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Everything posted by Sinras

  1. Agreed. Some new players honestly don't know what stats are good for them. By only allowing them to roll on gear that they can actually use It can only help them get more used to what they really need for them selves or their companions. Another way would be to link all "boss" gear to a specific class. This would eliminate companions from getting any of it.
  2. I seriously doubt it. In the end it's only 5 days. If your entire guild is in Makab just take a short break. If Bioware is anything like "other companies" when they release expansions the first couple of days are awful anyway. It's better that the entire playerbase doesn't start the new content on the same day. However if you pre-order now, then if they add any other pre-order offers you'll probably get them too.
  3. They didn't even get Selkath, Ithorian and Rataka correct. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for other playable species that aren't near human in looks.
  4. Exactly, Star Wars is set in a fantasy universe with sci-fi elements added. Because of this technological change gets limited from generation to generation. Unlike Star Trek where technology and technological advancement is key to the stories, in Star Wars the overwhelming themes are the battle between good and evil (lightside vs. darkside) and the republic vs. the empire (or whoever happens to be the villain for the story arc). There have been many cultures that have remained virtually unchanged for thousands of years. The most extensive being China as, internaty, previously mentioned. But there are some Asian and pacific island tribes that haven't changed at all in thousands of years. Star Wars only takes place in one galaxy, but the different species have had thousands of years to merge into a single culture. Many of the major species have been part of the republic for a long, long time. Some of them keep elements of their "home" culture but for the most part they are part of "the Republic" (or empire). This is different problem all together. When Lucas originally developed Star Wars he only created a history not even 50 years before the time of the first movie. Since then nearly two dozen authors have written stories set both before and after the movies. Many of them try to create stories as large as the original trilogy and keep adding bigger and bigger weapons or more advanced/exciting technology. By doing this it dilutes the advancements of the original stories. It's a classic case of "too many cooks...." It's evidenced by the existences of multiple levels of cannon. Had only one or two people been given the rights to author books, and only books based on outlines provided by Lucasfilm this problem wouldn't have been as bad.
  5. I haven't seen anything from EA about how the cartel Market will work with the rep system. In the screenshot there is a tag under the cartel market symbol that states "bonus points +50%" Since there is a limited amount of rep you can earn per week I would presume that you can buy an unlock to either allow (50%) more per week or gain (50%) more rep at a time. Similar to XP unlocks. I could be totally wrong, but that's what I'm thinking right now.
  6. They loaded the Cinematic during the "elevator" ride to your ship hanger. And there really isn't much background loading going on during the ride. If it wasn't for this cinematic we wouldn't need the loading screen to get to your ship hanger. One issue for the long load screen when you arrive at a planet is that they load most of it at once. Including the huge background image. Other games only load a fraction of the game and slowly load more as you travel. they do this with very low-res distant features and a sharp edge to the "world" covered by "fog." While load screens can be annoying, the one thing that seems useless is "fade to black" revive. I'm not really sure what it's needed for, and I don't remember it during beta weekends.
  7. I'm personally a big fan of stealthing, so Assassin/Operative would be my choice, eventhough it's not on the list. As for your list I think either Powertech/Opperative, or Juggernaut/Sorcerer. Both of you would start on the same planet and you're not sharing gear. Also you'd have 2 different classes.
  8. Everyone who was working on them got "laid-off" and it's dropped in priority for the new team.
  9. Several years ago, 2006 I think, the originals were released as part of a 2-disc limited edition DVD. Disc one was the most recent Special release at the time, and Disc 2 was the original movies. Or at least that's how they were advertised (unfortunately I didn't get them at the time). They were also released as a box set a couple years later. Although when the BlueRays were released they only printed the most recent special editions. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney releases the originals again (probably with the special editions) in a couple of years.
  10. Hello and welcome to Ebon Hawk. I'm still kinda new myself, okay I started as a free trial in September, and didn't start really playing until early November. I have characters on both sides (8 total, one of each mirror class) but right now I'm usually playing my Sentinel and Merc (Quin-ten, Bryn'ar respectivly). If you're looking for people to level with I'll be around. I've only played a couple healers (sage and opperative, in really low levels) so I can't really say much about them. I prefer DPS myself.
  11. I'm interested in starting a guild. Right now my highest Imp character is a lvl27 Merc, I just started Tattooine. I have more characters at Lvl16 (just finished Dromund Kaas). Send me you're info if you're still planning to start the guild. I also have some Rep characters.
