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Everything posted by DjuretJan

  1. With five gladiator titles and 3k ratings under my belt I can gladly say that you are wrong, WoW hasn't mastered pvp in the least. 2's are completely broken and 3's are all about the flavor of the month setups, I'm not even going to break down 5v5 brackets for you beause everyone knows it's a meat grinder that doesn't demand any skill but the ability to mash away. What I'm trying to say is, give SWTOR time, it's the day after launch ofcourse they're not going to have a perfect pvp system, they haven't even seen level 50's fight eachother extensively, how could they balance the classes and put in new pvp games?
  2. "Don't like it, don't play it." Dumbest... argument... ever.. Constructive critisism is good. You're actively paying for a product, you give suggestions and expect to see improvements. Stop whining about whiners, if you don't like it, don't bump it.
  3. Stop comparing MMO launches to WoW, it was 7 years ago and it had never been done before, technology has moved forward, shorter queues is a reasonable request. Everyone's tired of the whining, but it is infact a reasonable concern. Not saying it's the end of the world, and I damn sure won't quit because of it, I'm sure BW will have it fixed in a week or so.
  4. don't give a hoot about the queues - i can plan my day but make the queues actually work, third time i've waited 5 hours to get to 2nd or 3rd and be stuck there without actually getting in!
  5. Waited four and a half hours to go from 1550th to 2nd, only to be stuck at 2nd for half an hour, forcing me to restart the game (no the game isn't freezing, I see starships flying by and what not). This is the fourth time this has happened to me, in total I've been queued for over 15 hours, and the playtime on my account is around 9 hours. Which means I've been queued for almost twice as long as I've actually played the game. Bloodworthy EU is terrible, but I can't move a guild with 261 members now can I? I liked the whole idea of the launch, I never complained about not getting EGA the first or second day, I completely get the staggering invites etc, I can even handle being in a queue for more than an hour - by planning my day. What I don't like is losing my place in the queue because the queue system you built is flawed. "Playing" the EGA and getting a refund from Gamestop come launch day doesn't seem so far-fetched anymore. Such an amazing game, with a great playerbase - going to waste.
  6. I don't always get queues, but when I do, I whine about it franticly.
  7. Shut the door on your way out buddy, and don't forget to tell all your equally whiny friends about your experience!
  8. Wonderful feeling aint it! hah, but seriously, just wanted to give them a heads up about it, wasn't gonna play anyway as I have work tomorrow, but was hoping to reserve my name ingame. Anyway gl. (:
  9. I don't mind standing in line to get in, and I'm glad you opened EGA up to most pre-orders, but the queues keep malfunctioning, trying to log Bloodworthy with a 1h 20m queue, getting down to 2nd in line and having it stay there for another hour before finally restaring the queuing blows.
  10. This doesn't affect me at all, as I'm from Sweden and our retailers aren't completely backwarded. But I gotta say, that is mighty big of you BioWare, hats off to you!
  11. How many arrows have you people taken in the knee? Get... A... Job... Mr.Lebowski!
  12. Would you like to see Russian cutaway gag? Here is Russian cutaway gag.
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