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Everything posted by Vertibirdo

  1. aw, come on. Be cold-headed, fellow slicers. Those, who whined, that slicing is OP, will soon whine, that augments and mission discoveries cost a heck of creds. We will get our revenge)
  2. just to make perfectly clear... You are unhappy with 1 vs 1 or 1 vs Team or Team vs Team?
  3. I don't see what's this fuss is about. The game is out for, like, two weeks max. You expect market to stabilize that fast? In case you didn't notice, low-level thingies have stabilized, because there are plenty of them, and you can expect only minor fluctuations in cost. Medium and high level are still pretty rare, especially those blue metals and medicines. But it's not because of slicers. It's because missions, that yield them, take a truckload of time. And they only yield a few. If you can 'produce' 2 pieces of titanium in 20 minutes, why would there be abundance? You cannot take droids apart for those, or extract them from resource nods. That's what pulling the market back for the time being. Later on, i imagine, you won't be able to buy something decent, without running lots of slicing missions first, because crafters will make much more profit in the long run.
  4. 28/11, the last wave got me in. Good luck, mates!
  5. Without prooflinks it's just another whine thread.
  6. It was mentioned, but i'm not sure, where... Possibly i read about it in the ingame help section, that RE uses up the whole stack of items, and if you don't want to lose it, you should split it.
  7. If mission items and rare mods will drop from slicing missions, as they were in beta, slicing is the most profitable for early days. Later on it will lose its charm i guess.
  8. i'll double that. New brackets do open every 70-80 skill points. P.S. skill mission level has nothing to do with your character level. In beta i was sucessfully undertaking 17-24 level missions, whilst being level 10. They are mostly for reference- like what kind of basic reagents will you get, and what level of items you will be able to produce with them.
  9. I'm not quite sure what kind of advice you want in this thread... Looking back at beta, all crafting skills have been somewhat useful at the endgame. If you insist on comparing biochem with alchemy in WoW, why wouldn't you think of flask potions? It was, is, and will be a literally gold mine, for anyone with dedication and a bit of market research.
  10. there are no class restrictions in the skills themselves. Restrictions apply to the products of those skills. It you play sith marauder, you won't be able to equip heavy armor, even if you can make it, for example
  11. You can learn your crew skills at level 10, at your fleet station.
  12. It is just a matter of habit, no? Ye olde gamers do just fine, afaik.
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