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Posts posted by stineo

  1. I signed up for that beta and eager to try it. Althought IMO tera is the best MMO i've played to date, but I can't say too much because I haven't played that much, but in that time frame its pretty good. I'll try anything, I just want to find an mmo that I can grow with and enjoy. I'm tired of hanging around the imperial fleet waiting for tuesday to roll around so i can raid. I'm not an altoholic, the story isnt that engaging and the characters are unique.. everyone is a carbon copy and all humanoid looking just to please their game engine that isn't very forgiving.


    Tera is best MMO to date yet you are trolling on the SWTOR forums. Tera must really be that good for you eh? I know if I were enjoying another MMO, I would never waste my time trolling on another MMO's forum.



    Surprise this thread has not been closed yet, as it's seems pretty obvious your purpose of this thread is just to promote your current "FoTM" MMO.

  2. see, there arent any orc's in tera, you guys haven't even given it a look over.. and its not a korean grind fest.. most of their mmo's are, but this isnt the case.


    Killing pandas and cutesy mobs with anime style toons in mini-shirts is a grind-fest for me. Aion and Final Fastasy online made sure I would NEVER waste my money on any game that is from Asia. Especially when it's developed and patched outside of the US.

  3. WoW's pvp was destined to be unbalanced with or without arena, because of the CC / diminishing returns system. Not to mention that blizzard simply slapped arenas into the game, and neglected it completely for years for most part. SWTOR pvp is based on resolve system, and data from 1v1 matchups can point out any unbalance issues, something wow never did


    and stop trolling this thread with your uneducated, uninformed nonsense


    World PvP will always be a cluster F in the MMO world. It's always more fun with ranged attackers while melees get screwed.

  4. I have noticed that the rate of returning higher level schematics is WAY lower if you are not the required level to wear it. I.e. I've crafted 20 some odd schematics which require lvl 47 to wear (but I am only lvl <46) and I RE but get no schematics. Then, once I reach lvl 47, I only have to craft like 5 to RE in order to get the schematic...


    try that


    Also want to add that I now just wait until I reach that required lvl before crafting. And it's still usually only about 5.


    I did that too and I averaged about 15-20 tries to REing to a blue. I didn't even try getting a purple.

  5. amazing..just...amazing.


    PROOF that people like you just aren't right that in January "they will go down, believe me" february "they will go down, trust me" march "they will go down, they will!" just stop it ok? It's not gonna go down. It's not going to tank like YOU want it to. Just stop. It won't grow at an enormous pace..it will grow at a steady pace. Just like it has been doing these months.


    Stop with the doomsaying


    Just ignore the trolls.

  6. Only cowards kill children !


    Killing the younglings was not just some random act. It was a tactical attack and smart thing to do. Order 66 which was given by the Emperor to kill all the Jedi. It did not matter how old they were, they all had to die. Also what perfect way to test the loyality of his new sith lord, then to kill the jedi children.


    Also as it seems that the dark side corrupts a person so much that they lose one's past self. Basically becoming "possessed" in a way to something so twisted and without sense of morality. Things like that is not explained very well to your average movie goer, so Anakin's actions seems out of character. That's why the last 3 movies almost seem rushed to me. They needed to be longer. Epic story telling, similar to The Lord of the Rings movies.

  7. The only thing to do after 50 is WZ for gear. Endless hours spent in WZs just for gear grinding. What makes it worse is I am on a PvP server and now open world PvP is also meaningless and dead.


    Just how long do the Devs expect players to stay with a game with the end game being so boring and pointless?


    The answer is Tera Online and GW2:D


    Tera Online and the pixel bunnies and pandas await your cash! KBYETHX!1

  8. WoW content and classes are designed with addon use in mind, so it's somewhere between nonsense and uselessly hypothetical to talk about playing it without addons. There is no "type of player" that uses addons in WoW, not anymore than there's a "type of player" that builds worker units in RTS, or uses companions while soloing in SWTOR.


    Also people need to stop conflating "using damage meters to evaluate performance" with "relying on addons to play your character". These are completely different things, and the conflation of them speaks of dishonesty, or fear. People are afraid of their performance being evaluated, so they change the subject. If you have a good reason to be afraid of your performance being evaluated (maybe there is one), say it, don't change the subject.


    That's one of the reasons why DPS meters and threat meters, etc eventually destroy any creative high end encounters. Because instead of players working on figuring out an encounter in creative ways. With damage meters encounters turn into a button smashing-fest to pull out the most dps before the stupid mob gets enraged. How hard is it for anyone to hit a stationary high end mob, while you are there going through your dps rotation. To me that is boring.


    I know not all encounters are like the example above, but lazy Devs just end up giving us the same tactics with a few adjustments with a different skin in new patches. So to "challenge" the raiders next patch, they will have to create a new boss mob and raiders have to kill it within a fixed time period (shorter then ever before) or the whole raid dies. And the cycle continues on.

  9. Nope 1.2 from the start would not change a thing because some people are just fickle. How many dead servers are there in WoW and how many people rage quit and resub back to WoW. There are alot of MMO game jumpers. And it doesn't matter which MMO you play, people will quit and resub. I know this from past experiences with alot of MMOs I have played since 1997.
  10. NO!!! If you are too lazy to run a parser program, then you don't really care that much about how much DPS you do.


