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Everything posted by BunnyMage

  1. It isn't single player! I have my companion droid with me.
  2. Well... the announcer DOES say in Huttball that cheating is encouraged.
  3. I like T7 because he's a small droid which makes him look more like a "companion". I don't like how the others are so big that they almost overshadow my character. I don't like his dialogue though, mostly because the robot text language is annoying. I usually just ignore it.
  4. Raids don't really seem to mean that much in SWTOR. There's no real special challenge to them. It's basically just running a flashpoint with a few more people.
  5. Agreed. I play on one of the most populated servers in the game and even in main city areas I hardly see anyone at times. And this is during LAUNCH HYPE WEEK! I'd hate to see it a few months from now when the game cools off and everything is just one big ghost town.
  6. I also dislike how my grey bearded old man trooper keeps being called "kid".
  7. Welcome to server communities. If someone ninja loots then make your dissatisfaction known and don't group with him again. Restricting roles is annoying and should only be used on blizzard's ridiculous dungeon finder system.
  8. Homosexual romance in Star Wars is just ridiculous. In real life it's fine, whatever floats your boat, but this game is supposed to be taken from a specific brand of fantasy space opera where such things just don't fit. If you want yaoi romance go read some manga or fan-fiction. Hamburger Hepler and her followers, please stay out of SWTOR.
  9. Right now most people are out leveling. In a couple months when most players are level 50 you'll be seeing a lot more people loitering in the Fleets.
  10. Yeah, there's a lack of social-ness in the game. The only sense of community I've ever experienced in the game has been talking in general chat.
  11. Your character in an MMO is not intended to be an avatar representation of your real-life self. It is just a character in a video game. Do you give strange looks to people who play Tomb Raider because Lara Croft is a girl? Stop being so silly.
  12. I wonder if there is ANYTHING people on these forums DON'T complain about.
  13. It's weird how every alien race manages to style their hair in the exact same way.
  14. Just curious, but what is everyone's favorite hairstyle for females? I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what to choose for my human female Jedi Sage. Usually in MMOs there is one or two obvious great looking ones but in SWTOR I can't decide! Any input appreciated.
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