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Posts posted by Phyltr

  1. Can we please have a vendor that stocks the pieces of the Revan armor set? Perhaps it could cost certs + credits for each piece like other vendors. I am going insane trying to finish my set (I only need the gloves and sash!) and seeing people on the gtn selling each piece for millions.


    Supply and demand. Why would you want everyone on the server looking like Revan? I'm sorry if you want the Revan set and are short on money, but that's just it...you want it, you don't need it. You're asking for a handout that would destroy the value of all the Revan pieces out there right now.

  2. All MMO's that have specs like SWTOR generally have trees that are more viable for PVE and some that are more viable for PVP. It seems with what the devs are doing, and what they've said about deception, it seems clear they want madness to be the PVE spec now and deception to be the PVP spec. They like the burst in deception and are changing madness to produce better sustained DPS.
  3. I still do not understand why this requested feature makes some people's blood absolutely BOIL. If they put it in the game & you don't like it, don't use it. I don't like PvP in this game, so I don't do it. I don't go to the forums & lose my mind on anyone who suggests a change or enhancement to PvP. Why are you so against a change that only effects you should you decide to make use of it?


    I mean, to some degree it devalues the time people have spent leveling alts. It makes your time investment in your Powertech and Mercenary worth less because you now have completely redundant characters. It also will contribute to a lot of flavor of the month stuff. I mean, there's already a lot of FotM playing already, but this would amplify it to a significant degree. It also could lead to lower server populations and almost certainly lower populations on leveling planets. If you don't have to level a tank and a healer, a lot of people won't bother so the game will be less alive and leveling will be even more of a solo experience.


    For my part, as I mentioned in another thread, I think there should be AC switches available, but with a significant cost and a massive lockout (think like 180-365 days).

  4. There was a statement made over 18 months ago that AC changing would "likely happen eventually". There was NO indication of any time frame, or even a definitive statement that class (AC) changes would be implemented. There has been NOTHING further from anyone associated with BW since that time, despite the many threads, including one that is over 500 pages. There has been not one word, hint of a whisper or even a peep since that statement. The silence on this topic from BW has been deafening.


    That statement also included an indication that species changes would eventually be implemented as well. Those species changes (which are purely COSMETIC) have been implemented, but the class (AC) changes (which would be a change in the fundamental game play mechanics for a given character) have not.


    So, we have an ambiguous statement that class (AC) changes (something that would affect the fundamental game play mechanics) "would likely" (might) be implemented "eventually" (at some undetermined point in the future, possibly far into the future) that also mentions a species change (a purely COSMETIC change) option being implemented. The latter has happened, but the former has not. They implemented a purely COSMETIC change option, and yet have so far chosen NOT to implement something that would change the fundamental game play mechanics of a given character. They have also chosen to remain extremely silent about class (AC) changes, while being much more transparent and vocal about other topics and issues.


    Those are the facts. Interpret them any way you choose.


    To be fair, they literally didn't say anything about guild ships in any of the threads (and even denied them in cantina events) until they were announced so I wouldn't take their silence as meaning anything.

  5. @OP: You need to pay attention. They're already adding an in-game event called "Nar Shaddaa Nightlife" soon which involves gambling in the casinos on NS.


    He posted this in February...three months before the news about the event was announced. Perhaps you're the one that needs to pay attention, eh?

  6. 7: The suggestions from the suggestions box should actually be read by staff :D XD


    I'm pretty certain that they do read these forums. Unfortunately for all the things they copied from WoW (just be honest...I love the game but can acknowledge this fact) they did not take the important lesson from Blizzard about how they listen to the forums. Blizzard has said that they don't listen to suggestions on the forum because it is a vocal minority and doesn't represent what the playerbase as a whole wants. I have to believe them since they've been doing this more successfully than any other MMO. I don't know how much BW recognizes that these forums (myself included) represent a vocal minority. For all the things they took from Blizzard I wish that was one of them...then maybe we'd have dual-spec instead of guild ships :(

