. One they wouldn’t see coming. “Jar Jar Binks.” The queen said getting the Gungan’s attention. “Mesa, Your Highness?” Jar Jar asked as he looked around, puzzled. “Yes. I need your help. You said the Gungan’s have an army correct?” “Wesa do, Your Highness.” Jar Jar nodded enthusiastically. Nathrrya pushed herself off the inner hull of the ship, it was time to get involved. “Your Highness if you were able to gain the cooperation of the Gungan army it will make winning back your planet easier.” “That is my hope Nathrrya but I fear it will not be easy for there is much bad blood between our peoples.” The Queen replied. “The Gungan’s will be slaughtered by the droid army.” Panaka pointed out “They must number in the thousands.” “One would think so. The droid army seems almost unstoppable; however, the Federation’s army is not as invincible as the Neimoidians would like everyone to believe.” Nathrrya said with a devious smile. “The droids are mass produced and rely on sheer numbers to be effective but they lack any real autonomy, for the Neimoidians fear their droids turning on them.” “If they weren’t autonomous they’d be no good as troops.” Panaka protested. “Oh, they have some autonomy, true but the Trade Federation relies on a droid control ship, if it’s knocked out or the control signal from it lost, the droid army shuts down. It’s a failsafe.” Nathrrya grinned holding up the data pad. “It’s all on the HoloNet if anyone cares to look. The part I haven’t quite worked out yet is how to kill the control ship.” The woman had a longing look in her eyes. “If I only had the Violet Rose, I’d have enough firepower to knock out the control ship.” “We have some star fighters.” Queen Amidala said. Nathrrya nodded “I saw them however their weapons likely lack the power to be a real threat to the control ship but they may be useful.” At that moment R2 made a series of beeps and whistles which made the Sith look down curiously at the little droid. An idea came to mind, one she’d have to think about a little more, to develop it into a proper plan. “You’re forgetting about the blockade fleet, Nathrrya.” Panaka pointed out as he folded his arms. The woman shook her head. “No, I haven’t. It won’t be there. The Trade Federation doesn’t need it now, they occupy the planet. There will be likely only one ship in orbit, the droid control ship.” “You seem to know much about battle Nathrrya.” Qui-Gon said a worried tone in his voice. Nathrrya smiled sadly. “Six years of almost constant galactic war will do that to you, Master Jinn. It’s one of the few things from my time that I don’t miss. The near constant fighting was draining on everything and everyone. And for what? A galaxy near total collapse.” No one in the room knew how to react to that. ______ “Where are Nathrrya, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon?” Anakin asked as he and his mother were given a tour of the Jedi Temple by Yoda and Mace Windu. It was a way to pass the time but it also allowed the two senior Jedi to observe and assess the boy more. “Gone to Naboo they have, confront the Trade Federation.” Yoda said as he walked alongside the force strong boy. “Worried you should not be. Nathrrya concerned for your safety is.” "I thought the Jedi helped people." Anakin said as he looked up at the tall dark-skinned Jedi “So why did you try and arrest Nathrrya?” “Ani...” Shmi warned. Mace raised his hand easing the mother’s fears “It’s alright Miss Skywalker. He asks a good question. It’s not an easy question to answer young Anakin. What do you know about the Sith?” The boy shrugged. “Not much, Nathrrya hasn’t talked about it. I know she uses the Dark Side of the Force and her eyes turn yellow when she does. She said she has done some bad things a long time ago. But Nathrrya seems friendly, not angry or hateful.” "Nathrrya was right; you show wisdom beyond your years." Master Windu said. “As to your question, Nathrrya is a Dark Side user, a fully trained Sith Lord. Something she freely admitted. It was a shock to discover that we had a Sith in our midst and we hadn’t detected her.” Mace paused “perhaps it was partly wounded pride that we had been so easily fooled but in retrospect it could have been handled better.” "Will you help her?” the boy asked both Jedi “She needs you." He turned to Master Yoda. "Can't you see that sir? She needs your help and she's my friend. That's why I want to be a Jedi, because they help people." Mace and Yoda looked at each other communicating silently for a time. “Nathrrya afraid of her past she is not.” Yoda said at last. “Her passions give her power in the Dark Side, blind her they do not. In the Dark she was raised, sees the Light she can. Shy away from the Light Nathrrya does not. Such a Dark Side Master a valuable ally of the Jedi could be.” _____ Nathrrya and Obi-Wan were sat across from each other in the royal cruiser’s galley drinking caff, much like they had done on their flight from Naboo. “You look like something’s on your mind Obi-Wan.” Nathrrya observed “You’ve been staring at that mug for at least five minutes.” She said indicting the padawan’s caff. Obi-Wan looked up and half smiled “Yes, I’ve just been thinking about what you said to Master Yoda about the idea of having a family shot out from under you.” The woman gestured for him to continue. “It’s clear to me that family is something very important to you.” he said carefully “You’ve all but adopted Anakin.” Nathrrya nodded slowly “Answer me this, is there anyone... special in your life?” Obi-Wan looked down at his mug as he swirled the contents. “There is, her name is Siri Tachi. We realised that we loved each other but have since decided to focus on being the best Jedi we can be.” he looked up. “But I still care about her a great deal.” “Then you know love hurts like nothing in the galaxy when it goes wrong, but it can ignite the very stars themselves when it’s right.” Nathrrya said softly. Her shoulders slouched and her eyes dropped to the table for a moment. A mixture of happiness and sadness twitched on the corner of her lips. “I loved a man once, probably far more than was wise for me to do.” There was a wistful expression on her features now. “I didn’t care because I didn’t have to be anything when I was with him. I could just...be.” She looked up at him for a moment. “Do you want to hear the rest?” Obi-Wan was intrigued now. But he couldn’t help but sense the emotion she was giving. It could have been much stronger. All he could do was nod and she continued. “His name was Malavai Quinn.” She smiled when she said his name. Obi-Wan could see how her eyes brightened and her features took on the shape of a woman in love. She looked proud to get to say his name as she had and it sounded like she held it in high regard. “He was an Imperial Military officer assigned to my ship. I took great delight in flirting with him because he was so by the book that he had no idea how to take my advances.” Her smile loosened into a chuckle as she remembered how he would be a perfectly articulate man when he was on the ball and, as soon as she threw something at him, he became a bumbling mess. It was mere entertainment at first, then it became something serious. “He eventually cracked, and for me it was well worth the wait. We created many happy moments together in the time that we were one. There were numerous occasions where Vette and Jaesa found other things to do outside the ship because we were impossible to listen to.” There were two connotations there and Obi-Wan caught them both, one of them making him blush just ever so slightly. But then her smile faded, her eyes didn’t hold that lover’s gleam. Obi-Wan remained silent and waited for her to continue. “It didn’t last. He betrayed me… tried to kill me. Before he sprang his trap, he revealed that he’d been a plant posted in my crew by my former master, Darth Baras. Baras had planned to have me killed from the very beginning. He manipulated Quinn into trying to finish me off because I threatened his plans and had survived two previous assassination attempts.” Her eyes became distant, as she recalled the event. “When those war droids came into the room, and Quinn was standing there looking at me, I felt everything shatter. It was the most debilitating feeling I’d ever experienced. And it was calculated to hurt, to destabilize me just enough to weaken my abilities. But I made it through. I turned those droids to scrap.” Obi-Wan swallowed something that had built in his throat and he inhaled slowly, realizing he hadn’t really taken a breath while she told the story. He had to ask, but he feared the answer. “Did you… did you kill your lover?” The woman held his eyes for a second before shaking her head. “No. