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Everything posted by Unchainedboar

  1. I went to illum but there wernt many people there, im not much of a pvpr anyway, plus i think i got my fill of pvp using it to help lvl. Im just wondering is there anything pve wise to do at 50 besides flashpoints and operations?
  2. you can shut up right now im on the crapy swiftsure i got a dc the other night logged back in at 6:30 i was threw que at 11 so ya shut up...
  3. i thought there was sposed to be something about a 5 min grace period after a dc so that you dont have to wait in these rediculasly long ques
  4. no its the same thing all the people in my guild have been talking about where after a warzone your loading screen bar gets stuck at half way and it never moves again and my guild had the fortune to be placed on the swiftsure piece of crap server which means 2-5 hour ques every day between 2pm and midnight
  5. nothing happened for 10 mins so i closed and now get a 2 hour que, g *********** g awsome game but this retarted **** is getting old ya im mad and i believe i have every right to be when my night i planned on playing is stopped because of a *********** dc and now i dont even get to play
  6. never understood rp, never will, i love star wars i love the lore its totally epic but i never understood the urge to act and talk in game like the game is acully real
  7. tons of dps a couple heals, almost no tanks?
  8. so im 39 atm im thinking i should have just enough time to hit 50 for the release people to be getting to tatoine, i shall feast on many lvl 24's!
  9. you say that but i have a feeling i will find the pve spec i like and a pvp spec i like and i like to be my best when im going into a situation so i wont want to pve/pvp enless im my appropiate spec, and im willing to spend this rediculas ammount if it comes to that just wondereing what that cost will be if anyone knows.
  10. sooooo im a little nervous this is going to get obsurdly high i feel that im going to be respeccing alot at lvl for trying out new specs and changing for pve to pvp to back again. anyone know the cap or if there is one?
  11. i dont see whats wrong with appearance tab, ive always liked it so i can look how i want rather then being forced to wear gear that i find looks horrible but i have to because it its the biggest upgrade i have access to.
  12. ya thats what i mean how do i mod orange gears appearence
  13. ive seen people who have done this not sure how you do it, anyone know?
  14. Yup im screwed im from Canada and my guild ive been with for 6 years was asigned to the *****ure and now im ****ed if they dont offer guild xfers to get me off i wont be paying for this game, im not going to pay to wait 5 hours to play every night.
  15. agreed i have lvld to 33 i am not re rolling if my server still have 5 hour gues in 4 days im out, its an awsome game but im not going to pay for an awsome game that i dont get to play.
  16. im a lvl 33 marauder and i love every bit of it, i **** in pvp and i destroy all the elites i come across, l2p your class and youll be fine.
  17. the game its self runs fine but if i alt tab everything goes soooooooooo slow, and this has never happened with any other game/program, if swtor is running everything else goes so slow youd think i was on an atari. any idea's?
  18. hpw bout you give an acual responce bioware about what you plan on doing rather then locking it and telling us to have a fantastic day...
  19. well one of our members is 44, i expect it would be 4-5 days till im 50 assuming i dont get dc'd anymore... and then we will start raiding. we have downd 2 world bosses so far
  20. ive been with my guild for 6 years threw many games, threw that time we have raided 5-9 pst, when we formed this guild i was very glad to get these times worked out because i get off at 4:30 giving me just enought ime to get home. i was granted the great fortune of my guild being placed on the swiftsure... meaning i get 5 hour que times, so another words if i logged on at 4:45 i should get on right around 30 mins after my raid ended, gg go ahead so im qqing, cuz i am but seriously i think i have a legit complaint here, at least let my guild xfer off for free cuz im lvl 33 and many of my guildies are close or higher none of us want to jsut abandon the toons we have put all this time into... /rage off. till i try and log in tomorrow anyway... and btw tonight i dc'd at 6:30, and i had to get off for the night cuz i go to bed at midnight and i didnt feel like waiting in a 5 hour que for 30 mins of play...
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