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Everything posted by coldserpent

  1. On my Marauder, Force Charge. For my spec, it has no minimum range, refreshes in 12 seconds, and in melee has a cool looking animation. I've actually had thoughts of going hybrid Annihilation/Rage so that I can pick up Obliterate instead of Annihilate, just because I like mantis leaping onto someone.
  2. Well, I went w/ the earring, implants, and relics for the recruit stuff. The moment I hit 50, I had a War Hero chest that I equipped, used the mod and enhancement from the BM chest to put into one of my weapons, and ported old battlemaster/champion/centurion mods/enhancements/armor plates(yeah, I still had those pieces) from my juggernaut to my marauder's belt/bracers. I'm at 675 expertise right now w/ almost 17k health since the rest of my gear is hard mode flashpoint modular gear. Eventually I'll get some more War Hero stuff, but I'm going to continue to mix and match raid mods w/ PvP armor plates/enhancements for a balance of high stats and decent expertise. I couldn't bring myself to go full recruit with low stats and 13k health, I just couldn't.
  3. I think that you were lazy in looking at the threads before starting this one, or you would've seen at least 3 Annihilation vs Carnage threads(in the first two pages even) that you could've unleashed that wall of text on.
  4. Actually, the one you're thinking of looks more like a chubby version of Cloud's Buster Sword. It's the Shock Viper vibrosword.
  5. With Annihilation, you want to stack lots of power once you get surge to around 75%. You'll have Frenzy to activate once you hit 50, and Berserk turning your bleeds into automatic critical hits.
  6. Following up on Gore depends on your spec. If you're pure Carnage, follow it up w/ Ravage/Force Scream, or at higher levels, Ravage/Vicious Throw(if you brought them low enough), or even Massacre spam if Ravage is on timer. If you're a hybrid Carnage/Rage, you can be real nasty and hit someone w/ a Force Charge/Gore or Obliterate/Gore once you have a big damage Smash charged up, thus ignoring all armor when you drop the Smash, especially if you hit multiple people.
  7. Advice I can offer. Take time to try different things out. The credit cost for a skill reset isn't too bad(you get a freebie once a week). What may work for someone else may not work so well for you. I guess this is a more PC way of me saying be innovative and imaginative when you're playing/leveling up.
  8. Plenty of people looking for an offhand version of the Chopper. There are a few threads already up looking for it. As for The Bulwark, you can always add an augment kit to it.
  9. You don't get Deadly Saber until level 20, provided you spend your points exclusively in the Annihilation tree. There's no rotation to Annihilation spec, just cooldown management and awareness.
  10. Well,I know that there's a modular vibrosword on Taris from the commendations vendor, but that's the Shock Viper one. Looks like a short and chubby version of Cloud's Buster Sword. As far as I know, there are no BoP drops on Taris, unless you count the missions rewards, and none of the mission rewards coughs up the vibrosword I'm looking for. I'll have to peruse the loot charts of Boarding Party, Foundry, and Cademimu I suppose.
  11. That's what I'm wondering as well, but I have no idea where it comes from, if it drops in a flashpoint.
  12. The Assassin is actually closer to an old style enhancement shaman from WoW than it is a rogue.
  13. This right here. Crushing Blow got hit harder than it deserved with the reduction in damage, and the side effect of not working on incapacitated, lifted, or sleeping targets.
  14. It's easy. I don't play w/ my food while in a warzone and fight for the win in a quicker fashion.
  15. Yes, it is completely viable to use modular Sith Inquisitor armor for your outfits. The armor loss isn't all that huge if you're a Marauder using the lighter armor, and the Juggernaut will suffer some, but if you put looks over a bit of mitigation, there's still options. Hell, my level 50 Juggernaut does both PvE and PvP using the Force Stoic robes, lower robes, gloves, and helm(loaded with high mods, of course). If you're a damage dealer, bulking up on armor shouldn't be a big concern. It's like someone buying a muscle car and then worrying about not getting the gas mileage of a Piaggio 3 or a Smartcar.
