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Everything posted by MercArcher

  1. Battlemaster are bugged too. Don't worry.
  2. From a PvE standpoint, this doesn't matter much. But in PvP, working with a mirror system, some differences between skills or even talents (Scoundrel vs. Operative healing crit) are unacceptable, most of all the occasions where Ability X for the Empire class is instant, both in damage and/or effect, while the Republic equivalent requires an animation, travel time or requires you to stand still. These could be important details in a PvP match. I can imagine a Sage wanting to disrupt a turret or bomb cap, and missing because his Project has to travel for about a second, where the Sorc her Shock gets applied instantly is a matter of concern.
  3. Empire is heavily OP in the mirror classes. It's not even close.
  4. Then make the sith charge up the lightning for .7 seconds before they can shoot it out. What you think you can just summon lightning instantly at will?
  5. We're still gonna leave project gimped with a .7 sec delay when the empire equivalent shock is an instant. God I love their completely competent balance team.
  6. I'm on an i7 @3.9ghz, radeon hd 6970, and 12 gb DDR3 1333 ram I went from ~60 fps to ~60 fps on the fleet.
  7. Because with the exception of Ilum not a single planet I've found has had a (2), just a (1). And I play on a pretty highly populated server.
  8. You kill them by making their HP = 0
  9. DDE, but I'm fully with him, just saying I actually got in before the raving lunatic fanboys.
  10. inb4 fanbois get angry over anyone finding fault with the game.
  11. Again, for combat use whichever one has the most gear. No one has theory crafted companion usefulness and no one probably ever will because they are all pretty much the same in the same gear, and play such an insignificant role in the game, so use whichever has the most gear.
  12. Where you see this? I no see this. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes
  13. Well as far as roles, their stances are their rolls. How do they stack up? Everyone except for c2-n2 is nearly worthless, with c2-n2 being completely worthless. Missions? Each companion has a bonus to something you can see this on the crafting/missions window. Efficiency means they get it does faster, crit means they have a better chance to crit while crafting. Which should you use while questing? If you need a tank, use a tank. If you need a healer, use a healer. If you need a dps, use a DPS. Which one? Which ever one has the best gear.
  14. Look at their stances (each companion will have 2) They will either have a damage stance, tanking stance, or healing stance. Overall though it doesn't really matter what companion you use. They are all quite weak even fully decked in columi/rakata gear.
  15. Please each and every one of you make your own thread with the following text in it to maybe get this simple issue looked at faster! Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full Your companion has been dismissed because the group is full
  16. All space missions are completable with proton torpedos, and they do have 4 shots. Fire normal missiles between your proton recharge timer. All other bugs you said were well documented months ago in the beta.
  17. I'm referring to dud games. Dragon Age was amazing Dragon Age 2 was a dud SW:KOTOR was amazing SWTOR was a dud Thats 2, you have 1 more left. Please don't make one. Bioware has always been one of my "must buy" developers. I loved Balder's Gate, I loved Neverwinter Nights, I loved kotor, I loved ME, I loved DA, but releasing 3 dud products in a row is the fastest way to lose loyalty. I really really wanted to like swtor, I'm gonna hold out another month or 2 and hope things improve, but I'm not hopeful. All I can really hope for at this point is that ME3 is a success. That and you cut your ties with EA, they've done nothing but hurt you in my view.
  18. But then no one would know if you are about to attack them with a gimpy little battlemaster weapon that hits like a wet noodle because of the bug so they can /laugh at you while they own you.
  19. 200+ attempts on HARD. Nightmare was significantly easier than hard mode. By that I mean the current NM mode is quite possibly 50-100x easier than the old hard mode.
  20. Hundereds of hours on hard mode Soa yes, Nightmare was a 1 shot without any challenge what so ever. It was overnerfed.
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