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Everything posted by HumanSheild

  1. Shouldnt have made such an easy game imo. Specialy when you basicaly copied wow so naturaly players that come from that game to this isnt going to be much of a challenge since imo you basicaly allready did on release what wow did over years....dumbing down the game to make it easy for casual/weekend players. Id fire the idiot that came up with that plan specialy when you spent over 200 million dollars lols..Epic fail. Im sure by the end of the year this game will end up in the guiness world records and not for the epic dialog but for the most money spent on a single epic fail. But hey thats why you guys stick to telling the current players all the wonderfull crap to keep them around for the next month so they keep paying their 15 dolla!
  2. shouldnt you be on the fleet trolling?
  3. Great view mr tunnel vision. Bet you are among them stupid players that just focus on 1 single target while others are getting killed.
  4. actualy the only thing period ive enjoyed doing on this game was lvling toons. pve fps/heorics suck for obvious reasons. pvp is worse for obvious reasons. Problem is once you are 50...then what? pvp/pve raids for what gear? Yay lets grind for gear that isnt better then the orange gear i have with mods in them....
  5. well if you wait long enough they will eventualy have cross server wz's.. Took wow many years to come up with that one..At the rate biofailware is going it should take them roughly 5 years to get it into the game.
  6. wow such a shocker..realy im shocked that this happend! who would of thought biofailware could even manage somthing so simple.
  7. for 1 picture posted theres hundereds more just like you running around somewhere in the game.
  8. Even the mighty FATMAN is dwindling in population and its the only and yes i say it's the only server with heavy pop. Go look next time you log on and check all the servers. I did that last night for the lolz. All of europe servers are light, usa servers all light with handfull of standards that are rp/pve servers and not gona mention asia cause they have only 3 servers lol.
  9. This isnt a pvp game. And even the devs said that in many interviews before the game was released.
  10. there is alot they need to fix and change. get rid of those stupid windows in the wz's respawn room. So enjoy watching my team get picked off. Get rid of the same skill global cooldowns..realy i need to stand there do nothing while i wait for the cd..There isnt even auto attack in the game. I should be alowed to smash my buttons till my power runs out. Love how you copy wow's idea then put yours over it by having a cd on all skills and increase the cost of the skill to make players feel like they are using a rotation. Return the medpacs back to they way they were before 1.2 return earning wz comms,xp,valor before 1.2 stop increasing the cost of gear from vendors above all stop trying to force players to grind the game for credits.
  11. and now what?....cant buy hero gear or end game pve gear. Sure you can buy hero orange un moded gear. cant buy mods for them. so what again is the point of collecting credits in this game for besides buying skills?
  12. no real point of even doing this for the legacy when you will more then likly be grouped with those that have those buffs. Besides geting to mid 30's to complete act 2 isnt hard at all or take that much time. Even faster with a higher lvl friend helping.
  13. wait till the end of may comes around and another 400k if not more go bye bye.. They dont even mention how may players are on free trials or the free month time.
  14. What happened during development!? You ask? Actualy a whole lot of nothing happend. Except alot of talk with no real results as of their first month of release. Think its going to get better? lol.
  15. Its because BIOFAILWARE doesnt want players to see whats realy happening to their game. Wait till end of may, they will be losing another 400k when all them free month players dont renew their subs lol.
  16. Sure aint on this STAR "WARS" game. All i see is a bunch of dump AI's standing around doing nothing and ironicly placed far enough apart in groups so the player can zip right by them and never pull agro lol. Great job!
  17. What can be done to keep SWTOR strong? Easy answer..Nothing. No one enjoys realy long load screens and constent cut scenese just to get to a freakn planet or fleet more then i do. If im on the fleet and wish to go to any planet..I must go through 6 freakn load screens to put my feet on the planet lol. Only thing that can save this game is for bioware to drop EA But that wont happen and im so sick of global CD's for all my skills..realy? come on i gota stand there like a tard to wait for the cd to use a skill...not the players fault for you making easy targets to kill in this game. Realy love those windows in the wz's revive rooms.. such joy running into the window while the team gets picked off becuase they become outnumered as a player dies. So fun!
  18. thats odd..didnt they say that same crap back in jan? lol. What a shocker right!
  19. somthing broken you say..so what else is new?
  20. love how this game,,,cough...fix'es somthing then only to break somthing that was actualy working.
  21. Im with you on that but as this game goes...ruined it for me and i will never buy another biofailware game or ea after this one..Game is fun but the content is realy bad and not much to do once your lvl cap and realy who wants to grind for gear thats not much of an improvement from orange gear. Seriously need to get rid of global CD's.
  22. Real simple. It doesnt work. How is anyone going to follow the chat dialog when you have 6-12 trolls spaming chat with some nonsense topic. I spent half hour trying to get a group only to land in a fail group only to exit before its done. When i try to get another group, its the same hassle. The main reason i dont do fp's is because of this crap. Same goes for heroics too.
  23. This will be the last EA and BIOFAILWARE products I buy. Way to handle things lol..love promise of features and when the day comes its nowhere to be found.
  24. Didnt realize id be paying 60bucks for the game and 15 per month for a story time while i attempt to play the game. Should have taken that 199million and put it into the actual game play with real features.
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