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Everything posted by chaosdefined

  1. Actually I think you'll find my comment wasn't throwing itself as a fact, but saying that a few people have stated their reasons as such. Want proof? Look around the forums.
  2. You're basing your own assumption on what your friends have said. I'm basing mine on what a majority of complaints on this forum are about. I wouldn't say it's a common mis-assumption, I'd say it's going with what a lot of people are saying.
  3. But the main complaint that seems to be coming from the level 50's population is that there's not enough content. So it's nothing to do with being offered shiny rewards for doing HM's, it's that they're bored of doing them. They've been doing the same HM's for 5 months now. That's a different complaint rom those who are levelling or freshly 50 and can't find a group to do any Flashpoints with, though has a knock on effect to them. But your solution isn't a fix to either problem.
  4. It was all over all the news articles about the 25% drop, that's what EA was saying was the reason for the drop.
  5. You seem to be missing the point that people are unable to find enough people their level or whatever to do the Flashpoints. Nothing to do with rewarding them for doing it. The population is too spread out over planets and servers. That's why an LFG tool will help. We need to unite the playerbase, not throw shiny rewards at them for playing.
  6. Who needs facts when you have blind opinion! WoW is a game that has been going for about 7 years, it lost about a million players this last year who mostly cited (on poles found on various sites) that their reasons were because of boredom with the repetitive content. Quite a bit different from a brand new game losting 25% of players, a few who have cited their reasons as being not getting to actually play the content.
  7. Would you believe that there are other MMO's out there than just WoW? And they too have all the same features as WoW? And that SWTOR has less features than the majority of MMO's? And that's not a good thing!
  8. I see what you're trying to do, but unfortunately there are big differences in which you can not compare. But nice try! You can put your blinders back on and pretend there's no problems.
  9. Careful, he'll accuse you of being a WoW fanboy for not agreeing with him! On subject, I don't see why people are complaining. Everything is just aesthetic or convenience. Nothing that gives an advantage to your gameplay or anything. Sure I'd love a Chiss Trooper, but it's not gonna stop me playing one if I don't grind the credits. Sure I'd love a mailbox on my ship, but it's not gamebreaking that there isn't already one there - besides I rarely log off on my ship anyway.
  10. Have to admit that really summed up the internet culture. They felt a games company was far worse for having some poor customer service, than one of the Banks responsible for the recession!
  11. Well it was certainly the main reason for a few people I've known who quit. They were in a Guild but on a quiet server, and so it was difficult to get a group. They rolled on a busier server and then were faced with the problem of trying to get a mid-level group and so just got bored of it.
  12. Oh look, you're coming into a thread to bash WoW again. What did the game do to hurt you so much?
  13. I don't mind the Space Combat. It's just a fun little mini-game, that's all. Meant for a break, something different from the levelling. It's repetitive but then so are most of the missions you do on planets. What people are asking for is almost an entirely other game to be tacked on, which would require far too much time and resources to create and would result in the game suffering in another area (PvP, Flashpoint, Ops) due to so much being diverted into creating this flight sim addon
  14. Basically, this game needs to add in everything that's standard to other MMO's but also properly use their PTR before releasing a patch. I'm enjoying this game, but sometimes it feels like I'm in the Beta still.
  15. It's probably the same Building Contracters who haven't got around to putting Spaceports on most planets, resulting in Orbital Stations instead.
  16. Yeah the server population status is updated in real time, and as it's still night time over there then there will be few people playing. However if you check during peak times then there's a handful of heavy pop servers, then the rest are mostly Standard and a few light.
  17. I never rolled a powertech? I have a level 30 Merc which I was enjoying, but stopped playing it as my server was dying. Now I'm on a heavy pop server, playing a Jedi with a friend and his guild. Honestly what a difference it makes being in a busy guild on a busy server.
  18. I'm predicting right now you'll get the usual answer of "We're working on it, it's coming soon."
  19. Which server would that be out of interest?
  20. I still can't get over is that there are still people saying we don't need an automated LFG (Single or Cross server) and then we find out the game has lost 25% of its subscribers... Suppose that's just a coincidence then? Not saying lack of a decent LFG tool is the main reason for so many people having left, but it's certainly a contributing factor. People can stay blind to the problems, doesn't mean they're not there.
  21. You often come into threads like this and do nothing but bash WoW. Fanboyism at it's finest there. And also you're very wrong. It may be very similar when questing that you barely find another soul out and about, that is something both games have in common, however at least in WoW you can pop yourself into the Dungeon Finder and about 15 minutes later be in a group with people playing through a dungeon. That is a hell of a lot more socialising and "community activity" than a majority of people get to experience in this game.
  22. I would love to know where you decided to pull that information from! Have you been on every single server spending weeks 'experiencing' their thriving communities? Or did you roll on every single server and spend 10 minutes seeing how much people spammed General Chat for pugs?
  23. People seriously believe that a business losing the majority of its customers and not earning back what was spent on developing it would be a good thing?!
  24. But that has nothing to do with the fact that the game has lost subscribers....and the game is not dying either...so really you're doing what you're complaining others do.
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