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Everything posted by Ashorian

  1. it's called using the terrain to your advantage. would you be complaining if the situation was reversed? nothing feels as good as a hard fought and well strategized huttball score when you get a timely cc on the consular/trooper who was going to grapple/knock you off. besides, everyone knows the whole purpose of huttball is to try and time someone's free action cd so you can stun them in the flames and giggle. doesn't even matter if it's the ball handler. huttball is almost as good for giggles and fun as this game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_Jockey
  2. did this quest no problem last night at 1:30am eastern... it may not be bugged for all. :< edit: yes the boss mob is difficult with all melee, just make sure you assign an interrupt rotation if you can. for a while on my operative i just ended up standing out and dotting/shooting and out tank died but we kited the boss around and killed him, was actually a lot easier, somehow our healer just tanked whatever damage he threw out after that @_@
  3. someone has had bad experiences with loot council. both dkp and loot council are great systems and both have the capacity to be misused or for loot to go to the wrong place at the wrong time. personally i prefer loot council even when i'm not on the council itself. it helps to have council members that have a clear vision of where gear should go when and why. every form of loot distribution has the potential for drama. the key is to weed out the players who don't understand or like the way your system is, regardless of which one you choose. to me, loot council has within it the capacity to be both the best system and the worst system. dkp is slightly more forgiving, but only if there is decay.
  4. point taken, lagmonster, but i suppose the reason i skipped it is due to the fact that *hopefully* you wont be in stealth for more than another gcd in order to press hidden strike, so the healing you might need is minimal... but i suppose only time will tell! also interested in your choice of 2/2 corrosive microbes over taking the extra 3 seconds on dart, but i suppose have a 25% over a 12.5% chance could potentially outweigh the extra two gcds between reapplying dart... not sure!
  5. not particularly. this is the spec i would personally use for pve: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#4010cZGIrodzbfczZhMoz.1 as you can see, i still max out survival training and 2/3 inclement conditioning, while picking up things like advanced cloaking for more hidden strike opportunity/mobility. there simply isn't anywhere better to put those points, since we obviously have to get to acid blade, not from a pve standpoint. obviously in pvp, the case is quite different as being able to see through sneak and other such stealth modifiers will be pretty essential and maybe the 3% wont be worth it. keep in mind, in pve your target will always be poisoned. so although it's only 30 extra damage, damage isn't super high in this game anyway, 3% is always 3% no matter how damage scales... it will affect (i assume) every direct damage ability you use on the poisoned target for the whole encounter, that's a 3% total damage buff, essentially.
  6. are you speaking to pvp or pve? in pve the stealth detection talents will be relatively useless, but in pvp probably not. as far as pvp, my thought would be that your assumptions are correct, but in pve you should be maxing survival training anyway and still be picking up culling because more damage is more damage is more damage.
  7. though i enjoy listening and watching the quest cutscenes, i would rather not have to do 99% of the quests on a given planet to advance. at this point i just make sure all my class quests are at least yellow, which gives me a good indication of how many side quests i should pick up... it's a decent leveling speed and i never really outlevel a planet by too much. lvl 28 imperial on alderaan right now.
  8. i don't mind the travel, i like the sense of expansiveness. that being said, it would be ok with me if they made quick travel useable from inside the spaceports, at least from outside of the instanced spaceship part. i might use it then, i might not.
  9. the other classes have to be good because they can't skip all the mobs like we can. ^_~
  10. i'm not going to say you're necessarily wrong, but you have a very confused view on what logs are really useful for, and many people in this thread have what seems to be a very Rift-related view of what macros do. Addons also don't play the game for you. I admit myself that they could make a few basic changes or allow for some customization in the ui and it would basically be perfectly functional outside of a combat log that a guild could use to critically analyze problems with, but that's no reason to blindly lay about with scathing words about addons or macros like your tongue is a lightsaber.
  11. the question you have to ask yourself is: will the opportunity to lacerate 1 shiv earlier at the very beginning of the fight really worth more dps than a 12.5% chance to proc an extra tick on every tick of corrosive dart for the entire encounter? answer depends on encounter length but in any serious content: probably not. it would be nice to have 2 ta stacked at the beginning of an encounter but it's probably not more dps than corrosive microbes in operations or flashpoints.
  12. people who post about healbot taking the skill out of the game really have no idea what addons like that actually do and are probably remembering it from vanilla wow. raiding guilds want to be able to (as effectively as possible) analyze what is occurring in an encounter, if not a dps meter, access to the combat log and parsing should be available. reorganizing and customizing the ui should also be possible. there should be a way to show only my debuffs on a target and on the operations frames it should be possible to not show things like class buffs. it makes it hard to see things like kolto probe and on an enemy when every debuff in the universe is on a target it is pretty difficult to track yours. i'd be ok with very few addons allowed if the ui was actually arrangeable. it is not very efficient in its current form. edit: tldr it's not the addons that are the problem, it's the attitude of some people that use them. (meter whores, etc.)
  13. oh, i understand that... i'm merely saying that it's not that the shotgun has to shoot someone in the back, but that the executed move is a shotgun blast to the back, they don't even see it coming! that's why it's so awesome. then again, i play the mirror class, because dagger stabs made more sense to me. ^_^
  14. it's because the move is "back blast" you're shooting them in the back. it's specific. it's not because you have to be behind them, but because the move attacks the back of the target. you can't be in front of them and shoot them in the back.
  15. random loot is random, i've gotten at least one piece per run and i've only done each flashpoint once on my agent.
  16. also not hard. healed it at level yesterday. was warned about the 2nd boss before going in, killed it without realizing it was a boss, thinking, "why are these mobs immune to my flashbangs?"
  17. i'm currently the only concealment operative in my entire guild at least... and probably will be the only one in my raiding group i am really liking the playstyle of concealment AND medic (having tried a bit of both in FPs and such) it's great all the way up to where i am (26) and i don't see it going downhill anytime soon.
  18. unfortunately this is a case of pebcak. doing the quests at or slightly below level with appropriate members and number of members is not that difficult. did hammer station at level and wiped twice on the last boss healing on my dps specced operative.
  19. though it is not the same, think of it in terms of cunning > aim like agi > ap
  20. late november and i dont' really mind if i only get 1 day early. of course any extra days would be cool
  21. Geheeli- Concealment Operative Server: Darth Bandon Guild: Zeitgeist I live and work in Brooklyn. Anything over the hudson and north of the bronx is known as Canada... haven't you read the New Yorker?
  22. i mean.. i never tried but i don't remember even being able to access offworld until the quest that took me off it. maybe that was because i didn't bother trying. idk.
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