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I still loved Quinn very much.” Obi-Wan felt relieved. “But I wanted to, trust me. Any self-preserving Sith would have killed him without any indication of thought. And I could have, too.” She lifted her hand as if she was going to Force choke someone. She merely demonstrating how simple it could have been for her to end the man’s life. He felt his heart beat faster but he noticeably relaxed when she slackened her arm and it thumped down on the table like dead weight. “When he was on the ground, surrounded by his failed attempt to kill me, I saw something very different than what most Sith would have seen. An extremely broken man. We were probably in worse shape than the droids were. But the way he looked up at me after all he had done, to see the pain and suffering in his soul through those amazingly blue eyes… I was ruined. It turned out we had been each other's’ undoing.” She let out a very sad sigh. “So… what happened?” She shrugged seemingly indifferently. “We both went back to the ship and never said a word about what happened. That was the plan but it didn’t last five seconds past the airlock as both Vette and Jaesa knew that something bad had happened.” Nathrrya smiled slightly “No surprise as Jaesa was my apprentice and Vette was just good at reading people. I cried myself to sleep that night because I couldn’t have the man I loved in bed next to me.” There was an intense silence between them as Obi-Wan took the story and the emotions, allowing them to roll around in his mind. “That’s... that’s why you said that love saved you from making a terrible mistake when we first met outside the temple.” Nathrrya nodded slowly “Yes as I’d have instantly regretted it if I had killed Quinn. Life on the Rose over the next year was stressful for everyone. Quinn and I were back to square one and the girls were watching him like a kath hound stalking its next meal. Then Quinn did something so unexpected, he proposed to me.” Her smile light up the room “I said yes. We were to be married a few months later.” Her smiled faded “That day never came as Darth Marr would eventually contact me, he’d found the fleeing Emperor. Not long after I woke up three and a half millennia later.” Obi-Wan was speechless, Nathrrya really had her chances of having a family pulled out from under her, first by her lover’s betrayal and then after he’d proposed, before being frozen in carbonite. He wondered how she was still sane. Nathrrya looked up and held Obi-Wan’s eyes for a very long moment. They spent that time only looking at one another, both regarding the other in a completely different light than their first meeting. It was then the Padawan saw exactly what this woman built herself on, how she worked, what she believed. It was mind boggling and went against so much that he had learned in his time training to be a Jedi. ______ The Royal Cruiser headed towards Naboo. Only one Trade Federation ship could be seen in high orbit. “The blockade's gone... Just as Nathrrya said it would be.” Captain Panaka said in wonderment. “You almost sound surprised Captain.” Obi-Wan said slightly amused. “The Trade Federation occupies the planet... No need for it now.” “I have one battleship on my scope.” Ric Olie informed them, tapping the screen for emphasise. Obi-Wan frowned. “The droid control ship...” “If they haven’t already, it won’t be long before they spot us.” Panaka said, worry in his voice. Obi-Wan nodded in agreement. “Then we haven't much time.” _____ The Queen and Captain Panaka along with his men and the handmaidens were getting ready to leave the ship once it had landed. The elevator door slid open, and Nathrrya entered the hold. Padme saw the older woman and walked over to her. “Any news about Anakin?” the younger woman asked as this was the first time she’d had the chance to inquire about the boy. Nathrrya was silent for a moment. “It’s undecided yet if he’ll be admitted to the Jedi Temple or not. Due to his age, the Council weren’t too keen on the idea.” She explained. “However, I pointed out I was much older than Anakin when I passed my trials. Your returning home helped put the matter on hold for the time being.” Padme raised her eyebrows. “Passed your trials?” The older woman grinned. "Yes, I told them I was thirty-five when I passed my trials to become a full Sith. They thought I was talking about the Jedi trials." “So, you lied by omission to the whole Jedi Council and they never picked up on it?” Padme asked stunned at the thought. Nathrrya’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “I told the truth... from a certain point of view.” Despite herself Padme giggled at the thought of Nathrrya fooling the Jedi Council. ______ The Royal cruiser had landed in the Gungan swamp. Panaka’s men were busy unloading the ship, as Obi-Wan approached Qui-Gon. He passed Nathrrya who sat on a supply crate, busy with her data pad while R2-D2 stood next to her. “Jar Jar is on his way to the Gungan city, Master.” The Jedi master looked as if his mind were elsewhere. “Good.” He said turning to face the padawan. The two Jedi stood silent for a moment. Behind them, Nathrrya glanced up from her data pad and shook her head in dismay before she returned to her work. “Do you think the Queen's idea will work?” Obi-Wan asked at last. “The Gungans will not easily be swayed, and we cannot use our power to help her.” Qui-Gon replied. Unnoticed, Nathrrya facepalmed at the Jedi Master’s words as she put her data pad down and stood. “And you call yourself a Jedi? Pathetic.” She said walking over to the two men. “I’m sorry.” Qui-Gon said as he turned to face the woman. “You should be. You’re got to be the worst excuse for a Jedi I’ve had the misfortune to work with.” Nathrrya said as she folded her arms. “The two of you have been on how many missions together? You both should know by now things change quickly.” She glared at Qui-Gon. “And in case you didn’t get the memo, Master Jedi, this is a war, no matter what your precious Senate wants to think. It was a war the moment the first battle droid hit Naboo soil.” She poked the man in the chest to make her point. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have a battle to plan.” The two Jedi looked on in stunned silence as Nathrrya turned and walked back to where she’d been sitting. Picking up the data pad, they watched her show it to the astromech who beeped and whistled happily, even spinning his dome. “That went well.” Obi-Wan remarked humorously as he turned back to face his master. Qui-Gon nodded looking thoughtful. “Obi-Wan I feel I must apologise for my behaviour in the Council Camber. Nathrrya was right, I had become too fixated on Anakin. I would be happy to have you as my padawan until you pass your trials.” Obi-Wan smiled “I’m glad you can admit your mistakes master. It hurt, I will not deny that but I also felt pleased that you thought I am ready to face my trials. Perhaps after we are done here and the matter of Anakin’s future is settled, maybe then we can approach the Council about my trials for Knighthood.” Qui-Gon was humbled by his padawan’s words. “You have been a good apprentice. You are much wiser than I am, Obi-Wan. I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight.” He said as he gave the young man’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze. Nathrrya looked up and this time smiled happily as she observed the two Jedi repair their friendship. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as an idea came to her. Yes, perhaps... she could at last bury her past and it would be an excellent trial for the young Jedi. ______ Jar Jar had returned from the Gungan underwater city with dire news. It was empty and worse, there seemed to have been a battle as many of the buildings had blaster damage. However, the Gungan knew a hiding place where his people would retreat to, if threatened. It was an old sacred temple complex deeper in the swamp. As the group of humans followed the clumsy Gungan deeper into the swamp, Nathrrya’s force senses began to tingle warning the Sith of impending danger. The woman frowned looking around when her eyes fell on Padme dressed as a handmaiden. Suddenly the Sith had a premonition of what the young monarch intended to do when she met the Gungan chief. Rationally Nathrrya understood perfectly why Padme would do such a thing. Emotionally it would be a very bad idea for Nathrrya to be present. Slowly the Sith began to lag behind the rest of the group and eventually she disappeared into the swamp in another direction. Both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan eventually realised that Nathrrya was no longer with them. They were concerned about her sudden disappearance but the Force advised them to wait and they would learn why. _______ Jar Jar was leading the group of humans when he stopped to sniff the air. Behind him stood Queen Amidala, her three handmaidens, Padme, Eirtae and Rabe, Captain Panaka along with his twelve men, the two Jedi and R2-D2. “Dissen it.” Jar Jar said as he spread out his arms. The Gungan made a strange chattering noise. Almost as soon as Jar Jar had, seven armed Gungans appeared, riding strange beasts. Nathrrya had to fight her natural battle reflex when ambushed, to grab her lightsabre off her belt. “Heyo-dalee, Captain Tarpals.” Jar Jar said waving to the lead Gungan. “Binks!! Noah gain!” Captain Tarpals complained not at all happy to see Jar Jar. “We comen to see da boss.” The Gungan Captain rolled his eyes. “Ouch time, Binks... Ouch time for all-n youse.” _____ The group of humans with Jar Jar with Queen Amidala and Padme in the lead were led through a clearing full of Gungan refugees. At the far end were of the ruins was a grand temple with massive carved heads where Boss Nass and several other Gungan Council members stood upon the top one, which was three-quarters submerged. “Jar Jar, yousa payen dis time. Who's da uss-en others??” Boss Nass bellowed from atop the sunken head. “I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo...I come before you in peace.” The decoy queen said as she stepped forward “Naboo biggen. Yousa bringen da Mackineeks... Dya busten uss-en omm. Yousa all bombad. Yousa all die'n, mesa tink.” Boss Nass replied, not looking all that pleased. Captain Panaka and his men looked around nervously as the Gungan guards lowered their weapons. The Jedi were relatively relaxed. “We wish to form an alliance...” the decoy continued. “Your Honour...” Padme said as she suddenly stepped forward. “Whosa dis?” Boss Nass asked clearly confused as he scratched his head. “I am Queen Amidala.” Padme announced as she pointed Sabe. “This is my decoy... my protection... my loyal bodyguard.” Obi-Wan smirked as he looked down at the astromech for he too was aware of Anakin’s fascination with Padme. “You recording this?” he whispered to which R2 beeped softly. “...I am sorry for my deception, but under the circumstances it has become necessary to protect myself. Although we do not always agree, Your Honour, our two great societies have always lived in peace...until now. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. You are in hiding, my people are in camps. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever...I ask you to help us...no, I beg you to help us.” Padme dropped to her knees and bowed before the Gungan Chief. There was a gasp from Captain Panaka, his men, and Padme’s Handmaidens “We are your humble servants...our fate is in your hands.” Slowly, Captain Panaka and his men bowed down before the Gungan Council. They were followed by the handmaidens and the two Jedi. Breaking the tension, Boss Nass began to laugh. “Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans? Mesa like dis. Maybe wesa bein friends.”
  19. Chapter 16 -- Reactions _______________ The following morning saw Nathrrya in a very good mood as she browsed the HoloNet. The looks on the faces of the Jedi Council when she’d told them of her Sith heritage had been priceless. She grinned, thinking of what their reaction would be when they investigated the Jedi side of her family and realised that her Jedi linage was just as impressive as her Sith linage. No doubt it would lead to some very interesting and awkward questions. Nathrrya suddenly sat back in her seat as she remembered an old Sith prophesy that in many ways was the Sith equivalent to the Jedi’s Chosen One. She was aware of the prophesy, any Sith worth their Darth title knew it. However, until now it had never seemed all that relevant. She’d had more pressing concerns than to mull over some ancient prophesy. The woman cursed rather colourfully in ancient high Sith as she realised that the prophesy could apply to her. “Kriffing force let’s hope the Jedi don’t come to the same conclusion I just did.” Nathrrya muttered “They’ll be unbearable if that happens.” The Sith looked towards the door of her rooms just as the buzzer sounded. She knew it was Anakin and she welcomed the distraction. _____ “Qui-Gon, I’m glad I’ve caught you.” Master Cin Drallig greeted his fellow Jedi at one of the many intersecting hallways within the Jedi Temple. “I have a question for you. Is Nathrrya, Sith?” Qui-Gon’s eyebrows rose as he folded his arms over his chest. Of all the things Cin could have asked him, he hadn’t been expecting that. “I take it this is a result of yesterday?” “Yes, Nathrrya made a verbal misstep, one I picked up on. The fact that you and Obi-Wan were not in the least bit surprised spoke volumes.” Cin explained. “I see, then there is no point in denying it.” Qui-Gon replied “Nathrrya is a Sith Lord and has spent the last three and a half millennia in carbonite. She also had a cousin who was a Jedi Knight and was a Battle Master of the Order.” Cin looked incredulously at his friend “Do you realise how farfetched that sounds?” Qui-Gon smiled “Indeed I do. Come, I’ll gladly tell you what I can about Nathrrya in the short time I’ve known her.” As the two masters walked down the hallway neither noticed that their conversation had been overheard by Padawan, Siri Tachi. ______ Mace Windu was a man on a mission as he entered the Jedi Archives in search of the Chief Librarian, Jocasta Nu. In his hand he held a data pad that had all the information he’d been able to find on Jedi Master Casavir Therin and his former padawan Kira Carsen but he needed to find out all he could about the Therin family. Perhaps he was hoping to disprove what the Sith …no, Nathrrya … had said last night. He had to find out as much as possible. Jocasta sensed the approach of the Head of the Council and turned to greet him. “Master Windu, what can I help you with?” “I have a research task for you.” Mace said as he handed over the data pad “On here is all I can find on Jedi master Casavir Therin and his former padawan Kira Carsen. What I want you to do, if possible, is find just how far back the Therin family goes.” Jocasta looked baffled by the request. “Jedi aren’t permitted to have families,” she said. Mace almost smiled. “That might be the case now but there have been times in the Orders past when it was commonplace. I don’t know if you’ll even find anything but when you do, let myself or Master Yoda know. We’ll