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Posts posted by stineo

  1. People give too much credit and "godly" powers to the Emperor. I remember him using death stars like it was going out of style. It was to the point that he seemed like a one-trick pony. Even my friend was saying, I hope there's no death star in RoTJ.


    Also if he is all knowing that he could plan out a whole fight with one of the best jedi masters of his time. A jedi who had mastered all 7 forms and made up his own. The only jedi that Lucas allowed to be so strong and important to give him his own unique lightsaber and be 2nd in command of the Jedi Council. And if he was planning out this whole fight why would he allow his face be burn and disfigured only to turn Anakin? Just doesn't make sense.


    The emperor is not all knowing and has this incredible ability to see the future. If he did then Darth Vader's would not be able to kill his so easily by picking him up and throwing him to his death. Someone so powerful died like a wimp.


    Is the emperor one of the best masterminds..yes. Is he the best lightsaber duelist or force user ever... NO.

  2. Some of your concerns have been addressed somewhat more or less. With adaptive gear, you can gear up yourself and your companions. So that combination alone gives players alot of options to look different from others. Honestly, I can't tell one companion with the next if they have head gear on. Which one tends to see at the higher levels when head gear becomes more common.


    I like your crafting idea!

  3. Not quite democratic eh?


    Welcome to the current state of our society: Pay to talk and pay even more to be heard. And this is everywhere.


    There should be a section of the forum where everybody, regardless of subscription should post. Giving voice to the people et al.


    Guess what, the business of running a MMO company is not a charity. If you want to play you have to pay. Who in thier right mind would like to work for free.

  4. Patch 1.3 is adding experience gain perks for level 1-49 alts to legacy. There are boosts for warzone, flashpoint, space mission, class mission and exploration experience gains. The boosts add up to 30% more EXP each and require legacy level 25 and in total over 1 million credits to unlock, PER CHARACTER.


    This system, which seems to be intended to encourage people to play more alts, is deeply flawed due to the high costs:


    Say you have 1 level 50 character and 1 million extra credits to spend. You could spend it on any one of 7 new alts, but you have to choose really wisely. Invest 500000 credits to an alt and then realize you hate the voice actor? It's all wasted.


    At the other end of the spectrum, say you have 7 level 50 characters and 7 million extra credits. You only have 1 alt that could benefit from the experience boosts and you can easily afford all of them, but if you've leveled 7 characters to level 50 without any extra experience gains already, is it going to make any difference in the end?


    The legacy level 25 adds another complication to things. Maybe somewhere in the middle there is someone with 5 million credits to spend on making 3 more alts who this system is just perfect, but to me it doesn't sound like it's working right.


    There's a few weeks time while this system can still be changed, after that it's going to be set in stone for some time. Please spread the word and make sure the devs hear your voice on this.


    Not sure why people complain about the cost of things. What you want to do with all those credits anyway? There needs to be a way to flush out money as it's introduce into the game. If there is nothing to spend all those credits people hoard, it causes massive inflation making prices of items on the broker out of reach for your average or new player.

  5. Have anyone seen any new regarding more char slots? The last thing I saw was "we acknowledge some wants more slots and are looking into it".


    With a new race and even more legacy stuff, the need for more character slots increases.


    Why give us lots of legacy unlocks if we do not get character slots to use it? I have several characters I want to make, but since these are all dependant on legacy race unlocks, rerolling them on a new server is not an option (not to mention that the presence bonus and buffed heroic moment is really great for questing and leveling)


    As it stands now I soon have to delete a 50.


    Totally agree here. We need more character slots for sure.

  6. this isnt trolling, the fact that once ppl clear the raids and get the loot they need, they no longer see the point to play until another raid comes out in another patch


    how many times will people repeat the same raids again and again, if BW wants this game to survive they need to find a groundbreaking idea that will break the longtime standard that WoW has put out which is the "hamster wheel" idea of content,


    my guild has cleared EC HM, and now those ppl are logged off until the new OPs comes out, then the cycle repeats with ppl grinding that OP till all the gear tehy need drops


    so in the end, these raids do not keep ppl around for a long time, im saying BW needs to get rid of this hamster wheel type of content and come with something fresh


    How would you change things exactly to your liking? Be constructive and point out ideas how to improve the game. Or else people will just think of you as trolling as the spammers tend to do here. I already have 10 of these spammers on ignore because they are just trolling to get people upset.

  7. Oh don't worry I'm unsubbed. 13days left. Hoping for 1.3 or free time before that.


    In 13 days, the stars will be aligned and all will be right in your life. For once you will have purpose once again!


    And the TOR forums will have peace.


    For me, you are already gone...to the ignore list! :)

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