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Everything posted by Darthflowmotion

  1. ive had the part for awhile.. does efficiency only speed up crafting or does it increase crit..
  2. simple, but effective. thats why the devs havent thought of it:(
  3. i bet bioware could google "swtor hack" and fix everything. sarcasm, but really, there are places
  4. happened to me a few days ago. even worse i was whispering someone, loaded the warzone, then it sat at the ROTHC screen, then kicked, then another load, then rage quit and repair.
  5. i play an operative, and for concealment the best thing to do would be a knockback. i assume your talking about a jedi guardian jugg, because "focused defense" sounds like enraged defense, which is the sith version. anyway, like i said, knockback. force push, or the ground slam thing.
  6. i just say left from spawn or right from spawn.. too much typing tho .-.
  7. i dont know, we need to help him win
  8. character transfer doesn't work duh that's why bioware doesn't do it not like they are stupendous or anything.
  9. it is possible. but i would just sell it at a vendor....
  10. didnt read all that cuz i just woke up... im not, in 30-54 as a juggernaut, immortal of course. force scream absorbs a good amount, if im getting pounded i turn on invincible, endure pain, saber ward, enraged defense, and what not. all though i should rethink doing all of that at once...
  11. i just dont understand where the profit is for them... they were'nt even selling.. but meh.
  12. Today i was checking to make sure my stuff was the lowest price and whatnot, and then i saw that one person was selling my implants for a price directly bellow mine. wat.
  13. i like huttball too the map does get old tho. even having it reskinned would be refreshing.
  14. What are you favorite/ leas favorite warzones? Mine change depending on my spec and class.
  15. no thats EA buddy. Madden 13- ooh look better grafiks than madden12 momy can i get plz
  16. ... what did you think the count was going to do with obi wan other than kill him, imprison him, or that horrendous idea you had of him turning obi wan.
  17. sounds great! i just reached 50 with my operative on a RP server but i love the gameplay so much i might choose that class again!
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