then convene a meeting of the Council and you can present what you’ve found.” ________ Siri walked through the room of a Thousand Fountains in a slight daze trying to comprehend what she’d overheard when she heard her name being called. “Siri are you alright? You look troubled?” Bant Eerin asked seeing her long-time friend in distress. The blonde Jedi smiled gratefully at her Mon Calamari friend. She really did need someone to talk to. Bant was also good friends with Obi-Wan despite the fact he was two years older than both. “I’m just trying to reconcile something I overheard Masters Drallig and Jinn talking about … or should I say … someone…” The salmon hued Mon Calamari girl guided Siri to a stone bench where they both sat down. “I think you better start at the beginning.” Bant said clearly confused. “Do you remember me telling you about the red-haired woman I acted as a guide to?” Siri asked. Bant nodded. “Yes, I saw her in the Archives along with Master Jinn and Obi-Wan, goes by the name of Nathrrya right? What’s she got to do with this?” for she couldn’t see the connection. This took Siri by surprise and she frowned. “I can understand why they would be with her, if what I overheard was true.” She looked Bant in the eyes. “Nathrrya is a Sith Lord.” The Mon Calamari’s large silver eyes blinked rapidly as she tried to comprehend what she’d just been told. “You must have misheard, Siri.” “Did I Bant?” the blonde asked, “Have I been unknowingly the guide to a Sith in the Jedi Temple?” she found that thought appalling. But what of the two Jedi Force ghosts she’d seen? Why would they appear to a Sith? Bant noticed the familiar form of Obi-Wan Kenobi walking along the path towards them and he seemed to be deep in thought. The Mon Calamari raised her arm and called to her friend to get his attention. ______ “You want to ask me about last night, don’t you Anakin?” Nathrrya asked the boy. They were both seated on the couch, not unlike his first visit. “Yeah, why were the Jedi so... hostile? You hadn’t done anything wrong!” Anakin stated still annoyed at the Council’s actions. “Perhaps not but to the Council I am everything they fear. I am a trained Dark Side user and that scares them. To the Jedi, the Dark Side is something to fear, to contain.” Nathrrya explained. “Is that why they tried to arrest you?” the boy asked “Yes, they wanted to contain me. They can’t control what I choose to do; I have no allegiance to the Jedi Order. I can act where they cannot, that no doubt terrifies them.” It was a bit more complicated than that but Nathrrya wanted to keep her explanations easily understandable. “And if they hadn’t backed down?” he was almost afraid of the answer. “Then I would have defended myself, Anakin and it would not have been pretty.” Nathrrya said her expression deadly serious. Anakin frowned “You’d have killed them?” The woman shook her head “Not unless I was forced to do so. I would have tried to escape, not easy considering we were at the top of the temple’s central spire.” The boy nodded. “But what about me being the Chosen One and destroying the Sith?” he looked up at his friend as he considered her such “Would that mean that I’d have to... kill you or something?” Anakin didn’t like that idea much. Nathrrya looked thoughtful as she considered how to answer. “I doubt that Anakin. The prophecy of the Chosen One is very old and as such there are several versions, the one I know just states that the Chosen One will bring balance to the force.” She snorted “Destroying the Sith is, I feel, Jedi wishful thinking. Even if Sidious and I were to kill each other it would only be a matter of time before someone else discovered the Dark Side.” “Then why ask if you feared me?” Anakin asked not really understanding. “The Jedi wanted to see how I’d react.” The Sith replied “They no doubt took my answer to mean that I’d simply kill you if I had felt threatened by you. While that would have been a viable option it would not have been the most adventurous.” Anakin wasn’t at all shocked by the blunt honesty of Nathrrya’s answer as he’d come to much the same conclusion himself “Then what would you have done?” Nathrrya smiled as she ruffled the boy’s hair. “I’d have offered to take you as my apprentice and train you. As I told Qui-Gon, I’d be an idiot to pass up someone with your strength in the Force. In doing so, I’d have deprived the Jedi of someone they could use against me and given myself a powerful ally.” Anakin mock glared “So if I were your apprentice what then?” The Sith chuckled “Once I deemed you old enough I’d have taken you to Korriban to train you in the Dark Side. I would also have made it clear just what you were getting yourself into. The Dark Side is not to be taken lightly nor is it for everyone.” Nathrrya frowned “Sidious, I fear, wouldn’t be so kind. He’ll do everything in his power to make you fall to the Dark, making you his unwilling apprentice. Being trained in the Dark Side and falling to the Dark are two very different things.” “How so?” the boy asked Nathrrya leaned back and pondered the question. “I once faced a Jedi Master who fell to the Dark Side right before my eyes and to this day it is one of the most shocking and disconcerting things I’ve ever seen.” She looked over at Anakin “However, young man, that is a story for another time.” ______ As Obi-Wan walked through the Room of a Thousand Fountains he found himself thinking of the enigmatic Sith woman. Just when he thought he had Nathrrya figured out she would do or say something that would throw out all his presumptions about her. Her latest revelations had certainly done that. He spotted Bant and Siri sitting on one of the many stone benches a little farther up the path. The Mon Calamari was calling to him. “Good morning Bant, Siri.” Obi-Wan greeted his friends as he noticed that Siri looked troubled and Bant looked confused. “What’s wrong?” he asked concerned. Siri looked Obi-Wan in the eyes “Is Nathrrya, Sith?” Kenobi blinked several times “I see the temple HoloNet is in overdrive.” He said dryly. Obi-Wan didn’t think he’d have to deal with this quite so soon. “Not exactly Obi.” The blonde confessed “I overheard Master Drallig ask your master if Nathrrya was Sith and shockingly Master Jinn confirmed that she was.” By this time Obi-Wan had sat down next to the two women “I see. In that case, what you overheard is correct. Nathrrya is Sith and was once a very important one going by what she told the Council last night.” Just how high had Nathrrya reached in the Sith hierarchy? The young man decided he was better off not knowing the answer to that question. “The Council knows?” Bant asked surprised. “They do now.” Obi-wan replied with dry humour. “What!?” both women were shocked “Until last night Qui-Gon and I were the only Jedi to know of her true origins and even then, we didn’t find out until just before everything went to hell over Naboo.” Obi-Wan said. “Obi, when I was Nathrrya’s guide, we came here and she spent some time mediating. The most peculiar thing happened, two Jedi Force ghosts appeared to her and they seemed to know her very well.” Siri explained, clearly confused. Obi-Wan stroked his chin in thought, a habit he’d picked up from Qui-Gon. “Most interesting. Were they a man and woman?” he asked for he suspected he knew who they were. Siri nodded “Yes but how did you know?” “I didn’t but I can guess as to their identity.” Obi-Wan replied “I believe the two force ghosts you saw belonged to Nathrrya’s Jedi cousin, Casavir and his former padawan Kira.” “Master Drallig was right, it does sound farfetched.” Siri said not wanting to believe it. “Farfetched it may seem but we are dealing with someone who comes from a time when the known galaxy was split between a Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Things were very different then. Possibly in ways we can only guess at, as so few records remain from that time.” Obi-Wan said Siri nodded her understanding “I suppose that’s true