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Everything posted by Kortio

  1. Sowas geht schon, ist in dem Fall aber unpraktikabel. Nennt sich Cluster . Einer der schnellsten Supercomputer lief mit hunderten Playstations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3_cluster Kannst dir zu Hause auch einen Cluster mit Raspberrie PIs bauen. @OP Theoretisch ist es mit Steam in-home streaming möglich, aber du müsstest das Spiel dann auf deinem Rechner laufen lassen und du kannst es während der Zeit nicht selber spielen. Ihr kommt also leider um ein neues Gerät nicht drumherum.
  2. Obviously, which is why it bugs me so much. They could put 10 in there, that would be acceptable. But 1 is really not cool. I would have gotten the pack already if it weren't for that.
  3. Why is there only 1 Rug and 1 Wall Sconce in it? You can't even decorate 1 Room with that.
  4. So I am a Jugger and therefore the Wrath of the Emporer. I don't think it makes much sense ( and I think lore wise it would be highly unlikely) for me as a dark side character and because of this title to side against the Emporer and it is kind of a bummer that you have no tough decision to make here. The other thing is, I tried a Jedi today, despite my deep hatred for them to see how the story is and decided to play a Trueblood Jedi. Not a single comment so far from anyone and even the answers you think are mean enough, end up being really nice. No comparison to the the Empire. I don't think I will get past level 20 with that one . I get it, it is Bioware, they want to play it safe. But come on BW, strap on a pair and have the courage to actually put the player into an uncomfortable decision. That is all.
  5. No, from the purple gear you buy from the data crystal vendors. Or from crafted light sabers etc. Sorry for being too vague.
  6. With the cosmetic changes, which I hate btw, how can I use an orange weapon on max level without throwing someone millions of credits into their maws? Back when I played 2 years ago, I got some nice and good looking Blasters, are they all useless now? How do I craft endgame tier (208 and more) hilts and barrels or enhancements etc, when you can't rip the mods out anymore? Can someone enlighten me please?
  7. Hey, already got an answer from support. They said that this unlock is server specific and not account wide. Which is kind of weird since your legacy get's fully copied over except your tabs, but ok. I bit the bullet and bought the tab again with Credits.
  8. Dann muss der Server sich halt zusammentun und einen Channel aufmachen in dem man sich verabredet. Bevor der Deutsche Anarchy Online Server geschlossen wurde, gab es vorher eine sehr intime und geschlossene Community. Da wurde Neuankömmlingen sofort mit Rat und Tat geholfen und diese herzlich in die Community aufgenommen. Raids wurden ingame mit allen organisiert und trotz der Tatsache, dass der Server nur noch ca. 100 Spieler hatte, ging immer was. Man braucht keine 10.000 Spieler auf einem Server um ein MMORPG zu spielen. Aber leider ist es den Leuten heute halt wichtiger schnell und anonym den Content in 10 minuten durchzureiten.
  9. Wenns so schlimm ist, dann transt doch jetzt, Problem gegessen. Da du hier postest bist du Subscriber und kannst es dir doch kostenlos leisten. Mit Security Key App bekommst du mtl. 600 CC. Damit kannst du 6 Chars kostenlos transfern und wenn der Server dann endlich geschlossen wird, dann bekommst den Rest nachgeschickt. Es entzieht sich ernsthaft meines Verständnisses wie man eine Preisnachlass Aktion so dermaßen kritisieren kann. Früher in älteren MMORPG gabs sowas wie Transfer gar nicht. Da ist man auf dem Server geblieben. Frag mal die deutschen Anarchy Spieler . Auf der anderen Seite habe ich das Gefühl, dass deutsche RP'er sich solche Eier halt auch selber legen. Aus Erfahrung kann ich sagen, dass diese sehr strikt in ihrer Akzeptanz sind. Wenn man nicht alles mit "Ihr" und "Euch" anredet, wird man doch gar nicht als Rollenspieler wahrgenommen und wehe man treibt die Konversation in einen Konflikt, dann ist der Braten fett. Das sind so meine Erfahrungen mit deutschen RP Servern in einigen MMO.
  10. So I decided to get off my server since it was overpriced and the community horrible and took advantage of the transfer offer. I read the FAQ and took all my items out of the legacy storage, since those don't get transferred. But upon arrival on my new server and reactivating my Stronghold and renaming my legacy, I have noted that the second tab I had unlocked vanished. So what's up with that? I contacted support, but no answer since roughly 24 hours from them. Will I get it back and should I hold off on rebuying it or should I wait for an answer? IIRC, I used CC to unlock it so I really would like it back. I could be wrong though.
