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Everything posted by Mormack

  1. But don't you see, right now we can't because we don't even have a combat log. EDIT: and having things like Skada/Recount gives you a more immediate and brief look at what is going on around you without having to go over parses. Its a very powerful tool to have for quick fixes and to weed out people when you are giving people trial runs, trying to figure out why people are dying, why the boss isn't dying, etc. I don't care about DBM/Big Wigs but I do want UI customization, combat logs, and a way to visual represent those logs in real time without having to look through parses.
  2. Agreed on Macros and Addons. Why? For Macros: There are way too many spells to just be used without some consolidation. I don't understand why people are so against macros and Addons. If you don't like them, find people who don't like them and stick with them. I for one would love to be able to Bind my Cooldown with a trinket Proc (or whatever the equal in this game is...only lvl 22). Macros make life easier. If they are limited like they are in WoW, they will be fine without being overpowered. You can make them do a lot without them doing everything. Addons: We need a combat log and something along the lines of Skada/Recount. People who are "OMG Link Metersss" need not apply for these mods because they are much more useful beyond Epeen competitions. With a damage meter, I can make sure everyone is carrying their weight because Recount and Skada both have functionality beyond damage and DPS They have healing done, healing Taken, Interrupts, etc. I can tell a lot by looking at those little charts and as a Raid Leader, this is information I need to know to make sure my group is all pulling their weight. Another thing we need are UI customizations. I hate the current UI and I don't see myself liking it anytime soon. I hate it more than Vanilla WoW's Default UI. This game needs addons like xperl, Grid, and Bartender to make things a little more streamlined and less cluttered. Right now, the UI seems so haphazardly put together. If I move the Chat box anywhere, its going to be on top of something else. We also need some QoL things like Auctioneer. Gatherer doesn't really seem needed in this game but a way to make buffs and debuffs much more noticeable on both the player and the target would be nice. Something with the fuctionality of Tidy Plates would be great too. I could also see a limited Threat Meter doing good for the game. Addons are an asset and are expected in the Modern MMO. Right now we don't even have a combat log.
  3. ...Once again, they are making Neutral Gear. They probably didn't think there would be a QQ fest like this....
  4. You are a gentleman and a scholar. This is something I can get behind. Bioware, hire this man now.
  5. and then I, as Employer 1, will demand my 5 dollars back or just relieve you of duty for filling back the hole I just asked you to dig. Its been said numerous times that there will be Neutral gear. Also, what you want makes no sense. Its a Game mechanic for a Morality Slider. If you have 1000 Dark side points and 1000 Light Side points, it makes sense from a game mechanic and lore standpoint that they will cancel each other out. EDIT for mistakes
  6. That is exactly why it would get old. Space bar is not a solution because you have to wait up on other people. There is plenty of story in the current flashpoints. Not everything needs a dialog wheel. Let's also think for a moment. I for one am thankful these don't have all these dialog wheel choices. It gets old. I'm in there to experience the story a couple of times at most. After that I'm there for loot. I don't care about the story and it's annoying if you get that one guy who won't space bar and you have to wait for him.
  7. No thank you. This game is infinitely better than SWG and far more entertaining than WoW is after all these years. This is far from a WoW Clone. People who call things WoW clones tend to forget that WoW itself was dubbed an Everquest Clone on its release and look where it is now. You don't become a popular MMO by breaking the mold. That's how you become a Niche MMO (See SWG...) You become a popular MMO by taking what works and improving upon it which is what SWTOR has done and its done so very well. I have no complaints.
  8. The point of marauder is to finally play a Melee DPS class that doesn't stealth and doesn't tank. To Dual Wield and look awesome while doing so. I want to DPS. I don't want to tank. I am a marauder for that reason.
  9. I've enjoyed the ones after BT. I'm very thankful that not all of them have that level of dialog. That would get old quick in a group setting.
  10. This. Not only that but I agree that it doesn't take a lot of dialog and decisions to make a good story. Its everything.
  11. I'm happy that all the instances don't have the convos that Black Talon does. I like it but man, it would get on my nerves if they were all like that. Group Decisions kinda annoys me.
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