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Everything posted by Mormack

  1. no. I'd rather this game not become an AoE Zergfest.....
  2. This is much too early to tell. If they can get macros and Addons in, then the game can really start to become a raiders game at endgame and a non-raiders game everywhere else (including some at endgame too since they seem committed to multiple gear paths)
  3. Not sure if Troll or just stupid.....but I'll leave this here....Especially for parts that are bolded http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=958025#edit958025
  4. no....and if you think that these forums represent any amount of a majority you are wrong. The Majority is playing the game and enjoying it. Both my republic and Empire servers are full at the moment. There are 11 light servers in NA (all PvE) 33 standard servers 19 Heavy Servers 9 Very Heavy servers and 53 Full servers all in NA So there's 61 not full servers and 53 full servers at 11PM EST. If you think that out of all those servers, the population on the forums is the majority or that the game is not doing well atm, I do believe you need to re-evaluate a few things.
  5. what? The graphics are beautiful....and an MMO should not have to have the graphics of Skyrim for it to be acceptable. A successful MMO will try to market itself to older Rigs along with new Rigs. That's part of what made WoW successful. Also, you're fear of "cartoon Graphics" are about as crazy as people from WoW's fears of Pandaren but I digress, your tastes may not line up with my tastes but there's nothing wrong with "cartoon graphics" they don't age nearly as fast and if done properly, (see Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and now this honestly) can produce some really nice looking visuals.
  6. You do know that your 15 entitles you access to the game "as is" and never guarentees you that the servers will be up at any given moment, right?
  7. weren't you just talking about WoW in your OP and you don't like Theme Park MMOs? Really?! EDIT: I can respect a SWG fan for not thinking this is an MMO. Its different from what they have experienced but WoW fans.....They're just being dumb at this point.
  8. on most WoW servers, you'd be hardpressed to find 200 people in SW/Org....not to mention the "200" on the planet, is only counting your faction. 200 in a zone is quite an impressive number actually since most WoW zones have maybe 20 people in them at most and they're all farming.
  9. lolwut? Its a full fledged MMO people..... I feel there's two camps that don't agree that its an MMO SWG Fans WoW Fans. I can halfway see the SWG fan point of view but fellow WOW fans......really? I mean seriously......How can you say that with a straight face.
  10. I understand what you're saying now but I think it got lost in translation somewhere. The human mind is a funny thing. Anyway. I think we can agree on a lot of things and I, Like I believe you, are trying to stay respectful and reasonable but it irks me for people to expect to have EVERYTHING that is in WoW in this game at launch. We would be waiting a long time for the game and on top of that, the HDD space would be through the roof. I'm already taking up 50 GBs on my HDD for this game until my new gaming computer parts come next week (stupid UPS...they're sitting there right now.....and I'm Boot Camped on my Mac) I would have hated to make my Windows Partition even bigger than it is now.
  11. And most sane people will agree with that sentiment, but to expect a launch of an MMO to have every bell, whistle, feature, AND the amount of real estate that a 7 year old one does is silly. Especially when this one started development when the other was just taking off. Yes they could implement a few things. (A limited Dungeon Finder that is restricted to server would be nice and so would addon support) but I think their starting feature set is pretty good. I'm impressed. I'm Immersed. I have complaints but I think they'll be addressed in time.
  12. That's a horrible Analogy. 1) both come from the same company 2) Their feature sets build off each other With SW and WoW 1) Different Company 2) Development for SW started pretty much right around WoW's release most likely. People are going to look at SW as something new. yes its missing some of the things that WoW is here's a list of things that WoW has that SW doesn't that I'm happy for 1) LFD 2) LFR 3) lvl cap of 85 4) Cross Server BGs 5) Arena (THANK GOD NO ARENA) 6) Guild lvling that's just annoying...especially when starting a new guild 7) Flying Mounts The list could go on but I think you get my point. this Game is in a good place...especially for those of us tired of WoW. Its also not a good idea to compare launch content (By that I mean the amount of space in game, quests, raids, etc) because that's unreasonable and foolish. No game will have the amount of content at launch that WoW does after 7 years and 3 xpacs.
  13. Its fine to compare it on some levels but you can't compare the two on the amount of real estate that they take up. Its unreasonable. That would have added YEARS to development time to come up with a feature set and landmass that rivals Cata WoW....Not to mention they started Development on this as early as 2004 most likely.