    Also, I love this option of combat logs. Because if people want to spam thier epeen DPS parsers they actually have to make an effort to post it on chat. And eventually they will get tired of doing that and keep that epeen to themselves. If you decide to continue to spam your parse in raids or groups then people may kick you out of raid or group. That's the way I like it.


    DPS meters, Threat meters, healing, anything meters are stupid and dumb down the game.

  11. Here are my top 3 of all the Star Wars movies.


    #1 -- The Sail Barge (Return of the Jedi)

    This track hands down is the best. From begining to end it just screams and makes you want to pick up a lightsaber and kick some butt!


    #2 -- Duel of the Fates (Phantom Menace)

    What can you say about this track and the fight scene as its background. This can be number one just because it took lightsaber fighting to a whole new level. Never before seen in the past Star Wars movies.


    #3 -- Battle of the Heros (Revenge of the Sith

    The track has a great sense of feel and emotion. Seeing the best friends, the two "brothers" fighting for life. Tugging at your heart strings even though we all knew it would come to this...where Obi fails and loses Anakin to the Emperor and the lure of the dark side.

  12. People didn't move on. Everytime they release new content everyone is going to resub to play it, and then probably take a hiatus again. That's a large portion of what the people in other MMO's do.


    The only significant bugs that exist at this time are in raids. 3 months and we're still fighting bugs in raids as they are more challenging than the bosses. The first time I went into EV and hit the platform bugs, I thought it was part of the game. Like a penalty for not doing it correct the first time, apparently not. Now, some of those bugs have been fixed. My guild's main ops group can burn EV normal in 30-45 minutes. Bring in new guys and it takes 4 hours, why? Because the pylons in last stage of SOA are graphically bugged and appearing on opposite side of screen from where they are making the tanks drop them thinking that they positioned SOA in the correct spot only to find out pylon dropped on opposite side. Experienced players set their graphics settings appropriately, new guys didn't know what to expect and could not anticipate this.


    The more intricate a fight is, the more bugs appear.


    Consistently running into a bug where can't use battle field rez on a character even though the cool down has been reset and it should be able to be used. This makes a fight unforgiving. On HM's now if a dps dies before 1/4 health on bosses like Bonethrasher, Karagga, SOA, we restart because each time we try a rez and it doesn't work.


    16 man Karagga is harder than 8 man HM Karagga. Well you might say, well duh it's for 16 people. If it's THAT difficult it should reward loot similar to the difficulty level.


    Rakata tank sets do not have correct tanking stats, have to strip mods from Columi gear.


    Ilum is completely worthless. My server now sets up 2 farming ops group from both factions so we can complete that boring *** nascar game without taking all day doing it.


    Why does speeder lvl 3 cost 300k but only give a 10% increase to speed? For 300k I can pick up rakata pieces from GTN.


    Republic storyline is touchy feely and boring. Factions are consistently unbalanced. No one wants to a be a goody tooshu jedi.


    Lack of new content, or lack of end game content discourages people from playing longer leading to down size in server populations. GTN has hardly any items on as a result. BIOCHEM is still only useful tradeskill resulting in implants being cheap, stims being cheap, but armor, weapons, EVERYTHING else being ridiculously over priced. Especially considering that it only takes 2 weeks to hit 50, another week or less to get full Columi.


    GREEN MATRIX SHARDS. Rakata Energy Cubes so rare that I don't know of any marauders that actually wasted enough time looking for them to get the matrix cube.


    Kaon Under Siege hard mode: Bonus Droid Boss. Takes alot of finesse to down him, especially with a pug group. Loot is crap.


    All that said. I will continue to play this game. BF3 now requires an expansion to find multi player last time I tried and now apparently Origin doesn't recognize the fact that I have a registered version of the game. WOW is for 4 year olds. The atmosphere of that game is for little kids, deals with morally questionable things in game in toddler choices. At least SWTOR has a mature feeling to it. If murdering people for their insolence isn't for a mature audience, then I don't know what is.


    And a response to something I read on here where SWTOR is a quest hub, period. GOOD. Wandering the world for hours looking for others sucks. If you want that huge expansive world, go play something else. I like the instances and the quest hub. Makes more sense than having 18 different world cities.


    Maybe it's time for players to upgrade thier rigs? I hate that Devs have to dumb down the graphics on MMOs because some players can't or refuse to upgrade thier computers. Maybe if you can't afford a nice computer to take advantage of new games, then maybe a little playing and more working to earn some money.

  13. The quiz is: I've been playing for a week


    From level 30 you'll begin to see the bugs.


    I am level 50 and what game breaking bugs are you talking about again? And I don't mean little bugs.


    What is annoying are these vague troll bait threads.


    Do I see bugs in the game? Yes I do but I have NEVER played any MMO that was ever bug free. It's part of computer gaming. Espesically in MMOs when new patches can and sometimes do bring in unforeseen bugs.


    I rarely ever post on these type of threads as it's usually filled with troll bait and it's always a waste of time.

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