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Everything posted by Lumpyone

  1. Same here. Aja and Udo are the two who have been most elusive to me. I finally got Aja twice last night, once on Ord and the other on Hutta. However, I don't think specific planets are any better than others. Each toon I've setup to do specific planets and I've seen Uno once on DK, and have seen ones like Zinda and Novare offered on every planet.
  2. From what I can tell, its rather random. I've got 1 left to kill and I've been unable to get the contract. I keep resetting the mission if I don't get it, I've tried different combinations of chat options for each npc contact, I've tried both Imp and Pub side, tired different toons and each planet. There was once I did get the name, and was in such a habit of resetting the mission I accidentally reset it! When I tried to go back and get it again, I couldn't get the name. *sigh* Just unlucky I guess.
  3. ^^ This is how I did it and it helped me get that last pesky place on the map I hadn't yet undiscovered. =) It was very easy to get to him once I noticed this path.
  4. There is actually 1 location you can try, if you haven't done the mission yet. The quests which lead up to doing the FP False Emperor. The last quest is going into the flashpoint and killing Malgus. Once you return, one of the quest rewards is a chest piece. I never did that quest series with my smuggler, so I'm going to go back and check it out, however, I do know that I recently did it with my Trooper and got the Rakata chest piece for troopers. I've not been able to verify its the same skin as the Rakata, or the name was kept the same but reskinned. Its worth a look tho.
  5. Dailies are one of those Love-Hate aspects of any MMO. I love them because: 1) Great and dependable source of ingame creds should I need them (OPs repairs, stuff on GTN) 2) Once you get to know them, you can do them quickly and without much hassle (a few hours to do them all) 3) Nice way, with weekly awards, to get Comms for end-game gear without having to be super dedicated to regular OPs 4) With the Rep rewards (which seem rather week for most the Reps in this game), it can provide a sense of accomplishment I hate the because: 1) They get boring fast. 2) Once highest Rep level is obtained, not much use for them except ingame creds 3) Once enough comms are acquired, not much use for them. They are with us and I doubt that will change.
  6. I'm one of the few who I think likes the implementation of the mounts. At first I thought only having 6 nests on the planet was the worst idea ever due to the number of people. However, I then started to actually do it. After I got a circuit figured out, I got enough data items for 2 mounts in about 3 hours. It was a great way to pass the time waiting for Group Finder to place me into a HM FP group. Some pluses about it: 1) No way to ninja - Each player gets a chance to lure each of the fawns in the nest, regardless of how many people are there AND once the Wampa spawns, I get the data item. Don't have to worry about someone stealing it from me. 2) Use of Instances - you find a circuit which works for you, you can hit all 6 nests on an instance in about 20-30 mins, then switch instance and do again. This weekend there were always 5 instances up on Hoth so it went quick. It will be a bigger pain once the newness wears off and fewer people are searching. 3) You can buy enough data items from players cheaper than you can get from Vendor. Saw one player selling 20 for 1mil creds. May seem like a lot but when the Mountain Taun Taun costs 2mil from vendor, that's a huge savings.
  7. The same reason you can use quick travel to call a shuttle to pick you up while deep in a cave or building. The same reason a Sniper/Smuggler can use their Orbital Strike/Flyby and hit targets while deep in the same cave or building. The same reason you can put Slave Girl adaptive armor on your heavy armor wearing toon and get the same protection as plasteel. I agree with others, bleed effects from a saber attack is what you are worried about? At least there could be a reason, such as bleeding from other internal damage from the saber wound.
  8. Definitely first thing you want to do is check your GPU driver. Last patch starting introducing "lag" issues and disconnects, including the game closing and dropping me to desktop. Updated driver over the weekend and now I can crank up the graphic quality again to full without a problem. The thing about these kinds of crash issues, they can be hard to diagnose as there are so many variables which can cause problems.
  9. All the companions are equal if geared appropriately for the level of your toon and the content. The only issues I've seen with AI are either the wrong skills are active for the task, or like someone mentioned, you get out of range of Elara and she just stops. It really comes down to 1) are you monitoring your companions abilities so they appropriate to the task and 2) are they geared well enough. Of course, like any person, they have their quirks and once you get to know them its not so bad.
  10. Did you get a screenshot? I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot to snag one. Makes me wish I could go back and redo just that to see the entire team or there were more moments like it. Also, the idea of having the entire crew in character login would be a nice addition.
  11. I read these after I started playing the game, and after reading them several of the flash point stories, as well as some class stories, are a lot richer. They are pretty fast to read as well.