  12. Wookiee-life Day will probably be our anniversary, and holiday gift from SWTOR.
  13. The little bit of IT knowledge I have says it wouldn't be a quick thing to do. At present all companions have a "class." Unlike players, companion "classes" are their own name, this is how they can wear their own specific gear. You would probably need to add a second class variable to each companion and possibly players and gear. Then you would need to check items so they can be used by players/companions that fulfill a single class variable. Also you would need to check that the new class variable you are adding does not interfere with any other variable already present. At the moment besides the "class" variable, I believe, companions and players have a droid variable, which allows droids to wear "droid" gear. Also players have a species variable that effects conversations and NPC reactions. In some cases they act different if you are not Human/Cyborg, or Sith (Empire only). I think in the end the biggest problem, like many things in SWTOR, would not be in creating it but making sure it doesn't break anything else. Anyway my best advice to the OP would be re-run old heroics that award moddable gear and use those for your trooper companions (after you replace the mods). Either that or pass your modded gear to your companions once you get something new.
  14. I've seen one or two people doing this. Although it' was in [Heroic Areas], and they're there alone following me and my group around. When I've seen it in normal areas I just stop and let them grab the next pack of mobs. I know when I meet someone in a solo area I let them kill their pack, and I kill the next one usually. When I play I try to kill as few extra mobs as possible (usually try to get the bonus missions). This is because I'm usually close to out leveling the area (most of the missions are green). I like to complete all missions and heroics and bonuses if possible.... kinda an OCD thing.
  15. I know some of the companion storylines intersect, or did prior to the start of the game. The General at the end of Black Talon mentions a bunch of weapons that the Empire and Republic are developing, including at least one from the JK story. Also the Smuggler and Trooper story lines start at the same time. I believe it is Corso at the very start of the Smuggler storline that mentions a troop transport (presumably carrying the Trooper) being shot up Separatists, right as you landed. Also the in the Counsular storyline, i believe it's the end of Tython, there is a comment about the Twi'leks having a new Matriarch. I can't remember anything from the beginnings of the BH, IA, SI, or SW storylines. My presumption is that all the class stories happen concurrently (or within a few days/weeks). Also the order of the story happens in the order of the planets you visit. This would mean that Emp-Balmora happens before Rep-Balmora, and Rep-Taris happens before Emp-Taris. I'm not entirely sure of this since I haven't played through each side to 50, yet.
  16. ]Hello, I just started playing back in September, leveling one of each class through lvl15 with the trial. Subscribed at the beginning of the month and I've been looking for a good guild to join. I've been a leader of guilds in WoW also did high-end PvE content there. I'd be willing to help out with whatever you guys need. I'm still low level, but the main charecters I'm playing now are my Sentinel (Quin-ten) and my Mecenary (Bryn'ar). Not sure what side <Havoc> is on. Look me up in game and I'll add you. I'll be around tonight.
  17. If you bought the game for $60 you got, one "free" month to play the game (worth $15), the installer for the game (either on a disk or as a digital file) and the ability to install it on your computer. If you bought it from a store you also got the box and all associated printed materials, also you supported the store you bought it from, and the company that printed all the material included. If you bought any of the upgraded versions, you got was included in the basic $60 version whatever was added to the upgrades. On the box it says an internet connection and subscription are required to play the game, so playing is not included in the purchase price. If you subscribe to the game ($13 - $15 per month depending on package), or bought timecards, You gain access to the game, including to the servers, your created characters, all your in-game currencies and items, the UI, permission to post on the official forums (providing you obey the rules), permission to contact support, and anything else stated by EA/Bioware. These benefits expire once you stop subscribing, or EA/Bioware close down the servers. Now there is a Free-to-Play option which gives you access to whatever EA/Bioware says it gives you access to. Including at this point the ability to level 2 characters (per server) to level 50, a limited UI, limited currencies, limited number of Flashpoints, Warzones, and Space Missions. There is also a "Preferred" subscription status, the contents again are subject to EA/Bioware's discretion. If you were subscribed when the game opened the Cartel Shop (and if you resubscribe before 12/20/12) you were (or will be) given a set number of Cartel Coins. The number is varied depending on the number of months you subscribed for and type(s) of boxes you bought. You have not "earned" these coins for being a prior subscriber, but they are a bonus, if you are a current subscriber (or resubscribe before 12/20/2012). All that being said I feel that the terms of the Free-to-Play, and Preferred are a bit limiting, in a couple cases. These include the Quickbar restrictions, I think both models (or at the vary least the Preferred model) be given four quickbars. Also Crew Skills should have one more available to each FtP and Preferred accounts, Crew skills are virtually useless under the FtP model. I also think that characters should not be limited by server but have an overall limit (4-6 would be a good number), with the ability to buy more character slots.
