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Everything posted by Asurai

  1. indeed, that person dindt play WoW on Day1 for sure.the Boat were so broken that I was falling through the world when taking them.Lag was crazy for several week/month on some server until they added alot more server.
  2. really? you think asking DEV whether you can 2man a dungeon with your companion is a valid question?
  3. dumb people asking dumb question and wasting dev and everyone else time.
  4. i saw that question; cant believe someone would ask this.
  5. for the 10000th post about this; the server status is wrong, all server are low pop as we speak.
  6. the servers are all actually empty; the server status page is wrong.
  7. well played OP well played.gotta admit that's pretty amusing.
  8. I doubt they could get away by doing the above.
  9. the massess are the carebears playing pve sorry.
  10. they were banned for a few days. also, the exploit required to be in raid therefore everyone involved knew it was wrong.Not the case in random bg.
  11. the penalty for quiting BG in WOW was changed several time through patch so please..
  12. herp derp refer to my 1st point; you cant tell who abused it vs normal player.
  13. haha blinded fate. pathetic really, noone will get banned for this as its impossible to tell who abused it vs those who just played for pvp.ALso, banning ppl who paid 5$ ? lol right.
  14. no, we are just realistic .They will not do a rollback and punish everyone specially before launch.
  15. im shocked to see an intelligent answer.
  16. how does that break the game? now if you could get massive amount of gold or item with it you might have case but its not the case.
  17. they will never rollback for that; the exploit is not exactly gamebreaking; they gain level abit faster big deal.
  18. the server are actually empty; the URL with server status is wrong.
  19. I was talking about population; pvp server are hugely in favor of Sith from beta realm data.
  20. pVP server are a waste of time anyway due to faction imbalance .
  21. the server are empty; so unlikely
  22. we have a lot of top lawyer on this forum who think they are better than the one SWTOR hire.interesting to say the least.
  23. first world problem; you have a job, family, can eat, SWTOR 1st day in; were all weeping for you really.
  24. they probably capped server pop to a low number at first thats what im thinking.
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