  12. CZ-198 Application - Organism Handler 1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family? Name: Ra’mona Halcyon Rank: Former Major and highly decorated leader of the Republic’s elite Havoc Squad. Current Status: Retired. In my time as leader of Havoc Squad, I have encountered nearly every form of organism the galaxy has to offer; in same cases it's been my duty to properly handle those organisms. This has ranged from simply pacification to elimination as required. I have been seeking a challenging career where I might still utilize my talents and skills for the betterment of the Galaxy as a whole. After extensive research on the Czerka Corporation, I believe they are in tune with my own goals and desires to bring about a better Galaxy for all it’s citizens, regardless of their allegiances. I won’t deny, making substantial profit while pursuing and achieving those goals, is a top priority. 2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.) Please understand the sensitive nature of the operations performed by Havoc Squad, and much of the information is still highly classified. I’m sure you understand the importance of keeping valuable information secure against your competitors; however, that does not prevent me from discussing personal achievements during those operations: I personally assessed, assembled and trained an elite squad of the Republic’s finest soldiers for each operation. Analyzing large amounts of data, then drawing the correct conclusions to develop successful tactics to overcome each target. This entailed obtaining a wide range of species to fulfill the required roles. Lead dozens of successful operations, requiring the ability to absorb the constant changing conditions of the situation and adapt to those changes so resources were successfully allocated to the necessary assets; thereby providing them the necessary tools to achieve their objectives. The last is more of a personal achievement, but the last time I checked I still held the fastest time of any member of Havoc Squad to completely field strip and reassembly a blaster rifle while being under fire by enemy forces. Its important to not let your troops sense any fear or hesitation, thus masking those while under pressure are extremely valuable. 3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success? Achieving such accomplishments are not, in and of themselves, that impressive. It’s one’s dedication to their task and belief in themselves, as well as their team, which make them successful. Practice, hard work, dedication, and not succumbing to the pressure of the moment will allow any individual to accomplish their objectives. Yes, I have what it takes to succeed as there is no other outcome available. 4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable? Orders are orders. I’m not the General who gets to see the big picture and know what the final outcome needs to be. I’m just the grunt on the front lines who is doing her job to see that the mission is successful. Place the challenge before me and it shall be done, whatever it takes. 5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation? My first response would be to pull out my trusted blaster rifle and dispatch the threat with deadly force. However, as I’m not likely to have Matilda with me in such a situation, I’d immediately assess the nature of any threat to my fellow employees and determine my options. Will I be able to subdue the experiment? Should I even touch a colleague’s work, as perhaps this is an intended part of their experiment? What are the financial repercussions for any action I might take? These and many other questions would likely race through my thoughts before I decided on a course of action. For arguments sake, let’s say I did know this was not the intended behavior of my colleague’s experiment then I would be obligated as an employee of Czerka to follow the Company Policy for such situations. I'm certain a company such as Czerka has foreseen and prepared for such eventualities. If the situation did not easily conform to easy resolution as described in Czerka company policy, I would improvise and resolve the situation myself. The experiment just might say hello to my little friend and blaster pistol, Sweetie.
  13. This right here, and it doesn't even apply to low level greens but greens of all levels. I've not found many helms I like the look of, so usually I'm hiding the head slot on my toons. Yet, on Makeb I've found a dozen helms I like the look of and 1 in particular which is perfect! However, can't wear it most of the time because its green and the stats suck. But the odds of BW making that a possibility? Zero. Unless they find a way to make it cost CC like the Appearance changes do.
  14. It's in the game already, in a way. If you run OPs enough and everyone you run with are fully geared, then the gear drops start going to companions. At least this was the way of it when I was running ops regularly. Used to do that with all the Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear I got I no longer needed, so one 1 toon all the comps have gear with set bonuses. You could do the same with the new gear, but it'd be a PITA to do for most players. However, I imagine if you are in a position to get gear with set bonuses, you are in a position to do them enough to get it for your comps too.
  15. Does it really matter? What if I like rare gear? I win on both.
  16. Its bugged, but you can unlock in Collections. Its listed as Archon instead of the correct name. Looks like its going to be 5cc to unlock for Legacy.
  17. Not really interested in the Ewok as a companion. 1. Don't much like Ewoks so don't see why I'd want one as a companion. Happy for those who will like it, but just too darn Ewok Christmas Special for me. 2. There isn't any real enjoyment obtained for me by simply buying it, either through Legacy/Credits or CM. HK is a fun companion because you have to quest and fight and figure out puzzles to obtain him. That was an achievement and enjoyable, thus a greater sense of attachment. Its like the little pets in the game. The only ones I ever bring out are the ones I obtained from quests (Taun Taun on Hoth) or from drops after taking out a boss (Rakghoul pet from Lost Island and the Plague event).
  18. ^^ This. You won't even have to use Vote Kick if everyone is considerate of each other.
