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Posts posted by steinsgate

  1. So you agree then? no more medals needed?


    So, You just want to have to try less to get the same reward?


    Sure am. That extra 50k healing you mention? Probably wouldn't be needed because the enemy is dead.


    Exactly my point. It's not hard. People need to stop asking for freebies, and just take a few globals to do what, as you say, is easy.


    Pretty sure they're both wins. Welcome to the lists of bads.


    Does the current medal system promote and reward bad play? Clearly, or else you wouldn't have made this self-righteous post encouraging players to engage in tactics similar to yours and gimp their team or provide a marginal amoutn of benefit in order to gain more personal rewards.



  2. Is it possible to get a decent amount of medals? Yes.


    Is there a parity of effort required to farm medals on dps versus healers? No.


    Are you being as helpful to your team by doing 100k damage and 200k healing compared to 25k damage and 250k healing? Not in most cases.


    Does it take a considerable amount of skill to place down aoes when people are stacked up then continue to heal? No.


    Does the current medal system promote and reward bad play? Clearly, or else you wouldn't have made this self-righteous post encouraging players to engage in tactics similar to yours and gimp their team in order to gain more personal rewards.

  3. Healing numbers for sorcs aren't always that accurate. We can effectively pad the numbers by lifetapping and healing ourselves and it is stupid. We are powerful healers but remember to keep the lifetapping thing in mind.


    Anyone can do this, though. Just jump in the huttball fires.

  4. But you aren't, sometimes that little extra DPS is what drops the enemy healer. Using your interupt as a healer as often as possible plays a huge part (although doesn't reward).


    He's refering to classes with Consumption who can lower their health and heal themselves for heal points. This is how sometimes classes can appear to have healed for way more than they actually did. I would happily see this removed.


    It is entirely possible to get atleast 3 medals for dps which requires no real effort. If more healing medals were added, given the easy of which the current ones are accessed, would mean that you could essentially get FAR more than other classes.


    I could still get the 5kills, 10 kills, but I would also get the other ones which are being proposed for healing. So a well played healer could realistically end up with 12+ medals, instead of the ones currently available.


    I'm a Rank 50 Valor 54 FULL heal spec sorcerer, so I'm not some rank 30 guy talking out of his ***. It's entirely possible to get the heal medals, just throw out a quick ae and tag enemy players with a bit of DPS etc. It takes about a second, to click, dot, click back to target.


    I focus primarily on healing, but with the right circulation I can toss out some DPS aswell.


    The problem is you're basing your argument from the perspective of a sorc. They are the strongest healers in pvp by a large margin, and are afforded luxuries such as this that the other healers are not.

  5. Actually good healers can dps as well. soo...


    While I agree that healers should get kill credit for healing people that are killing (gabe amatagelo fail) There is nothing stopping good healers from doing the same thing, tagging things being killed.


    There's nothing 'good' about a healer dpsing. You're taking away time and resources from what you are most effective at (healing) and putting time and resources into what you are less effective at (damage). Every time I spend a global and energy on a grenade as an operative healer, I'm doing several things I should not be doing as a healer:

    1. Putting myself in harm's way with a short-range ability

    2. Lowering my energy level, possibly into a lower recovery bracket

    3. Not casting my only heal that heals for a respectable amount

    And yet I am being rewarded for doing these things with more valor, commendations, and mvp votes (rarely).


    The medal system rewards bad play and punishes good play, period.

  6. Except being a tank naturally involves DPSing. Being a healer doesn't.


    Also, I don't "exploit" when I play, so whatever you're referencing to healers exploiting medals isn't helping me any.


    He probably was referring to the Rakata Medpack giving people the 5k heal medal. IIRC, they fixed that. Other than that, there's no exploitation that I'm aware of.

  7. Tanks get 3 medals for being tanks, Healers get 3 medals for being healers, then the rest is dps/kill/objective medals.


    All dps can get either healing or tanking medals.


    Perhaps the 300k medal needs to be dropped down to 100k, then healers will feel better about dps'ing and healing.


    Also Healing is the easiest of all the medals to exploit. So you aren't getting sympathy from me.


    I don' t know if any medal thresholds need dropping. I just know we need to get kill credit from teammates that we heal.


    In a perfect world, the medal system would either be heavily reworked or scrapped, because in its current incarnation it does nothing but encourage bad play.

  8. Right, so all I have to do to get my fair share of medals is get 300k healing, 75k damage, have enough surge rating to get a 5k heal, get 3k defender points if I'm lucky (how does a Mercenary even get defeneder points? I seem to get a little somehow but I have no idea which of my skills does it), and focus on DPS about 1/4 of the time.


    Seems fair.


    Totally reasonable.

  9. http://i40.tinypic.com/nfjqjo.jpg


    500k healing, 5 medals




    You're /flexing over farming a worse geared, less organized team at their spawn for 10 minutes?


    OT, give healers more medals. Give us kill credit on targets we've healed for the last 10 seconds or whatever. Give us more credit than the zero we are currently getting.

