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Everything posted by Angry_Android

  1. I would dearly love an all cyborged version of the series 505, 512, and 808 Cyborg armor. It would be terribly easy to do, just mirror the droid arm and leg onto both sides of the body. Put it in a different color deco, perhaps a new Full cyborg head (you have many wonderful droid models in the game to "borrow" the head from) for each. Viola! Please consider this for all of us who long to play a droid, but will never get to. Thanks
  2. I don't understand this mentality...if you are willing to spend the money, why didn't you just stay subbed? I love SW and this is the only MMO i play, specifically because it's SW. I bought the CE, i've been subbed since launch. I'll be subbed until it shuts down. I can't think of many other interactive entertainment venues that provide so much entertainment value for basically $.50 daily.
  3. I think the sad thing about all of this is that for those of us who don't exploit, everything is now so much more expensive. I've been doing runs to build up the money to purchase some vanity items that were slightly outside of my financial reach, and now the prices have jumped up that i just gave up.
  4. The thread title is misleading in the extreme, and i find the OP to be quite tedious. I, like many others, are here for the story. I am NOT an MMO fan who happens to like Star Wars. I AM a Star Wars fan who happens to play an MMO. Were it not for the Star Wars themed storyline of this MMO, i would not play MMOs at all. In fact, after seeing several friends and acquaintances destroyed by EQ and UO, I swore to never play an MMO. I lumped it in with Heroin and cheating on taxes in the list of things i would never do. Then SWTOR came along, with it's voice acting and branching plot lines with cutscenes. So i've been subbed up since jump. I have raided, done ops and fps, but mostly because i was friends with the people doing it and i enjoyed their e-company. I am here for the Star Wars. To paraphrase another poster, I am here to play Malibu Darth Barbie and live the dream. Well, maybe not malibu darth barbie, but the gist remains the same. So for me, the future looks bright indeed.
  5. i tried it twice and just got roflstomped by vets both times so i threw my hands up and went back to pve.
  6. I don't think it would be any more op than when you group up with three other players and run around smashing mobs. I'd personally be all for allowing 3 comps to be active at once. It would make your comps have more impact, it'd feel more organic to the story, and it would make gearing comps something meaningful again.
  7. Personally, the last thing i would want is "Gray Jedi"...There are Jedi, and there are sith. You could have fallen jedi i guess, who aren't committed enough to be jedi but too lazy to go full sith? Also, i don't know about everyone else, but a space sandbox addition would be a waste of dev money for me. I'm here for the story, and communal play with friends. All i want is more story content and more companions. But to each their own i guess.
  8. the only set that offers a full borg set of limbs is a rather dull set. everything else has meat parts. I really don't know why they are fighting a fullborg cyborg armor set, they seem content to rerelease other much more boring sets of armor with a few panels removed so it's a "naughty" version. I mean, i don't know how much of a minority I'm in, but I want to play a droid....and since they aren't going to code in a droid character class, the least they could do is tweak a few armor sets so there is a chance to play a fullborg cyborg. tweaking the skins would be soooooo easy to do, i really don't know why they haven't done it already.
  9. there are alot of sets of cyborg armor, but I honestly want "fullborg" sets of armor, with no meatparts (other than your brain in the cranial case). It would be super easy to release "fullborg" versions of existing armor just by remapping the borg limbs over the existing meat limbs like so: http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx149/_Angry_Android_/series%20808%20fullborg_zpsbzfpgfp9.jpg http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx149/_Angry_Android_/Series%20505%20fullborg_zpsv44o5szi.jpg http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx149/_Angry_Android_/Series%20512%20fullborg_zpsoxonwskx.jpg
  10. I desperately want the Series 505, Series 512, and Series 808 armor but with droid arms and legs for both sides on each armor...Also, i would love some more Droid like helmets with similar neck details to the helmets from the 505, 512, and 808 armor. I basically want my toon to be a droid...but i know we will never get a droid as a race option.
  11. i like the idea of pets having use beyond following you around aimlessly. Personally, i would looooove it if pets had a range and could auto-gather materials within that range. Just flit off to a node and collect it without having to click it or something. That would be really neat.
  12. This sounds like the RP/gameplay i have been looking for!
  13. So, there are alot of droid companions. You get them moddable parts but you can't transfer armor from a piece of gear to their moddable part because the game doesn't recognize droid parts as compatible armor shells? It's very frustrating. The droid part with the chest graphic in it's mod mode will not allow you to install armor from a chest armor, even though their mod graphic suggests compatibility. This makes gearing your droid companions very difficult and frustrating. Please consider fixing this.
  14. it seems like it would be a very easy thing to do...mirroring the mechanical limbs and then tweaking the skin's details and color palette. I will continue to buy every cyborg and droid like armor that hits the cartel market...the more "droid-ish" the better.
  15. First off, thanks for the inclusion of so many cyborg armor options. I have all sets and they are all pretty neat. My suggestion is, could we possibly see recolor releases of the Series 505, Series 512, and Series 808 cyborg armor with Full Cyborg Prosthetics? What i mean is have both arms, hands, and legs be mechanical? Also, perhaps tweak the helmets a little bit with different antennae or sensor greeblies. I would really like to play a droid character and this armor option seems like the closest I will be able to get to that. Thanks for your time.
  16. Why are so many people having trouble grasping the OP's suggestion? He is requesting a mechanical mount that is the lore equivalent to the KDY AT-RT single man scout platform. It's a bipedal walker roughly the same size as a tauntaun. They were deployed by the GAR during the Clone Wars and later by the Empire against the Rebel Alliance. It was small, light-weight, and fast. They were deployed in packs as recon scouts and infantry support. The AT-RT was supposedly capable of a sustained 70-90kmh speed, and had the ability to leap. In game terms, it's a mechanical tauntaun. It should have no other issues than what the tauntaun already has with regards to clipping. I am sure the talented design and graphics folks at EA could extrapolate a "Lore Appropriate" version of a single man, open air, light scout walker similar to the AT-RT. And I would totally own it, by hook or by crook.
  17. Those are the Ship droids, yes? I am requesting the allowance of numbers in Player names, so you could name your character: V3N-G3R The Czerka Legacy <Droid Revolution> and then throw on your Assassin Droid armor set and *Bam* you're a droid. There are comics and book examples of Star Wars Sith droids/cyborgs with lightsaber expertise and the ability to simulate force powers such as TK or Lightning.
  18. I actually enjoyed the quest. Sure the DK and Jedi Temple parts were...trying. But it encouraged me to branch out and PUG up with some pretty cool people and we found the parts rather quickly. The rest was just pure fun, especially that spooky ship.
  19. This would be soooooo useful as a ship bank add-on. Make it happen EA!
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