  19. I personally am not interested in the Ewok because I rather dislike Ewoks, so given the choice I'm not going to make a companion of one. Therefore, I'm going to play Devil's Advocate for a minute. Isn't that now a Pay 2 Win situation all the naysayers of the CM are constantly going on about? You have now allowed players to bypass a part of the game by simply paying CC for an item, specifically obtaining Legacy Level 40 by leveling toons and doing other tasks. Let's say for a moment I'm not legacy 50, but rather Legacy Level 30. Myself and many others out there who are not Legacy 40 so we can't obtain it with credits in game. We do have the option though to purchase a companion off the CM with a cratfing crit chance, albeit small, but a greater crafting crit than most other companions. Its a general crafting crit at that, not even a specific one like most companions, so it can apply to any crafting skill I take. So a friend of mine gets the companion because she LOVES Ewoks, while I hate Ewoks and refuse. Now we both love Artifice because of the all the colored dyes we can craft. She users her Ewok and I use one of my companions who doesn't have an Artifice crit, because I choose a class which didn't give me a companion with a chance at Artifice crit. She now has an advantage over me in crafting more dyes per crafting mission, and can in theory make more credits in the game than me because her Ewok is happy and loves making dyes so makes extra ones all the time for her. Sure, one can argue I can go get the general crit chance for my ship droid, but so can my friend and still be ahead. [/devil's_advocate] I'm not saying it can happen, as they did the same thing with the Ship droids, not every skill was represented. But the possibility is there and one could argue its a bit unfair to others by making it so easily obtainable via the CM.
  20. In all this ranting about the way Treek is being obtained, I've not yet seen anyone (or I missed it) mention what his crafting skill bonuses are. All the companions, even HK himself, have crafting bonuses. Even the ship droid can be given an item to grant crafting bonuses. Is Treek going to have those as well? If so, then I can understand the entire negativity towards how he/she is obtained. If not, then what does it matter? It would be nothing more than a pet.
  21. IF you haven't already tried it, look at Comm gear for other classes. Yes, even for the token pieces. Once you get the armorings you need, you will find Mods and Enhancements which may have better defense stats. For instance, look over at the Bounty Hunter comm vendors. There are a few pieces which have higher Defense, and on my BH tank I'm having a tougher time getting my shield and absorb where I want it, fighting things like Alacrity. You might also try some of the other classes, as you will likely find better defense on other pieces. BW started doing this when they introduced Black Hole gear. There were several pieces of Smuggler gear I got for my Sage just for some better Power and Surge ratings. Sure, you waste the armoring, but when Min/Maxing its what you must do. BW having the moddable gear has really taken min/max'ing to the extreme. I think they knew what they were doing when they itemized their gear, to keep players playing longer to obtain what they needed.
  22. I work FT, but its more like I'm always working because I can always get a call from work at any time of day and need to respond. However, I find time 2-3 hours a night, or every other night and usually spend a Sat or Sun playing all day. Its time management, but also gaming is how I choose to spend my non-working time. And if/when you have kids, and they get old enough, you'll find they may be playing a game as well and you can spend time with them and game at same time =)
  23. This is BW's attempt at sparking some "World PvP". It's utterly pointless, and just a weak attempt at appeasing the loud and whiny PvPers on PvE servers. Sure there are alternatives around it, but it's still a stupid idea to make a task like the Seeker Droid such a pain. Although, I will point out the bright side of this fact - when both other locations on Tattooine are not open for seeker droid, Outlaw's Den usually is and with far fewer people competing for the piece you are after. I have better luck there than the other 2 locations on Tat.
  24. I think my phrasing was accurate. We can argue all day long of what real content is and how many would agree or disagree. However, BW has stated themselves that the CM market items are their own updates and NOT considered content updates. Please see the quote from Cory Butler below: They themselves have stated that the content updates will be featuring items such as Flashpoints, OPs, etc, and not including the CM as content updates. Yes, we get CM features regularly, but those are not the same as the Content most of us are asking for when referring to Content. BW makes the same statement here.
  25. First, thank you BW for the road map and listing some of the items you have planned. Looks good. However, this list above... not really new content. More like QOL updates. Adding a harder mode to an OP, along with a new tier of gear so you can give crafters another set of gear to grind out (which really won't be worth anything for very long). New gear just gives that small percentage of players who already have managed to get fully or nearly fully geared in the current top tier something to stay busy with until the updates mentioned below are ready - Now this is real content! This is what your players are expecting every 6-8 weeks when you tell them you will give new content. The graphical upgrades have been asked for since release and would be nice, but I fear with the time tables you have established for yourselves, there won't be adequate testing and a lot of problems which will require emergency fixes. It would nice to be able to look forward to those updates without the fear of having to wait a week or more for a fix.
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