but do you trust her?” Obi-Wan frowned as he considered his response; he suspected that Siri wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell her. “I believe I would trust Nathrrya with my life if I ever found myself in such a situation.” Siri’s eyes went wide with shock; even Bant looked surprised “Are you out of your mind Obi-Wan, she’s a Sith!” the blonde hissed in a low, angry tone as to not to draw too much attention to themselves. Obi-Wan nodded. “There is no denying that, Nathrrya herself readily calls herself such. I have talked to her at length and have been given some insight into how her mind works.” He chuckled “She may like to bait Master Qui-Gon and the Council but I believe that is her way of dealing with the situation she finds herself in.” He looked at his blonde companion “You need to keep an open mind Siri, if for whatever reason you find yourself on assignment with Nathrrya, you would do well to heed her advice, for your life may well depend upon it.” Siri didn’t look at all happy about the prospect. “I suppose you’re right Obi-Wan, so what was the Council meeting about? Learn anything new about your Sith … girlfriend?” Bant did a mental facepalm; it was no real secret that Siri still had strong feelings for Obi-Wan. The Mon Calamari wondered if Master Gallia needed to have “the talk” with Siri again. “I beg your pardon Siri!” Obi-Wan exclaimed shocked, “Where in the Force did that come from?” Siri shrugged indifferently “You just seem ready to defend her easily enough, I assumed there was something going on between the two of you.” Obi-Wan wiped a hand down his face. “Oh Siri, how little you know me if you truly think that.” he sighed “I admit I find Nathrrya an intriguing person to talk to. Imagine what we could learn about the Sith because we now can actually ask one.” But you find her more than just intriguing to talk to don’t you Obi-Wan? A voice in the back of his mind asked. The padawan firmly silenced the voice, as now was not the time. ____ On the outside, Senator Palpatine was calm and collected, as he rode the turbo lift to Queen Amidala’a penthouse suite but on the inside, Darth Sidious was cursing up a storm and seething with rage. How had the young and naive queen he'd been so painstakingly grooming and advising, turn him down at the mere suggestion of calling for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum? Even his orchestrated and scripted display of how ineffectual the man was hadn't deterred the young monarch. Sidious realised what must have happened, the other Sith had somehow advised the queen not to take his prompting. But why and to what end? The red head had certainly put his plans into disarray but those could be saved. If she even suspected he was Darth Sidious, he fully expected her to challenge him much more openly. This likely meant she was suspicious of Senator Palpatine but didn't know who Darth Sidious was. He was safe for now but he knew that would not last. It was only a matter of time before the two Sith crossed blades. What confounded the Dark Lord even more, however, was what his spies and informants had told him. The other Sith was staying in the guest wing of the Jedi Temple and it did not seem to bother the woman in the slightest. In Sidious' mind this raised even more questions, for at the very least the Jedi Council had to know she was a Sith. So, the question was why were the Jedi allowing her to stay in their temple and why was she aiding the Jedi? Palpatine massaged his temples, for he was giving himself a headache trying to solve that mystery. _____ Padme, in her role as queen, stood staring out the window of her apartment, not unlike she had been the day before, when talking with Nathrrya. This time however, the Gungan, Jar Jar Binks was by her side. "Mesa wonder why da guds invent pain?" The Gungan asked as he turned to face the Queen seeing the sadness on the young woman's face. "To motivate us, I imagine..." "Yousa tinken yousa people gunna die?" Jar Jar asked. "I... don't know." "Gungans gunna get pasted too, eh?" "I hope not." Padme whispered. "Gungans no die'n without a fight.... wesa warriors. Wesa gotta grand army. Dat why you no liken us, metinks." Padme looked at the Gungan mildly shocked. She didn't know they had an army as the Gungans kept to themselves, mostly. It did give her an idea; a very crazy, outlandish idea that she was certain would give her security captain nightmares. Senator Palpatine and Captain Panaka entered the room and bowed before the queen as she turned to face them. "Your Highness I still feel you should push for a vote of no confidence in Supreme Chancellor Valorum." Palpatine tried to urge her. Padme scowled at the man, for she was getting very close to losing her temper, a rare thing for the Queen of Naboo. "No, Senator. My decision is final; there is nothing to be gained. Chancellor Valorum is due to stand down at the end of the year then there will be elections for a new Chancellor." "This is true Your Highness, but what of our planet and people in the meantime?" Palpatine asked "You saw how ineffectual Valorum was. A strong and charismatic Chancellor is needed to break the back of the bureaucrats, something that sadly, Valorum has never been." “Then why a need for a vote of no confidence?” Padme asked “All it would achieve is more bureaucratic red tape while a new Chancellor is found. Our people do not have that kind of time.” Palpatine looked uncertain as to how to answer without risking his real motives; Sidious however was cursing the other damned Sith yet again. She had clearly been advising the Queen. Padme let out a heavy sigh. "There is nothing more I can do here...Senator, this is your arena. I feel I must return to mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo. My place is with my people." "Go back!?" Palpatine looked genuinely horrified "But, Your Majesty, be realistic! You would be in danger. They will force you to sign the treaty." "I will sign no treaty, Senator. My fate will be no different from that of our people. Captain!" "Yes, Your Highness?" Panaka asked knowing full well what the next words out of Padme's mouth were going to be. The young woman looked into the eyes of her chief protector. "Ready my ship!" "Please, Your Majesty, stay here...where it's safe." The captain pleaded even if he knew his queen too well. "No place will be safe, captain. If the Senate doesn't condemn the invasion, then it's clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions as a democracy." Queen Amidala and her retinue left the apartment as Palpatine turned to look out the window with a self-satisfied smile on his face that quickly turned into a frown. His plans had been disrupted and he didn't like that. _______ “Queen Amidala is returning home, her plea in the senate was inclusive. Her return will put pressure on the Trade Federation, and could widen the confrontation." Mace informed Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Nathrrya gravely. "And draw out the Queen's attacker." Yoda said "Events are moving fast...too fast." Master Mundi noted. "Go with the Queen to Naboo and discover the identity of the Sith Master from the apprentice should the Zabrak show himself again. That is the clue we need to unravel this mystery of the Sith." Mace said. "Young Skywalker's fate will be decided later, once you return." Yoda said firmly. "I take it Anakin will be staying here with his mother?" Nathrrya asked “I for one wouldn't let Anakin anywhere near a war zone. Naboo is no place for a child at present." "Right you are. Stay here the boy shall." Yoda reassured the Sith. "Protect the Queen, but do not intercede if it comes to war until we have the Senate's approval." Mace told the two Jedi. "Thank the Force I'm no Jedi." Nathrrya remarked dryly. "And why is that?" Qui-Gon asked. "While you two are playing bodyguard, I'll be racking up quite a droid kill count." The woman said with a grin. "I was trained as a warrior and sometimes if you want peace you have to fight for it. The Trade Federation have all but declared war on Naboo, if they want a war, I'll gladly give them one." Her eyes flashed yellow briefly. Yoda nodded slightly as he was starting to understand more of Nathrrya's mindset. He looked at the three force users leaving for the war-torn planet. “May the Force be with you.” Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon bowed as did Nathrrya “May the Force serve you well.” She replied as the trio turned to leave the Council chamber. __________ The three force users along with the astromech R2-D2 were waiting on the landing pad that held the Nabooian cruiser the Queen had arrived in. Nathrrya was watching the little droid in amusement as R2 whistled a happy tune as he leaned over the edge of the platform, watching the traffic. However, the droid, leaned over too far and suddenly fell over the edge letting out a very undignified series of beeps and whistles. After a few moments, R2 reappeared, using his on-board jets to propel himself back onto the landing pad. Nathrrya shook her head, a smile on her face for the little astromech reminded her of her cousin’s droid T7-01. She turned her attention to the two Jedi. “It is not disrespect, Master, it is the truth.” Obi-Wan said. “From your point of view....” “The boy is dangerous...they all sense it. Why can't you?” the young man asked with a slight frown. Qui-Gon massaged his temples. “His fate is uncertain, not dangerous. The Council will decide Anakin's future... that should be enough for you...” “Kriffing force, shut up!” Nathrrya yelled. “You’re acting like children, not Jedi!” Both Jedi had the decency to look suitably chastised at the woman’s outburst. Nathrrya sighed as she put her hands on her hips. “You’re both right. Anakin has the potential to be very dangerous, a disaster waiting to happen, however his future is still uncertain. The longer Sidious is ignorant of his existence the better it is for us. As long as Sidious keeps focused on me he may not realise Anakin’s importance until it’s too late.” Qui-Gon considered the woman’s words nodding slowly. “Yes, Sidious would consider you a much greater threat. A rival Sith Lord, for reasons he cannot understand, is aiding the Jedi.” The Jedi folded his arms “Sidious will either try and turn you to aid him or he will try to assassinate you.” “As I would never help him, that leaves him but one option. He will try to assassinate me.” Nathrrya replied, unfazed at the prospect. After all she’d had far worse than a Sith Lord who would hide in the shadows and try to kill her. Baras had tried on at least three separate occasions to assassinate her and all had ended in failure. She hadn’t been surprised, from the first moment she’d met him on Korriban she knew he’d turn on her. Baras was just that paranoid and controlling. Before the three force users could continue their conversation, two air speeders arrived, carrying Captain Panaka, his men, Jar Jar Binks as well as Senator Palpatine, Queen Amidala, Padme and the other handmaidens. Nathrrya smirked, seeing Palpatine’s quizzical expression as she had forgone the Jedi robes, for the ruse was no longer needed and wore her usual green outfit complete with the blaster she’d acquired on Naboo. Speaking of, she really needed to fix the imbalance she had felt in the weapon. The blaster was clearly as cheap and mass produced as the battle droid that had once used it. Senator Palpatine and Queen Amidala stopped before the Jedi as did the Queen’s handmaidens, everyone else boarded the ship to ready it for take-off. “Your Highness, it is our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you.” Qui-Gon said with a slight bow. “I welcome your help. Senator Palpatine fears the Federation means to destroy me.” Amidala replied. “Indeed, Your Highness. I feel I must protest, once again, your returning to Naboo even if your mind is made up.” Palpatine spoke. “I promise you, I will not let that happen.” Qui-Gon said before the Queen and her handmaidens boarded the ship followed by the three force users and R2-D2. A few moments later the ship lifted off the landing pad leaving behind an oddly smiling Senator Palpatine.
  20. Chapter 15 -- Sith of the Old Republic __________________ Stunned, perplexed silence greeted Nathrrya’s revelation; however, she knew that it wouldn’t last. She studied the faces of the twelve Jedi before her and watched as each slowly began to comprehend what she had said. The humanoid Jedi were the easiest to read but she had to admit that the more alien members of the Council were a harder proposition. At last Mace Windu and three other council members stood with their hands on their sabre hilts. The offensive reaction caused Nathrrya to narrow her eyes and she growled internally, but she refused to reach for her weapon. Not yet, at least. Mace was the first to speak, breaking the silent tension that was building in the room. “Nathrrya, in the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic and Jedi Order, you're under arrest.” "On what grounds?" Nathrrya asked as she accentuated her demand by crossing her arms over her chest and placing her feet shoulder width apart. It was a defensive stance but not in a way that would provoke a fight. That would be counterproductive to her intended goals. "As far as I'm aware, I have not broken any laws or regulations. There'd better be a damn good explanation for this supposed arrest, Master Jedi!" Master Windu was mildly confused and it showed. He’d expected the self-proclaimed Sith to draw her weapon and resist arrest, attacking them. Instead, the woman was deliberating on whether-or-not the grounds for arrest were legitimate. The answer was the most obvious of conclusions, to him. "You're Sith." There were murmurs of agreement from at least half the Council. Nathrrya rolled her eyes. "Now there’s something I've never heard before!" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "You Jedi are so pathetically predictable." All of the Council except Yoda looked clearly offend at this. The three Jedi around Master Windu slowly advanced on the woman but she didn't move. Nathrrya could feel her instincts kicking in but she willed herself to stay still and not provoke them, though it was entirely too tempting. In the back of her mind she amused herself with how Tara would have fared in this situation. Probably poorly, she mused. "This isn't right." Anakin's voice was small but loud enough to be heard. Because of the perceived threat in the room, the council had forgotten about the young boy, which was surprising considering he was still standing in front of the Sith. "Nathrrya hasn't done anything wrong! Why are you treating her like she did? My mother and I wouldn't be here if it wasn’t for her." Oh, but I have Anakin, I exist and that’s more than enough for the Jedi. Nathrrya thought bitterly. Well, most Jedi, she amended, thinking of Casavir and Kira. Qui-Gon moved to stand beside Nathrrya and took a protective stance at her side. She needed the support and he had no reason to deny her. "Forgive me, Masters, but you seem to portray the fear of the unknown. Had you heard the story as my Padawan and I have, you would not be so quick to judge her." "She has been in our presence for weeks now," Obi-Wan chimed in, taking the place on Nathrrya's opposite side from his master. "If she were truly Sith she would have had ample opportunities to dispose of us and take the boy; if he is what my master believes him to be." "And if we want to get purely technical, the Sith were a red-skinned race that were Force sensitive. The last time I checked, I'm human without red skin and weird tendrils protruding from my chin." She tried not to smirk. Tara had used the same argument when she was threatened by the Mandalorians when she first married her husband, Leyland Ordo. Nathrrya could not only see but also feel the glare she got from the Council for that comment. The silence that ensued