  18. What would solo players get on these servers, that they wouldn't get by not grouping with anyone, and turning off all chat? Are you suggesting that you, as a solo player, will be the only person on that server?
  19. Yoda's a human, he's been aged and mutated over 900 years by the force. It's not just the Darkside the changes you but the Lightside too. /sage nod
  20. OP: For Disney's future treatment of Star Wars and Indy fan creations, you'll have to look at what they've done with Marvel properties. As far as I know not much has changed with respect to Marvel fan creations. As for SWTOR not much will change, Lucausfilm mainly collected the licensing checks from EA/Bioware. They have some input on what is allowed and disallowed, but that's about it. The contract EA/Bioware signed with Lucausfilm still stands and nothing outside of signing a new contract can change that. Disney has to honer all prior contracts made by Lucusfilm, just like they had to honor all contracts made by Marvel (X-Men is still licensed to Fox, Spider-Man to Sony, and Avengers/Iron Man/Thor/Captain America to Paramount) As for Mickey Mouse being written into any SW movies of games, All I can say is... I haven't heard about Disney forcing Mickey or any other character into issues of Spider-Man over the last 2 years. So I really doubt it will happen with SW. The only major issue I see would be with ILM, I cannot imagine other production studios giving money to Disney (indirectly) for CGI effects. While ILM was independent separate production companies supporting them would be fine, but handing money over to your competition seems like a bad idea to me.
  21. Agreed, and having one or all of them die would be good way to "pass the torch" to the new stars.
  22. If you bought and registered the game within 30days prior to Thursday you won't be getting any bonus Cartel Coins. You need to have paid for one month to get the bonus coins. Other than that you get preferred status which gets you about $15 worth of Cartel Store purchases. Also you get the one month of subscription. So overall a pretty good deal. I just did the same thing myself, after leveling one of each class to 15 (and the end of the prologue) through the trial.
  23. I like the idea of perma-death for companions. Where through dialogue choices you can choose to have a companion killed or left to die. I really like the idea of your choices in game having a major effect in game. In KotOR1 there was a DS option to kill a companion before they even joined your crew. Also, if you went DS for the game finale you had to kill two companions, and could kill a third, as well as another running away. I believe in KotOR2 (I know it's not a BW game) you could kill a future companion when you first meet them. You also, received different companions depending on whether you were Male of Female, or LS/DS at a specific point in the game. All of these were choices that affected your gameplay for part or all of the game. While I want these options for SW:TOR, I understand that many people would be annoyed that they are in game especially if they are permanent. The nature of an MMO doesn't benefit from choices like this in the way a single-player game does. In a single-player game you have the option of restarting the game at a prior point to change your decision. However, I think a compromise can be reached between permanently killing off a companion and not. What needs to be done is introduce true negative affection to the game. In this case your affection scale would work much like the LS/DS scale. You would have between -10,000 and 10,000 affection with each companion. For every -1,000 affection they loose 10% health/damage/healing, 10% success rate from missions, and 10% affection points from gifts, up to -50% (also they are unaffected by presence). At -5,000 affection they refuse to do anything for you, and won't talk with you unless the class storyline demands. Now you can make a choice to "kill" a companion by either leaving them for dead, having them imprisoned/tortured, etc. and when you do that you loose 20,000 affection. With affection bottoming out at -10,000 no matter what you had before you will be at the lowest possible affection. Now if they were imprisoned or left for dead you would have to go on a mission to free them or in some way recover them. Afterwards you would need to raise their affection level through gifts to a point where they can be used again. Along with this I would like to see negative affection from dialogue choices boosted. Loosing one affection for choices where you could gain 15 really isn't that much. You should loose affection in the same respect that you gain in.
  24. While GalexyStrong might be right, I think chimex is talking about a different problem all together. I think the issue is where you go to fight a mob, where you see it, and it's not really there, you use an attack and get "out of range" errors. Then all of a sudden it snaps to another spot in the room. I've seen this happen a few times. Once I was grouped with someone (a JK) and they were fighting a mob that appeared a good 10meters away.After a few seconds the mob "snapped" to right next to the JK. From other games I've played I know it's caused by a miscommunication between the client and server about positioning of mobs... especially patroling ones.
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