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Everything posted by ShadesofNight

  1. Kotor 3? No, this is not what Kotor 3 would be like. Unless you were playing Kotor 3 with cheats on in godmode. On easy. Then this would be like Kotor 3. Single player RPGs aren't meant to be just running through the story with virtually no, you know, game elements to them. When you trivialize the game elements to the point of ridiculousness you've effectively made the game a glorified visual novel. There's easy, and then there's what SWTOR currently is... And that's coming from someone who doesn't mind using cheats in single player games occasionally. 4.0 has just sucked most of the fun out of the game. And no, I'm not someone who enjoys group content or PVP (I DO play for the story). I actually love that there are now solo modes for flashpoints and that I can do all the Heroics without needing someone else. If only it weren't all so absurdly easy. Companions are way too overpowered, XP is pouring in no matter what you do, level synch is a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if the market for gear on the GTN has crashed because there's just no need to get geared up when you steamroll everything regardless. It's just very, very sad to see the game reduced to this.
  2. Well I can understand it for the free level 60. But like I said if it works the same way for the purchased level 60s then people will essentially have to buy a level 60 AND a character slot. I would have thought that the 60 would give you a slot with it, then again if it's geared more for new players I guess they wouldn't need to buy a new slot.
  3. Just to clarify for people as I was wondering this myself. Subs get 2 free character slots with the latest update, if you use both those slots and still have your free level 60 unused you will not be able to create a third free character with that. So I'm not sure if it works this way for those purchased, but it seems to use a level 60 you have to get a level 60 unlock (or a free one) AND a character slot unlock.
  4. I, too, wouldn't be surprised if it just ends up being colours and patterns (I'd like to see the patterns without jagged pixelated edges though), but it really would be great to get a longer montrail option for the males and shorter for the females. I'm interested in what new ideas they have for the purebloods too, I like having plenty of options when creating any characters
  5. Well even if it's just a preview if it has appeared in that form hopefully it means they are going to put it in properly soon Now if only they would do the same for the human hair colours too! I want green hair for my Chiss! (if Chiss can have pink then they should be able to have other weird colours!)
  6. Just curious, as I've read that all Heroics will now be Heroic 2+ instead of Heroic 4 with the coming expansion. So does this include the Heroics in things like the Gree and Rakghoul events? Will I finally be able to complete these event heroics with just one friend?
  7. Isn't that what the test server is for? Shouldn't they be letting people test it out there?
  8. One thing I was wondering is... So if we're getting Synched to the level of a planet... Which means doing low level stuff will actually require effort. Does that mean the rewards (XP, credits and items) will in return synch with our real level? Because it seems a bit unfair (and pointless) for me to do low level quests when they require the same or similar effort to my actual level quests, yet me getting low level rewards for them. For example if I'm level 50 and do a level 30 quest, to me it makes sense that the rewards should at least be bumped up level 45 in order to reflect the extra effort I had to go to due to my level being effectively lowered to 30 for the quest. I don't think it should be equal to the actual level of the player because things will still apparently be easier than they would be for a player who was actually that level. But if we're putting in more effort we should get more of a reward for it.
  9. Having this problem too, which is really annoying as I'm trying to record the cut scenes. There is a temporary solution though, just turn your Shadows down from High to Low (for some reason there isn't a Medium setting).
  10. Sadly it's pretty typical of the attitudes on these forums, they tend to be overwhelmingly anti-F2P and thus also anti giving anything extra to F2P players at all. The funny thing is a number of them don't even seem to realize that F2P players can't even post on the forums. I too welcome the news of customer service forums that everyone can access. It will be really interesting to see how it goes as more F2P players start too realize that they can actually ask for help now. I suspect it will also help the game as a whole too as more people will be able to report and figure out solutions to bugs, which should make it easier to search and find answers when you come across problems.
  11. Yes please, especially for OPs where they are essentially the last part of a planet story. Even if we have to gear up all our companions and use them to fill the spots other players would have. I'd also love to get some of the decorations that you can only get by doing OPs (there seem to be a few of them, and a lot are the really interesting looking dark side decorations) but I can understand why that wouldn't be added, so at least just let us experience the story. And no, watching it on youtube doesn't count, because I'm not seeing my character there and getting to make the choices myself.
  12. My Legacy Storage is always packed for the same reason you mention, so it would certainly be great to have some more slots in there. I'd love to have the room to be able to store one stack of every crafting material in there for easier character resource juggling.
  13. This is my concern too. I'm currently going through all the classes with 12XP, just doing the story missions. I was looking forward to later going through all the planet quests, heroics and flashpoints later at my leisure and having the process sped up precisely because I would be overlevelled .But now it seems that it will be a tedious slough going through them all if everything is scaled. In case you're wondering why I'd still do those quests: a) The story, I like to see how each of my characters will react. b) Item collection, now with the outfit designer green items are useful so I'd like to find plenty to choose from. c) Companion affection d) Darkside/Lightside points. I can see how it would help some people, but unfortunately I just don't think it's going to be of any help to me. e) 12XP gives you plenty of coms, but some of the item rewards might have looks that I like too.
