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Posts posted by Phyltr

  1. What's your problem with doing it manually?



    Situation awareness? Slow clicking to select a team member? These are all differences between a good tank and a bad tank; therefore l2p pl0x.


    I think writing a good macro and knowing when to use it appropriately requires more skill than targeting someone and clicking the ability. That's the difference between a good tank and a great tank. Your definition of "skill" isn't the end all be all definition. I find there to be a good amount of skill and finesse to create a good macro. You prefer the brute force way...that's fine but it doesn't mean it requires more skill.


    You also didn't answer the question, likely because you couldn't. You simply attempted to turn it around on me. Answering a question with a question is a ridiculous way to engage in a discussion. You used a tu quoque, a logical fallacy that attempts to take the heat off of you having to defend your argument, and tries to shift the criticism back to me.

  2. You have a point. But the reason why macros won't be added as they fall into the same category as addons. As such, the devs have a strictly no addon policy and therefore no macros either.


    I thought there was talk of introducing an API sometime after launch, though I don't recall where I read that or if I just made it up. In any event, we don't have it right now and, to be perfectly honest, I doubt it gets implemented because of resources and cost/benefit, not because of any principled opposition to macros and/or addons.



    I havent played any Operations so maybe it would be more practical in PvE to program a whole rotation into 1 keybind, I dunno.. Either way, I'm sure that macro's could be limited to max 4 abillities for example, if it was introduced to the game.



    It wouldn't really work (at least on the classes I've played) because you have to wait for certain procs before you want to use an ability and just spamming that ability off CD wouldn't be optimal.

  3. No. There should still be some skill to the game play, like knowing when and how to use abilities. With the flexibility the hotkeys offer, it's a simple matter of knowing which keys are bound to which abilities. Not everyone will be comfortable with the same keybindings either, it comes down to personal preference.


    Also, there are hardware and software solutions out there, gaming mice and keyboards, for example. However, macros (one button press doing more than one action) are currently against the TOS anyway.


    You don't understand macros, huh? Everyone who seems to be against macros is under the impression that there could be a macro made that would allow you to just mash one button and have your entire rotation plotted out. If the game is made such that your rotation is so easy that it could be programmed into a macro, the game developers did it wrong.


    What would be your problem with a macro that would switch a tank's guard in the middle of a fight after, or before, an add wave? How does that lower the skill required?


    Heh, I was there and Blaine was literally backed into a corner by a guy who was....lets say passionate about this topic and Blaine pretty much said that changes to who can use what weapons isn't planned at all.


    Off topic: thanks to all the folks at the Boulder event, it was fun and while many of us are passionate about specific things we'd like to see in the game you all maintained composure and were pleasant to everyone (though I'm sure the other Cantina Events had prepared you, heh).

  5. Class abilities are based on weapon damage and, especially marauders, would be super gimped from using a one-handed weapon instead of a main-hand and off-hand since their abilities are balanced around two sabers. Juggernaut and assassin abilities are all created with a single MH damage source. MH and OH damage is calculated differently. You're basically asking for a complete redesign of the classes, don't kid yourself into believing its an easy cosmetic change because it really isn't.
  6. So let me get this straight:

    When you say "dual spec is better than field respec" it's your opinion but when I say "field respec is at least on the same level as dual spec" it's something more than my opinion?


    When have I made that as a quantitative statement? I've looked through every page of this thread and I don't see myself every making that statement. I've always stated what my position on the topic is. You are attempting to say that they are quantitatively on the same level, which is simply not true. You never say "for me....I feel that they are on the same level" you say that for everyone that plays SWTOR that dual-spec isn't any better than field respec which is just isn't true.


    Edit: You know what? I've been thinking about it and if the system is implemented with field respec as is, just with added slots for remembered specs (including action bar layouts) added, I will argue 100% that it is quantitatively better. How could you possibly argue that the system you seem to like is worse off with this added feature?

  7. Where have I ever said that?


    I just said dual spec isn't inherently better than field respec and your whole post could be applied to you, as you're trying to tell me that my opinion isn't as valid as yours


    You made the comparison between field respec and dual spec as if the dual spec was more advanced.

    I made the comparison as if they are on the same level but different types.




    So hypocrite much?


    You specifically say that dual-spec isn't better, when that is clearly a qualitative statement and not quantitative. Dual-spec is positively better for me, I don't like field respec at all and it is definitely worse for me, but I don't believe (other than my joke about pooping) I've ever intimated that it is anything other than my opinion.

