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Everything posted by Kortio

  1. I would like Investigation Missions like in Secret World . But I fear 90% of the player base would go insane over the difficulty. Like finding missing keys from a classical music piece and then solve the puzzle in front of you by playing the tunes. Stuff like that .
  2. Actually I would like more roleplaying options here. For example, I would really like another Apprentice like Jaesa for my Warrior. And mabye leave it my choice what kind of Crewskill Benefits they have...
  3. Thanks for your solid advice cxten . Yeah, the same problem exists in other MMORPG's .
  4. That is a classic catch 22. I need the gear from Ops to be allowed on Ops? That's... stupid. People won't take me without proper gear. Geez. Okay, now what? Farm credits en masse and buy stuff from GTN? That is fun as a tank with a killspeed of a lvl 10 character.. And yeah, I am a Jugg.
  5. Hit 55 today. Was excited to spend all those saved up and worked for Basic Commendations. Found out, that my class Vendor has no Gear with Defense except a Wrist and a Belt. Where is the Rest? I cannot go with Absorb only.. o_O. ps.: No, it is not Orange Gear, it is purple. No, I cannot craft the same level mods as those that are in it.
  6. Hey guys. I am lvl 50 now and I am a Tank Juggernaut. I am wondering about the tank mechanics in this game and their stats. I did some googling but most guides are pretty basic or don't explain well enough. If you got a link, feel free to give it to me, I don't want you to write everything up if it is to be found elsewhere. That said, here are my questions: 1.) Is there any value I must hit with Defense / Shield Chance / Accuracy to be a good tank? In WoW for example, you need like 110% Defense to not eat any crits from Bosses. Is there something like this here? 2.) Is Defense Chance > Shield Chance > Absorption Rating correct? 3.) Do I need any Power? Force Scream does help a lot, but does Power influence how much dmg I can absorb? Or is this a set value / influenced by Absorb? Does it only influence damage? Thanks for any input .
  7. Yeah, it is at level 47, but the beginning of the dialog contains a huge spoiler. Made the same mistake . At that point point it was clear what would happen, but still, there could have been another plot twist. So I agree, that is rather unfortunate.
  8. In the hands of someone with knowledge and who is socially responsible, that might be true. But in the hands of the general public, it is pure poison.
  9. Exactly. Also, in WoW the developers had to counter the addons the community made by giving bosses tighter enrage timers, you need perfect dps etc. But that is not because they want the game like that, it is because they needed to counter all the addons.
  10. Damage and Healing amount is calculated on the Server. And he cannot block you from sending it. So unless those people have hacked the SWTOR Servers, cheating here is not possible. And I don't think they did .
  11. F2P? No. Would open the doors to spammers and even worse Trolls than we have now. Preferred? Yes.
  12. Not necessary. Every character created gets them by mail when created. Wish we could just collect it and create copies if necessary.
  13. Einer alleine kann nicht die Warzone gewinnen. Ich spiele derzeit auf "The Progenitor" und da ist es einfach grausam. Ich deffe die Objektive, vor allem in GSF, aber wenn keiner hilft wenn man grade von 4 Reps beschossen wird, dann kann ich der beste Spieler der Welt sein, das Match verlierst du. Und ich habs einfach satt, ständig zu verlieren. Deswegen denke ich über einen Serverwechsel nach. Ich hab nix gegen verlieren, aber bitte nicht ständig 100 zu 800 oder sowas. Das ist einfach langweilig. Und ich spiele bestimmt nicht Republik. Ich mag nen Sith spielen und damit nen Light Sabre Kiddie sein, ich bin vielleicht ein Idiot, aber ich spiele keine Republik .
  14. Euer Server. So schwer zu verstehen?
  15. Ist das bei euch auch so einseitig, dass die Republik 49 von 50 Matches gewinnt? Bei uns ist das Imperium ein Schatten seiner selbst. Geht mir um BGs und GSF.
  16. Gomorreans would be nice xD. Seriously, I'd play one.
  17. You know that there are different people? The one working on the Cartel Box is with an almost 99% chance not the guy working on your class .
  18. I hate that you do not have any choice in companions. Now I have that overdimensional fly on my ship and can't get rid of him. This part really needs some refining Bioware. :\ How about others? I don't really care about the abilities, but I really don't like Broonmark . Can I just open the airlock please and get rid of him?
  19. I don't understand this either. They probably are after the Legacy Unlocks, but seriously, why such a pace? Enjoy the ride and play instead of getting pulled through the game.
  20. The only thing going through the roof right now is my sarcasm detector .
  21. I care. And I am sure there are others. Just because you like ravaging through gray mobs, does not mean others would not like to have a challenge.
  22. Why is it such a big issue for you if people would have the joice to stop or slow down leveling? As long as it is an option?
  23. This. And this is the reason why I made that suggestion in the other forum to be able to divert XP to Legacy so I can slow down leveling a lot. I am so overleveled already when I arrive at a new planet, it's not funny. I am a completionist and want to enjoy all those little stories Bioware made for us. I don't see the point in being lvl 55 asap. And I still want a challenge. I don't want to run through it in god mode. Thats boring :-). In Anarchy Online they have a slider, so you can divert any XP your character gets from 0%-100% to an alternative leveling system, which enhances your attributes. Would be awesome to do that here for Legacy. edit: I level as a Tank, but I didn't do any Flashpoint since lvl 25 because of that XP rain that you get there.
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