  7. If you're just PUG'ing ops, you don't need set bonuses. I'm sorry that you only have time to PUG, but there really need to be rewards that are commensurate with the effort expended. Additionally, as mentioned in the first sentence, comm gear is good enough to get into ops and to do the content you get comms from, if you're not doing ops regularly you do not need the set bonuses nor BiS.
  8. Actually it was implimented into Neverwinter MMO by Perfect World


    User created dungeons


    But that doesnt mean its good content by any stretch

    As with all mods, some are good and most are absolute donkey dodo


    I would not want user made flashpoints added to game honestly

    but it has successfully been done for a mmo now


    Right, but wasn't that sort of Neverwinter's gimmick? They built the game around that premise, right?

  9. wouldn't it be a tad more appropriate to complain about these buffs once we have more information on what they will actually do? I mean, for all we know it could be anywhere from an actual buff to a player, to a bolster for guild conquests so all player levels can participate, or a non stat buff that applies to stuff like companion affection or something, we just do not know yet


    Which is why I put this at the bottom of my original post:


    "I apologize if the buffs mentioned aren't combat-based but if so I would suggest a different adjective other than "powerful". That word leads me to immediately think these are combat based."

  10. I disagree with this line of thought. When people say something is "pay-to-win", they usually mean having to pay real life cash to the company for some kind of advantage. However, as long as the option for the advantage is buyable through in-game credits, then I see it as no different than being able to buy a 34 Barrel/Hilt or stims to have a combat advantage.


    You're right, calling it pay-to-win is somewhat hyperbolic, I'll own up to that. However you are wrong, it is not like being able to buy a 34 barrel/hilt because you can go do ops and acquire that item. The ONLY way you can get the guild ship and its buff is to buy it (with in-game credits). You can craft stims, you can't craft a guild ship.

  11. To be fair if they don't add things that are a credit drain on players' bank accounts, inflation will go through the roof. And for credit drains to be effective, they need to be things that people will willingly spend millions on.


    This isn't a credit drain, it's pay-to-win (with credits). Or maybe more appropriately, refuse-guild-ships-and-lose, since if they are combat-based you are gimped by not buying into this guild ship nonsense.

  12. Ok, I get it, the SWG crowd launched a successful campaign for you to include some RP stuff that hardcore PVP and PVE players don't really care about (based on my own anecdotal experience) but you're going to make guild ships provide buffs? What?! You're forcing guilds who don't give two craps about this RP dreck to now buy guild ships or be at a constant disadvantage. That sucks. I'm trying write this calmly but I'm pretty pissed off after reading the producer letter. It's unconscionable that you take something that a lot of guilds wouldn't bother with and now shove it down our throats or we put ourselves at a constant disadvantage. Awesome. Why don't you just levy a tax and just take our credits?


    I apologize if the buffs mentioned aren't combat-based but if so I would suggest a different adjective other than "powerful". That word leads me to immediately think these are combat based.

  13. Why would Bioware/EA do this?


    Think of it this way. Let's say you roll a Bounty Hunter and choose Powertech. You play the Powertech for three or four weeks and decide, you really think the idea of dual wielding pistols is cool! So you want to switch to Merc. Now looking at it as a money thing. You just gave Bioware/EA a free month's worth of subscription. And if you really want to play that character as a Merc, you now have to start ALL over again and pay another month just to get to where you were before.


    This happened to me. I played a Sentinel to 34 and decided I really wanted to be more tank-ish as opposed to melee DPS. So I had to restart a Jedi Knight and get them all the way up in Guardian.


    It just makes sense from a financial standpoint to not let people respec their AC.


    Right, because this isn't one of those free-to-play games where you don't have to have a subscription...oh wait it is. Playing more doesn't necessarily lead to any revenue for BW/EA. Your argument is based on a premise of a game that requires a sub, but this one doesn't so your whole argument falls apart.


    It's not like they could charge more than $15 worth if CC to AC swap. Oh right, they could! Good lord that argument is poorly thought out.

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