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Everything posted by Boch

  1. So much truth in this post. I agree 100%. Very well done.
  2. A solo que will decrease the stomping by a degree, but not as much as a matchmaking system will. Also a matchmaking system will have less of an effect on ques times as a solo que would.
  3. A matchmaking system will solve this problem, solo ques will not. With a matchmaking system these super premades will face off against equally skilled players. Solo ques will still match up high end players against baddies.
  4. Can't nerf player skill, sorry.
  5. How is communication with only half your team an advantage. If players our only talking to half there team and not communicating with the other half there shooting themselves in the foot. An entire team of 8 players in vent is an advantage over a team that is not, but how often does that happen in regs.
  6. So let's take those 4 4 man RWZ teams. If they were in the premade only que they would face any other premade. Most likely rolling over most they faced. This could be another good premade or most likely less skilled premades. But if they where in a match making system they most likely face the other RWZ premades having a more balanced team. Which scenario seems most fair and which scenario will produce the best matches. Id say in both cases the match making.
  7. This a problem I see with most people wanting the solo que over match making is they over value team speak. The skill of the players and the comp of those skilled players give much larger advantages than being on team speak.
  8. They also have cross server ques with a huge player base to pull from, that is something this game doesn't.
  9. ^This Was going to post basically the same thing.
  10. Boch

    Stop the grenades

    So pulls work on snipers in cover, when was this put in game.
  11. I enjoy challenging pvp matches. And the state of reg PvP rarely supplies that in a premade or solo queing. And splitting up solo que and premade won't supply those matches like a match making system will.
  12. Its not the premades that are the problem, its whats in the premade that's the problem. Premades that are made up of bad players don't win matches. Its getting multiple skilled players working together that win matches, and those players don't have to be in premades.
  13. So I've been doing a lot of lowbie PvP, half my ranked team is on vacation and 55 PvP has gone to crap since transfers. Lowbie is almost 100% pug vs pug. Almost every match is 1 sided, it comes down to which team has the least amount of derp. Solo que at 55 won't be any different. Good players don't need to have voice chat to know what's happening and where to go. Solo que will still be 1 sided by who has the most skill. A match making system will put equally skilled player against each other, making for better matches. Being a group of 4 with voice chat doesn't make you a better player.
  14. Ive played every AC in this game, still trying to find the non easy mode spec.
  15. RP servers are nothing put old perverted men playing women toons that will try and get you to cyber. Then they will send you pictures of there sack. I've played the majority of my time on a RP server, but I don't RP. BG is a really good community but if you are curious post something on the server forums. Also the RPers there have there own website. Check it out too. http://begerencolony.org/forum/index.php
  16. I wouldn't worry to much, its the best place to learn and the low bracket is filled with all kinds of derp. If you wait till 55 to learn you will get facerolled and make many noob mistakes leading some people on your team calling you out.
  17. Yes Pyro Pts were good at killing healers, but if they reverted the nerfs it still wouldn't change the fact that OP healers are much better than the other. On PTs is was easiest to kill sorcs, then OPS and Mercs were about the same. But with the 2.0 changes it would still be much easier to kill sorcs and mercs then OPS. So just buffing one class wont fix the problem.
  18. I have 2 questions: 1. Have you played at least 1 regular 55 WZ on both servers? 2. Have you played at least 1 RWZ on both servers?
  19. PvP as much as you can before you hit 55, learn the maps and your class. But if you want to be some what competive at 55 there is work that needs to be done.
  20. They only things it has over other classes is a pull and a ranged aoe taunt in every spec. Other classes do multiple jobs better than vanguards do now.
  21. Just from reading the first paragraph, I know you know nothing about the class, unless there was a secret 31/31/31 spec. So the spec people are talking about is pyro pt. It was a 1 trick pony for the most part, it did the best burst DPS in game. Their survivability was burst DPS. Their defensive CDs were crap compared to every other class and heavy armor is meh in PvP.
  22. Pts put up fluff damage, they put **** dots on people. What they are talking about is burst damage not weak aoe dots. Pts burst damage got raped. Burst damage is what kills in PvP.
  23. Mercs are where all 3 healing classes should be.
  24. Boch

    Nerf Smash/Sweep

    Healing is not on par with DPS, its about 50% over if not more.
  25. The roll isn't the main issue with op healers. The skill itself maybe a problem. But the main reason Ops are op is they have no resource management requirements and healing in general is over tuned.. Add in all there escapes and mobility and you have an op class.
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