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Everything posted by MasterPromithes

  1. Exactly what the title says. You pay for a custom title the you can only name once. You can choose if it goes before your name or after, And could not be used to get current titles.
  2. Nothing, In fact this x-pac gives me hope for an update of the PvE Space Combat. As someone who rarely PVPs due to an imbalance of both gear and experience this will give me a chance to PVP in a setting where most people are starting off on relatively equal footing (for subscribers atleast). EDIT What can we expect in terms of updating the crafting system? My main is at 450 Artifice and it seems to me that crafting is a waste of time unless you take BioChem. Not too mention with the release of all the unique looking crystals on the Cartel Market, the main attraction for Artifice is gone. As well the second best part of artifice was never the hilt but the relics you could craft. I was sad to see that we had not been given an updated relic to craft.
  3. That's because you are the only one I have ever seen with this issue.
  4. I played WoW from August 8th 2006 to about May 14th 2011, and to be honest I enjoyed right until Cataclysm came out. For two reasons: first, Warcaft had an amazing lore behind it, pulling from different inspirations while adding their own little flair, second; was the end game content, while I never made it to end-game in vanilla (although I wish I had) I was always satisfied with the end-game content of BC and WoTLK, not so much with Cataclysm. Despite, all that time and effort (I had over a year played on two different characters) I still left WoW after Cataclysm, not because it was "too easy" but because WoW no longer cared about the loyal subscriber. I used to give a crap about the game and when Cataclysm wnet live and ignored everything they had established in the last 2 expansions that's when I was fed up. I let my sub run out and never even considered looking back. I left SWTOR a few months after release due to the fact that it's update progression was slow, to say the least, but for the most part it was due to not having time to play MMOs. After leaving I tried a few others, DCUO, EVE, GW2, I even tried DnDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online) none of which ever held my interest long enough to be committed to them. I re-subbed SWTOR about 6 weeks ago and have manged to see some of the end-game that was added with RotHC and have been really enjoying the new content. Not only because its challenging and interesting but because there is a story they have been building for a while throughout the end-game content that I feel engaged with. Conclusion: SWTOR is better than WoW, because SWTOR's ability to adhere to and evolve their story is something that Blizzard completely disregarded.
  5. Da***? you're kidding me right? Space Combat is a joke. The missions were easy, they do not reward very well and there is no free flowing movement. Its a tracked route and the only thing you do is dodge and shoot. Space Combat needs a complete overhaul and if they are making a new space pvp system then when not implement that system elsewhere for PvE players like myself who have been waiting over a year for decent space combat.
  6. hate to be that guy but Endor won't be discovered for another 3690 years now i woulld support the addition of Kashyyk... as long as Wookies become a playable race with it.
  7. didn't read your rant, that would take too long. Straight up, you pay a subscription fee for access to exclusive in-game content and enhanced game-play. The fact is whether it costs BioWare 1 cent or 20 dollars for someone to click a button for your character to be transferred, they still have to pay someone to click the button. Complaining that it would cost too much to transfer all of your characters is frankly not their problem. They charge a fee for this SERVICE, and it is exactly that, a service. One that is neither necessary for playing the game nor improving the performance of the servers. The fact that you still don't get that the transfer of information along any server costs money is sad really. They pay for the power to move the information, they pay for the hardware used to make the transfer. All of which are part of what are known as operating costs. How do you cover operating costs? with revenue. How do you generate revenue? by charging clients for services rendered. By complaining that "The cost is too damn high" you neglect asking yourself this question, why would BioWare lower their prices on a service in which the demand has already confirmed that the price is where it should be? and just to be that ******e How do you know BioWare's system is automated, because other MMOs systems are automated? Clearly you have never dealt with Blizzard
  8. My only problem with this set is that it allows any class to do anything essentially. My Idea Smuggler/Imperial Agent Ace/Specialist - Heals/DPS Specializing in using assault rifles this class is a good AoE healer while still being able to single target heal. The classes dps tree specializes in a constant stream of dps from specialized shots and an array of gadgets. Trooper/Bounty Hunter Marksman/Tracker-heals/dps A new healing class this class would use shotgun for trooper,sniper rifle for bounty hunter and would have trees for HoTs style healing and a close-quarter dps role using temporary buffs and dots to do damage. Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior Jedi Weaponmaster/Sith Battlemaster-Tank/Dps A new force--using class that wields a Greatsaber. An exceptionally large lightsaber this class tanks by having an aura that gains stacks by using abilities and has stacks reduced everytime the character is hit. The dps tree working much the same way in which the aura would reduce the cost of the abilities but would have a much lower stack limit. Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor Jedi Watchman/Sith Alchemist-DPS A force-using class that uses a Spear-like lightsaber this class has only a choice between melee dps or ranged dps. Its ranged dps tree using quick casts and DoT effects while its melee dps tree uses a combination of instant cast spells and specialized strikes.