  14. I don't know about the fleets being attackable by the opposing faction but I definitely think Capitals should be (Coruscant and Dromound Kaas.) You're comparing a 7 year old game with 3 expansions with one that just released. Its both Daunting and unrealistic to believe that this game would have as much real Estate as Cata WoW. Its a much more reasonable approach to look at the Real Esate of Original Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor with the Galaxy as of now.
  15. They're going to add sandbox features. Give them time. I'm glad this game isn't sandbox honestly....If they add Sandbox features, unless it enhances my raiding I probably won't use them but I will be happy for the sandbox lovers..... Give them time to sort out things and add features. You can't expect this game to have EVERY single feature you want....ever. Its just not practical. It is a good game though and one I look forward to playing for a while. especially if they get Addon support and a combat log (those are my complaints but at this point aren't gamebreaking to me)
  16. There are plenty of MMO aspects. I ALWAYS see "LFG/M *Insert Heroic Quests here*" or if I'm on the Fleet "LFG/M *insert Flashpoint here.* Crafting is stellar. I love it more than crafting in any game before it. Flashpoints are fun. The community is there. I see lots of people while questing and I've just started Tatooine.
  17. Tell that to the 10M Subscriber Gorilla on my MacOS Partition. A Great MMO doesn't HAVE to be Open and Sandbox in design. A Great MMO has to appeal to people and get the playing and give them objectives they want to do. I don't care about Player ships/cities I don't care about running my own Smuggling Operations I DO care about saving the Galaxy by pew pewing or stabbing people to death inb4 12 year old. I'm 23 with a college degree.
  18. Sorry for the double post, but No. The amount of Processing power that would take up would be Ungodly. They made a decision based on how to best portray the world and keep System Requirements down so more people can play (which lets face it, that's one reason WoW is so popular. a 486 could probably run it)
  19. It feels fine to me. I like the pacing of the Game and it has to be the way it is for the story to function like it does imo.... (which is to say amazingly well done). MMOs ultimately aren't about Questing and exploring anyway. Anyone who is from WoW, don't kid yourself, WoW has taught you to sit in Org/SW/Dal and wait on your queue. At least with these, people are getting out to do daily heroics and such.
  20. LOLwut? I'm glad you're only MMO experience is with WoW and Load Screens are somehow a detriment to you. Yes this is an MMO. This is everything a Themepark MMO should be. Its a lot easier for WoW to be open world than it is Star Wars. Because we're talking Open Galaxy here. There is more real Estate in this game than the original Vanilla WoW. The only difference is there's a whole Galaxy to explore and we don't even have all the planets. Naboo isn't around yet, Kashyyyk, and not to mention they have a whole planet they can add in future content.
  21. You can't prove that they don't care. They're listening to complaints. They have a very large list of things to go through and some things are more complicated than others. Blizzard, you know, The Makers of WoW and the game that a lot of people are comparing this to, didn't get a lot of things right throughout all of Vanilla WoW. There were things that were broken for months and even years after release (I'm looking at you Looting Bug). Give them some time after release. They have a process and coding for an MMO is very complicated. Especially when you don't have over a decade of experience working on one (I'm looking at Blizzard including Development time.)
  22. I'm sure Bioware is on it. There's only so much they can do and they have to put priorities. There are problems with the game but that's expected with a Brand New MMO. People have been spoiled by Blizzard's low bug releases of Wrath and Cata.....They don't know what a truly new MMO feels like inb4 don't compare SWTOR to Vanilla WoW.....Do you think that Blizzard would really be like "oh yeah, btw Bio, this is what you do to make a seamless launch. We've had years of practice at it and know what's up. let us share our industry secrets." Yeah I don't think that's going to happen. You can't compare SWTOR Launch (a Brand new Game) to Cata Launch (the Third Expansion of a very well funded Game) They're two different leagues and should have different expectations. I'm happy with the game at launch and look forward to what will happen to it.
  23. Honestly, I'd put the music in this game up there with WoWs. Its that good to me. EDIT: I understand music is subjective though, having a degree in it, you have to understand that because people are fickle.
  24. I thought the in house composer did a very good job at not only incorporating classic John Williams themes but also added his own flair in many ways while still keeping in the John Williams style
  25. This man knows what we want. And once again, for Addons, I don't think anyone is asking for addons to do the job for us. We're simply asking for the tools that, as raiders, we would make full use of to make a better raiding community and a more streamlined UI Without these tools, people who are serious about raiding will grow tired of not knowing information and only being able to ballpark it. They will go back to where it can be an exact science, aka WoW. SWTOR has a chance to be an amazing raiding game. The classes are interesting and this can be challenging if we are given the tools we need.
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