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Everything posted by Phyltr

  1. These are ok tools but they really don't meet the need. In playing this game since beta and running ops, I think a little "hey, your DPS is really bad" in flashpoints before some player decides he's the bee's knees and that he should be running ops might actually be beneficial. I cannot tell you how many times we get people that want to do ops that simply can't DPS, but they have no idea that they're not great because there are no tools in the game to tell them, nothing that lets them compare themselves to other people and attempt to baseline. Additionally, there is only so much a 3rd party tool can do. For example, while SWMoniTOR and MOX try to do threat meters, they simply cannot on fights that have more than one target. They try to parse the total threat being tossed around and show it to you as a whole, but a 3rd party tool will NEVER be able to tell who you are targeting to give you the actual threat of the mob you're hitting. Simple as that. I realize that there will be people that have aneurisms over someone doing 10DPS less then them, but I think that's a necessary evil. It's kind of absurd that ops leaders have to rely on 3rd party tools to tell if a strategy is working or not. I would love to be able to open up a flat text file with everyone's logs in it (without running a 3rd party tool) and being able to grep for specific strings (or otherwise manipulate the text) to see what happened. As it stands, the game on its own merits lacks the ability for ops leaders to troubleshoot why their raid isn't working...why their strategy is failing and that seems like a huge deficiency.
  2. I would be very opposed to this as it would equal pay-to-win.
  3. I have to say, this all sounds terrible to me. I, personally, would hate to see development time stripped from things like implementing dual-spec, an item rack functionality or useful buff/debuff presentation. This is simply my voice and my opinion. I'm trying to let BioWare know that some people would prefer development time spent on other things.
  4. So, I realize a lot of people will be happy with the ability to change the size of the buffs and debuffs on the player and target frames respectively, however it doesn't solve the problem. As an assassin tank, I spend a great deal of my time staring at my buffs and I also get a considerable amount of HoT's which will end up taking up a LOT of space and not really serve the purpose of helping me see the things I need to see. As an assassin DPS (madness) I have to watch the targets debuffs. Once again, just making them bigger doesn't help, it just serves to take up space. We need the ability to create a buff/debuff frame that is separate from the player/target frames so we can place them in conspicuous places easily seen. We also need the ability to filter them within this separated area. I don't honestly care what HoT's I have on me, or how long they last, or if my stims are up or if my class buffs are up. This isn't tactical information, I don't need it in my face. I just need to be able to glance somewhere inconspicuous to ensure they are there. If playing madness I don't need to see if the target is burning, I don't need to see if the target is bleeding, I just need to see my DoT's. Please create this ability to help out the classes you created that need to stare at buffs and debuffs to play effectively.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/blog/state-game-3
  6. Irrelevant. This is a supply/demand economy. Under your premise you should still be able to sell an iPhone 3 for the same price you were able to sell it for 2009? That's not how things work.
  7. They've already stated they are, indeed, raising the level cap to 55.
  8. I love being able to mod my UI in other games and, to me, its a mini-game in and of itself that is fun (to me). I certainly am 100% opposed to saying these are the only things I'd want to see changed, but its an OK start. Although you need the ability to not only re-size buffs and debuffs but the ability to move them and to filter them as well. For example, while I need to know when "Energized" has proc'd, I don't care, to see my stim buff staring me in the face for the entire fight, its not tactically useful information. Also for focus target: range meter.
  9. Ugh...so you're one of those terrible players that just macros everything into one button and then just mashes it over and over, huh? This never leads to good playing and even tends to hurt one's understanding of a class. Now, I would LOVE macro's (focus interrupt, ToT intervene, etc.) but this is a reason people hate the idea, though BioWare could pretty easily, on implementation, make this unusable. Also, as an assassin tank, I desperately need better indicators of things. I don't care if its a poweraura style implementation or if its just customizable buff and/or debuff bars I can move around, but we need SOMETHING.
  10. But just because only two or three abilities changed doesn't mean that the same static abilities are in your new rotation. Crushing Darkness and Maul for example.
  11. Your weird need to inform everyone of your gear despite it not adding any useful information, for bragging rights(?) aside, the majority of people don't use 4-5 specs, I suspect you don't really either, but you've used them previously so you say they are part of your normal specs. Regardless of any of that, how does dual-spec not make things more convenient? How is field respec better? At the very least, you have two of your "4-5" specs saved and can switch quickly between them. I don't think anyone is saying field respec should go away, and to Stormskimmer's weird implication that this would mean he could never respec again, that's not what anyone is saying. Not even close. You'd obviously be able to change your specs at will, it would just save them and your bar setups and allow you to switch between them easily. Good lord people seem to be purposefully obtuse on this topic. Can you drive a car without a radio? Yep. Can you use a smartphone that doesn't have a clock app in it? Sure. But these are basic things you expect out of these items and dual-spec is basic MMO functionality that SWTOR should have (and should have from the beginning IMO).
  12. Wow...this thread is still alive? Its not going to happen...get over it, man.
  13. While I agree with the sentiment I think your tone and language is perhaps a bit hostile. Dual-spec is a general quality of life feature gamers now expect in an MMO, for it to be missing feels a bit like buying a car that has no radio. Its just expected. And no, field respec is not a viable alternative.
  14. Then other people do the same thing and then the need outweighs the supply and then the price goes back up. That's why. They just play a different, but just as valid, game then you do. I hate PVP, but that doesn't mean PVP'ing isn't a valid way of playing the game. You just can't see outside yourself and can't understand that the way you play the game isn't how other people want to play the game. Some people have fun doing this, and that's why they pay their $15/month. So if you don't like the practice, do this. Mess them up. Play their game. Maybe you'd end up enjoying it.
  15. You...don't read patch notes do you? You are spreading misinformation and have ruined your credibility, if you ever had any. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.3.0/allies When you're saying things that are 100% false? Yeah...its frowned on.
  16. So I'm waiting for the post from you now to remove killing from the game because that is also unethical. Seriously though, pointing out the holes in your walls of text is getting old. I believe, with certainty, that BioWare will never implement this change so its really not worth arguing about at this point. You can sit up on your cross and scream about how everyone but you is unethical and have fun trolling everyone.
  17. I love these "ethical" arguments. Listen, I can kill you in game. I can find you in the game on some world and put a lightsaber through your face. In fact, it's encouraged for me to do such a thing. It's encouraged for me to run around killing all sorts of things. So, tell me again how its unethical to buy things and resell them for fake money... Obviously killing someone isn't something I would ever consider doing in real life, the point is that trying to draw parallels between the real world and SWTOR will result in a pretty spectacular failure.
  18. You mean changes you would like to see. I couldn't care less about these, so don't imply that this is the entire community's view.
  19. Wait...so none of us should comment on what we assume the system design to be because none of us have any clue, right? And then in the next breath you comment on what you assume the system design to be. Sorry, I can't read anymore of your post because this hypocrisy has me laughing too hard.
  20. Isn't this really only true is the person trying to "price fix" also controls the supply? A single person in SWTOR literally can't control the supply of items. I mean, people could just go out and farm more of whatever this person is selling and list it lower, or higher or however they feel like it. The parallel is going to Wal-Mart and buying up all the soap and then standing outside trying to sell the soap at a higher price. The problem is that Wal-Mart (and SWTOR players) will just restock the shelves. Edit: I forgot to re-iterate what many people already have about the fact that the technical backend would be so cumbersome and resource hogging, that I can't possibly see a way that BioWare would try to implement such a thing. It would almost require a re-code of how they handle items in general and that seems like a waste of resources for a few people who are mad they got undercut.
  21. I personally think this is bad for the game.
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