  9. I think he was talking about the reputation factions rather than playable factions
  10. I actually didn't know that. At the time i remember reading it and thinking, well the lore would agree as I was always huge Lore fan of WoW. they had such a great story setup through multiple games and then threw it away to try to get more subscribers which to me seemed like a bad idea. [Edit] I have a feeling that BioWare and EA might make the same mistake, and then this game would die because their indefinite subscriber is the die-hard Star Wars fan who won't accept new content that doesn't add up with the general time line of the Star Wars Universe. Not to mention when this game was made George Lucas still owned the franchise. A will give credit to Disney, what they have done with Marvel (listening to their fan base) is exactly what needs to happen with Star Wars, and if BW and EA aren't "with the program" then there could be some tension.
  11. That's a very fair assessment. Although when you sub to dcuo you get there version of cartel coins which can be used to buy the digital expansions. each expansion cast 500 coins which is the amount you get per a month. The fact BioWare has made RotHC free to subscribers and this new expansion free to everyone (after a certain amount of time) I think willl allow BioWare to give better incentives to subscribers.
  12. it seems SWTOR is taking DCUO's model which allows subscribers access to all the current digital expansions. It has worked out very well for Sony Online Entertainment and I hope EA and BioWare keep with it.
  13. There was a screenshot of a Developer for WoW stating every x-pac that was going to come out ending with Pandaria. When I saw this screenshot back in 2008 I had a lot of hope for WoW. Especially because there was a 2 year plan for every x-pac. This Dev's post got taken down almost immediately but not before people screenshot the blue post. This goes to show that Blizzard had a 10 year plan in place for this MMO and they made it work. I don't mind that BW and EA play their cards close to the vest but when new planets are being added over planets that we don't have from KOTOR 1 and 2 I get a little annoyed. (ex. Kashyyk, Manaan, Telos etc.)
  14. Anecdotal Evidence is not enough to support this claim. I played WoW for just under 7 years from Vanilla to Cataclysm, I can tell you right now SW:TOR's system is a lot more mechanic based and there is no auto attack. This makes for a more interactive combat experience. Secondly, you are complaining about quickbars in an MMO. Seriously? play any other MMO and you have quickbars and fact is if you don't like the quickbars you can remove them using the Interface Editor. Now if we compare modern WoW to SWTOR they are only similar in the fact that both use quickbars and both are MMOs. (I am not including basic features like guilds, LFG tools, etc. all MMOs have these types of things).
  15. PvE, because that's what my computer runs best. And i find PvP on my server is very unbalanced due to the fact that the Imperials out number us 3-1. So it makes it hard to start PvPing when you constantly lose.
  16. SWG had no problems with adding the non-basic speaking races. Besides that any player who would play a wookie knows full well that their character wont have "actual" dialogue the fact is we dont care If not hearing a voice and having to read a few lines of text per a mission is the price I pay for playing a wookie, so be it. This whole we need basic speaking races is ********, because they added Twi'leks a race who typically don't SPEAK basic but yet every Twi'lek player speaks perfect basic.
  17. I agree, I cap out in two days because thats all i do is run flashpoints and do weekly missions I don't enjoy PvP. So how am I suppose to stay interested in a game that I pay monthly for when what I can do is limited by how many comms i get.
  18. I wouldn't base it on server first kills of bosses for PVE, just because it is not an accurate measure of how good a whole guild is. I would think it should be based off of how many attempts per boss and how many people actually go on the ops. If a guild takes the same 8 people to an Operation (or 16 depending on size) then how can they be declared the best "guild" if only 8 (or 16) members are attending the ops per week. (this is the case with MOST progressive PVE guilds)
  19. I use Game Time Cards and just read that I wont receive my Cartel Coins unless i wait until the full 60 days are up then add a new card. FFS BW get your **** together It shouldn't matter when I put my code in active subscription or not. Please post something in Code redemption Tab that tells us this
  20. There, I said it. If you want my subscription indefinitely then Wookies as a playable race is the way to do it. Now I understand you can't do it for free but at least give me the option of buying wookies as a playable race. Other neglected races : Trandosians, Nautulans (Kit Fisto from the newest movies) and Duros.
  21. i love my toons, they're all i got in this universe, and they will always be toons
  22. I support the OP I was thinking what about the Guild Ships, and thought what if they had space missions which required a certain amount of guild members to complete and each member would get a gunner, or missle bay while 2 people fly the whole ship.
  23. i love my toons, they're all i got in this universe, and they will always be toons
  24. I haven't played the foundry but I do agree with OP they need to bring him back. Only because he was a very important part to the shaping of the world. Plus I want to see more of the Exile.
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