  14. I'm serious. There's all this fancy stuff, but I find it's the less fancy decorations that I have trouble deciding on... Because there is just so little choice. I propose giving us some new and utterly bland decorations! Different colours of the current selection of rugs/mats, lights etc (OR, let us DYE the things!) A number of them already have the colour included in the name, what's the point in that if there aren't any other colours available? And I know that a lot of these exist in other colours because I've been closely scrutinizing my surroundings while in-game. So come on! There are TONS of variations of our current decorations that could be made into new decorations, and along with that there are also tons of rugs, couches, lights, wall hangings, and combinations of wall hangings that exist in the game and would also work great as new decorations (and as a bonus, all of these things already exist in the game, so it requires no or very little additional work to make them into decorations). Additionally: I'd also love it if decorations had an option to move them higher or lower (though not coming through the ceiling of the floor below) ... mainly so I could potentially get rid of most of those gigantic pots on all the plants.
  15. Because with the Chiss hair colour pack we got yet another shade of blue, and pink of all colours... While the human hair colour pack gets all sorts of colours, including green. For that matter, why not just make a universal hair colour pack that affects all races with hair, they all use the same styles anyway (and the extra styles are finally shared between races now) so it can't be that difficult to do. And while they're at it... Why can't they have a universal eye colour pack too that also applies to all races? (excluding Chiss and Miraluka for obvious reasons. Cathar and Sith may also be more work) Okay maybe I'm starting to get demanding now... I just want some lovely green hair for my Chiss. In addition to the existing 5 shades of blue, pink, grey and black that I have to pick from.
  16. I was thinking about this not long ago, though I was pondering something more like an option in the appearance designer kiosk to customize your DS look with more options unlocked the higher DS level you are/with CC. That way you could pick what specific combination of eyes, veins and dark panda spots you want to have. But having it as part of the Outfit Designer where you can pick what DS level you want to show makes more sense and would be a lot easier to implement (which is important because the majority of players likely don't even go DS). There's plenty of room beside the current hide headslot, show DS corruption and unify colours options, too.
  17. When we reset a quest as you sometimes have to do if you say, run into a severe bug (which I seem to do a lot... ), it would be really nice if there were two options, to either: a) Reset just the current objective you're on (or to the previous objective) OR b) Reset the entire quest as it currently does. ... because it can get really tedious having the reset quest button always reset the whooolle quest so you have to go through all that stuff again. It is however fortunate that the bonus missions tend to stay done.
  18. A Bolraida from Alderaan! <3 My bounty hunter wanted one from the moment she first saw one, and we just got pets of them so why not both?
  19. Drat. There's no way I'm getting one then. Oh well, thanks for letting me know
  20. Personally, I've heard that the Clone Wars cartoon and... the one that comes after it? (I think there's one that comes after it...) Anyway, I've heard that they're pretty good. Have been meaning to get around to watching them sometime myself, just haven't found the time. Point being though, I'm not going to immediately dismiss them just because they're 'cartoons' or made for kids. If they're good, then they're good no matter who they're aimed for. With the Togruta, yes as I've seen mentioned and shown the males do have short lekku in the Clone Wars cartoon (or one does? Are any other males ever shown?). And yes it is canon from what I've heard (though SWTOR is also not canon, so... ), but a number of people in this thread were requesting the longer lekku as an additional option as well as the short ones that we already have (and having the short option for females would be nice too for those who want to use it to indicate age). I certainly agree with that as I myself would prefer longer lekku for the male character that I would like to make. When I think about it... A longer lekku option isn't any more silly/non-canon than the option to have glowing white eyes on a human...
  21. I'd also like to have the choice of long or short lekku for both male and female Togruta (as I've seen others mention, many many other things in SWTOR break existing lore, so why not an optional one here?). As it is I took a look at the race in the appearance designer first, and as I wanted to create a male Togruta I have not bought the race precisely because the shorter lekku do not match up with the way I want my character to look. If they do at some later point give us the option for longer lekku or add it to a Togruta appearance pack, then I'll buy the race. Until then, well, I have other characters to play.
  22. Yes, even the smallest strongholds on Coruscant and Kaas City are huge and sprawling when completely unlocked (and if left unlocked... I have to make up mysterious reasons explaining why doors are locked). I'd like a much smaller place with just a few rooms, and much smaller rooms at that. And the ability to change the colour of the walls and floor. And change what hooks go where (more than the limited options for changing hooks that are currently available). And plant decorations that aren't all in gigantic pots so I can actually make nice looking arrangements out of them. And... Okay, too demanding I would settle for just having a smaller place though.
  23. I would love to be able to place my alts in my strongholds, much better than trying to populate the place with NPC decorations or crew that turn to holos. I could have them standing around conspiring all over the place <3
  24. So... just to be clear... There were some practically free nice stronghold decorations for the third anniversary? And they weren't mailed, you had to get them from a vendor... Which is why I had no idea they even existed until I was looking through all the decorations available just now... Well, that sucks. But according to this rather lengthy thread on the issue the items are not bound so there is a small chance of getting them on the GTN? Edit: Ah, I forgot to also add - I wonder if they'll be adding the same decorations for the 4th Anniversary? Though I guess they are called '3rd Aniiversary' for a reason...
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