  11. Hello Ben, I don't often get the chance to write directly to a Producer of a large EA Game, so here we go. I recently resubscribed because I missed Star Wars and my biggest gripe is still that you Nickel and Dime us for fricking everything, even subscribers. Please take a hard look at the Cartel Store as such and how you ask for money for the same thing twice. A big example for that is the mount/pet system. Why are those still not legacy wide? Why do I have to pay an extra 400 (!) Cartel Coins to make a mount account wide, which translates roughly to 4€? As a mount collector this really disturbs me. I also don't want to buy all the mounts available for credits for all my characters. Legacy wide would be a start, in other MMORPGs (pretty much every subscription based game and even some buy to play out there) they are even account wide. Same goes for the quickbar shenanigans for free to play users. While I will never be a f2p player, it is something that deeply disturbs me that you ask money for an essential interface component. Please stop inconveniencing your player just so they pay money. It shows little faith in the product, if you have stuff like this. I tried to bring friends into this game, but they have a strong ethical issue with the fact that you ask money for quickbars. And I understand them. I really appreciate that I get 600 Cartel Coins a month for free, still, I wished those things would finally get addressed and improved. ps.: The mobs could also use a little HP buff. The game is way too easy right now.
  12. Welcher deutsche Server ist denn am besten besucht? Ob RP-PVE oder PVE ist mir egal :-).
  13. Das ist Blödsinn. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8899181#edit8899181
  14. Falsch. Es gab einen Fehler wodurch Charaktere durch den transfer unbenutzbar wurden. Dann wurde eine Fehlersuche eingeleitet, wodurch der Server Transfer aus Versehen für ca. 30 Minuten kostenlos wurde. Deswegen wurde es komplett deaktiviert bis das Problem behoben ist.
  15. Thanks to the both of you. I just finished Illum. But yeah, the game should have a rating system and show how many people visited your home and/or left a rating. Would be a better system than just prestige, which just enourages to put in as many stuff as you can instead of actually making it look nice.
  16. As I wrote in my other post, I returned after 2 years of absence. My character is level 55 right now and I have a ton of quests open. Besides all the Dungeon Quests I have 3 Story Quests: 1.) First Strike 2.) Forged Alliances Part I 3.) Shadow Of Revan Prelude In which order should I do those to continue chronologically? Also, can I somehow see if someone visited my Stronghold?
  17. I fixed it. I activated all Quickbars, also the empty ones, saved the interface and suddenly I was able to put abilities there. Not sure what was causing this.
  18. I am using my old level 55 character, not a new one. But the same Slot on the same Hotbar is also blocked on a level 37 character.
  19. Not sure what you are saying. I didn't start any quests. I was more sorting inventory, because of the whole mess with the Equipement for companions and had to sort out everything. That's not it.
  20. On multiple characters, some hotbar slots are blocked. They appear to be empty, but when I try to put an ability there, it won't let me. I can click on it with the ability, but it remains attached to my mouse. Anyone who knows a solution?
  21. 1.) Steam has over 60 Million unique accounts. I think it is safe to say that the stats presented are a pretty accurate statistic compared to how statistics are done in general. Political statistics use far less real people to make a forecast during votes. 2.) What do credit cards have to do with it? You can use Paysafecards, Paypal or Online Banking to pay on Steam. And every German has either of those. I am from Germany myself and Gamers figured out by now how to pay online and what their favorite method is. 3.) I think the number of those living in rural Areas with LTE and other BS is far less than those living in big cities with at least 16k DSL or even more, provided by Cable. Not really true. I have yet to encounter a website where I cannot pay with either of my available payment methods. And you can always sign up for a virtual prepaid credit card. Most banks offer them by now and there are enough to use and choose from out there. I use wirecard, since it is the best option for me. I think you are making this issue bigger than it really is and it does not have to do anything with the choice of your Operating System. If security reasons are not enough of a reason, nobody can help you. People are just too lazy to get into a new OS or pay for one. That is the whole reason. "Was der Bauer nicht kennt, frisst er nicht" does not only apply to food, it also applies to everything else and I think that sums it up pretty good. The other thing is, that 90% of "normal" users does not know the difference between 32 and 64 bit. I blame the press, Computer Bild, Chip and PC World and all those other casual computer magazines do a pi** poor job in educating people how a computer works and what Software you really need. And not everyone is reading CT (most informative and therefore best computer magazine) unfortunately.
  22. According to Steam, about 6% use XP 32 bit and 12.15% Win7 32 bit. Which I really don't understand why you would do that. http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey
  23. Actually I agree with that. If we don't get some sort of centralized chat that we can see from our house too, then it won't be much of use at this time. It should be in an extra chat filter though.
  24. Original EQ2 and Vanguard are far better.
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