  8. No, it's like saying you have this kind of indoor pluming, why would you want that kind of indoor pluming, which isn't better than the one you have, just different


    What you're saying is entirely qualitative. I say that a system that saves specs and action bar layouts is better. Your opinion isn't more valid than mine so stop trying to pass it off as if your opinion is the right one. Don't suppose to tell me what is better for me.

  9. I saw a post about expertise, where it alledgedly reduced the damage delivered, so it would stretch a fight, nice in concept, but I don't see it working that way. When I came in level 72 PVE mod gear, if expertise was to work as stated, since I did not have the negative buff, I should 2 oe 4 shot kill my opposition, in reality, after checking damages with equal or equivalent classes I observed a nearly 4 to 1 advantage on damage on pvP geared players. (Assassin vs Shadow and vice-versa) I have both sides covered with 72 mod gear if you are curious of how I got my statistics, also I could see the shadow attacking my assassin using the very same attack I used on them, and saw the numbers drifting over their head, and seeing my number of damage received at my chat box, and saw the about 4 to 1 difference. It would be easier to just dump expertise and any PvP unique features to gear, and then up the mod value to 69 for Conqueror and 75 for Obroan, so PvP sets are just as useful in raids.


    Ok...I don't know what part of what I was saying has been lost. The system blanket reduces your damage against other players simply because expertise exists. It doesn't matter if someone has it on, your damage has been reduced to other players period. Expertise allows you to scale that damage up since power and main stat don't scale much at all versus other players.


    I'm honestly not entirely certain how expertise scales for defense, if it just scales down crits or if it scales down all damage.

  10. I Think you missunderstood me.. you must have. I'm talking about 1 kind of gear that function both in Warzones and in operations/flashpoints. Further more, it sounds on you like a player with 72 gear are able to 1-shot-kill a player with pvp gear if we didnt have Expertise in our armor. Then I ask, what happens if 2 PvE geared players from opposite faction start to fight eachother on Makeb for example? 1-2 hits and then the other player dies..?


    And that gear couldn't work because of the scaling. I don't know what part of bosses have exponentially more health than players do isn't resonating.


    You're missing the point of expertise. The whole concept is that what you described won't happen because the damage players do to other players has been scaled down because of the existence of the expertise stat which allows the developers to control scaling differently and not in a linear fashion that PVE requires. Your abilities vs. another player are inherently lowered and are mostly impacted by your expertise stat. If this damage reduction was turned off and expertise removed, yeah, people would 1-2 shot each other.

  11. Starglitter, thank you for spreading some diplomatic light over this debate. You pointed out some interresting things about the 2 different sets (PvP & PvE) and it got me thinking. Why must there be 2 different sets at all..? It must have been suggested before, but I will stick out my neck and suggest it once more:


    Remove the Expertise stat so that any player can switch between PvP and PvE whenever he/she feels like it. Just because World of Warcraft have this system doesn't mean that every new MMORPG has to follow in those footsteps. The creators of WoW have a good grasp on how to keep their subscribers paying their fee every month, and I think it's downright sad that Bioware feel like they have to copy and make a cover (Music term) on most of the ideas Blizzard have about WoW.

    It's quite obvious (atleast to me) that the more stuff a player has to spend time online to get, the more secure cash the game developer will get. (There might be some naive people who doesn't belive me, but I'm old enough to have learned that E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G is about money. Forget all about generousity, nobillity, kindness in general when you are dealing with any company at all.)


    I'm aware I got on a sidetrack there... I'm sorry for that, but not sorry enough for me

    to go back and delete what I wrote.. =)



    You're making an assumption that Blizzard made their change arbitrarily, when in fact it was a well thought out result to a rampant problem. I don't want PVP gear to be BiS for PVE because I hate PVP'ing and I shouldn't be forced to PVP to min/max my set for PVE content. Same for PVP. If you're a hardcore PVP'er you shouldn't be forced to run ops for gear to get your BiS pieces. This exclusivity exists because it frustrated the heck out of players that had to grind both sides of the house and it required an incredible amount of time. The MMO genre has to walk a fine line between grinds and things getting so out of hand that people stop trying. Its a ridiculous argument to say that SWTOR shouldn't take lessons from the most popular and most successful MMO in history.


    Without expertise players end up blowing each other up without much thought. In ops DPS has to be high enough to take down a NiM boss and you have to be able to put out your fair share of DPS to not hit any sort of enrage. If expertise didn't exist, the amount of damage you could output from PVE gear to a player would simply annihilate most players. Power/Main stat don't scale the same between bosses and players. Expertise allows for the developers to scale down the damage done to other players but still gives people a way to increase their effectiveness vs other players.