  16. Maybe you'd get a guard if you pulled your finger out of your brownhole and communicated to let people know you're a healer and that you'd like a guard? Maybe negotiate to give that tank heals and VERY frequent attention in exchange for a guard? You're not entitled to anything. Prove you deserve to have a tank eat half of the damage you have incoming, and people might help you more.
  17. Nah, he's going to rush you through your bedroom window in the dead of night, all wild-eyed and mentally handicapped strong, like The Hulk.
  18. I wouldn't mind having a bounty hunter run around with a blaster rifle, shotgun, or a "Hand Cadillac" assault cannon. Having an Imperial Agent operative also running around with a shotgun would be fun as well.
  19. Some of us older people also don't feel ourselves hovering over death's doorstep, nor do we feel that playing the game is a chore, those of us who use the story or little goals in game to take our mind off the "grind." Reading about the class of course, won't give you the full grasp of how to play that class. I'll grant you that. It's a quick readout of what you can do, but to be careful when making the choice. Actually experiencing it via playing will. But if you're finding yourself not liking how the class handles, you do have extra character slots available. And you can apply the past experiences of leveling up to go through the content quicker. Sure, the "Advanced Respec" suggestion might be a thing of convenience, just like adding macros to the game. But they're not needed, not necessary. I vote no on Advanced Class respec options. It's a big decision/choice you make when(one choice that should matter) you decide to pick what to use, so you might as well go through with it. Maybe I'm so adamant about it because I came from a generation where if you made a choice, you were expected to see it through, for good or ill, and from games like Everquest, where once you made the class choice, you don't get to hop over to another class unless you feel like using another character slot.
  20. RPG-wise, it would be one of the online servers for the first Neverwinter Nights. For MMORPG, it was Warhammer Online before the infamous "Witch Hickman" 1.2 patch. This game isn't....bad.....but the fact that there's no real world/faction pvp to make it feel like a war you can immerse yourself into(no real planets w/ fortresses to fight over) kind of knocks the fun factor down a bit.
  21. http://s459.photobucket.com/albums/qq314/Threefist/?action=view&current=Screenshot_2012-02-29_22_50_21_187500.jpg#!oZZ3QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs459.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fqq314%2FThreefist%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DScreenshot_2012-02-29_22_50_29_421875.jpg http://s459.photobucket.com/albums/qq314/Threefist/?action=view&current=Screenshot_2012-02-29_22_50_21_187500.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs459.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fqq314%2FThreefist%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DScreenshot_2012-03-02_01_31_22_796875.jpg http://s459.photobucket.com/albums/qq314/Threefist/?action=view&current=Screenshot_2012-02-29_22_50_21_187500.jpg I prefer to take my screenshots while the cinematics are going on.
  22. Roll one of each. You have 8 character slots on each server, so you might as well put them to use.
  23. Yes. They should go back to level 1. They gave you additional character slots. Or you can delete the character and reforge him anew. It's not impossible to level up. The advanced classes play very much different from each other(less so with the shared tree, but still having big differences), and learning them from 10-50 is part of the gaming experience. You're not totally choosing blind at level 10-11, because you get the option to read what each advanced class can and cannot do before you hop in and make that choice. If you skip the reading, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If you make a mistake, own up to it. They didn't force you to choose that advanced class when you made that choice. You picked it yourself. It makes no sense to just give an advanced class "do-over" because your mood changes with the winds.
  24. I like the idea of a mid-ranged skirmisher class.
  25. I wouldn't mind having a sprint option, but the big questions are: How long should the sprint option last? How much of a speed boost should the sprint ability give? What about the cooldown duration? Doesn't the Operative get a speed boost(depending on spec) whether they are Medicine(Evasive Imperative), Concealment(Advanced Cloaking), or Lethality(via Debilitate)? In LOTRO, the Champion class had a sprint ability, that at one point could last anywhere from 8 to 45 seconds(if the Champion was built right). Is a 5-10 second sprinting window too long? Of course at this duration suggestion, it wouldn't be as big of a movement boost as Force Speed.
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