was almost oppressive. Anakin, not sure why the Jedi weren't backing off, stared at them with a growing dislike of their views and opinions. Qui-Gon's hand settled gently on his shoulder and the boy looked up, but the master only kept his eyes forward. Yoda had sat silently, simply observing unfolding events and listening for the will of the Force as he often did. The diminutive Jedi had also gone over what little Nathrrya had revealed about herself. She had freely admitted that she had a cousin who had been a Jedi and it was clear to Yoda that the two had been close. The grand master realised that Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin had shown a lack of surprise at Nathrrya’s revelation. "A point you make," Yoda finally said. Master Windu and the other council members turned their attention to him. "Stand down we shall for now." "You can't possibly-" Master Windu was cut off by Yoda's raised hand. Mace knew when he was defeated and with a sigh of resignation he and the other three masters returned to their seats though they were clearly unhappy about it. Once the four masters were seated and Yoda was satisfied that everyone had calmed down he turned his attention to Qui-Gon. “Knew, you did.” “Yes, my padawan and I have been aware of Nathrrya’s background since just prior to boarding the Trade Viceroy’s ship.” Qui-Gon admitted “We had both felt a flaring of the Dark Side and as Nathrrya was the only other Force-user aboard our ship it seemed reasonable to assume it had come from her.” He explained “Imagine our surprise when Nathrrya joined us at the airlock and I asked her had she felt the flaring of the Dark Side that she admitted to being the cause. Not only that but she also told us that she had been trained as a Sith.” “Yet you never saw fit to inform the Council of this?” Mace accused. Several Council members nodded in agreement. “With all due respect Master Windu, we have been without communications since our ship was destroyed above Naboo. When we had access to the long-range transmitter aboard the Queen’s cruiser, the risk posed to Queen Amidala was simply too great. That is why I did not contact the Council until we were on final approach to Coruscant.” Qui-Gon paused “Had I told the Council of Nathrrya’s origins I would have betrayed the trust that Nathrrya had placed in myself and my padawan. Trust she has earned.” “You can’t trust a Sith.” Master Ki-Adi-Mundi stated. Nathrrya rolled her eyes at the comment. The more things change the more they stay the same, she thought with dry humour. “With respect, masters.” Obi-Wan spoke up. “You fail to understand the significance of Nathrrya revealing her origins to us of her own free will.” It seemed the padawan had the Council’s attention. “Can we say with any certainty what a Sith is? What moral code they choose to follow? We have the Archives that do not paint them in the best light but most of those records deal with the more infamous Sith that have risen to prominence over the millennia. It would be unwise and against Jedi teachings to make such assumptions about Nathrrya solely on what we know.” Obi-Wan paused “I suggest you simply talk with Nathrrya as I did. You may be surprised by what you learn.” “What did the two of you talk about?” Master Adi Gallia inquired. It seemed that she wasn’t the only master wanting to know as most failed to hide their surprise at the thought of actually talking to a Sith. Obi-Wan smiled “We talked about how she perceived the Light Side of the force. The answer was... not what I had expected.” “What was her answer?” Mace asked. Despite his misgivings, he was intrigued to hear her answer. I’m standing right here, you know. Nathrrya thought with dark amusement. Obi-Wan glanced at the woman at his side who gave a slight nod. The exchange between the padawan and Sith didn’t go unnoticed, though none on the Council knew what to make of the silent communication. “Nathrrya said she was aware of the Light. To her it’s like the blue sky on a crystal-clear day but much more intense.” Obi-Wan explained. “Nathrrya can see the Light but if she looks at it for too long, it can become almost blinding. Nathrrya also said she found it something of a comfort to know the Light was there… If Nathrrya can see the Light Side then she knows she hasn’t gone too deeply into the Dark that she can’t find her way back.” the padawan smiled with some satisfaction when he saw the surprised and thoughtful expressions on faces of the Jedi Council. “It was not the answer I was expecting.” Obi-Wan turned to look directly at the head of the Council. “Master Windu, when the Council first met Nathrrya did you not say that she was a shatter point?” Mace nodded slowly “Yes but that was before we knew the truth.” The padawan resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Mace’s stubbornness as he knew Nathrrya would be doing. It occurred to the young man that the Sith was rubbing off on him. It was not nearly as a frightening realisation as it should have been. “Be that as it may, Master, regardless of the truth as you so eloquently put it, Nathrrya is still a shatter point.” “She is Sith, padawan.” Plo Koon gently reminded Obi-Wan. “Is she, Master Koon?” Obi-Wan asked rhetorically. “Nathrrya may have been trained as such but we must remember that for her the Sith Order, Sith Empire and the greater galaxy she knew and inhabited ceased to exist three and half millennia ago. All I see is a Force-user who has been trained in the Dark Side, nothing more.” “Yet Nathrrya you identify as being Sith?” Mace asked curiously. It seemed the entire Council wanted to know the answer as well. “Why shouldn’t I?” Nathrrya challenged, hands on hips “I was trained as such and have been called Sith all my adult life. I’m not ashamed of my heritage if that’s what you’re asking.” Nathrrya replied “I was once one of the strongest and most influential of Sith yet I could clearly see the flaws in both the Sith Order and Empire just as my cousin could see the flaws in both the Jedi Order and Old Republic.” She looked questioningly at Master Windu “But what you’re really asking is, do I see myself as Sith here and now? I have Sith training, knowledge of both Sith history and culture; I have a Darth title. I am the living legacy of a dead empire. If that’s relevant or not, is up to you. I know who I am and where I come from. I am Sith and will always be until the day I become one with the Force.” She looked at each member of the council, in turn “Through this, I honour those of my lineage that came before me.” It occurred to Nathrrya that she was the last of her line and unless she had children then when she passed into the Force the last noble house of the Sith Empire would die with her. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Mace leaned forward in his seat. Nathrrya was a contradiction in many ways. She clearly identified as being Sith and through doing so honoured her family line, something that was clearly important to her. Yet she had a Jedi cousin. “Why would a Sith warn the Jedi of our possible destruction?” Mace asked at last. “Perhaps you should ask why not?” Nathrrya suggested with a smirk “I have no real quarrel with the Jedi Order. While I might question, quite strongly, some aspects of the order, I do not believe the Jedi deserve to be destroyed, which is something this Darth Sidious seems very intent on doing.” She tilted her head to the side “Though the order could use a swift kick in the backside to get it to realise just how stagnant and inflexible it’s become.” Despite himself Qui-Gon chuckled “And am I to take it you’re the one to give said kick?” The Sith grinned, her eyes full of mischief “Indeed. You know me so well Master Jinn.” Her expression became serious."I mean to find this Darth Sidious and deal with him. And by deal with I mean kill, he's far too dangerous to be left alive. I don’t want to see the rise of another Vitiate.” The woman shuddered at the thought. “Once was quite