    Expertise exists for a reason. Simple as that.

  12. So all of your toons use the exact same spell set and keybinds be it JK or SI?


    You misunderstand. When you switch a UI profile, your keybindings stay the same. Sure, the bars might move around the screen but the same ability is in the same button which has the same key bound. This doesn't work when switching from heals to DPS or vice versa. What I have bound to "1" for heals is entirely different than I'd want for DPS. Same with tanking to DPS.


    But, to directly answer your question, yes. I do keep things the same so that its more muscle memory. I don't really know the specific name of the spell I'm using at any given time, I just know what it does and what place in my rotation is has. I've setup my keybinds throughout all of my characters to have the exact same keybind layout in the action bars so it is more intuitive when I move between characters. Even this level of order doesn't help me put things back where they need to go, I have to refer to a screenshot to make sure I have it right. Perhaps that's just a bit neurotic of me, but its not at all convenient.

  13. Field respecc is the best kind of multispecc imo


    That is your opinion, and that's great. Many of us want to be able to have saved specs and action bar layouts however. The inclusion of these shouldn't impact your ability to respec manually and spend time setting up your bars manually each time.

  14. Learn how to use your UI it is pretty simple use the little + symbol on your quick bar and set up a new profile for your new spec. then all you will have to do is switch gear and and talent points. being limited to 2 specs when you have 3 available is kind of silly just because you don't want to take the time to actually click talents or put on gear.


    You're being disingenuous. "...all you will have to do is switch gear and talent points..." and every ability needs moved, unless you're a terrible clicker. Yes, I know how to make multiple UI configurations but I cannot save it such that abilities switch when I change the UI layout. My keybindings remain the same and when switching from heals to DPS or vice versa your suggestion falls flat and is not a true solution to the problem.

  15. Anonnn, for what it's worth the answer they gave cited "business reasons" so what I got from that is it may be an EA edict. Please note, I am 100% speculating based on the answer given, but it's just what the subtext seemed to imply to me.
  16. Well are getting there, Bioware said Guild Ships vs Guilds Ships is coming.


    So eventually you might even seen Space Battlegrounds like nobody has seen before, mix of fighters, guild ships clashing together for objetives while Ground PVP might get a tie in in there.


    Looking good the future is. (SWG was Bad)


    No they didn't. I was at the Boulder event tonight and they said guild ship vs. guild ship isn't something they are currently working on.

  17. So I specifically asked about this at the Boulder event tonight and I was told that its something they want to implement and have even gotten so far as to design (on paper) how the system would work. The delay, we were told, was because the same people that would be working on that system had to be pulled off to work on the housing stuff.


    We were told at least not in the next three months but hopefully after that. The guy made it sound like the developers genuinely want to implement the system, but he gave no real timeline other than "not in the next three months". Here's hoping for not too long after.

  18. It's just this type of reaction that make people want this. I don't mind the difficulty or have to work together at all (I actually prefer that way), but people are jerks and don't let someone who never saw the content to watch the cut-scenes in peace. I myself never was able to enter ONE flashpoint without some jerk yelling to press spacebar. This is a content and story-driven mmo so deal with it, everyone has the right to experience the content as they like. And by making the story available without rewards everyone will be happy. No one will be overgeared because there would be no rewards or xp for that matter. You wont lose people for your operations/flashpoins cause the ones using the "easy" version wont even do it anyways or will get kicked out of the group just for wanted to see the story. And after they see it they will not mind hitting spacebar on the normal and hm versions, everybody wins.


    It would not affect you at all, so no use for the rage. Again if the community was fair and respected each other this would never even be proposed. There is space for both type of players in this game.


    What will happen at this rate is that people will abandon the game after they enjoy the class stories and it will have less resources to grow, I for one will be canceling my subscription if by the end of the last character nothing is done to help this situations.


    (forgive if you are not the type of person who harass other people to skip content but you have to admit that they are the majority. And if you are one of them, please grow up and learn to be in a community, show some respect)


    Lastly, no I'll not watch in youtube cause its not the same thing.


    Sorry for the text wall


    Cheers, and please do not troll, my faith in this community is low enough.


    Make the YouTube video full screen...same thing. You're welcome.

  19. It takes less than a minute to respec and change quickbars. Is less than a minute spent on "desirable play" going to seriously impact anyone's game?