  10. It's designed to be a PvE damage increase without being overly effective in PvP.


    The difference between Master Strike and abilities that ONLY can be used against Normal/Strong enemies is that if you can get the channel off in PvP you get a big hit of free damage.


    There are talents available that make the ability uninterruptible and that root the target when it is used.


    The ability is fine. This is not the first MMO to have channeled melee attacks with backloaded damage.


    If he's talking about force choke, it's a DPS loss. If he's talking about ravage/master strike, there's a discussion thread in the sith warrior forums about how it is still a dps loss.


    What other MMOs have given melee immobile channeled abilities? I can't think of any good ones.

  11. heals on carrier.


    That's not true.


    I healed exclusively in warzones, and playing as empire means you play an unacceptable amount of huttball. Heals on the ball carrier either A. do not award objective points or B. award objective points at an unacceptably low rate.


    Basicly, holding the ball and farming the other team once you cap 5-0. They encourage it with their objective/medal system.


    This. Objective and Medals systems are bad and Bioware should feel bad.

  12. Yes, they are whiny and self entitled. Hence, the problem with most games nowadays.


    Everyone in the world has always been whiny and self-entitled. Whiny and self-entitled people make valid points on occasion.

  13. Except it give tactical advantage with the right specc and with those extra tactical advantages you get a free surgical probe, Also when the 2stack is almost ran out you can reapply and it will be a 2stack again healing a large amount of dmg for very little energy.


    You have to have KP up on four people to expect to gain 1 TA every time the ICD on Med Eng is up. Since the ICD of Med Eng is 6 seconds at rank three, that means that each round of kolto probes will generate a maximum of 2 TA. So, we must spend 60 energy every 15 seconds to maybe gain 2 TA and healing that won't be enough to keep their health up through anything except HM BT.


    This wouldn't be a problem if

    1. SP were stronger

    2. The max number of stacks of TA were increased

    3. Med Eng had no ICD

    4. RN refreshed stacks of KP

    5. DS refreshed stacks of KP


  14. Medics being the most mobile healer is kind of a fallacy, though. Our mobility is entirely reliant on having two stacks of TA. If we do not, then the only healing we can do on the move is putting up a kolto probe which will tick for ~600 after a few seconds, or at best one surgical probe for ~2k. Then, if we get locked out of KInj, we can do nothing but sit on our hands for the four second lockout + KInj cast time + ability delay. So our target can expect to wait about 6 seconds until their next heal for ~2.5 k or a lucky ~3.5k crit.


    Not to mention, every class in the game has enough knockbacks/downs and stuns to keep us from casting anything, even without using an interrupt.

  15. Funny, another thread said everyone is rolling BH/trooper and another thread says everyone is rolling sorc/sage.


    They're both right. Those classes are all I saw in the level 50 bracket.

  16. what im saying is this


    ATM there is no penalty

    ATM players are so bad you know the final outcome of the WZ within the first 2-5 mins

    why o why would you stay any longer?


    to the players leaving - they get no valor and no comms but get to que up again without waiting the rest of the time for the Wz to finish.


    to the players staying - you were gonna lose anyways, so no harm done.


    myself and my guild try to win every WZ from the start but when we have dailies/weeklies to complete we aint hangin around because of bad players.




    Honestly, in all fairness there should be a deserter debuff. However:


    The problem is that this would make queues EVEN LONGER than they already are. People would still quit because, let's face it, no one wants to get farmed for 8 minutes of huttball, but those people would then be locked out of an already small population base for the duration of the debuff.


    Putting a deserter debuff out there now would be like trying to get a splinter out of your finger by stabbing yourself in the leg with a knife. You're not addressing the real problem, and you're just making life more painful for everyone involved.

  17. You didn't specifically say WoW, but you did say that when new players get continually crushed by over-geared premades in warfronts, those people quit and the game dies. And that was a TREMENDOUS problem in vanilla WoW, and burning crusade. But people didn't quit, and the game didn't die.


    And I proposed to you that what you were, in fact, saying is simply not true.


    MMOs catered to a different audience back then. If you played an MMO, it's because you were essentially a masochist. You had to deal with awful grinds, awful mechanics, and other aspects of a game that are outdated and people no longer find fun. Players are different, now.

  18. Is that what happened to WoW? I didn't know it died...did I miss that article somewhere?


    I really have no idea what you're talking about. I never said WoW was dying or dead.


    FYI, in WoW there is an average item level sorting (while somewhat loose) that is taken into account when there are enough players to have decent queue times. Also, you cannot queue for random battlegrounds in a group of more than five.


    And for God's sake, we need cross-realm warzone queues.

  19. YES this. I wish every dps had to try healing sometime. Its 100x harder than playing dps and you die faster against smart players that just hop on you.


    Healing is the most difficult role int his game right now, by a longshot. The combination of horrible UI, horrible targeting, horrible ability delay and class mechanics make healing at best clunky and at worst a living nightmare.

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