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Everything posted by Baalazar

  1. Make your own endgame in a game thats on rails. You really are too funny.
  2. So you are comparing a tank spec Juggernaut to a damage specced BH? Do you also have a proc ability off of your sunder?
  3. You don't undestand how arsenal works. You have to be able to spam tracer to use the class effectively in order to get stacks or proc barrage. Introcuding a CD to tracer would make the class unplayable. They would have to rework the entire mechanic for the arsenal spec.
  4. If mercs are spamming tracer intterupt and kill its not hard. If that is the only ability that hunter knows to use then he'll be ****ed once its blocked.
  5. Interesting idea but i'd rather see some open world pvp and less instanced WZs.
  6. I'm suprised the OP didn't think of this before he came to the forums raging.
  7. High pop us servers West Coast: THe Swiftsure(High Aussie pop here alot of americans as well tho and there is a Korean guild) East Coat: The Fatman. Not sure about EU servers.
  8. Well said good sir. Star wars will not miss you OP enjoy your korean grindfest.
  9. Fatman or The Swiftsure are both very well populated servers with rather active guilds. Hope you find a new home thats suitable
  10. These forums aren't here for you to openly rage. If you have a problem with someone in game open up a ticket. I'm guessing thats why the mod closed your last post.
  11. They are not going to change it. Most games charge you money to change your name. What makes you think they would change it for free?
  12. How is it ignorant to say that a company wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on game where you can't even sit in a chair? Not only did they choose a horrible engine they don't even know how to implement minor features with it.
  13. Baalazar

    PvP flop

    To the op i feel the same way. I'm not sure if any game will ever compare to great pvp games like shadowbane and daoc. Maybe free for all pvp is a thing of the past. If the last is true then gaming might just be coming to an end for me.
  14. You could play on american server we sorta speak english
  15. It took this long to see one of these posts. I'm amazed.
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