    I think the motivation behind these continuing cries for "dual spec" is summed up in the following post (emphasis mine):


    How do we have savable quick bar profiles? If you can show me how I can respec and have my assassin tank skills switch out for my madness skills I'd really like to see it.


    I'm for dual-specs. Well...more precisely I'm for the ability to save spec templates and spec specific bar configurations. Its not necessary, sure, but neither is guild housing or guild ships or field respec, and the list goes on. Its a QoL feature that is almost universally accepted as a standard game feature and its unfortunate SWTOR lacks it.


    Edit: perhaps a better example is going from a healing spec to a non-healing spec. Sure you can have the bars re-arranged, but your skills still need to be manually moved everywhere. The keybindings from heal to DPS are going to be vastly different (assuming the player in question is not terrible and actually uses hotkeys instead of clicking).

  20. Agreed completely.


    And if the vultures decide to ridicule let them, the fact remains the information about AC choice is always there and if Bioware envisioned a switch, they would have done so in the beginning. Asking for a switch because you suddenly don't like the class is ridiculous and just screams of laziness.


    I like the idea of a passive xp to slow down the levelling to make it more balanced.


    Characters reset to level 10 I also think is fair because with any new class you ought to learn it from scratch.


    I echo your stance on no AC swapping, it's just I have seen Bioware re neg on those types of things so it is not so far-fetched to think they might consider it. Yet if they do they better make it a heavy cost like how we suggested.

    You and I are generally on the same page, but I have to come down 1/2 way on this. I agree with the idea of AC change, but I do think your restrictions are reasonable.


    I have a reason, hear me out. So, at the beginning of the game my guild was put on Naddist Rebels and I played a leveled a jugg first then an sin both to 50. As I'm sure you're aware, many of those servers got pretty dead pretty quick, so I moved over to a slightly more lively server, The Fatman. Since I liked my sin I rolled an identical one and got her up to 50. Now the Great Server Merge happens and Naddist Rebels and The Fatman were both merged into Pot5. So, as an end result I have two assassins at max level. I've played the storyline twice so I don't know if I could be accused of being lazy in this case, but it really sucks that I'm just stuck with two assassins now. I think it would be fair if I could switch one of them to a sorc. Honestly I don't even care if its a one time only thing.


    Anyway, that's my $.02.

  21. Mmm...


    The game is a complex system, especially for PvP environments, where DPS is just is one of many factors, such as status effect capabilities, ranged capabilities, stealth, heal, and what not. You can't in all honesty limit one, without having to re-evaluate the other aspects of the game, and that is frankly really hard to do.


    I for one, have always disagreed in how much gear modifies your final ability, for there is a tendency for them overwhelm skill, which from my vantage point ruins the "sportsmanship" in PvP. While I am sure there are those that thinks using a ferrarri to race a child in a trycicle as sporting and fun, I happen to not be among them.


    I hear that the purpose of PvP is to get better gear, why make this the end goal? Why not just to have the purpose of experiencing an epic battle that you will be talking about for days? It would seem to me, if you are always having gear differentials with such drastic ability enhacements, it would actually make it more difficult to have that epic battle worth remembering, after all if the opponet's gear is so ubber versus mine, that he can kill me in 4 hits, while I need 16 to accomplish the same: Would strike me as something not worth remembering and of childish bragging at best.


    i would think, if the end objective is to have sportsmanship, gearing should be rather easy and quickly obtainable so all players are consistently at the same plane, and perhaps the OPs issues would actually work themselves away.






    Ok, so you just want the highest level PVP gear handed to you so then you're just playing for the exhilaration of PVP? Well, while you might be fine with being stagnant in your stats from day one, I'm going to wager that the vast majority of people would not be. You see all the people in the warzones with you? The vast majority of them are there to grind gear, not for the "thrill" of PVP. Your queue times would be astronomical and then you'd complain about how BW isn't catering to the PVP community and that's why no one is PVP'ing. It would be boring and would lack the feeling of progress. Now lets think about PVE.


    PVE is built on the concept of self-nerfs. As the content is out longer and longer, more and more people are getting the gear and the content ultimately becomes easier and easier. So a new tier of PVE comes out and with it a whole new set of gear of PVE players so the cycle starts again. Can you hear the screams from the PVP community? About how BW favors PVE more than PVP because they get more gear? Its this weird state of cognitive dissonance. "We don't want more gear! Hey...they got gear so we want gear!".

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