enough.” “Vitiate?” Mace asked with a frown. “The Sith Emperor.” Nathrrya clarified “More force entity than mortal being though he was once a pure-blood Sith. Whoever came up with the Rule of Two clearly did not think the long-term ramifications through or if they did, didn’t give a damn about the galaxy. Too much Dark Side energy concentrated into just one living being is never a good thing. Vitiate was proof enough of that. Sidious isn’t at the Emperor’s level of power yet so he can be destroyed.” The Council was clearly taken back by this if the expressions on their faces were any indication. For a Sith to openly say such a thing was unthinkable or so the Council had thought. Master Adi Gallia was thoughtful as she looked towards Nathrrya. “The prophecy states that the Chosen One will destroy the Sith. Does this not frighten you, Nathrrya?” The Sith stared at the Jedi master then facepalmed. “Living force save me.” She mumbled. “That part was clearly added some time after I was in a block of carbonite. The prophecy I am familiar with simply stated that the Chosen One will bring balance to the Force. What that means and how it was meant to be done was never mentioned. Ambiguity at its finest.” She frowned for a moment and began to chew her inner lip as she considered her words and how she wanted to communicate it. “The Dark Side is as much a part of the Force as is the Light. They cannot and will not exist without the other. There will always be Dark Side force users, just as there will always be Light Siders.” Her eyes landed on the boy in front of her. “Anakin is just a boy and he’s strong in the Force. There is no hiding that fact. Believe me, if I had felt threatened by him I would have done something about it, him being a child or not. What I’m more concerned about is what could happen if Sidious gets his hands on the boy, or learns of his existence. If that’s the case, it’s going to be a dark future for us all.” Anakin looked up a question in his eyes. Ask me later. Nathrrya told him. The room full of Jedi didn’t know to react to what the Sith had said. For his part, Yoda simply looked into Nathrrya’s eyes, which had begun to make the woman very uncomfortable. “Want to protect the boy you do. Grown attached to him you have. Son you never had he is. Desire you have to train him, know the dangers of that you do.” The woman didn’t know how to react to what Yoda said to her. He read her like an open book and basically brought one of the touchiest subjects up that she could be confronted with at any moment. She took a deep breath and looked gently at the diminutive Jedi Master. “What master wouldn’t want to forward their knowledge? With Anakin, the results could be disastrous. But I am fond of the boy and I am protective of him because I don’t want to see him corrupted by Sidious. He’s got a child’s innocence but with a wisdom far beyond his years would suggest….” She swallowed hard to get the lump that was forming out of her throat. “I wanted a family at one time, to settle on some backwater planet and raise children and teach them and love them just as my parents did with me. Things happened that blew that idea right out of the sky.” Perhaps I still do, but it will have to wait until Sidious is no more. She admitted to herself. But who in this galaxy would fall in love with a Sith? Nathrrya knew she wasn’t the easiest person to live with. “Master Yoda, there is something else.” He nodded and she continued. “When we were arriving back with Queen Amidala I looked at Coruscant through the Force and I was disturbed by what I saw. The whole planet was awash in the Dark Side.” The news seemed to shudder in the room through the masters. Mace had a very concerned look in his eyes. “Are you certain of this?” “Yes,” she said. “I’m a warrior, not a sorcerer, but I’ve had my fair share of dealings with those who were. Whatever the Sith are doing in this era they’ve been at it for a very long time. It takes centuries for a planet to emanate that amount of Dark Side energy naturally, and what I saw was very unnatural.” The masters exchanged looks and murmurs as they considered what had been said. She swallowed again. “And a word of caution, though you find my accusations unfounded, please be aware that Sidious may have eyes and ears within the Jedi Order. Though those that act as his agents will most likely be unaware of who and what Sidious truly is.” “Take this news seriously we shall.” Yoda said gravely. “That is all I can ask.” Nathrrya replied with a slight bow. “How does a Sith have a Jedi cousin?” Adi Gallia asked as she knew more than most Jedi about how extended families worked. Adi would forever be grateful to her fellow Council Member Even Piell for he had saved her parents years prior on his home world of Lannik. Lovely, the one question I didn’t want them to ask. Nathrrya thought disappointed though she knew someone would sooner or later. The answer itself was straight forward but it would be like opening Pandora’s crate of monkey-lizards. Once it was open you’d never get it closed. “It’s fairly simple; our fathers were brothers, which made us cousins. However, what makes me Sith is more than just my training.” Nathrrya drew herself up to her full height. “I am Nathrrya Therin-Palatine, Darth Avarice and Empire’s Wrath, daughter of Marrick Therin and Ro’wan Palatine. Last of the Noble Sith House Palatine of the Sith Empire.” Her voice rang with authority and the Dark Side seemed to surge with pride. -------------- Senator Palpatine was standing at the window in his office, hands clasped behind him, and he was looking out over towards the Jedi Temple as he felt a surge in the Dark Side of the Force and he knew, this time, where it had come from. He’d met the woman briefly on the landing pad when he went to collect the Queen. What bothered the man was that he couldn’t figure out why she was frequenting the Temple and how the woman was even able to get in there, being who she was and all. He had no idea where she had come from and this bothered him - he had never felt her presence in the galaxy until recently. There was no doubt in his mind that she wasn’t a fallen Jedi. She was pure Sith power. But her intentions were very different. Part of him believed that she wasn’t here to join him - she could have easily contacted him to create a truce if that was the case, but that’s not what she did. Regardless… there was a new player on the game board and he would have to keep his eye on her very carefully. ____________ Every Jedi Master, Knight, Padawan and initiate felt the surge in the Dark Side and no one knew what to make of it. In her room, a young Togruta girl saw in her mind’s eye her older self walking behind Master Yoda as he hobbled across the Jedi Temple’s hanger bay towards a ship that to the young girl, looked huge. It was purple and black and had four heavy laser cannons, two on each side mounted at the end of the ship’s wings. Near one of the landing struts stood a red-haired woman along with an astromech droid performing some form of maintenance on the craft. The woman turned her head towards them and eyed master Yoda warily. Ahsoka Tano slowly sat up in her bed as the vision ended and wondered what it could possibly mean. Who was the mysterious woman and what did she signify? She felt it best not to mention this to the crèche masters.
  21. I'm Baack! Be afraid be very afraid More seriously for those of you who have played the latest flashpoint is there a solo version? For if there is it hasn't triggered for me and I can only do the story or above versions. Help...
  22. I'd find it really eerie playing a Quinn clone then meeting Quinn on Balmorra.... As for a possible lightsabre how about Thexan's lightsabre? It's one of the more interesting sabre models and the one Nathrrya uses even if it is a bit over size.
  23. Whoever said cats are stupid has never lived with one They're anything but stupid.
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